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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5069497 No.5069497 [Reply] [Original]

I’m seeing everyone on forums, telegram, and discord saying REQ is going to be over $1 EOY. I’m holding like 5k and have for a while, I was thinking $1 maybe Q2 2018. Why is REQ getting so much hype all over the web? Search data shows a surging popularity

>> No.5069774

REQ will not hit a dollar by the EOY.

I say this as someone who is both confident in and a coin holder of REQ. That kind of explosive growth is unrealistic considering the market cap.

It will see gains next year throughout the first couple of quarters are crypto gains traction and mainstream support and investment.

>> No.5069963

40 cents EOY

>> No.5070027

Because people are coming to realize that REQ is going to destroy OMG, feelsbad to be a skateboard fag.

>> No.5070031

>REQ will not hit a dollar by the EOY.
you're really underestimating this market

>> No.5070048

Agreed, REQ could easily hit $1

>> No.5070052

When I see a coin shilled as hard as REQ, this represents overwhelming evidence to avoid it. Be smart anon.

>> No.5070083

Shilled from 4-5 cents, fuck up pajeet.

>> No.5070142

Because their ux designs are so pretty. They have the best aesthetics out of any of the coins out there and the service they are requesting is very viable for adaptation, even with the normies.

>> No.5070193

It was like 5 cents a month ago, 25 now. Only 4x from here, possible.
I'm thinking like 50-60 cents EOY if we are lucky, if not +35 cents

>> No.5070645

thanks for the advice, it only went x5 since it got shilled

>> No.5070715

it wasn't shilled until it started mooning x2.
All pajeets got into it when they fomoed but before that, there were some real threads with good infos

>> No.5070753

bro REQ tards were making threads since ICO. Only more hyped ICO than REQ in the last 3 months on biz has been chainlink

>> No.5070770

People are way too excited about it. It's looking good, looking for steady growth, but not $1 EOY, that is impossible. Maybe it will consolidate around .23-3 cents.

$1 can be hit around Q3 next year.

Shilled from .05 cents. It dipped to .03 in the days after that. Don't be stupid.

>> No.5070844

Chainlink has half the supply of REQ, and REQ will reach a dollar before Link does.

Deluded linkies should be shot, I swear.

>> No.5070951

It's gotten so "popular" in crypto that normie investors with actual shekels are probably starting to look into it. They'll note credentials like having made moneytis, being a YCombinator and ING selected development team and they'll see the scope of what this fintech is trying to achieve and that they are ahead of any competition.

Req is going to be one of the most explosive coins over the next 3 months. Normie "smart" money will fomo in and normie dumb money will fomo in too shortly after.

Meanwhile crypto dumb money will sit holding ark bags or get a measly 3x on their omisego.

>> No.5071529

This desu. Colossus release next week is going to easily x2 this thing imo. God knows what will happen after the base layer goes live in Q1 2018.

>> No.5071729

OMG rode to a $1billion cap wth zero product and pure hype. REQ team doesn't hype AT ALL and instead are just delivering their platform ahead of roadmap. This shit is going to be a 1billion cap by February.

>> No.5071824

Ark will be $10, not saying because I'm an ark holder, I sold at $5 when it hit it about 2.5 months ago, I'm not holding it anymore.

If /biz/ could learn TA, I can guarantee /biz/ would become a millionaire hangout.

>> No.5071858

thanks for your advice crypto master.


>> No.5072043

TA is for fags. This is why women won't fuck you, anon, because you are a virgin crypto TA fag.

>> No.5072153

We're having an update soon
Dips have become more shallow and irregular.
Web presence is increasing.

At this point it all looks like a breakout is imminent. And still a part of me hopes this is just hollow hype so I can day-trade the shit out of.
Gotta restrain myself and avoid trading tomorrow to study the turf.

>> No.5072193

Probably 0.8 by EOY

next year it will easily reach 10$.

>> No.5072235

this is also why i love REQ. They aint hyping, they fucking work. Quite the opposide to IOTA and OMG.

