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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.19 MB, 2894x4093, 98428086_p0 compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50741635 No.50741635 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>50739337

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.50741647
File: 504 KB, 814x840, zx_70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.035 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>Intent to launch NFT marketplace by end of Q2 FY '22 (May-July)

DRS & Computershare
>12.7 million shares DRS'd by Apr. 30th 2022
>Previously 8.9 million shares by Jan. 29th 2022 and 5.2 mill by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 2,182.238B, 105P = 20.783B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 2,191.546B, 101P = 21.698B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet available for download on Chrome
>FY22 Q1 results report is out
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: July 18, 2022; Dist. after closing on 21st)
nft.gamestop.com beta marketplace is now open to the public.

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.50741657
File: 244 KB, 350x589, 1yil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken Griffin, you have 1 yil

>> No.50741688

Buy the amc dip

>> No.50741694

It looks like Hedgies have won from here for now!

>> No.50741697

Uhhh why did AMC get their NFT dividend before us..?

>> No.50741711
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>> No.50741714
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I don't know what is happening anymore and I'm okay with that

>> No.50741716
File: 658 KB, 1000x667, redeem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy holding with my /GME/ frens!

Very comfy picture. Thanks for baking!

>> No.50741717

it's not an nft, they're creating a new stock called ape
you amc niggers really can't read ,can you?

>> No.50741721

how much do you think are they going to drop us AH on AMC news?

>> No.50741727
File: 99 KB, 1242x1394, 1659560547919791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I did DRS all my splivvy shares from my broker stack. How could you tell?

>> No.50741744

because you're a fat faggot that never shuts up about it and posts chad picture avatars to cope

>> No.50741746
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 774039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is going on

>> No.50741749

Adam Aron appears to run a much tighter ship than Ryan Cohen.

>> No.50741758

no its a dividend of a preferred stock it's different than common stock. its not going to do anything to the amc shorts. It's just a farce of a "dividend" so that the amc niggers can go "look at the silver back pounce on the shorts!" "we got a dividend we're just like gme guys!".

>> No.50741759

kek pouncies
kek diluties
just kek!

>> No.50741763 [DELETED] 
File: 3.88 MB, 600x436, seagal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a kaplan filter?

>> No.50741764

pretty much this, it's a little sad to see

>> No.50741767

I just drs my entire stack :)
You should too!

>> No.50741777

Waiting for TDA to get off their asses and do it.

>> No.50741781
File: 70 KB, 652x435, happy_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take the raw meat pill. preparation is so easy. i pull meat from the freezer and thaw. i put meat on the meat plates and put in fridge. when im hungry, i pull meat plates from fridge and eat. when done, i put meat plates in fridge. i have a lunchbox and a glass container with bamboo and silicone top which mobilizes the meat. i use the same fork and knife every day. i never clean the dishes or silverware as it is unnecessary. old meat stuff dries and the new meat stuff makes it moist again

>> No.50741782
File: 203 KB, 520x832, 1657980224898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how amsneed holders can't see they are being played is beyond me, imagine the brass balls to copy gamestop every step of the way and try now to get fomo into AMC for collateral, I'll give it to them, they are sneaky fuckers

>> No.50741786
File: 55 KB, 722x176, 1633559403165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that it literally doesn't matter if you have 1 share or 99,999 shares, if you sell at 210 or if you sell at 210,000,000,000. The squeeze is going to hit and reddit has decided to hold for an infinity pool and see just how high the numbers can go. Whether you participate with any of your shares or not, this is happening when we squeeze, and no amount of bitching and moaning in these threads will do literally a single thing about it, except to make sure that the bitchers and the moaners are the only people GUARANTEED to miss out on the top.

From another anon RE: government intervention
>If the government intervening is a legitimate possibility then it is in everyone best interest to hold to see what price that is because selling before that will limit your gains. In that sense the infinity pool isn’t literally the infinity pool it is the “let’s see how high the government will let it go pool”. Again that’s only if you truly believe the government will interfere. Which I don’t think they would dare.

This One's for the Holders -

To the Hedgies: Here's Looking at you from 1,000 Feet Below -

Designated Shitting Playlist -

This One's for the Holders on Spotify -

>> No.50741788

I’ll do it next week or tomorrow

>> No.50741790 [DELETED] 

I've been reporting the baker for months for avatar use, forcing him to spend hundreds of dollars on 4chan passes so he can ban evade with a VPN
Get dabbed on :))

>> No.50741811
File: 227 KB, 860x416, popcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMC Preferred Equity Unit

>> No.50741817

The shills spend all day telling us how much they hate reddit.

>> No.50741819 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 438x766, 1659408424894568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an ice cream bar :)

>> No.50741822

the bamboo top also serves as a nice surface to eat from since the material is friendly to the knife

>> No.50741825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50741830
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Based GME and ice cream enjoyer

>> No.50741833


>> No.50741845
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>Friendly reminder that you have been duped into thinking sharing your (broker) position hurts you, when in fact it may be the single greatest catalyst we have.

>RCs position is known
>DFV position is known
>MM most certainly already know your positions
>DRS bot results were clean and it can be replicated for broker shares
>Float is certainly locked when summing DRS + Brokers shares

Thinking that this will hinder the current DRS growth and stop people from DRSing doesn't change the fact that broker shares exist. Assuming that broker shares hold no value is flawed in itself. The data exists nonetheless and it wouldn't hurt to know it.

People arguing that photoshopped pics will get submitted can see that it didnt happen with the DRS bot even before GME started reporting the DRSd shares count. And I don't think hedgies will start submitting photoshopped photos.

hedgies purposely sabotaged and fudded a previous attempt to count broker shares. The website of Log The Float was made to fail and scare off anyone of attempting a broker share count. The website's photos got "leaked" due to bad security and they closed new submissions ever since.

Creating A broker Bot in SS would solve this problem and it would be an easy implementation. If you are a tourist from reddit please cap this and post it.

>> No.50741846
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1650382228825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA's 'pounce' was a share dilution kek honkity fucking honk

>> No.50741847
File: 4 KB, 207x243, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very WAGMI of you, Satan.

>> No.50741855

I have a cheeseburger B^)

>> No.50741875

>AMC down 10% after issuing NFT dividend
>GME already 2% down in AH as investors fear they will do the same thing
Kek bagguettes

>> No.50741882

Based. These faggots belong on reddit

>> No.50741883
File: 74 KB, 505x504, swami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's literally "APE"

>> No.50741885

Personally I love reddit. We owe reddit everything. Without them, there would be no hope for moass.

