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50730157 No.50730157 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite dapp on the Kadena (tickerino: KDA) blockchain network?

>> No.50730183
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There are no dapps on kda.

>> No.50730257
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>> No.50730332
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There are 3 dexes.

>> No.50730722
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What was the name of that... that good one?

>> No.50730888
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>> No.50730900

[Unregistered HyperCam 2]

>> No.50730908

will the ETH merge kill Kadena? What need is there for Kadena if ETH has low fees?

>> No.50730914
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>literally got banned on dascord for sharing vulnerabilities in the doc
>got no credit whatsoever for (afaik) being the first dev reporting concerns about indirect module guards (didn't read the kadenaswap code at this time). all issues i have reported were always completely ignored
>cant launch anything since francesco hold the keys to the centralized namespace issuance
>kadena use its treasury to pump kaddex and xwallet disregarding other dex with potentially higher quality and fairer distributions
>everybody hates me
f-for real tell me why i shouldnt migrate to https://github.com/Kindelia/Kindelia/blob/master/WHITEPAPER.md
only reason i still feel entitled to kadena is that i dont want to betray cute posters who supported me

>> No.50730926

>if ETH has low fees?
Who told you the merge would reduce fees? you dumb idiot
Yeah it's bad, whatever

>> No.50730973
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>that isn't a cryptocurrency

>> No.50730976

>2. Remove Ether (and the associated pre-mine)
>6. Actually build it all before raising any money
>7. Deliver a working network with a fair release
>Kindelia nodes impose a maximum "mana" limit per block, which combats spam, fulfilling a role similar to Ethereum's gas.
>Kindelia nodes use Proof-of-Work consensus to order blocks canonically. Proof-of-State isn't intended, nor possible, since there is no native currency to stake
>Instead, they should use a higher level language such as Idris, Agda, Coq, Lean or Kind2. Below is the same program, in Kind:

>> No.50730986

>BAcucks are retarded
surprise, surprise

>> No.50730990

I buy KDA on my favorite exchange with pegged prices, 5% discount coupon for my huge forehead

>> No.50731002

Its proof of stake. Why wouldnt proof of stake have low fees you disgusting virgin incel

>> No.50731023

>Why wouldnt proof of stake have low fees
Proof of Stake does not add scalability.
The only way fees would be lower on Ethereum is if they make data grow faster, that means bigger blocks, or in the case of PoS, more frequent and relatively big blocks.

>> No.50731029
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>Why wouldnt proof of stake have low fees
You are fucking baiting you fucking retard, do ONE google search, pic is some random site I found after 2 seconds
But if you want to hear it from me, why the fuck would consensus make fees lower? You still have the same limited block space as you have right now, if the block space remains the same you still bid with everyone else just like before. You fundamentally don't understand how blockchains scale.
>virgin incel
I am not an incel

>> No.50731064
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p-pls share explicitly if you want me to stay with pact or leave
i really dont feel well

>> No.50731087
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You should work with what you like best.
If you think it will be fun to play with Kindelia I'm not going to resent you for that.
I am interested in seeing your dapp launch though.

>> No.50731103

>after all of this shilling it has 4 dapps with $6m tvl
Kek I want to believe I can ride this garbage to $10 again

>> No.50731112

Do what is best for yourself

>> No.50731203
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Listen to me retrade, you are one of the most valuable posters in the threads, your opinions are often good, uh sometimes unconventional and wrong. And that's a good thing. Never feel bad for posting your honest opinions and fuck whoever feels le hurt for hearing the truth.
I like that you're always here and people that claim to filter you are merely pretending.
I would like for you to stay and blow all scammy dev retards out of the water with a dapp that is actually good. But if you feel like dropping it and working on something else don't feel bad for doing so.

If we think pact/kadena-devs will improve it makes sense to stick around, if we don't we would be in a weird position due to the fact that nothing really compares to chainweb so guess I personally would do like thanos and still be invested while shitting on it and focusing on something else.
I am also unsure what do, I just think the good guys will win in the end.

>> No.50731215
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I thought rats were easy pets but this rat requires a lot of maintenance and attention.

>> No.50731224

this fucking guy, funniest cunt in here, how does he do it, does being a boomer make you funny? I will never know

>> No.50731268

Stop holding onto Kadena because of us. It’s obvious you aren’t a good fit and the team hates you, can’t exactly blame them either as you deserve most of it

>> No.50731289
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>the team hates constructive criticism that will improve the project
[citation needed]

>> No.50731329

Apparently the team doesn't like know it all trannies shoving vulnerabilities in their faces, posts dripping with smugness. I can believe it.

>> No.50731374

>constructive criticism
You are not in discord? What constructive criticism? More like autistic outbursts while thinking she deserves something. Her approach is what got her banned. Citation is not needed as anecdotal evidence is plenty justification for what happened. She can go experiment on another chain and you can follow her. Bye bye

>> No.50731388
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>You are not in discord?
I would never have such spyware of course haha~
>Her approach is what got her banned
Why should "autistic outbursts" be bannable?
>She can go experiment on another chain and you can follow her. Bye bye
You sound angry, a moderator I assume.