>> No.5072292

Guys we need to shill this coin harder. It's such an easy shill

From 4k to 9k reddit subscribers in a week. We need to grow this exposure exponentially. We're on the ground floor right now.

>> No.5072328

Depends on the market senpai

REQ hitting $1 by Q3 next year seems 'unrealistic' in this bull market. Req hitting $1 by march next year seems more realistic.

Time doesn't apply to Crypto

And that's why TAfags are 99% richer than /biz/.

>> No.5072352

easiest way to buy?

>> No.5072382

implying the most deluded of the linkies didn't hedge their stack with REQ specifically because of news that REQ will be using LINK. get ABSOLUTELY fucking SLAIN, nigger

>> No.5072400


>> No.5072405


>> No.5072529

jerking me off

>> No.5072568

I've been trading crypto for about one month. I spent about two days on coinbase but wanted to get in on those sweet sweet alts.

However I also want to make money, so I did the research and now I'm treating each coin like stock in the company (at least for long holds)

REQ probably won't $1 by EOY. REQ will probably $1 at Great Wall.

Just keep holding this fucker. I'm plowing shitcoins profits into REQ and not even looking at what it's doing

>> No.5072608

I got in on req yesterday. After reading about it I can't stop seeing actual usage scenarios for the actual technology itself. If this test next week is successful it'll hit $1 by the end of the month

>> No.5072829

>populous only has an alpha out
>OMG is still a whitepaper project
>both worth over 1b

and you brainlets dont think REQ can reach 650m with a working beta

>> No.5073029

I'm a little confused, why would we want the tokens themselves, when the platform works with any coin?

>> No.5073064

why do req fags have an inferiority complex to all the coins with good marketing (eg. omg, ioata, trx) it is honestly making me want to dump mine

>> No.5073075
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>> No.5073079

using platform burns REQ tokens

>> No.5073097

for a large generation of bizlets here, this was their first altcoin.

>> No.5073113
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>> No.5073139

So if I wanted to send an invoice through the request network. I would need REQ to do so?

>> No.5073188

What test is this? I'm thinking of getting about 8k REQ

>> No.5073287

It all makes sense now, no wonder /biz/ is shilling REQ hard.

I'll stay clear of these 2. Any coin that gets shilled hard on /biz/ fails 95% of the time.

I suggest you start doing/following experts that do TAs if you want to make profits.

>b-but hodl xD
Hold what? The only shit I'm holding long term is BTC/LTC/Eth and POWR. The rest is under 14 days. 10-20% profits per day.

>> No.5073494
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staying away is most def a good idea

>> No.5073523

the midnight UTC pump is happening again

>> No.5073565

are you seriously flexing 2.5k lmao

>> No.5073874

percentage gain retard

>> No.5073964
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what app is this

>> No.5073967

they will coexist

>> No.5074019

is everyone here a newfag or something?

>> No.5074020

I thought people who said iota would hit $5 this year were delusional faggots. In the end twas I who was the delusionist

>> No.5074039


>> No.5074046

yes, actually. just trying to learn something new, friend. thanks for the info

>> No.5074067

bit the bullet and sold at 4.1, cant believe it hit the floor lol

>> No.5074201

Req's Twitter follows 13 people. Two days ago they followed the ceo of coinbase. Both are ycomb projects. What if the long term goal is to integrate with coinbase so cb can accept and sell any and all alts and fiats?

>> No.5074565

You do realise that there's coin mooning opportunities every single day right?

Steem, EOS, Steem Dollars (Which will hit about $30 soon), Bitshares, ADA, RDD, RCN, Cofound it just to name a few.

>> No.5075263
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honest take on REQ pic related

hold this shit we going to a $1 by jan/feb.

>> No.5075424
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>REQ had a healthy growth
>gets posted on /biz/
>gets dumped

I've been following most of the coins that get shilled on /biz/ during a positive growth stage, and about an hour later, they get dumped. Every single fucking time.

>> No.5075585

if you think REQ is a bad investment you should go neck yourself now.

>> No.5075586

Last time they followed somebody, it was Kyber, then announced their partnership the next day. I don't believe this is a coincidence.