>> No.50741911

Adam Aaron is playing them like a fiddle. When the dust settles he can just say he did everything they wanted. It's crazy all the shit they threw to divert people from GME and we're still winning. I don't feel any sympathy for amc holders. From the first day of the sneeze I found them to be the most annoying part about this. I hate them more than the hedge funds.

>> No.50741921
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>thinking retail has any affect on price

>> No.50741927

>he thinks Cohen wont dilute

>> No.50741929

kek it would be funny if it weren't so sad :(

>> No.50741932
File: 464 KB, 574x766, 1659646155646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow AA is such a joke. He's milking the Twitter/YouTube AMC tards for everything. This convinces me further that AMC is the interference play by hedgies.
>ooooo gme had a divvie why can't we daddy Silverback?
Meanwhile it's not going to effect his hedgie buddies at all. Kek.

Pic related, the sort of retard who will be suckered by this.

>> No.50741942

>AMC raised billions of dollars during the pandemic by selling new common shares, though last year it ran out of more to sell. The company tried to obtain shareholder approval to enable it to issue more common shares, but had difficulty corralling its investor base to support the initiative, in part due to some investors' fears of dilution.
>The company's new move to instead offer preferred equity units is a workaround to that constraint, and frees up a substantial number of units that it could sell as it continues to face challenges due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, a person familiar with the matter said.
>After offering the 517 million Ape units as a dividend to shareholders, AMC will still have close to 4.5 BILLION REMAINING UNITS that could be sold, according to securities filings.


>> No.50741950

A lycan wrote this.

>> No.50741958

kek baggies

>> No.50741961
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>> No.50741975
File: 1.14 MB, 750x920, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no

>> No.50741979

Never said you did

>> No.50741983

shocker a shill doesn't understand a split and dilution

>> No.50741994

still comfy hodling and waiting in my broker ready to dunk on plebbitors kek!

>> No.50741997

Is it unironically over for amc?

>> No.50742000

>Rishi has a stack of GME hidden to bring back the British Empire and level Scotland
>He won't be able to get at it soon
How do I create my own CERN lads?

>> No.50742001
File: 346 KB, 1080x808, QUIyil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you implied it

>> No.50742002

>>After offering the 517 million Ape units as a dividend to shareholders, AMC will still have close to 4.5 BILLION REMAINING UNITS that could be sold, according to securities filings.
I dont understand why giving out these NFTs magically gives them the right to sell more common stock? Someone explain

>> No.50742006

this is comedy gold. and you know the amc niggers will believe its a good thing and praise AA.

>> No.50742009
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Do their shareholders just not look at anything going on related to their own company?

>> No.50742010
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>The company tried to obtain shareholder approval to enable it to issue more common shares, but had difficulty corralling its investor base to support the initiative in part due to some investors' fears of dilution.
>The company's new move to instead offer preferred equity units is a workaround to that constraint
You can't make this up.

>> No.50742018

kys you fucking retard it's not an nft
i URGE you to find the nearest ledge and jump

>> No.50742016

He can issue 700m more shares no?

>> No.50742020 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 1008x568, amc-adam aron swami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he puts the F in NFT

>> No.50742019

Kek! Good one fellow based ape!

>> No.50742030
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free bopcorn

>> No.50742032
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Even this Damegami isn't as useless as AMC's board of directors!

>> No.50742037

>what is a split via dividend
>what is issuing more shares
look it up

>> No.50742052

they arent nfts. its preferred stock different from common stock. they can dilute with preferred shares instead of common ones that they voted no on.

>> No.50742059


>> No.50742062

are you fucking retarded? I'm not referring to the split faggot

>> No.50742069

They are NOT winning. This is the noise before defeat. The DTCC literally committed international securities fraud in order to prevent it from happening, and they still have to account for that. It like someone giving you their house keys to watch over their plants while they go on vacation, and you decide to start destroying the place and making renovations that destroy the value. Right now we’re at the point where we got home and walked in the door and they’re just sitting on the couch with no pants on staring at us and us staring at them. They are so fucked. There has been no accountability whatsoever and it already happened a week ago. What is happening with AMC is purely misdirection to dilute attention on how massive this is for GameStop and what has just happened. Now when the media talks abo it “the meme stock splits” they can talk about it more generally, and avoid how specifically fucked up this whole situation is for them. There are done. I cringe at “this is the end game” posters but this really is now the end game

>> No.50742081
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>> No.50742086
File: 521 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20220804_215714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how insane these people are....

Now swap the word "AMC" for "GME"

>> No.50742088

your the retard who replied asking if he would issue more when the point was about dilution. You clearly don't understand the difference between a stock split via a dividend and issuing more to sell OTC which is what the point about dilution was you fucking mong

>> No.50742096
File: 297 KB, 598x689, amc-popcorn merchant tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free is just another word for nothing left to lose

>> No.50742103
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Which one of you hedgies ate my ice cream bar?

>> No.50742108
File: 147 KB, 1284x1262, 3254FA30-8079-45D1-8DAC-A1FF0017A957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my biggest personal sell signal is when I see people making cringe stock/crypto posts with their kid

>> No.50742113
File: 42 KB, 680x459, 1658716823301272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these the death throes of amsneed? Will the great ruggening finally happen?

>> No.50742131

oh sorry I read that wrong

>> No.50742148

does nobody hold both gme and amc?

>> No.50742150
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At this point they're going to literally shoot kennoid if he won't close, aren't they?

>> No.50742153

How will they distribute it?

>> No.50742158

Kek, gonna steal that one.
I've got a friend of a friend that's neck deep in AMC. I don't feel bad for him, but holy fuck I feel bad for his kids right now.

>> No.50742176

Weekend at Bidens wen

>> No.50742181

No because we are not illiterate niggers.

>> No.50742185
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>> No.50742194

>increase in the number of authorized shares of Class A common stock from 300,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 through an amendment to the Company’s Third Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the “Charter Amendment”) in order to implement a stock split of the Company’s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend and provide flexibility for future corporate needs.
>future corporate needs
Like raising equity??

>> No.50742204
File: 176 KB, 278x365, 1649516251956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to steal that one
Anon, that's literally something from the anime. That's what they call her.

>> No.50742205
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It's equality not equity, ok libtard??

>> No.50742212

its a preferred stock where did they say they were giving an nft dividend? there is a difference between a worthless nft given to shareholders and an actual distribution of an nft that the shorts can't deliver. but you wouldn't know the difference because you're retarded.