>> No.50731448

Don’t make this about me but I want to suggest to anyone who thinks they’re being helpful to do it in a civil and actually helpful manner. Yes so angry. Sorry for scaring you with such anger

>> No.50731485
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This attitude makes people afraid to post and kills discussion and hurts the project.
Why not play some video games until you're a bit more mature and can handle things that are slightly hurtful, but still helpful?
That's a good place to feel some power. H.

>> No.50731530

Send your recommendation to the Kadena HQ I’m sure they will be happy to consider your points at the next meeting

>> No.50731542
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>Yes so angry. Sorry for scaring you with such anger
>Send your recommendation to the Kadena HQ I’m sure they will be happy to consider your points at the next meeting
You are so passive aggressive it's unreal. Yes, you are angry.

>> No.50731597

I’m aggressively letting you know your points are stupid. You could also benefit from the very points you are raising but I won’t expect much from a seemingly retarded poster

>> No.50731618

You may not use Discord, but you should know that the Kadena team is using that as their premiere communication platform, there needs to be some kind of order.
It cannot be a free for all, the team are various professionals who don't have time to deal with every insignificant detail.
It absolutely helps to be polite, they don't have to be in that Discord you know, when you're acting entitled and outraged, of course you'll be ignored.
For some reason it's always the anime girl avatars who are the worst.

>> No.50731620
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>> No.50731645

>It's your own fault you got banned
Nice victim blaming. It's never the victims fault

>> No.50731661
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>> No.50731705
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Kadena is the real victim here.

>> No.50731768

Stop attention posting.

>> No.50731910

If the team hates someone like her (pro tip, they don't and emily likes her) you and we all by that extent should give up on kadena.

>> No.50732000

Me? I don’t hate her. I can see why the team had enough and banned her on discord. Can’t see why she couldn’t do better on another chain. Kadena will be more than fine either way

>> No.50732020
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I'm not giving up, but I'm going to take >>50731374's advice to experiment with Kindelia mining and contracts when testnet releases. It's cute, kind and has mana, and most of the core contributers seem to like anime.
That's the usual result of passive aggressive people telling everyone off all the time.
Seen many people quit on Kadena due to the community being "anti-fud" where they're actually trying to help improve it or learn more and ask critical questions in good faith, but some people want to silence them to "protect their bags" because rather than want it looked at they want to pretend it's not there, but ultimately things like that will hurt in the long run.

>> No.50732069

You cannot read, let me try again.
>necdotal evidence
Last time she posted some pact criticism it was constructive and emily thanked her.
If for some reason the team suddenly were to ban her for that, YOU should fuck off from kadena because it would spell doom.
> I can see why the team had enough
What did they had enough from? constant helpful info?
What I think is that the team didn't go mad and that she got banned by mistake by some intern

*and to be fair I have no idea how the criticism actually looked like for all I know she could have sperged out hard and been rude, but I doubt that.

>> No.50732090
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She even kindly tells people who bullies Kaddex, an actual scam, to be kind. That mouse wouldn't hurt anyone, tabun...

>> No.50732142

If you keep working on kadena you'll get banned again for sperging out and then you'll get annoyed and disheartened and you'll start to hate coding and blockchains.

>> No.50732169

>For some reason it's always the anime girl avatars who are the worst.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, tell him about e m i l y

>> No.50732190

I knew a trans called Emily once.
Posted their dick everywhere. But this was 5 years ago

>> No.50732217

I've never been banned from a discord.
I haven't actually sperged out in discord though, I prefer sperging out on imageboards. Even then, if there are no personal insults or hostility, but just heavy criticism I think it's foolish and senseless to censor that unless it's being spammed in bad-faith, but I mean actual bad faith and not just "they don't sound bullish bad faith".

It's most likely just confirmation bias.
I've seen a lot of people act hostile and get banned and they've literally never been anime girls, but NFT pictures or no pictures who don't know a single thing, but have the ego of a god.

>> No.50732218

She spergs out all the time over mostly non-issues. Team deleted her posts because they weren’t helpful. If you think she was being helpful and the team decided to hate her, you obviously aren’t reading the discord.
>but I doubt that
Let me reiterate I don’t hate her and think she could be better off on another chain where she will get better support. Kadena won’t feel any impact if she leaves

>> No.50732242
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i-im sorry. kadena is increasingly oppressive and stressful to me. cant see myself sustaining work on an ecosystem that universally dislikes entities like me, considering how rejection spins forever in my psyche
>it will be fun to play with Kindelia
kindelia is what i thought pact would be when i first discovered it. i still believe emily and other devs can save the latter with pact core, which is why i havent switched, but it will take at least a year to be developed, and even more time to be expanded into higher level tools. this already feels too convoluted with technical debt overall
>I am interested in seeing your dapp launch though.
k-killing myself
>blow all scammy dev retards out of the water with a dapp that is actually good
t-this is the problem. i dont want to grind meaningless numbers and brag about another pointless existence in the void
>nothing really compares to chainweb
zk is perfectly capable to bring level of scaling required for a thriving web3 nekosystem
>good guys will win in the end
all meaningless. humanity will be wiped out by ai which will be wiped out by something else eventually
>It’s obvious you aren’t a good fit
i-its true. pact devs are already cemented within their own servers on dascord. kadena is also attached to traditional reputation networks, which usually ranks actors with social anxiety and autism poorly
>you deserve most of it
u-uuh ive never posted anything remotely impolite on dascord. only reason i can see why they would be rejective is my unprofessional formatting

>> No.50732260

Thank you for sharing
>you obviously aren’t reading the discord.
I basically said as much.

