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50725544 No.50725544 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is this website? Do the permabears have a point?


>> No.50725564
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E niggers love it

>> No.50725565

I’ve lost so much money reading that website regularly and taking it seriously. I wish it was all real though, we really do need a collapse

>> No.50725592

its run by a rich bulgarian who FUDs america 24/7 while living in a mansion

>> No.50725612

it IS mostly real but nothing ever happens. Also clown world can last longer than bears can remain solvent.

>> No.50725624
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Then we ride insolvent until it doesn’t

>> No.50725631

Some edgy virgins
They're always posting inaccurate shit on twitter then deleting it. Or posting week old news in full capitals as if it's just breaking news now.


>> No.50725644

zerohedge more like zero accuracy lel

>> No.50725717


>> No.50725791

based website, leftcels seethe cope mald and dilate

>> No.50725955

Retarded boomer's paradise website. I still read the comments though for keks

>> No.50726231

>he doesnt know about zerohedge


>> No.50726278

You go there to read the comments and laugh at the Qoomers and the rare tranny that comes to fight them

>> No.50726386
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>an entire decade of being wrong about tesla

Just wait until they start hating on the new tech meme company and buy it like your life depends on it.

>> No.50726596

Reverse psychology honeypot meant to scam Bobos into being short squeeze sacrifices. Some good sounding "DD" with a contrarian spin can go a long way.

>> No.50726675
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They have a lot of interesting stories but they're kind of flaky.

>> No.50726731

Hmm so 4/5 for truth and science and the 2nd best level of factual reporting, based

>> No.50726785

I post in the comments there everyday. Its full of boomers that hate crypto

>> No.50726806


>> No.50726836

It has great financial market analysis, publishes professional analyst research, etc. You go to ZH to educate yourself about financial plumbing, not to develop instrument theses.

>> No.50726846

Investment FUCK

>> No.50726900
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Yeah I feel like the fundamental principle behind most of their doomsaying is valid (i.e. we live on top of a bubble of unsustainable debt that has to burst *sometime*) but I'll be damned if the powers that be haven't kept the circus rolling longer than anyone ever thought possible.

My fear is that the fact that the great crash has been averted so far doesn't mean it's not going to happen, just that when it does happen the correction will be so much worse for the fact that it got delayed so long. The pile of shit that's going to burn down just gets bigger and bigger every time we put off the inevitable.

>> No.50726972
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Zerohedge is a website that primarily reposts stories from other websites or will post opinion pieces by people like Ron Paul. Zerohedge only rarely creates its own content so when people say something like


They are only pointing out that they are idiots because the Zerohedge article in question is probably just a repost from Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, or other "legitimate" sources.

I actually like Zerohedge because they don't spin a "everything is fine" narrative like the mainstream media does, like the "we aren't in a recession and there has never been an official definition for recession anyways" nonsense that Biden and the MSM is peddleing.

The only problem with Zerohedge is that the "everything is fine" narrative is technically right as nothing ever happens like >>50725612 says even as everything keeps getting worse.

Thanks for reading my blog please like and subscribe

>> No.50729401

I'm used to bears, they already fucked my zha0 bags too much to feel pain

>> No.50730385

ZH comment section before google shut them down for antisemetism was one of the best places on the internet. Now its all US boomer bots talking about liberals on every single article

>> No.50730706

Zerohedge articles are mostly reposts from other blogs and sources. They do max a dozen original articles a week mostly about current event stories.
The real attraction of ZH is the twitter account where the Bulgarian boomer and his friends are actually quite funny.

>> No.50730743

the first time i heard about crypto was when my bulgarian colleague linked me to an article about bitcoin on zerohedge in 2013.
almost a decade later and i still haven't made it

>> No.50731026

The collapse is happening. It's been happening for the past 20 years at least, since the 70s if you want to be technical. It manifests as a slowly worsening quality of life. This is an inflationary collapse. As wages continue to fall behind and assets continue to go up, the majority is cheated out of a middle-class standard of life.

Not with a bang, but a whimper. You're living the implosion of the economy as we speak. Forget another depression - the Fed will never allow it. This is why you should be 100% BTC, incidentally.

>> No.50731084

get laid, doomer kid

>> No.50731100
File: 32 KB, 400x264, EB2169D5-FC16-4C2E-9F51-F44EEB25E101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do the permabears have a point?
While you can make money on volatility in any direction, the market is going to continue to grow over the long term due to the continuing decline in the equity risk premium.

>> No.50731340

he's as based as tyler durden

>> No.50731372

they are permabears and are wrong more than 50% of the time