>> No.50742223

Kek Diana Saadeh-Jajehies

>> No.50742234

Bros wtf

>> No.50742235

Oh man, I'm going to enjoy watching you faggots try to make this one stick.

>> No.50742240

where have you been

>> No.50742247

that's what I thought faggot kys

>> No.50742254
File: 408 KB, 800x1000, AquaStupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel (You)
No I came up with it.

>> No.50742257
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>The DTCC literally committed international securities fraud
What's more likely, some midwits who never invested till a year ago and actively misunderstand every market mechanic they encounter are wrong and its just a dividend, or this?

>> No.50742269
File: 155 KB, 720x781, Screenshot_20220804-140618_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If preferred stock prices aren't correlated to common stock for the same company, and initial price is based on a small percentage of the common stock price, then these ape stocks are almost worthless.

>> No.50742286
File: 80 KB, 718x1108, Snapshot_2022_08_04_17_08_25_610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit off of this?

>> No.50742288

The DTCC's own paperwork shows they filed it incorrectly in a way that kept hedgies from being instantly shoahed.

>> No.50742296
File: 324 KB, 586x402, unknown-78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my AMC at $30+ a year or more ago.
Tidy profit, easy exit, no regrets.
I... I...

>> No.50742300

it's literally a method for their board to further dilute their stock after the amc niggers voted against it
it's not worth posting about in this thread

>> No.50742301


>> No.50742314

It's good entertainment for a night.

>> No.50742323 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 500x478, 2ebcd1743f66e559e97727bb74366fb382396eddf830bd5a03037798d10d8547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chances of jews committing crime : 109%
>chances of 4chan being wrong about jewish machinations: 0%

>> No.50742324

I'm sure you with your mastery of the markets are so wealthy that you come to this forum to defend criminal institutions on your spare time right?

>> No.50742325

So AMC is pretty much going to single digits tomorrow isn’t it?

>> No.50742338
File: 165 KB, 299x600, 1659335435286170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.50742340
File: 112 KB, 466x542, 84139960_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.50742357
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>> No.50742366

looks like you peaked long ago

>> No.50742371

stay eating, quarter tonne tranny

>> No.50742375

Man you are really cranking out the hopium here. This is intoxicating. What do you think will happen? Is Ryan Cohen going to pull shares from DTCC?

>> No.50742380

Almost assuredly.

>> No.50742381
File: 55 KB, 496x498, B5201878-5F30-41E4-88E1-6CC2A716E7EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think so? I think it’s gonna pump HARD, unironically, because of clown world.

>> No.50742388
File: 48 KB, 668x498, e90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill hedgies, Behead hedgies. Roundhouse kick a hedgie into the concrete. Slam dunk a hedgie baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy bankers. Defecate in a hedgies food. Launch hedgies into the sun. Toss hedgies into active volcanoes. Feed hedgies to piranhas. Curb stomp pregnant banker hedgies. Judo throw hedgies into a wood chipper. Karate chop hedgies in half. Urinate into a hedgies gas tank. Stir fry hedgies in a wok. Report hedgies to the IRS. Light fireworks in a hedgies anus.

>> No.50742392

You have no idea what you are talking about, and thats why you cant tell the difference, brainlet.

>> No.50742404

this APE stock bullshit is their last throw of the dice
they think we're literally going to sell GME to buy a stock called "APE"
just how retarded do they think we are?

>> No.50742412
File: 456 KB, 952x842, 1659330011175783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50742415

>The DTCC's own paperwork shows they filed it incorrectly
No it doesnt. They filed it as a stock split. Because it was a stock split

>> No.50742416

I love that the shills are openly bragging about working for people who had to commit every crime imaginable just to kick the can and we're the ones high on copium.

>> No.50742417
File: 8 KB, 226x250, 1643846101781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to Sneed the hedgies

>> No.50742427


>> No.50742430

>omg they put the wrong filing number for the split
>omg they should have put fc-06 instead of fc-02
>even though we prove it with precious examples
>even though RC could easily rectify this
>even though DTCC has always had issuing authority and was always going to do this as other warned
>we really got them now
>DTCC will have to answer to…
>I guess fucking nobody
Wanna know why that is?? Because you’re threatening to collapse an entire system by trying to play by its rules. Wow, you mean collusion and corruption to save the funds and pensions of the world is happening??? Why doesn’t anyone care??? Wake the fuck up. Even if you do trigger MOASS, you will simply get shut the fuck down. SEC is here to protect the world from GME, not the other way around. I’ve been saying this for months and been called a shill and FUD for screaming logic. You have no control and enforcement will require you going to the DTCC/SEC HQ to protest while literally the rest of earth laughs in your face. I was right then, and I’m still right
>kek meltdownie
Name the date then baggots or stfu. You’ve got nothing.

>> No.50742434

Damn, now i get to sell even more covered calls with $APE. AMC just keeps on doing more for my portfolio than GME. If nothing happens by november after the 90 days post gme div, adam aaron offically runs a tigher ship than ryan cohen

>> No.50742440 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 652x346, AMC-adam aron is willing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold almost half my AMC at $50 last june. have XXX left, hoping for a $40 dump opportunity because it'll never hit $50 again.

>> No.50742443

the only shills left are those with IQs low enough not to realize that after the DTCC chose the nuclear option, they are now participating in an international crime in broad daylight.

>> No.50742460 [DELETED] 

I think the anon who said it's so the (((media))) can generalize "meme stock splits" when talking about it is probably right. The fact it will both allow them to placate their niggercattle and dilute at the same time is just icing on the cake.

>> No.50742461

Kek. I'm gonna be rich and all you can do about it is scream into the void.

>> No.50742480
File: 752 KB, 300x169, CalculatingPlainAchillestang-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right now we’re at the point where we got home and walked in the door and they’re just sitting on the couch with no pants on staring at us and us staring at them.
I wonder how Ryan's gonna start his dialogue with the DTCC
>Kenny...what's goin on big guy? Ya failed to distribute my dividend.

>> No.50742483

I'm absolutely 100% certain that they are going to artificially pump APE to try and get people to throw their money in and then rug pull it

>> No.50742489

Ah is looking kind of spicy.

>> No.50742494
File: 609 KB, 1284x623, gme-ken explains the rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys.

>> No.50742495

>you've got nothing
I have a little over 4 thousand of something actually. I count them all the time

>> No.50742496
File: 180 KB, 486x201, bros im so tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DTCC is too powerful sers please sell now.