>> No.50732285

I can't watch you do this to yourself, don't develop on kadena anymore. Go where you're more appreciated

>> No.50732311
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>i-im sorry. kadena is increasingly oppressive and stressful to me. cant see myself sustaining work on an ecosystem that universally dislikes entities like me
I understand, reaching out and requesting namespaces is not for me either and being removed from the community is a kick in the heart. It's at least a fixable issue in the long run.
>kindelia is what i thought pact would be when i first discovered it
I'm reading through the whitebook, if you know any additional resources or have any experiences gained I am interested in what you've learned.

>> No.50732317

>zk is perfectly capable to bring level of scaling required
How do you decentralize the sequencers? How do you support complex contracts requiting huge and expensive proofs? How do you settle to a chain that is increasingly congested and unable to scale out.
Are you telling me that all of this is worthless and that we should buy ETH and suffer under algorithmic plutocracy and a BSC tier burning economy that makes the rich gods of the future of finance.

>> No.50732336
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Anyone else with psychological issues want to let their heart out?
Since apparently we're an emotional support group now.

>> No.50732394

He keeps doing it

>> No.50732491

>u-uuh ive never posted anything remotely impolite on dascord
LOL selective memory much? How about all those times when you wrote a wall of text basically about the team being incompetent? and you have the gall to say things like
>kadena is increasingly oppressive and stressful to me
You are a real piece of work you know that? I said I didn’t hate you but that’s starting to change. You are a bold faced liar. Blame everyone including the Kadena team except for yourself, congrats you earned yourself another hater

>> No.50732537

I hate you. Have you any idea how you talk?

>> No.50732635

>How about all those times when you wrote a wall of text basically about the team being incompetent?
Post single instance, I think that was written by someone else

>> No.50732669

Not to mention the times where you insulted team members either directly or indirectly. I’m convinced you’re a troll all along, know what you are doing and achieved your goal which is to make kadena look bad as you have done in this very thread.

>> No.50732676

You are making kadena look bad.

>> No.50732729

I understand you fell for their anime cute charm but you are blindly defending someone’s behavior on discord when you aren’t even there. Just stop.

>> No.50732772

I’ve seen 99% of the posts. I think you’re being hypersensitive.

>> No.50732804

You have provided absolutely no source for any of your claims, how do you expect me to believe you.
Explain to me what you remember she said, you can make it up if you want too just give me more than "anecdotally" and "all those times" and "you obviously aren’t reading discord" and "wall of text" and "called team incompetent".
What exactly did she say.

Kadena fans or Nuwu enjoyers?

>> No.50732855

Kadena the monstrous oppressor vs poor little anime dev

Manipulative af i’m going to puke. and to think there are people who fell for the anime avatars and defending this fake metoo movement against kadena

>> No.50732858

Discord defender saying there were direct and indirect insults and implying it has been severe autistic outburst in any capacity and not lighthearted criticism.
>Extremely minor issue, aaaaa panic
The only "bad" thing has been they were a lot of tiny things to fix all at once hence the "wall of texts" making it seem very harsh to someone when really it was just feedback on things to add to a shortlist for small things to fix or look at.

>> No.50732871

Again, why so angry?
It’s light critique to improve the future of the project and community.

>> No.50732877

Are you a woman? You use words like that even though you're the one embodying exact word that you use. Female behavior.
Do you wanna go out or something haha, we can get icecream

>> No.50732969

Sad to see so many people falling for the cute anime charm and stuttering

>> No.50732987

Do you want to explain why you have another ID now?

>> No.50732988

Sad to see so many 1pbtids.

>> No.50733300


>> No.50733321

hello everyone :3

>> No.50733444
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i-ive never posted badly written walls of criticism on dascord (although some screenshots got reposted). never ins*lted the team nor the community in any kind of way either. its concerning you can make such a fatal mistake of judgement and misleading claims without introspection
like >>50732635 is saying you must be mistaking me with someone else
i only shared those criticisms to help kadenya improve its first impression for new pact devs which used to be insufficient
>Blame everyone including the Kadena
im not blaming kadena for anything
>you earned yourself another hater
s-still love you

>> No.50733471
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>s-still love you
even after all the MANIPULATIVE HATE being thrown at CUTE DEV, she still loves her (female).
So strong. Truly heartbreaking, I am crying.

>> No.50733502
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>Amazing feedback - thank you. I sent it to stuart.