>> No.5075630

sorry to destroy your fantasy but Biz doesn't control the market. sorry. look at what time zones REQ pumps. not burgers. not europes. yes, asia's. asia doesnt care about biz sorry.

>> No.5075709

Literally one of the least shilled coins on /biz/

>> No.5075975

I never said that /biz/ controls the market. What I'm saying is, Pump and Dump scheduled coins get shilled on /biz/ and /biz/ buys in, only for the PnD groups to pull out.

>> No.5076002


>> No.5076015

this image gives me a fucking boner every time

>> No.5076176

These retards are severely underestimating today's market. A few months ago I would have agreed that 500m marketcap was way out of line at this stage. But today? With BTC near 20k? Just take a look at the marketcap growth of the top coins in the past month. It's insane. We're in a full on bull market and if you don't think Paypal 2.0 can capitalize on the current insanity in crypto you honestly deserve to miss the massive gains that are coming.

>> No.5076222

request network is going to have a partnership with coinbase once mainnet goes live. $250 q2 2019 screencap this.

>> No.5076230

>thinking /biz/ is about having money instead of making money
lmao you newfags just love shitting up everything you touch

>> No.5076246

bastards trying to pump and dump it again

>> No.5076249

>traders live normal hours
Who the fuck knows.

>> No.5076397

You are the definition of dumb money

>> No.5076680

It starts every night about 12:30 GMT. Koreans I am assuming. They have tanked the price to accumulate, they put up massive sell walls forcing ti down and are now collecting all the cheap bags with their buy walls. They will either pump it later or tomorrow at the same time unless they get bored and move onto the next fad. I swear to god these fuckers doing this have a routine and they go through a list of coins in order every night and pump and or dump them as they see fit for that evening. twats. Either its the bug peo0ple or it's a P&D discord whale group. Either way its fucking lame.. but yeah, it will pump later or tomorrow so chill.

>> No.5076875

someone should edit the trap meme to have POWR instead of BCH

>> No.5077315


We can't pass 0.0004ETH, it's so fucking annoying. It's been like that for a few days now.

>> No.5077395

Great swing gains though.

>> No.5077469

i have no doubts left about this coin. the only problem is that i only have 10000 of them and cant get anymore without risky shitcoin trading

>> No.5077750

Ok I'm really wishing I sold at 39500 earlier then put a low buy order in and closed the graph. Jesus christ what a slaughter.

>> No.5077854
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I wish you didn’t make me just look at the trades and book

>> No.5077880

Shit like this makes me feel bad about the entire market. It's so fucking manipulated. I just hope we don't end up holding the bags and whales cash out.

>> No.5077923

Ehh, I just quit trying to day trade with Req, too many false peaks/dips. It will pump again and the floor will rise each time it does.

>> No.5077953

What I should start doing is buying extra REQ I don't want during huge dumps and selling it when it recovers. Because these are artificial as fuck. Wish I'd done it just then when it dove to 33500 in 10 minutes from 38000.

>> No.5077957

Can’t be too critical of it though, you could easily be one of the ones saying “fuck I sold at .000395 I hope it at least drops to .00042 so my stack isn’t too ruined”

Just hold, anon, this is a top 10 coin

>> No.5077998
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>> No.5078033

That's why I've made more money than most of /biz/ that buy just before a coin reaches all time highs and gets dumped. AKA What is happening right now to REQ

Learn to TA faggot.

>> No.5078058

every alt is getting dumped you dumb nig.

>> No.5078181

we back niggas

>> No.5078203

TA doesn't predict dumps like this until maybe minutes before. And this wasn't an ATH. It's kind of obvious you joined the game fairly recently and read a few threads about TA. Then you looked at a chart and said "muh doji" spent no money in the process and are now larping in a req thread about how your fantasies came true. Or maybe they didn't and now you're getting off on pretending you did call this. Anyways check back in a couple days at most and you'll find your comment pretty invalid.