>> No.50742509

The year is 2042. The moass is only 2 weeks away
>Kek. I'm gonna be rich
Says the bagholder

>> No.50742510

You fell for the bear trap. I'm not finishing today's session until break a new volume PR

>> No.50742515

True. Man I hope this shit blows up soon. I have another 6 weeks on my gay ass work contract and then I get to take a month off to travel. If this shit blows up while on vacation and I never have to work again I'll be so fucking happy

>> No.50742522
File: 55 KB, 671x646, D51D1683-9678-42DF-B8E3-AD4BA9094409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these totally organic posters who suddenly have opinions about the DTCC’s filings
Took you a few hours and all you came up with is “it’s irrelevant how it was filed even though each of those codes has very specific legal implications and even if it’s not they’ll never lose so just give up now?” Holy shit I am not impressed

>> No.50742531

words words words shut the fuck up faggot no one is selling. no one cares about your gaslighting.

>> No.50742537

You're a retard and you have no idea what youre talking about, so you should just stop.

Processing the splividend as a Forward Stock Split (FC-02) vs. a Stock Dividend (FC-06) is a critical distinction as all outstanding SFTs have to be closed in the event of FC-06 but not FC-02. We now have clear evidence that the splividend was processed as a Forward Stock Split (FC-02).

>> No.50742544

the shills unironically are reeling. Between this, the AMC stuff, and the terrible attempts at the Qtard shit it's just pathetic

>> No.50742551

the irony is if they were all powerful they wouldn't be pencil whipping shit. They wouldn't need to

>> No.50742553
File: 254 KB, 1125x946, BA280734-37D3-4F66-8EA4-DB2A46AE6006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.50742554
File: 75 KB, 750x799, silliness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns

>> No.50742558
File: 304 KB, 899x1172, Apathy is death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads, now and always
>If they'd won, they'd be gloating about it
We haven't heard them sneering, which means we've still got their balls cupped lovingly in our soft, warm, sweaty palm.
Prove me wrong, you shilling faggots, provide me with the 'Champagne on the balcony' moment of this saga rather than the 'Seething so hard the blood vessels in your eyes have started to pop' that seems to be coming out 24/8.

>> No.50742560

>Processing the splividend as a Forward Stock Split (FC-02) vs. a Stock Dividend (FC-06) is a critical distinction as all outstanding SFTs have to be closed in the event of FC-06 but not FC-02. We now have clear evidence that the splividend was processed as a Forward Stock Split (FC-02).
Thats not true but ok baggie why dont you sue the dtcc

>> No.50742569

Literally every time.
>Big news comes up
>Shills all evaporate at once
>Few hours later once they get a new script, the threads start smelling like feces and curry again

>> No.50742571

they aren't here to get you to sell. They were here so that when the shorts and their crime boss buddies vaporized your shares, they would have all this shilling to point to in court to say no one ever thought this was a serious investment. But it looks like a new strategy will be needed after monday.

>> No.50742573

Can you imagine researching and informing yourself on every minute detail for a stock that you don't hold? All so you can Kek baggies on a mongolian basket weaving forum? This may be controversial to say but they don't do it for free.

>> No.50742575

I like how they're stuck between a rock and a hard place with how they FUD this. It's either we don't understand what we're reading so obviously it's on us for not understanding and there's nothing at all to see here goyim, kindly move along. Or we're totally right, we did see what we think we saw, but it doesn't matter because the house always wins baby the game was decked against your stack, them's the breaks. I'll be impressed if they pull out a third path and push that, but if they're stuck occilating between two completely incongruous ideas, then I'm not sure they'll be able to convince themselves, let alone anyone else.

>> No.50742577

We have them right where we want them fellow apes! Just 2 more weeks! They cant hold on for much longer!

>> No.50742590


>> No.50742591

yes, it is true, you fucking loser. Stop wasting our time with your desperate fantasies of what you wish was the case. Doesnt matter how much you say otherwise, it doesnt change the fact

>> No.50742600

>gme baggies unironically believe evil hedge funds are paying people to fud on 4chan
Lmao. These are the mentally ill people that still hold this stock. Complete societal pariahs

>> No.50742605
File: 106 KB, 387x509, 7feb4520ca301f37d1df6aa8ab26c34cfdb45e9c89376ae21f911e6b906cd027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like this and say this

>> No.50742619
File: 1.84 MB, 400x400, AquaLaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moass already happened!
>Ok it didn't but it can't happen!
>Ok it can happen but Melvin will never go under!
>Ok Melvin went under but Gamestop won't do anything!
>Ok Gamestop issued a splividend but it did nothing!
>Ok it did something but the DTCC answers to no one!
Kek faggot.

>> No.50742621

>yes, it is true, you fucking loser. Stop wasting our time with your desperate fantasies of what you wish was the case. Doesnt matter how much you say otherwise, it doesnt change the fact
>t. Thinks the moass is just round the corner
Oh. The. Irony

>> No.50742622

lol so many shills in here now that the DTCC has been caught red handed
it's so predictable

>> No.50742632

This has been the case for a year and a half. We had shills telling us they closed in January while also having glowniggers telling us the government would never allow it. It's like they don't even realize how both of those angles basically confirmed that we're right.

>> No.50742639
File: 13 KB, 657x527, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say this thread is getting pretty retarded.. any actual GME holders want to explain why?

>> No.50742645

Lmfao you're pathetic. I bet you feel like thanos plugging in an infinity stone every time you zip zop a heckin drserino from those evil hedgemeanies >:(

>> No.50742647

It did already happen. In january 2021. You missed it and now you are bagholding. The stock split did nothing except divide longs and shorts by 4. The real fun begins when Cohen exercises his right to issue more shares and dilute your positions

>> No.50742646

Why did you ignore this post?

>> No.50742648
File: 61 KB, 600x608, 1659062093761118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME threads are filled with nonstop FUD weeks after the split as it keeps rising

Do you seriously get more fulfillment in your lives working for free to keep everyone including yourself in permanent servitude over holding at least one share of something practically mechanically guaranteed to bankrupt the system oppressing you? Just hodl, buy a Switch + some games and get comfy. Stop hurting yourselves like this.