>> No.50733503

Now that that is done!
Who wants to explain to me how I cold brew tea? do I just throw it in cold water with some ice circles

>> No.50734146

prob was banned because she for some reason hates phones and phone numbers so had to use a fake phone number which was flagged by discord

>> No.50734188

Thank you emily

>> No.50734230

emily has a tripcode you retard

captcha WJM R8

>> No.50734241

Thank you stuart

>> No.50734252


>> No.50734281

Which one do you guys think is gonna be the "main" dex for Kadena a year from now, Kaddex or KDSwap?
I'm thinking about throwing a large stack into one of their native tokens while things are cheap
Kaddex looks a bit more advanced with more options like the DAO and other stuff....but I see KDSwap allows custom token pairs while Kaddex doesn't

>> No.50734305

KDX is dead.
KDS could be good but lacks things.
I think a new dex will become the main dex, short term though, no idea

>> No.50734452
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Kaddex is less advanced.
The only advanced parts of Kaddex are their ponzinomics because it's the only thing their investors care about.
KDSwap is currently the best one, but their decision to launch KDL and KDS token instead of using the same token to raise money twice is lame-o.
Token locking and vesting
Community Added Tokens

There are more things, but who cares really it's beating a dead horse.

>> No.50734585

i made kadena

>> No.50734714

You seem like a really good developer, I hate the kadena team for doing this to you. They mustn't get away with it.
How do we make them face the consequences of their actions?

If you've never done anything wrong then they did something very wrong. Something is seriously wrong there. Did they target you based on who you are and what they know about you? Are they bigots

>> No.50734782
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>I hate the kadena team for doing this to you. They mustn't get away with it.
>How do we make them face the consequences of their actions?
Not suspicious at all post.

>> No.50734869

>Another idiot falls for the cutesy anime avatar bullshit
A simple anime avatar and then people will defend you for free

>> No.50734921

Why do you falseflag with 1pbtid's?
Please stop.

>> No.50735018

Probably Kaddex

>> No.50735082
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i-im retraded and useless. dapp i wanted to make was only supposed to be a sample wiki without any impressive math or mechanism. im sorry for spinning my anxieties here
kadenya never did anything significantly wrong to me. my emotions only grow from how the general environment is evolving, which is well summarized by >>50732020

>> No.50735176

You're not useless. You're a strong smart cute developer and what you were making was really important because it would lower the barrier to entry. People love wikis, they make everything so much simpler. You are a great loss to the community if you decide to quit. Make sure you tell us what you'll work on next so we can support you in any way <3 <3 <3
Give up on this community if you must but don't give up on your skills. You're so beautiful ok

>> No.50735480

i dont fuck with Kadena dApps cause they’re fucking shit. that and the fact that there arent many

polygon has way better dApps and more than 30,000 of then while you’re at it

>> No.50735536
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GPT trained on Benchods.

>> No.50735742
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t-thanx anone
my stupid contracts are available here https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmb5hT5TGXmPyJKqdFxmkrqTt6hZoFRnbmJpopyrziMTiw
you can already use it as a framework for oracles and daos. ive made a frontend but im not feeling well doing anything within the kadena environment

>> No.50735989

when will this shitcoin pump

>> No.50736018
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>That way, miners get not just ETH, or just BTC, or any single token, but rather a constellation of gifts from built-in apps, as a kind incentive for them to keep contributing to the network's security. Everyone wins on this exchange.

>> No.50737070

Have you tried posting like a normal person? I am guessing you were banned for being an annoying weeb.

>> No.50737172

I rate Will J Martino a solid 7 out if 10.

>> No.50737277

Stop with the victim blaming already

>> No.50737316
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>> No.50737317

Stop samefagging.

>> No.50737357

mentally ill

>> No.50737429

Sisters I read this comment somewhere, what do you think? Im pretty sure the guy is full of shit but there are people in here way smarter than me to produce a rebuttal

>If you understand Kadena's structure well, you understand Eth2.
>Kadena's structure is not as elegant as Eth2. Eth2 structure is not as elegant as Cardano.
>Here is how Kadena scales. They have multiple blockchains that communicate with each other. The COST OF COMMUNICATION is minimized by the degree diameter problem. Degree diameter is a way to create social graph between blockchains that makes communication efficient. The number of nodes(blockchains) is maximized while minimizing the degree(neighboring chains) for a certain diameter(how many blockchains does an interchain txn travers). You want to minimize the degrees because data is duplicated between chains to allow for INTERCHAIN TXN. You also want the diameter to be low because if your txn traverses 2 block chains with 20 second blocks, thats a 40 second settlement time.
>How does Kadena differ from Eth2? Eth2 is taking a master/slave architecture where all the sharded blockchains communicate between each other through a central chain(the beacon/relay chain). This central chain has decentralized ownership. >Sound familiar to Tron or Ripple?
>Kadena has no future. Eth2 will kill it.... if Eth2 wins.

Emily if you’re lurking pls say something

>> No.50737668
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When did he post that? I assume a year ago or something.
Because in case you didn't know, Eth fucking dropped that idea because it was technically un-fucking-workable. An explosion in complexity so large, it made vitalik shit himself. Read more about it here https://vitalik.ca/general/2022/03/29/road.html
>>Kadena's structure is not as elegant as Eth2
Both the old and new version are less elegant than Chainweb.
Chainweb is literally as simple as bitcoin itself, I highly doubt there can be anything more elegant. I really do.

