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50722095 No.50722095 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good time to invest in fast food now that the economy is headed towards the shitter?

>> No.50722115

Wtf is that real?

>> No.50722113

How does this taste?

>> No.50722202 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50722233
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I started talking about ordering spaghetti from McDonald's to my online friends, and everyone was like
>WTF since when did McDonald's have spaghetti

>> No.50722305

>It was discontinued on 1980 (everywhere in most of the countries), except in Orlando, Florida, and the Philippines

>> No.50722404

Yes they tried this, and it was a complete failire.

>> No.50722431

>How does this taste?
Like McShit, just like everything else on their menu.

>Wtf is that real?
Yes, faggot.

>> No.50722466

No because fast food is just getting more expensive. Soon it'll just be cheaper to buy actual food. I went to McDonald's and got a Big Mac (no pickle), fries, drink, 20 pack of nuggets and a milkshake and it was like 25 bucks

>> No.50722486

Makes sense, there's a lot of spanish in florida

>> No.50722488

That shit is disgusting anon. Invest in Ethereum and MATIC. It's better.

>> No.50722563

Fast food relies on just in time globohomo system more than anything else. Now that it's collapsing they're becoming less and less efficient

>> No.50722567

Ah yes, the Chicken McDo.

>Soon it'll just be cheaper to buy actual food.
It always had been you zoomer faggot. But are you going to start cooking? No, you're just going to complain and keep paying.

>> No.50722595
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here is a way better investment for you OP, the food of the future

>> No.50722652

AND THANK GOD maybe they finally get to die out.

>> No.50722685
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lol this nigga eatin Jollibee

>> No.50722842

this shit looks exactly like Jollibee spaghetti. ketchup, chinese 5 spice, hot dog pieces

sounds like shit but actually not bad

>> No.50722888

no, it's cheaper and just so much better to buy groceries. and the average consumer isn't going to think, "Ok if I just order 5 mcchickens off the value menu for $6 then I'll satisfy my caloric intake for the day so I'm saving money compared to groceries"

>> No.50723438

It has *always* been cheaper to buy groceries, but that doesn't mean the zoomer nigs will do it. I suspect they will complain and demand more gibs as the price goes up but keep eating shit fast food.

>> No.50724076

CERN caused this

>> No.50724312

>It has *always* been cheaper to buy groceries
Not in calorie terms and those are the only terms that matter. Fast food always offered some of the cheapest calories per buck

>> No.50724357

>sounds like shit but actually not bad
It's absolute shit.

>> No.50724358

sadly, yes. then invest in fine dining shit when those good chefs are cheap and be a restauranteur.

>> No.50724386
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>> No.50725234

Absolutely not.

>> No.50725769


>> No.50725845

>no pickle
Motherfucking pleb asshole

>> No.50725978

>invest in fast food
Dunno about burgerland, but at least here in a first world country fast food is already at the point where it's getting too expensive for normal people

>> No.50726020

No way. People will be tightening their belts, not spending $50 on McDonalds for their fat fucking families.
I invest in Kroger because people will be eating at home more. Also, every time I go there I notice the pizza sauce section is wiped out. People are learning to cook at home again rather than spend $20 for a pizza. Grocery stores have mega sales because they need to unload perishable inventory. The American consumer can not absorb this inflation and you can see it if you know where to look.

>> No.50726729

The only bad thing about that image is that it's crickets and not Black Soldier Flies. The BSF is the most versatile insect on the planet. You can grow them by just feeding them your food scraps, so they are a waste disposal system. They convert all of that food into compost and all the fluids excreted from the compost can be used as fertilizer. The adult fly itself does not eat or bite since it HAS NO MOUTH. And you only need to keep like 1% of the ENTIRE harvest in order to keep the life cycle going. I'm not saying I want to eat the bugs, but keep in mind this is good feed for animals, especially chickens. You can either pay $15 for a 50lb bag of feed or you can buy one $10 bag of BSF larvae and never have to buy another one ever again as you can replenish the larvae forever through the cycle.

>> No.50726893

Do you actually do this though? Sounds like a pain in the ass to run a fly farm to feed your chickens.

>> No.50726947


i'd rather sacrifice myself for a higher cause

>> No.50727217

What kind of faggot would order spaghetti at a McDonald's? You can make that shit at home yourself.

>> No.50727234
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In-N-Out's still very reasonably priced but maybe that's because they have a strong local supply chain and aren't so dependent on globohomo as >>50722563 pointed out. Them not trying to expand nationwide looks pretty smart in retrospect

>> No.50727681
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>you WILL eat ze salt and vinegar bugs

>> No.50727780

Invest in your health with healthy, organic food
Fast food will make you pay medical bills & make you not live your life to your full physical & mental potential

>> No.50727865

reasonably priced and the best quality fast food, that and chic fil a is the only places I even out anymore, everything else has become not only ridiculously priced for what it is, but the quality has gone down to being inedible

>> No.50728172

only if you sell cheeseburgers, everyone loves that shit, if my zha0 bags give me enough money by the end of the year I plan to open my own restaurant with video game themed food

>> No.50729431

Jesus at least grind them up and compress the powder into chips or something

>> No.50730379

Don't forget the delivery times, go in store and you'll be waiting 20 minutes whereas drive thru will be 10 minutes because of the long queues. The very opposite of fast food.

>> No.50730392

you can see at the color its all wrong

>> No.50731719
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Spaghetti is the easiest poor people food to make.
>$1 for dry noodles
>$1-4 for your favorite sauce in a jar
>real or fake parmesan, or some other cheese
>break noodles in half, microwave for 7 min in pic related with water just enough to cover noodles
>should be little if any water to drain
>add cold sauce to hot noodles and eat
Eat for two weeks for under $20 even if you already made it and aren't poor. Fuck McDonald's.