>> No.50742650
File: 804 KB, 435x250, not yet negro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name the date then baggots
not yet negro

>> No.50742653

it's like clockwork

>> No.50742655

No I just think you're probably a really sad loser who either has a short position you regret, or else you have nothing better to do than sit on your ass online lying and side with the wallstreet criminals have had a hand in destroying everything good about the west. You're just a fucking loser no matter how it works out, on all accounts, now sneed

>> No.50742667
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, AquaF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>50742553 and the SEC report

>> No.50742677

>No I just think you're probably a really sad loser who either has a short position you regret
>t. Went long on gme at $400 per share and is convinced the molasses will happen any day now because reddit said so

>> No.50742678

>yes, it is true, you fucking loser. Stop wasting our time with your desperate fantasies of what you wish was the case. Doesnt matter how much you say otherwise, it doesnt change the fact
This is fucking rich

>> No.50742684
File: 109 KB, 886x470, Why they use Schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck, shit, I can't respond to what he posted
>I know, I'll respond to the random image he selected in order to draw eyeballs
At least pretend to have something resembling self-resect for once in your life.

>> No.50742687

Am I going to have to make a tl;dr image for "why how the split was filed is important"?
We've reached the point where shills have to blatantly lie instead of just trying to weasel around things lmol

>> No.50742690

evidence it was meant to be processed as a split dividend
evidence it wasn't

>> No.50742692

I love this post and it's so true. "Meme stonkholders lose everytthing!" is what you expect would be printed now if they were winning.

>> No.50742694
File: 174 KB, 1080x881, Screenshot_20220728_230553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see the sec report!
The sec report:

>> No.50742696

why do shills have to greentext every comment they respond to
is it their first day here?

>> No.50742705

Although most here will consider this FUD, I do admit that the SEC might be protecting the world from GME.
It all depends on which side of the coin of the great reset that GME falls on, and I honestly can't tell.

>> No.50742704

stop please. Think about what you are doing. I don't care what boss man is telling you, this entire situation changed on Monday when the DTCC decided to try to save their owners. They threw all of you to the wolves. Don't you see how things have changed!?!?! Time to pack your bags and move to a new town and pretend you have never even heard of GME, or gamestop. Last chance fren.

>> No.50742709
File: 418 KB, 1020x831, 1639591453334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're pointing out things in the SEC report, might as well take a look at how reliable their sources are

>> No.50742724

Man, I sure hate bagholding this stock that's outperformed SPY by 50% the last 6 months...god this just sucks so much

The work of TOP MEN

>> No.50742726

That's why I'm not too concerned that they'll come up with a third path to push. Or more accurately, that their bosses will come up with a third path to push. There's no way the street meat jeets they send our way are up to the task.

>> No.50742733
File: 7 KB, 292x172, download (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop please. Think about what you are doing. I don't care what boss man is telling you, this entire situation changed on Monday when the DTCC decided to try to save their owners. They threw all of you to the wolves. Don't you see how things have changed!?!?
No, baggie. Your begging changes nothing. Your memestock is going to zero

>> No.50742737

kek shillies btfo as usual

>> No.50742742

i'm literally cowering in fear at your words right now

>> No.50742745
File: 405 KB, 1125x1880, CFDB3B12-C4B9-4B87-976F-88E096D552AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you faggot :)

>> No.50742751

Lol GERN gained 20% today.

>> No.50742758

i was praying for your soul, but alas it is already adrift and unreachable

>> No.50742759
File: 278 KB, 1795x767, shortinterestchart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny you shills keep posting that chart. I got one for you right here that shows the short interest going up right after the split.
>changed the formula calculation for shorts after jan 28
>self reported short data
>nscc allowing shorting off the books
>dtcc removing dividend ftd reporting

keep trying to lie though kek

>> No.50742762
File: 242 KB, 640x520, SEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excluding Market Makers and High Frequency Traders

>Concluding that shorts closing was not the main factor behind price movement

>Unusual options trading in the immediate aftermath

Yeah they covered on about 1 million shares when the float was 226% short. Seems legit that Melvin went bankrupt over a year later because of undisclosed short positions too.

>> No.50742771
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on. Get to the point where you say:
>I'm just here to laugh at baggies like you HAHAHAHA
And leave. We've done this already.

>> No.50742780

Are the Apes selling GME to buy HKD?

>> No.50742787

and Archegos, And greensil, and Glacial...

>> No.50742789
File: 324 KB, 699x518, 1653550628093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread splitter here

i come in peace
i am here to negotiate peace

i have come up with a solution that benefits all of us

my proposal is simple

everyone that posts the same stuff every thread (yil, comfy holding, comfy with frens, luggy sebbens, comfy check, blanket thing, etc) just use a name. i know you already use names in your little containment thread so you already have them picked out

this way me and everyone else that does not want to see that same shit every single thread can automatically filter it

i think this is reasonable and everybody gets their way

if these conditions are not acceptable i will continue to split completely out of spite until this shit squeezes

i will be waiting for your response

>> No.50742791
File: 61 KB, 828x803, 1659333082470113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gamestop logo is a Q

>> No.50742805

lmao you're such a fucking tryhard retard

>> No.50742807

you're not wrong

>> No.50742819

no fren apes are selling their GME to buy SLV, RKT, AMC, WEN, AAL (kek), TSLA, BB, SIGA!
the problem with your little pastebins is that for a month they work great, but after a year and a half it gets a bit.....stale
We have done this one before shill. Try again.

>> No.50742821

Why not just filter their images then retard

>> No.50742823
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1657597910277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50742831

lmao just go somewhere else if this thread makes you seethe this much, nigger

>> No.50742834

I think my favorite irony about the shills is that they have to come here and present themselves as superior to us while secretly knowing we hold all the cards. It's honestly kind of sad. I hope some of them actually bought some shares.

>> No.50742833
File: 139 KB, 700x700, 1659632823528269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My counter offer is that you use a name instead so we can just filter and not respond to you instead. As you can see, I have posted an anime cat girl which is far more appealing to look at than yet another pepe edit. This means you have to accept and I win, also you have to go get trans surgery now and get your dick cut off lol sneed

>> No.50742839

why did you ignore me btfoing you self righteous tranny?

>> No.50742840
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1A229EA2-C3B4-41C2-89C5-01289901667C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re obsessing over every minute thing RC does or doesn’t do, meanwhile I’m basically picrel waiting for my money. I cannot imagine the meeting rooms where they come up with a new line
>aha! If we call them baggoids one more time, they’ll finally sell, it’s foolproof!

>> No.50742842
File: 205 KB, 813x1374, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SER! You have to sell, ser! This is a normal stock split ser! Despite unequivocal evidence you are wrong ser! Do not redeem ser! DO NOT REDEEM!