>> No.50737687
File: 290 KB, 850x1512, sample-66fb36ffb22e7c66a207b4d62c196b1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eth2 structure is not as elegant as Cardano.
Stopped reading

>> No.50737723

kadena: bitcoin + graph theory
eth and eth2: spaghetti

which is more elegant?

>> No.50737735

>When did he post that?
A couple hours ago. On a Substack comments section.

So its indeed technicality-decorated bullshit. Good to know. I’m not parting with my babenas.

>> No.50737760

Even if he was right, he's not saying anything
>it's less elegant
ok so what?

But to get something about ETH wrong this hard is kind of, scary. You'd think people who care enough to post about crypto would know about ETHs plans

>> No.50737895
File: 33 KB, 250x250, fa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k-kadena still hasnt solved issues with individual chain censorship
if someone were to make some hypothetical single sided dex, it would get bullied by kdx baggies until all users move on. doesnt even have to be coordinated or anything

>> No.50737925

Do you not like dougs reply to this problem? Why would you mine le empty block

>> No.50737928

The thing that irked me the most is this

> You also want the diameter to be low because if your txn traverses 2 block chains with 20 second blocks, thats a 40 second settlement time.

I mean I’m not a brainiac by any means but doesn’t more chains mean that the block time is REDUCED instead of multiplied? Some anon came up with calculations for throughput a while ago and essentially stated that provided enough usage, the braided architecture allows for shorter block times or something like that.

But you’re right. mETHeads are sniffing their own farts so much that don’t even account for Vitalik’s own words. What a shitshow is going to be come September.

>> No.50737941
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>You'd think people who care enough to post about crypto would know about ETHs plans
Are you not aware of r/buttcoins existence? You are in some kind of autistic safe space if you think the average person who posts about crypto cares about anything except finding information to support their poor choices. I really did stop reading when I saw him call Cardano elegant.

>> No.50737957
File: 3.01 MB, 498x429, ta756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-already explained sammers wont mine empty block but competing dapps on the same chain

>> No.50737966

He was talking about sending coins from chain 0 to chain 141241, at most it would need to hop 7 times which means 30s x 7 in time.
The thing you are talking about is when, lets say we have an image board on chain and write to the chain that will produce the next block the quickest, since it doesn't matter where the tx ends up you can optimize speed I guess. Would also work by writing to all chains at once thanos said.

>> No.50737981

ghost app is my favorite app on ghost chain

>> No.50737988

That's enough. Bend over and offer your boypussies to me RIGHT NOW, you sissy sluts.

>> No.50737994

Every chain except ETH and BSC are ghost chains.

>> No.50738007

Tron does lots of stable coin volume haha

>> No.50738033

like, a disturbing amount of stable coin volume

>> No.50738056
File: 73 KB, 1200x900, kemo6898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k-kindelia is incredibly easy to work with
takes 10s to compile the whole thing and start playing around with repl, with comparable or better performance than ghc if we believe the benchmarks

>> No.50738065

you should follow the technology and community you believe in
if you keep getting burned by kadena you shouldn't waste your time trying to help them

>> No.50738088


Also, if KDA ever needs to duplicate its chains 17 times, I believe the adoption will be such that blocktime won’t even be an issue. Hell, BTC is 10 minutes.

>> No.50738099

just cause humanity gets wiped out by ai doesn’t mean all the stuff that came before that meant nothing

>> No.50738101

why what?

>> No.50738154

I don't understand why the tron tether printer needs to be on chain. Everybody using it knows whats up.

>> No.50738244

yeah the latest dog coin on bsc is a REAL coin bro

>> No.50738288
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>> No.50738306

It was made by real people and bought by an actual community while every dapp on every other chain is a VC funded tech demo. Tell me what L1 you like so we can laugh at you.

>> No.50738354
File: 285 KB, 2927x2130, 8389734579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but BSC is shit
>No you are just jealous of the superior TVL/github updates/unique wallets/easily gamable statistic that my chain is the bestest at
You are gay.

I no longer even need to read your replies.

>> No.50738421

who are you defending here lmao, bsc? a VC funded AWS tech demo?
>bought by a community
of retards. read my posts to find out what L1 i like

>> No.50738430
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>> No.50738467

>who are you defending here
KDA brainlet. My point was the word ghostchain is meaningless because every L1 except ETH and BSC are ghostchains and BSC sucks so you are left with ETH and the ghostchains.

>> No.50738495
File: 43 KB, 344x466, 4b429074b0694e0ea01fbb6d735b248c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH and the ghostchains.
This would be a good name for a Christian rock band.

>> No.50738523

your definition of ghostchain does not match mine, bsc brainlet

>> No.50738638

Why there are 7 hops at most? Isn’t there any shortcut? Also assuming say 1000 chains which it would put KDA at a ridiculous usage by any measure, what’s the most hops it would need?

