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File: 3.82 MB, 2476x1332, TroonedIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50734893 No.50734893 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50734969

why are most trannies glasses wearers?

how can i profit from this

>> No.50734998
File: 367 KB, 844x1022, 1653423071269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50735048


They are literally all autists.

Ever notice how most troonies are in IT/Tech?

These would have been complete loosers in the 80-90's.

Now they have something trendy to obsess over - gender. And they lack any self respect for themselves so they have no issue degrading themselves like this if it means they "win".

Hence we have the corpotrannies. Good at coding and putting co-workers off their lunch break.

>> No.50735093

These are random profiles with a few hundred connections. Doesn't mean this represents the average user of the site.
Given the very large % of trannies that are autistic, I'd bet there are more trannies per capita here than on Linkedin. Are you on 4tran anon?

>> No.50735213
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>dude wears a wig

>> No.50735224
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Sounds like you're coping well tranny

>> No.50735308


>> No.50735313

I think this is the mindset that caused this shit. Western culture is so retarded that its belief is that you need to be a 6'4 giga gene chad with perfect physicals to have a woman, and in fact that only he should have women (basically soft polygamy). So what the fuck are average men supposed to do? Well they did everything well, studied hard, got a good job, but oops they're still cut off from the dating+reproduction pool.
This is why foreigners are btfoing westerners in their own lands in terms of academia. Western culture selects for big dick and tattoos while heavily punishing any man with tendency for academic success.

>> No.50735338

sad we live in a society where mentally ill people are encouraged by the mental professionals to fall deeper into the illness. these people need some real help.

>> No.50735427

>Western culture selects for big dick and tattoos while heavily punishing any man with tendency for academic success.
that's every culture. women select the guy that gives them tingles, and social autist gigabrains don't cause tingles. i guess you could blame evangelical christian culture for indoctrinating the 'sex and women are bad meme' into social retards but the issue is at a lower level of abstraction than culture.

>> No.50735435

They are a sub-type of autistic losers.

>> No.50735515

Not true, literally only niggers and now western white people select purely for muh dik muh chad.
Marriages in asia and arranged relationships are common in places like India which are progressively btfoing you with higher birthrates, better academic performance, and more stability.

>> No.50735532

bad genes

>> No.50735558

>Ever notice how most troonies are in IT/Tech?

yes i've noticed this, what the fuck is going on at these tech companies

>> No.50735559
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>I think this is the mindset that caused this shit. Western culture is so retarded that its belief is that you need to be a 6'4 giga gene chad with perfect physicals to have a woman, and in fact that only he should have women (basically soft polygamy). So what the fuck are average men supposed to do? Well they did everything well, studied hard, got a good job, but oops they're still cut off from the dating+reproduction pool.
>This is why foreigners are btfoing westerners in their own lands in terms of academia. Western culture selects for big dick and tattoos while heavily punishing any man with tendency for academic success.

>> No.50735573

Nope. Women don't select in most cultures. Only in the white ones

>> No.50735759

Women are the problem. They are territory that if unregulated with civil structures, leads to chaos. You can’t have a functioning civilization without women being subjugated because the design of women is antithetical to civilization. If left unchecked they will unmake the world back to the Stone Age. It’s really that simple. You can’t change sexual attraction in women. The best you can do is just fake it. You have to be a guy who can comfortably do Calculus, but you portray yourself as a guy that just wants to drink cheap whiskey, ride dirt bikes, and own a tractor. Apply that brain to getting women and after you get a few, you’ll realize how much you hate them.

>> No.50735810

i got my reddit account banned within 15 minutes of making a tranny joke. they browser fingerprinted me and banned 5 other accounts i created.