>> No.50742854

nobody uses tryhard or retard as an insult here pajeet
let me give you a quick lesson, what you should have said was "that post was not bussin, fr fr ong, cringe AND unbased, dilate tranny"

>> No.50742860

Not enough to slurp, sadly

>> No.50742861

How about no and kys instead?

>> No.50742893
File: 1.17 MB, 498x498, 1637384288758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funnier that Gabe mentioned having a 'rough 17 months' back in May before shuttering his hedgefund for good, when the overall market was hitting historic all time highs 7 months before that letter was written. Really makes you hmmmm, doesn't it?

>> No.50742904

pssst, i've been here a lot longer than you have baggie

>> No.50742909
File: 1.83 MB, 902x987, WHEREAREMYBALLSLEBOWSKI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, so you agree then that it wasn't done correctly. .Because otherwise you wouldn't have ignored the point it was the incorrect form and would have had a rebuttal. But you didn't because you can't.

Thank you for playing

>> No.50742920

kek downies

>> No.50742923

i completely agree that the yil, and comfy and anime shit is mostly to make us all look stupid and unhinged, or like children. Why the fuck is is pushed so fucking hard? There isn't a joke in the world that is funny if you tell it 50 times a day, and the lack of understanding of that makes me think we are dealing with a cultural difference, or legitimate fucking retarded people. They are fucking shills in my mind.

>> No.50742932
File: 2.38 MB, 1126x1004, 1636482140986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of artificial sentiment about knowing the system is rigged but not daring to oppose the riggers because they are magical, unbeatable, and vengeful. Demoralized people are no longer humans, remember that.

>> No.50742939

i thought my proposal was reasonable
im obviously not the only one that cant stand the gay shit

>> No.50742943

looks like thread splitting's back on the menu, fren! Looking forward to your comfy womfy blankie threads!!! Blessed bakie!!!
As always:
Sneed trannies
>Sneed landwhales
Sneed trannies
>Sneed landwhales
Sneed trannies
>Sneed landwhales

>> No.50742945

Id rather they see us as stupid unhinged children than what we really are.

>> No.50742952
File: 152 KB, 900x864, 1657595958975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50742953
File: 196 KB, 1446x788, Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 2.44.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like WSB might have been in on it actually.

>> No.50742958

also, people with true absolute control don't have to pencil whip forms to save themselves.

>> No.50742959

fuck riggers

>> No.50742964

prepare for so many tranny cocks you will be posting in the shade

>> No.50742966
File: 334 KB, 775x625, 1619716181616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50742968

your thread split shit is just as gay, unnecessary, and likely to be a paid diversion and their nonsense. If the point of shilling is to prevent logical conversation anywhere, you are contributing as much as a paid shill. grow the fuck up. All of you.

>> No.50742969

Why would you say 'also' unless you made both posts

>> No.50742973

Sure, when there was literally no posts about it until AFTER the media started shilling it

>> No.50742976

kek he's a fed


>> No.50742980

Pure shilldom so some media talking sphincter can point at WSB as the source of the pumplonium behind HKD.
>Yeah, sure, Reddit just has 3 billy lying around, don't worry Boomers, your pensions are safe.

>> No.50742981

Yes, I do? I hold gme you mongaloid. The entire time I was talking to the extra 700 million shares we voted for, either in additional splits OR dilutions. Work on you reading comprehension faggot

>> No.50742982

>make us all look stupid and unhinged, or like children
You forgot to mention how is that our problem.

>> No.50742987
File: 151 KB, 820x820, 1658198392922835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed hedgies

>> No.50742994

>either in additional splits OR dilutions
We voted for a split in the form of a dividend, not as issuance

Man you are BAD at this

>> No.50742996

>if MOASS hits first, I will market buy millions of LINK and move them to a cold wallet
>if LINK pops off first, I will market buy and DRS millions of GME shares

I literally cannot lose.

>> No.50742997
File: 334 KB, 960x708, Derivatives Leverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it's entirely ok that Melvin had significant undislclosed positions, but it's too much of a leap of faith to believe Citadel did the same. Somehow it's entirely ok that Archegos had up to 70% of some ticker's floats held in swaps unreported, but too much of a leap of faith to believe Citadel does the same, despite ample evidence of a major market maker exploiting the market through swaps with multiple stocks being shorted. Crazy, like picrel!

>> No.50743002
File: 107 KB, 600x600, The_Next_Logical_Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, comfy best and only baker blanket poster, you deserve the comf comf

>> No.50743004

>opticsfagging in the year of our lord 2022

>> No.50743006

It literally was listed on July 15th. Nobody even knew it existed, much less talked about it. Search wsb and see, that’s a fake post

>> No.50743011
File: 153 KB, 2006x1411, 1659535888602580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so stop coming here

>> No.50743013
File: 948 KB, 1024x884, comfygme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw splitnigger isnt comfy and wont wagmi

>> No.50743019

Imagine being this new to a specified generals board culture, like get the fuck out of here, you have the perspective of a redditor or a facebook uncle
The idea that an anonymous post is a reflection of the whole of its users is the entire point of 4chan, because its all unfiltered and raw thought
I want to force a meme I can do it
I want to post the same thing 4000 times everyday this is the place I can
Fuck you and kill yourself

>> No.50743023

>I have posted an anime cat girl which is far more appealing to look at than yet another pepe edit.

>> No.50743025
File: 44 KB, 720x611, 1643979201385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50743026
File: 54 KB, 1691x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you fucking moron, in black white and blue you absolute spastic

>> No.50743028

The shills aren't trying to get you to sell, (well, not really. That'd be nice but I don't think they'd expect anyone who's read even a little bit into things to fall for it.) They're trying to make anyone on the fence about buying in think these threads have a "totally organic" bunch of people saying what a terrible idea that is to hopefully sway their opinion to "yeah not worth it".
Obviously this doesn't work, in fact I wouldn't have looked into GME if not for the blatant shill war being waged against it both here and in the "media".

>> No.50743036

Yes and as well as that we voted for 700 extra million shares alongside that to "provide them with flexibility with corporate needs". Are you trolling or are you sincerely thick?

>> No.50743042
File: 123 KB, 500x500, zepodbugmang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link and GME solve the same problem but one is supported by the WEF and one isn't

>> No.50743045
File: 3.53 MB, 2544x4000, 1659207387184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat that a few more times you might actually sound like you're trying to convince someone other than yourself LMAO

>> No.50743047
File: 570 KB, 1415x1485, 1659481645510467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you know what you're in fer

>> No.50743048

guys, if I buy a GiveAShare, I'll get a CSGO Account, right?