>> No.5078281
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Wow damn, TA's don't predict dumps, how will I ever compete in this market? You're right, TA's don't predict dumps, but what they do make is 10-25% profits everyday when you do them. Think about that. 10-25% profits per day is what will make you rich, not the next 'mooning' coin.

>> No.5078353

By your broad 10% profits comment it sounds like you're talking compounding interest when Id like to let you know people who use TA (not TA's) don't throw all their shit. And if you're so against all of these mooning coins why are you here spreading negativity. Just lurk some other thread that fits you. Unless you're FUDing in which case go for it.

>> No.5078435

>And if you're so against all of these mooning coins why are you here spreading negativity
Lurking here for quite a while has taught me one thing, never trust /biz/ on anything. I've monitored every coin that /biz/ shills, and they aren't even doing well. They just keep getting dumped, and dumped again and again. Here's a tip. Get on any coin that doesn't get shilled on /biz/, because by the time /biz/ hears about it, it's already too late.

Upsetting /biz/ on their silly financial decisions is one of my favourite things to do on 4chan. Every single post, no matter if it's delivered by God himself, should be taken with a grain of salt.

DYOR, and you'll make it.

>> No.5078533

where did you learn TA?

any tips?

>> No.5078577

It will go the same way as chainlink. Not saying it's a bad coin just way overhyped right now.

>> No.5078611
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Anon speaks wisely.

Pay attention to this ID.

>> No.5078626

difference is that this coin actually has news and a product
LINK has no news and some weird testnet thing

>> No.5078809

>Meanwhile crypto dumb money will sit holding ark bags
Ark is going to be ok alright :(

>> No.5078870

I would be so fucking happy if it hit 10.

>> No.5079000

Buy the dip or wait?

>> No.5079045

It's over but there'll be another, guaranteed. Just wait for it.

Somewhat related should I buy more than 1000. I'm sitting on 800 Ark lol.

>> No.5079364

I work at a big 4, and this shit is going to hopefully have a huge impact

>> No.5079381


>> No.5079415

can you expand on this?

>> No.5079648

The fact that the design is built around establishing new audit standards for blockchain based fintech is a really good sign for long term growth in my opinion. It shows where the development teams heads are at and will do more to establish credibility with larger firms than a lot of people realize.

>> No.5079698

are we delusional for hoping for that much? seriously, let's try to be rational

can req really hit 10 dollars?

>> No.5079812

saw some moronic post the other day on biz about how the REQ whitepaper was too easily comprehensible for it to be a success... the level of myopia on this board is just mindblowing.

>> No.5079974

Almost every moon coin and successful coin has been shilled on /biz/ at some point. Look into confirmation bias and you'll understand that it doesn't have much to do with biz rather you looking for the evidence you want.

>> No.5080141


every coin ever has been shilled on /biz/ at some point

>> No.5080213

dyor. /biz/ is full of degenerate neets with nothing but $$$ in their LCD-raped sight cavities

>> No.5080358

$1 is frankly enough for me. Easy 4-5x.

>> No.5080362

whare is our pump!?

>> No.5080387

i'd be happy with $1 as well, hoping for $2 or $3

>> No.5080400

Whales are reaccumulating. I'm kinda mad I bought 200 more right before it dropped though.

>> No.5080417

i agree no wonder the brainlets here like this project. it is the only thing they can understand

>> No.5080472

If you want a coin that will possibly hit $1 by EOY, you better start accumulating Dragonchain.


I've got 10k of this shit. And when the rumours were true, that Bittrex will list Dragonchain soon, $1 is very possible.

Dragonchain circulating supply: 240m
REQ circulating supply: over 600m

Dragonchain only needs half of the money required to hit $1, compared to REQ.

>> No.5080507

No one gives a fuck about circulating supply.

>> No.5080520

to invest in stable brainletism, or crypto-futurism; that is the requestion.

>> No.5080528

they are not inventing a blockchain or consensus protocol just relying on ethereum so why should it be in LaTeX

>> No.5080532
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dragonchain brings fucking nothing new to the table it is literally just another shitcoin

>> No.5080574

I have one just for the logo.