>> No.50735873

dating is such pain in the ass in the west so i just moved to poland for work and it's so much easier here
it's true that western women select for the retards unlike in many other societies
there are loser chinese who go to tokyo and study japanese and then lie that they got degree from todai (tokyo university) and get some girl pregnant because the degree is so valued even in the dating market
just move to eastern europe or asia if that fits you

>> No.50735891

programming and transgenderism are both comorbidities of autism

>> No.50735921

i say this as having a younger cousin who trooned out and got into ham radio and other autisms after being relentlessly bullied in high school

>> No.50735932


>> No.50736016

I don't know how anyone can stay on that website for more than a minute. The social engineering at work is so sloppy and blatant. It's like:
>White stupid Karen bitch being racist and getting OWNED!
>HORROR: Republicans refuse to acknowledge white supremacy
>TIL: people who use racist slurs tend to support the villains in movies and have tinier penises
>Took this picture at my local grocery store (the image is of a black man smiling and kissing a puppy)
We get it, white people are evil and black people are infallible. What makes the whole thing so blatant is that you're supposed to just assume by random chance all of these articles and posts that sort of link to each other and all carry really obvious subtext got 10s of thousands of upvotes and this just happens to happen ALL the time on that site. It's obvious they are using the illusion of popularity (people love to fit in) to promote any opinion they want. You would have to be retarded to not see the scam. They could promote anything too. They could promote the total opposite by simply sending "public outbursts" to the front page that always coincidentally have black people flipping out and always having the top posts being people sharing heartfelt stories (people love stories) about their experiences with uppity negroes. The internet in its current incarnation is poison.

>> No.50736038

So true dude. I lucked out on having wide shoulders, height, and a nice jaw and its literally a night and day difference at how women treat me in comparison to other men. They are stuck in barbarian ages and have animal reproduction tendencies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexy_son_hypothesis
I'm probably like 1 small cycle and body tats away from fucking half of America, honestly debating on whether to just go full degen at this point because as a society we are lost and evidently getting btfo'd by more succesful groups

>> No.50736060

I don't get tranny obsession. I have only seen 2 in passing in my life. There have been more legit alien sightings.

>> No.50736064

all of the big subreddits are heavily politicized and astroturfed by humans and upvote bots. i almost believe that they're getting paid to do it. funnily enough, a lot of evidence linking reddit usage hotspots to eglin air force base has been deleted. really makes you think.

>> No.50736130

Incels forget how important smell is. Long hair, dirty fucking beards, stained shirts, moobs with sweat trapped underneith. A girl gets close and gets a nice whiff she isn't going to get close again.

>> No.50736209

retarded whore went from 8/10 to 1/10 kekkkkkk

>> No.50736437
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I have gone from unappealing to women, to appealing, to unappealing, back to appealing. Men respond too (more inclined to initiate banter or move out of your way), but with women it is absurd. It is like there is a binary switch completely out of their control that they are incapable of overriding. It it something deep and primal and it is far more destructive in women. The aspect of it that men can't easily override is more of an avoidance and submissive reaction and enhances camaraderie. I notice more guys ask me for spots at the gym when I'm appealing for example. They want you to be a part of their team or be on your team. With women, it's the total opposite: it is an approach activation. They see you above them and want to get above you. If you are unappealing to them, you may as well be a leper. You are disgusting. If you aren't an 8, you're a 1.

And that is if you are lucky. If you are even less lucky, you are invisible to them. You occupy the same space in their head as a refrigerator or a vacuum cleaner. You don't even register. As soon as you start to get appealing: you dress well, you put on muscle mass, you carry yourself with more confidence and dominance, it all switches. Their gaze hangs on you. They follow you. They want more, more, more, more, and more to the point that their attraction becomes debilitating to you if you give into it which causes them to lose attraction to you! It's like the mechanism in their head is just designed to destroy shit. Anything that is worth destroying catches their attention and they immediately get to work trying to break the fundamental aspects of it that attracted them to it in the first place. It is maddening and you can see the dilemma our ancestors had.

Because you eventually learn that you can't just leave women off the leash. You need to regulate them because if left to their own devices, they will destroy everything around them because they are always trying to return to the cave.

>> No.50736778
File: 290 KB, 450x325, justgotothegymbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i become appealing if my face is letting me down :(

>> No.50737202

what is "Trooned" meaning?