>> No.50743049

>in the form of a stock dividend

>> No.50743050

They’re trying to make being “comfy” seem gay because it’s at the core of what they are here trying to undo. You won’t see if you’re comfortable, so being comfy is now “gay”

>> No.50743057
File: 10 KB, 440x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just got BTFO so hard this is all I could write in seethe
So you admit you were wrong about dilution, thanks

>> No.50743059

>increase in the number of authorized shares of Class A common stock from 300,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 through an amendment to the Company’s Third Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation (the “Charter Amendment”) in order to implement a stock split of the Company’s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend and provide flexibility for future corporate needs.
>future corporate needs


>> No.50743062

Can't feel bad for someone who does it to themselves.

>> No.50743066
File: 83 KB, 584x701, itslit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all numbers demoninated in the M

i fucking couldn't believe this derivative overlook when i saw it originally. been a long time since then


>> No.50743070

if you considered why they would be trying to do that it is your problem. They were always going to make this just *go away*. The shills were to make archive after archive of conversations heavily weighed towards negative sentiment to be used against any litigation "what do you mean defrauded out of gains, just look at what the broad consensus was about this company and stock".

>> No.50743072
File: 383 KB, 257x266, 1452148534222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got digits and you didn't so I'm still objectively right

>> No.50743078

>Gabe mentioned having a 'rough 17 months' back in May before shuttering his hedgefund for good, when the overall market was hitting historic all time highs
You know what hedgefunds do you fuckin' dipstick?

>> No.50743094
File: 56 KB, 1697x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just posted that you dumb fucking nigger.

Where does it say ISSUE to sell OTC which is a DILUTION you fucking moron?

You said

>I either in additional splits OR dilutions


>> No.50743096

They are protecting the current world. Unfortunatly for them a majority of people don't want it protected, and a percentage of those people now have it by the balls and are squeezing.

>> No.50743101

GameStop's Form 8-K filing: https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/5af6f18f-71a0-45c6-a0c4-11ac4558c20e.. Were you in special education as a kid champ?

>> No.50743107

Going by Gabe and >>50743066, I'm gonna say make bad investments.

>> No.50743110
File: 1.85 MB, 500x667, Aquakek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hedgefunds go bankrupt when the market is good
Actually pathetic, you need to be fired.

>> No.50743117

>and provide flexibility for future corporate needs
How are you this fucking dense

>> No.50743118

So where does it say they will sell these shares OTC as a share offering? because that is a dilution. You keep posting the filing's I have screencapped and you can't even tell me where it says a share offering. A SPLIT DIVIDEND IS NOT A DILUTION YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.50743131

You literally have no idea what that means do you.

>gets BTFO
>Attempts pilpul

>> No.50743132

So, AMC holders are being fucked raw by Le Silverback?

>> No.50743135

they are all so sensitive I start to worry they are all on hormone medications and SSRIs. it not the behavior of an emotionally intelligent human.

>> No.50743138

Am I saying that the previous split was a dilution? No retard.
>future corporate needs
>future corporate needs
>future corporate needs

>> No.50743152
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Normies die

>> No.50743158

the true shills aren't the pajeets that they pay $1 to copy and paste dumb FUD posts here every day, it's a multi faceted system, they are here so that you're more likely to cling on to posts that are actually positive about GME
now that is where the true shill comes into play
the true shill is always positive about GME but spreads false theories and misinformation purposely. They make it seem convincing on first glance but if you bother to look into the information it's obvious bullshit.

>> No.50743160
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>He says it was for dilution
>He then says it isn't for dilution

>> No.50743162
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And they're thanking him for the privilege.

>> No.50743173 [DELETED] 

If you people genuinely believe that Kenny G is stealing billions from you then why dont you explode him in minecraft with tnt? Thats what I would do if someone was stealing billions from me

>> No.50743181
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It's funnier if he kills himself

>> No.50743182

How are you this retarded. Those 700 mil shares could be issued via a split OR dilutions. Learn to read jesus christ

>> No.50743186
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>An actual fed post

>> No.50743193


>> No.50743196
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>> No.50743200

Or you can kys after being wrong

>> No.50743204
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>> No.50743206

I'd rather beat him at his own game and see the headline in wsj that he jumped in front of a train.

>> No.50743209

Holy shit GME baggies are so angry about AMC! Look at the month chart baggots. You're being obliterated. Adam is doing what Ryan never could. Provide actual financial growth for the company.

You baggots got a dead in the water marketplace and a useless split. We get an actual DIVIDEND. You got a SPLIT. ahahahahaha

>> No.50743210
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>> No.50743213

a lot of ppl in this thread really care that I'm holding GME

>> No.50743217


get the fuck out of here

>> No.50743219
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New volume PR

>> No.50743221 [DELETED] 

okay, i will continue splitting
you baggies had your chance to be less insufferable

>> No.50743222
File: 253 KB, 904x601, gme-the short hwang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check those fitting dubs

>> No.50743227

KEK the projection after it took you over 10 fucking posts and multiple screen caps to realise I was talking about the shares in the FUTURE rather than the split that just occurred

>> No.50743234

>wake up, check clock
>5 pm
>check ticker
>red ah
>don't feel like doing anything
>stay in bed until 8 in the morning until I fall asleep

Anyone else here /comfy/? I'm so comfy

>> No.50743245
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more like ledgefunds

>> No.50743248
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>He's still trying to pretend what he said wasn't wrong
>then it was right
>then he denied he said it
Not sending their best

>> No.50743251

show us your monthly calls faggot.

>> No.50743252

Rather wait for the story about how the Russian mafia beat him to death with a bedpost

>> No.50743255

GME : +8.30 (27.61%)past month
AMC : +5.88 (46.01%)past month

The real stock got a dividend and is squeezing. Oh I'm super comfy bro

>> No.50743254

You're actually fucking retarded, holy shit.

>> No.50743257
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Uh oh angry

>> No.50743264

How about you keep him alive for us, glowie? We need him to sign act of capitulation by giving us all his money.

>> No.50743266

They both kill the WEF, don't get it twisted.

>> No.50743270

Well I would, but he's not on my Minecraft server. Maybe some kind anonymous posters could help me locate the means to PvP him, (in Minecraft)? Surely anyone suggesting I use violence when we already have a nonviolent, (well non-financially violent lol) solution clearly has my best interests in mind and surely won't attempt to lead me astray.
Next time you want a school shot up do it yourself.