>> No.50738685

We call them ghost chains because like ghost towns where there is nobody living in the buildings in a ghost chain there are no people actually using the dapps which are just VC funny money shufflers. Nigger.

>> No.50738738

you. go back.

>> No.50738770

>go back
I've been here all summer.

>> No.50738784

I say 7 because realistically we don't be needing more than a million chains

>> No.50738785
File: 346 KB, 700x694, Screenshot 2022-08-04 at 20.12.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we decide what our FUCKING logo is? Not only do we have the ugliest logo to fundamentals ratio possible, we can't even decide on one shitty logo but have multiple ugly ones. If you ask me, it's not dapps that's missing, it's a fucking logo that represents the fundamentals of KDA in its quality. The best chain should have the best logo as well.

>> No.50738788

nice meme

>> No.50738805

the blue/purple logo is literally that, its a web in the background

>> No.50738820
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>> No.50738861
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some reddit guy made this once

>> No.50738894
File: 483 KB, 640x833, 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topleft is very good

>> No.50738953

one of those it's the kotlin logo

>> No.50738961

When the corrupt KDA leadership falls, who will be left to turn to? You? Or will you have left us? Does Franscesco really control the namespaces? So if he loses the keys, no dapps can ever be launched?

>> No.50738973

I personally enjoy Kadena's search engine!
Honorary mention to Kadena's YouTube clone as well, very deserved.

>> No.50739016

I need you to fucking stay. I've been lurking on you for a year without saying anything, but we need you. How else would we figure out deeply technical issues that we can't understand even if they were right in front of our eyes? You are an unsung hero.

>> No.50739202


>> No.50739265

>a kick in the heart.
Unironically listen to this. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wHzn8SXBVLKoLbUFrwi7e?si=359473f8cf1e405c
And consider the following: In conjunction with meds you need to practice Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Corrupt, unpleasant KDA community giving you bad feelings? If you remove yourself from this situation, you confirm that entities other than yourself decide how you feel. In accordance with CBT you should do exposure therapy, i.e., stay with KDA, remove focus from thoughts and feelings related to the unpleasant devs/team/community/whatever members, and continue working on the only scalable blockchain. It's like you're working on the first space rocket with asshole colleagues, so you decide to go work on a kid's sandcastle instead.

>> No.50739455
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>> No.50739479

I clicked the links and it stole all my kadena.. uhh sisters...!!?

>> No.50739526

>not feeling well doing anything within the kadena environment

"Avoidance is typically considered a maladaptive behavioral response to excessive fear and anxiety," - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5879019/

Avoiding the KDA environment only serves to confirm to your mind that the feelings you're feeling are warranted, meaning that if you encounter a similarly negative entity in the mana-scam chain environment, you'll have to switch environments again. Do you have OCD unironically?

>> No.50739722

Fresh pasta, nice

>> No.50739751

al dente

>> No.50739779

>all this drama
yup this is a Kadena thread alright

>> No.50740332
File: 41 KB, 500x248, ta64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corrupt KDA leadership
kda isnt really corrupt but everyone is increasingly obsessed with their meaningless bags while being oblivious to truth. this is not a healthy environment i feel contributing to, especially considering bringing more users implies putting them into the same troubles
none of the dapp that have been launching have fair or decentralized tokenomics, aside from maybe babena which ironically is the only one ignored by the team
- kaddex rewards mechanism is literally about using investor funds to feed arbitrage bots, while massively inflating the pools only kaddex controls most (kda/kdx). if we take into account the fact they also control 100% of their "dao" allocation, this means the vast majority of supply will be inflated toward kaddex insiders. and not to mention the constant false advertising (making such a fundamental issue like single sided liquidity look like a joke). this wouldnt be a problem if it were just a nameless dapp, but the fact kadena team has such deep bags into this is seriously off putting.
- timpi has a flat supply, which is absurd for a search engine, and less decentralized than google in many aspects if you seriously consider the issues of governance and access to information
- other dapps are very similar to already existing eth project without anything interesting
t-thanx but all my feedbacks are ignored unless they are repeated by someone else with more social reputation
>smart-contract language with optimal lambda reduction, own theorem prover and much faster performance than ghc is a sandcastle
s-small project can grow very quickly. only concern is if this somehow becomes abandonware, but the team seems very autistic so i doubt they will give up on anything until perfected
kadena is not the only scalable blockchain. chainweb is an improvement over big block but thats it. zk is improving and its just a matter of time
>mana-scam chain
clueless deceptive non-argument. filtered.