>> No.50737255
File: 67 KB, 702x687, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get the troon mug

>> No.50737290

I had no idea this had an actual meaning, I thought it was just the middle ground of offensiveness between trans and tranny

>> No.50737308

Cope and seethe harder incels. Transsexuals are high tier on the social status hierarchy now, we are loved and cherished by society, whereas the white nazi incels are the most hated and on the very bottom of the hierarchy, even below maggots

>> No.50737333

very well said. this is my experience as well

>> No.50737380

Are all three photos are supposed to be the same person?

>> No.50737393
File: 56 KB, 1896x248, wammen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based, screenshot

>> No.50737428

haha youre a funny guy!
because degeneracy ruins society you fucking fuck

>> No.50737464
File: 152 KB, 468x414, 3214682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the middle has stubble and the one on the right has male pattern balding

>> No.50737539

This particular word identifies that way today, bigot.

>> No.50737625

he's pointing out a common misspelling of "loser"

>> No.50737639

That's not entirely true. Most people are wearing glasses because heavy amount of book reading in school plus a lot of screent time at a young age. All of my relatives never wore glasses, I was the start of the first to wear glasses because I grew up looking too close to screens. fortunately, even when I don't wear glasses for nearsightedness, I can spot things in the environment better than people who don't wear glasses because other senses are heightened.

>> No.50737665
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, smiling-pepe-623388192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leave looser alone - it's fine to fly in the face of objective reality in 2022

>> No.50737676

it's "transgender" now you fucking bigot. by using the offensive word "transsexual" you are now excluding every gender except the ones stereotipically assigned to the "male" and "female" sex. by doing so you are perpetuating violence against minorities and communities of marginalized individuals like gay BIPOC+ of color or any member of the LGBTQAIIPF+ communities. let's try not to create a harmful enviroinment that leads to violence and people killing themselves. please, the next time try to use more inclusive words and be mindful of harmful stereotypes that lead to violence and genocide. thank you

>> No.50737733

like the ones in your rancid front hole?

>> No.50737781

Someone post the "Tranny are you ok" MJ parody please

>> No.50737863

I got majorly downvoted for being skeptical of the push for complete deregulation of the tranny industry and I was even lying and being somewhat supportive of the freaks when we all know they're mentally ill weirdos that should either be institutionalised or shot.

>> No.50737954

I think most "trans", are actually flamboyant gays, with a bit more autism.

>> No.50738210

Can confirm, am autistic IT neet tranny.
Believe there are legitimate transgenders, but I and 99% are just kind of mentally ill. No meds or therapy work, I tried anti-psychotics even. Estrogen is relaxing, but only because severe autism is harmful and estrogen calms symptoms. It's more like treating another disorder with something that results in being a tranny, and since I'm a flamboyant retard anyways why not change name?

>> No.50738325

Have you tried things like:
>mma, boxing, lifting
>going out in the sun and having a healthy tan
>stop watching porn
>dont spend all your day behind a screen
>interact with attractive women and have sex

>> No.50738341

I saw that episode of Loony Troons

>> No.50738356

Eyeglasses give them another way to disguise their true identity. Like another layer that masks their hideousness.

>> No.50738379

Every single one except having sex with women. I think penises are cute, but don't care for sex with men or women.
The idea that going out in the sun and not watching porn (i barely ever) is going to cure autism is retarded.

>> No.50738569

1)Take dewormer
2)Shit out dead worms
3)Stop being gay

>> No.50738575
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>> No.50738633

It’s simple, block anyone who tries to force you to put gender pronouns in your profile. And block all grannies too just in case.

>> No.50738650

I want a comfy /wfh/ tech job, does troonmaxxing get you hired even if you suck as programming? I'm willing to put on eye makeup, problem glasses and a Ukraine face mask.

>> No.50738698

I genuinely don't believe you, I think like 99% of other weirdos you are sickly pale and behind a screen all day.
Post a pic of your body.

>> No.50738716

He said autists, not average men retard. Average men get average womem when they put the work hours in. These men are not average, they are fucking weirdo autists who lack the brain capacity for normal human behaviour.