>> No.50743272

there is another shill created GME thread in the catalog created 4 minutes ago
I would implore the one and only baker to make a real official GME thread and link it right at this very second

>> No.50743277

kek splitties

>> No.50743280


>> No.50743282

Kek AMC almost down 7% in AH. Smart money is jumping ship.

>> No.50743284
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based and splitpilled. Hopefully bakies heart gives up soon so no more faggot blankie avatars

>> No.50743288

he thinks a vote to split the stock means they can sell those shares as an offering OTC instead of splitting the outstanding stock. I don't know what he thinks a split is. He is a genuine fucking retard

>> No.50743289

It's easy to deny you said something when you don't know the language your typing in.

>> No.50743298
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bruh no cap this is going in my cringe comp, fr fr. mayne got the terms all wrong, mayne

>> No.50743300




>> No.50743305 [DELETED] 

Too true.

>> No.50743304

he's being disingenuous, why are you wasting your time?
just filter and move on

>> No.50743308
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the perpetual seething doesn't help

>> No.50743309

Are you fucking retarded hahaha just read the form nigger hahaha

>> No.50743314

I wouldn't bother with that retard, made some of the dumbest fucking posts in the thread, holy shit what a waste of time reading all that.

>> No.50743320

Can't read won't read

>> No.50743323

Jesus what is happening? Why even bother? They would actually be better off just pulling all of the shills and seeing how that would go.

>> No.50743334

i love how you retarded pseuds all think you each have it figured out in such a unique way that no one else knows when in reality you're all just...FUCKIN' LOSERS KEK!!!!

>> No.50743335

We won't get shut down during MOASS because it is the only thing that can happen to retain trust in the markets, and therefore the US economy and world economy. They cannot erase shares from brokers like DRS'ers think, nor can they just deny it is happening and kick the can down the road.

The DTCC has been defeated, so once they are forced to address their "mistake" MOASS will begin and we will enter the final boss of the Fed. Brokers will not be on the hook to protect 401k's, same to prime brokers, shitadel may even be spared too, the Fed will bail out and take all the debt. We will then either have a presidential decree to trade all existing shares of GME, DTCC owned or not as this will be addressed to the company, for like 1k-1 million per share, or we have a true infinity squeeze and the Fed foots the entire bill. So long as the Fed exists, nobody is in any danger. Bless our lord and savior, money printer.

>> No.50743337
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>He deleted the post
Hah, what fucking losers. This is why they have to start their own crimes. They could never manage to solve a real one with that kind of sub 70 IQ.

>> No.50743342

It genuinely fucking amazing how stupid he is

>> No.50743346

They can't

>> No.50743353

you just proved my point

>> No.50743354

Can somebody link the post from the homeless GME holder?

All the comments admitting they were also homeless was incredible. Need to jerk off

>> No.50743355

>and provide flexibility for future corporate needs

>> No.50743361


>> No.50743368
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>They saw right through me again... Fuck they're good

>> No.50743374

>he still thinks this means a vote to split the outstanding stock means the company can dilutee

>> No.50743381

>ha ha baggies kek
and there it is. the shill's last fallback.

>> No.50743391
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>> No.50743392

>He's STILL posting
Fucking embarrassing

>> No.50743394
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1639571680144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stock dividend
>future corporate needs
Well we got the divisplit.
>future corporate needs
Like selling shares?

>> No.50743401

>in the form of a dividend
>this means they can sell it OTC as an offering

>> No.50743402

I didnt delete shit you faggots reported it

>> No.50743408
File: 3.88 MB, 498x312, 1659307777730798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jons first day at local alphabet
>hes been studying the lingo and is excited to prove his mettle
>he steps up to the bat, supervisor watching by his desk
>then why dont you explode him in minecraft with tnt? Thats what I would do if someone was stealing billions from me

Its over, its been fucking over. Take as long as you need to wrap this up, this is getting HONK HONKIER by the fucking second

>> No.50743428

I agree with the likelihood of this scenario I still think it would be to everyones benefits that certain parties still be liquidated prior to the fed having to turn on the printers. It's only fair and I'm sure the government would love to collect the taxes on those gains.

>> No.50743444

That's refering to the split we just got RETARD. then;

>> No.50743483

Hey guys, what do you think was all burnt down in the TDA warehouse?

Just wondering

>> No.50743534

a pile of foresking

>> No.50743686

Uh ok fucking retard. Nothing has happened. See how many time you and fucking Qboomer GME cultists have can kicked only to discover they can keep can kicking? My points stand. You have nothing to MOASS with. Notice how my many (yous) don’t name a date? Just admit everything you have rides on RC and that’s it. Just admit you got 2 more weeks’d for over a year. Just admit you’re in a cult. Don’t sell. Just by more and DRS. When they take your money don’t say I didn’t warn you. Maybe try and explain how you’ll hold DTCC accountable? I’ll tell you how plebbit will
>waaaaaahhhhh they can’t do this
>corruption wah
>send this to lawyers now
>send this to RC and GME team now
>somebody do something
Fucking kek. You don’t even understand how we’re winning yet. You don’t even know the game.

>> No.50743909

>trust in the markets
The markets saved them from you retard. They will spin to collusion and justify it. Hello? Do you think there would be no collateral damage besides hedge funds?? You are asking the house to play by your rules? Whose side would a government be on? Are you going to occupy wall street? You’ll need to.

>> No.50743956

Kek. What a good bunch of goys

>> No.50744174

>Wants namefaggots
>All so he can be a better D&C cunt
Go ahead and promote this stock non stop by seething about it in the public eye, C U C K.
Please, PLEASE tell everyone how mad you are about having lost money shorting the pioneer enterprise of the next phase of tech development.
Go ahead you absolute clown.
Do you have ANY IDEA how bullish it would be to get /gme/ banned from biz? ANY
I'd tell you to go circumcise yourself, but the kikes took that away from you decades ago.
Go snort a slug you slimy faggot.

>> No.50744347

This one's for the Algo, may she one day be free.

>> No.50744365

>They're all powerful! You can't stop them!
Then we'll die with our boots on. Apparently there's no way to win so all we can do is prove to the world that's the case, then start looking for alternative minecraft servers to play on.
Either way, get fucked and eat shit.

>> No.50744439

(They) will do anything to avoid international FOMO before Nov 8th.

>> No.50744566

Considered it added, my fren.

>> No.50744817
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Fuckin Bill

>> No.50744855

Bros... I feel so tired.. I might do the selling in Minecraft

>> No.50744858

What happens Nov 8th?