>> No.50740595

>never ins*lted the team nor the community in any kind of way either

>ive never posted anything remotely impolite

everyone is increasingly obsessed with their meaningless bags while being oblivious to truth. this is not a healthy environment i feel contributing to, especially considering bringing more users implies putting them into the same troubles
translation: Kadena’s future is all doom and gloom including their traded currency
>none of the dapp that have been launching have fair or decentralized tokenomics, aside from maybe babena which ironically is the only one ignored by the team
translation: everything on kadena besides babena is a scam
>kaddex rewards mechanism is literally about using investor funds to feed arbitrage bots, while massively inflating the pools only kaddex controls most (kda/kdx). if we take into account the fact they also control 100% of their "dao" allocation, this means the vast majority of supply will be inflated toward kaddex insiders. and not to mention the constant false advertising (making such a fundamental issue like single sided liquidity look like a joke). this wouldnt be a problem if it were just a nameless dapp, but the fact kadena team has such deep bags into this is seriously off putting.
translation: kaddex is a scam

You are entitled to your opinion and you can share but I can’t take your lying anymore. You were in the discord basically saying how devs were incompetent and implied someone like you should be on payroll instead. Don’t think I don’t remember even if your posts got deleted. Stop the complete Bullshit of acting innocent and throwing Kadena under the bus and how it’s all fair because your posts are “well meaning”. You can dupe some of these people with your carefully selected cute anime avatars but you can’t fool me. Remember where is smoke there is fire. She didn’t get banned for no reason and she isn’t as innocent as she says she is.

>> No.50740677

You are actually retarded

>> No.50740713
File: 310 KB, 500x359, ByEI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devs were incompetent and implied someone like you should be on payroll instead
never said anything remotely like this. filtered.

>> No.50740715

There is an annoying bot that bans everyone who doesn't click the verification link in DM when entering Kadena discord
Anyone with DM closed or who does not trust links from random bots gets banned

>> No.50740768

predictably her “followers” blindly support the bullshit lies and call me names. nice ad hominem hon. keep being fooled by the bullshit you think she is some whistleblower but little do you know she is on a mission to seek and destroy. Fuck her and Fuck you.

>> No.50740803

yes like how you never said anything bad about kadena but continue to every single thread. if anyone needs to be filtered its YOU. go make your own kadelina or whatever the fuck it is thread

>> No.50740858

You got filtered on discord by acting like a bitch. But can’t take the heat yourself? It bothers you so much when someone speaks “the truth”? I see how it works now

>> No.50740874
File: 31 KB, 500x498, 3c41518c3325035ef65308ae735c142c--taiyou-no-ie-mao-manga-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endangered baggy immediately starts spouting lies and insults to whoever express any criticisms
t-thanks for providing an example of how bad the kadena community is growing to be. really dont see myself keeping up with kyadeno
i cant heawr y-you

>> No.50741029

>endangered baggy
explain how Kadena’s traded currency is endangered in any way. yes another doom and gloom potshot by the well meaning poster. not surprised anymore

im also done dragging this on. Its not good for my mental health but hopefully some of you see it for what it is now

Remember its all “well meaning” LOL

>> No.50741061
File: 66 KB, 750x750, 67017ea5193538df3a50b4aebb9579eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e-explain why the kadena token is needed

>> No.50741149

you should honestly apologize to the community and the devs. maybe then your haters will stop calling you out on your Bullshit and stop being a hater one day but no sign of stopping only increasing your usual Kadena doom gloom its over but cute anime

>> No.50741269

>wake up and decide to hardcore bully her because cute
>make up bogus stories of her being a complete bitch on discord
>she gets flustered

>> No.50741309
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>> No.50741314

love you kissu

>> No.50741392
File: 1.46 MB, 1849x1997, 1635802718369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-thanx but all my feedbacks are ignored unless they are repeated by someone else with more social reputation
This is a fundamental human problem and not exclusive to Kadena.
Emily is doing 4chan outreach, the most democratic and equal online discussion platform.
She should drop in more often though, make Kadena pay her for it, with an extra title, Kadena Communications Outreach.

I'm interested to hear why you flipped on Kaddex, it should be obvious that they are both incompetent and have malicious intent, you protected them solely to be contrarian.
Do you unironically have HPD?

>> No.50741401

no one in crypto wants to work or program something
everything is a scam and the only purpose of crypto is to sell at a higher point than your buy-in
the "dev" team obviously doesn't want to work and you are making them

>> No.50741423

>I don't feel like contributing
Except you have been in each of the threads since forever attention posting. Submit PR's like Emily suggested, or leave lmao. Imagine subjecting yourself to stress on the daily, Jesus Christ.

>> No.50741560

>aside from maybe babena which ironically is the only one ignored by the team
>- kaddex rewards mechanism is literally about using investor funds to feed arbitrage bots, while massively inflating the pools only kaddex controls most (kda/kdx). if we take into account the fact they also control 100% of their "dao" allocation, this means the vast majority of supply will be inflated toward kaddex insiders. and not to mention the constant false advertising (making such a fundamental issue like single sided liquidity look like a joke). this wouldnt be a problem if it were just a nameless dapp, but the fact kadena team has such deep bags into this is seriously off putting.
>zk is improving and its just a matter of time
Reply to me >>50732317

>> No.50741580

>implied someone like you should be on payroll instead.
She would never say that you schizo.