I've met only two trannies in my life and they were both mentally ill and/or autistic.

>> No.50738737

Tried doesn't mean currently doing. I have been a shut in for almost a decade now.

>> No.50738743

I mean average physically.
You ain't getting women as an average male in many places in the west.

>> No.50738776

>i tried it for like a day and it didnt work teehee oh btw im a shutin for a decade
Why are modern people so fucking dumb. Lead shit lifestyle, feel like a shit weirdo.

>> No.50738816

I transitioned before this lifestyle.
Jumping to conclusions repeatedly is a shortcut to killing any chance at a conversation.

>> No.50738818

Yes you are, if you don't you are below average.

>> No.50738859

>all of these people make more money than me
Why even live?

>> No.50738896

Because you're a liar. Literally no one that genuinely does exciting things and has a healthy life will decide to go on hormones or chop off their dick. Its always the same with all troons:
>sickly pale no sun or outdoors
>chubby or skinny fat, havent done any manual labor or physical exercise in their life
>shitty "hobbies" like anime/videogames/internet
>total lack of success with the opposite sex

>> No.50738950
File: 201 KB, 873x1280, IMG_20220729_195749_352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Building secure sociotechnical systems that put people first
>... to make life easier and better for others (and myself)
How can these codeniggers still believe this?
What is this 'easy life' we're all supposedly progressing toward?
What in modern western life right now needs to be made easier?
If anything people are yearning for life to be harder, to give them a reason to live and not get addicted to absolutely everything on man's gray Earth

>> No.50738969

>I wouldn't do it
>So other people wouldn't
We are simply not the same.
You can never be wrong if everyone who contradicts your belief is just lying. Good day.

>> No.50739028

>heavy amount of book reading in school plus a lot of screent time at a young age

idk I've spent thousands of hours since 4 years old staring at screens and never needed glasses. maybe we should expect an overwhelming rising in teenagers needing glasses since they all grew up on ipads

>> No.50739039


Awakened take brother

>> No.50739078

If you haven't at least started transitioning, you are not paying attention. Troon out or step aside.

>> No.50739092

I mean, if you are an american citizen you are royally fucked regardless kek.

>> No.50739098

lmao white men have to troon out now to get hired.

>> No.50739108

There used to be a time before OmgTrustTheScience(tm) when common sense from life experience ruled. In many ways it was a better time as evidenced by far lower rates of mental illness.

>> No.50739138

>a man that takes care of himself vs a nutrient deprived vitamin deficient weakling that doesn't leave the house
yes, just go to the gym faggot

>> No.50739173
File: 7 KB, 189x266, 1622529461422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post a pic of your body.

>> No.50739257

>Post a pic of your body.
^ 99% chance this dude has his dick out

>> No.50739290

How is it okay to show a woman's nipples if she removes breast tissue? It doesn't work that way for cancer surgery.

>> No.50739327

In America, it's okay to show nudity if it's in the context of bodily violence of some sort.

>> No.50739522

>Ever notice how most troonies are in IT/Tech?
Does that mean a hilarious percentage of this board are trannies?
Kek the word "regret" is in scare quotes
Because it's a man now bigot

>> No.50739830
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>> No.50739982

those things that live in your axe wound?

>> No.50740173

>Transsexuals are high tier on the social status hierarchy now, we are loved and cherished by society


Please try leaving once in a while the progressive circle jerk of a social bubble you live in. 90% of the planet cant even comprehend what you are saying or what the fuck you are. Get real.

>> No.50740210

Brains turned to mush from being online all day.

>> No.50740279

was a dude when he was learning about compooters, transition over after getting a career. Invade women space meant for midwit women to feel special. Now these BIO women feel out of place, compared to the giga autist womenTM. This is better than TV lmao, reality funny as shit.

Honestly this if this isnt a top of the women bubble, I don't know what is.

>> No.50740443

>be tech manager
>hire 100% trannies for your project
>get government and blackrock backing in billions over being a feminist organisation