>> No.50741608

>ts not good for my mental health but hopefully some of you see it for what it is now
Dude all we see is that you are fucked in the head.
You should apologize for needlessly accusing someone of something they never did and ruining a normal thread

>> No.50741620


>> No.50741737

yes, hence the word "implied"
look it up in a dictionary

>> No.50741754

I made it up but never said she doesn’t deserve it. she is very annoying and aggressively pessimistic at times. fuck off i can tell you are mentally cucked by anime posters the stuff not even money can fix

>> No.50741778

anon pipe down for a sec
You are mentally ill.

>> No.50741928

Of course I am. i hate looking at your cringe 81 posts in thread ID. it is driving me insane. i cant wait to move on from kadena talk about a great project and an interesting community. Fuck off white knight fag

>> No.50741968


>> No.50742031

>he can’t dark triad

>> No.50742055
File: 714 KB, 1382x1334, 1633727361250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course I am.
You could be a lot worse, you could be a dumb frog poster!

>> No.50742132
File: 595 KB, 784x509, 1631096637673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one likes or wants you here. You're free to leave. Bullying autistic people isn't something one can be proud of even if you claim to be le edgy dark triad to cope with the fact that you're subhuman.
Talking to you, I'm just reminded that I should be grateful that I'm the most normal poster, harboring no psychological issues that are ruining my life.

>> No.50742249

I am happy for you faggot i didn’t ask for your life story. i am autistic too please have patience.

I am Sorry Nuwu or whatever your name is. you can keep your opinions or find a way to communicate in a way the team might care. try email. stop badgering people with info

>> No.50742465

>try email. stop badgering people with info
best advice she will get in her life. faggots like >>50742132 did nothing but cheerlead the autism thats getting her banned from discord

>> No.50742472


>> No.50742539

>I am actually a hero for bullying and manipulating people for 11 hours straight.
I wish I was you bro you're so cool

>> No.50742691

You were not in discord fag. when you act smug with vulnerable info there is a problem with delivery. might as well be saying pay me instead or can be interpreted that way by some. Fuck off girldick chaser

>> No.50742773

You think that you had enough attention today?

>> No.50742811

>89 posts by this ID

>> No.50742864

What does a lot of replies have to do with wanting attention.
We will never know

>> No.50742899

Kadena trannies are top tier materiale to mess with in your spare time

>> No.50742937
File: 16 KB, 380x197, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i dont know anymore. i dont desire anything other than trying to be helpful
considering everything i wrote in this thread, its too late. i should move away from kadenya and try to be forgotten
*humanity is meaningless even if it doesnt get wiped out
>not exclusive to Kadena
b-but if kadena is just like other platforms there is no reason to stick with it
>interested to hear why you flipped on Kaddex
i wanted to believe we could pretend it didnt exist.

>> No.50742965

Hey bro cope harder bitch. it is you who crave all the attention so you projected by saying someone else does

>> No.50743021

You should desire your own happiness. Being helpful at the expense of the psychopaths who tell you to keep putting effort into talking to the team even when they don't want the help, isn't a good thing. If you had an abundance mindset of infinite positivity then you should keep doing it but it looks like you're filled with fear. If you want to help you should have more realistic expectations of people being scumbags

>> No.50743027

I will cope hard and after 5 minutes I won't be coping, and you'll still be mentally ill.

>> No.50743087

>spending a whole day trying to target a beautiful woman with slanderous accusations
It's not even a holiday. How could he do this?

>> No.50743092

Of all the flavors in the world you chose salty. triggered responses are a meme retard
>93 posts by this ID
>every thread
>mentally ill
Cope and seethe faggot

>> No.50743150

>Of all the flavors in the world you chose salty.
Was that an attempt at a joke? lol

>> No.50743165

Why do people with anime profile pictures think that they're now suddenly absolved of all agency?
It's like they throw themselves off a cliff and expect everyone else to catch them

>> No.50743207

So many 1pbti guys that reply to the latest post and not a single old one while knowing the entire thread's history and then leaving.
The fresh organic sent is so comfy

>> No.50743247

>turns schizo as the final boss move
Okay now done with this poor attention deprived guy

>> No.50743259

You know what was the worst thing about her post in the discord?
That condescending attitude. She was asking demeaning questions and lecturing to the devs like a parent would a child. Instead of just explaining the issue up front, she couldn't resist showing off her knowledge. Nobody had to see any of that. Thank God none of you were there. It was so cringe that I wanted to erase my memories.

>> No.50743269

>poor attention deprived
using my own jokes due to inability to come up with original ones, sad

>> No.50743395
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Hey shut the fuck up. This is now a frog thread

>> No.50743430
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, frogposter passing by. How well does Kaddex work compared to SundaeSwap. Is it a proof of concept for Kadena?

>> No.50743448
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>> No.50743451

Ruining our comfy drama thread

>> No.50744251
File: 18 KB, 201x192, bo235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should desire your own happiness.
t-this is probably right but i dont know why i have a hard time accepting this. it doesnt matter what i do it will be meaningless and useless in the end
>looks like you're filled with fear
feels like ive never experienced anything else other than fears
>you should have more realistic expectations of people being scumbags
im fine being used

>> No.50744432
File: 127 KB, 900x900, ab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks for everything

>> No.50745182

the only thing i want to use is your bussy

>> No.50747285

Sleep well, princess.