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File: 24 KB, 389x550, drEvil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5067575 No.5067575 [Reply] [Original]

The reason why is explained well in the article below:


Also check out what Jessica Compton wrote in the comments section. She quite nailed it. Why do man children buy into this crap? Do you think it's cool to become le ebin cyberpunk by supporting drug dealers, oppressive countries like China and white supremacists? I certainly won't take part into another shady financial fad that makes rich richer.

>> No.5067865
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Jeez, what a marxist. Good writer, but has failed to understand the power inherent in words when wielded in such ways. The author is like a child with a gun, or an ape with a flamethrower. Only when those around them are bleeding, burnt and broken will they realize what they have done. This person does not have enough loyalty or companionship in their life.

>> No.5067872

So basically Bitcoin is pro-freespeech and anti-leftist. Got it, that's a big plus for me.

>> No.5067888

Also thanks for archiving, OP. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.5067913

Obvious nocoiner is obvious

>> No.5067918
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God, I didn't know using Crypto triggered lefties so much.
Even better.

>> No.5067958
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Technically, we are making money while triggering lefties. What a time to be alive.

>> No.5068127
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You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.5068230
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>I missed the boat and now you're HITLER

>> No.5068290
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>> No.5068334

I do my best to secure everything before the fascists in the government shut it down. Maybe one day you will learn.

>> No.5068382

>we are making money while triggering lefties

this is the board that gets triggered by the lefty developers of three multi billion dollar coins

>> No.5068408

"white supremacist" is a brainwash term from the controlled media. those are white freedom fighters

>> No.5068472

Killing people just because their skin color is too dark isn't fighting for freedom. Racists like you make me puke.

>> No.5068548

Using energy resources for computer makework is wrong. Better post that to facebook.
It happens by magic right?
>they must be murderers

>> No.5068714

But they are superior? Supremacists seems rather fitting really, they are only doing what comes naturally.
Who the fuck is killing people? We just want a genuine level playing field. No more social programmes, government funding and special help or affirmative action for anybody. All equal and let the strongest survive.

>> No.5068782

normie gtfo

>> No.5068874
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I bet you enjoy getting anally probed by Jack Donovan, too.

>> No.5068925

>We just want a genuine level playing field. No more social programmes, government funding and special help or affirmative action for anybody.

a reset won't be enough in a democratic system. just like it wasn't the first time. it has to be an ethnostate with strict controls

>> No.5068992

If white people are superior why are you so ugly then?

>> No.5069071

shoo shoo poo in loo

>> No.5069146

>We just want a genuine level playing field

to be fair thats as good as straight up genociding these brown people. theres no way they can compete with the white man on a level playing field lol

>> No.5069236

Probably. I am not racist I just don't believe in equality of outcome and communism. If the minorities have to go to achieve a genuine libertarian or anarcho capitalist or whatever society then so be it. Anything but socialist! The brown ones who agree can stay for all I care, but no special treatment and if you can't survive then tough shit. Same goes for single mothers. they should choose their child's fathers better or be nicer to them so they stick around. Failing that be extra nice to a better man if theirs is a twat. Charity is fine and up to the individual but the government and politics should only about maintaing law, order and protecting the nation. Fuck this welfare crap. Survival of the fittest or we end up like Idiocracy. End of.

>> No.5069258
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"waaaa people i don't like make money waaaaa i'm a journalist and i'm a special snowflake waaaa"

>> No.5069338

So be it. No more handouts! Let the chu8rch or some other cult feed and house them if it wants to, it should not be the government or the taxpayers responsibility. Let the weak die least we all become weaker from their burden. That is fair in a system you must partake in. Charity is a choice, taxes and laws are not. Well, unless you are a minority, then they are absolutely a choice apparently... FFFFFFFFF

>> No.5069381

>am not racist
you shouldn't care whether they call you names or not. that's another brainwash term from the state religion of marxism

>> No.5069426

Hey nigger. Jews are flooding our countries in the hope that we will one day perish because they consider us their mortal enemies (responsible for the destruction of their temple and blabla other nonsense). If anybody is getting killed it's whites you dumb niggerfaggot piece of shit homosexual marxist kike.

>> No.5069476

kek we are your better patrician shitcoiner stay mad

>> No.5069514
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>Job fires me for being a nazi
>Make mad gainz from home with crypto

>> No.5069605

>by creating a makework network that sinks resources and electricity into pushing computers to their limits—for no actual purpose.

Maybe to get away from people like her

>> No.5069624

Complains about earths population without mentioning africa and the mideast but somehow it’s cryptos fault?


All her psychobabble garbage could be levied at the traditional financial system (how many computers does JPM run?) which is the legacy institution of debt slavery. Doesn’t she get it? Crypto is freedom from fiat and the fractional reserve nightmare

I bet jess compton typed that shit out on an apple product. Where are those made hmm? No sense of sef awareness, yeesh.

>> No.5069729

yeah yeah I know it was created by Marxists. I meant 'racist', I absolutely do not like people who are no better than animals which is a proportional larget percent of some sub-species of humans. I just meant it in the colour of the skin way. I have met some whites who are no better than niggers and some black people who were alright. I just can't stand illogical people, liars, cheats, and being a degenerate in general. It is a blight on humanity and one that needs to be dealt with. I don't care what colour you are, if you are disabled, any of that, but socialists must go.

>> No.5070228

Meh, ignore her. The rest of the world doesn't think like that. The different sub-species of human are not given protected status in other countries in most of the world. Only in burger land and places where their culture infests does that happen. Britan is fighting back, you will see, Europe may be dead but fingers crossed. Burgerland may be to far gone. Sad.

>> No.5070378
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I bet you have the balls to say that IRL to a holocaust survivor, dipshit.

>> No.5070695

Jealously towards successful people is inherently leftist, you know.

>> No.5070739
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bull fucking shit. (((they))) are not even Jewish. They hide behind the religion and use it as a shield and have done for centuries. The real (((1%))) are no more Jewish than I am a lemon. It is smoke and mirrors, divide and conquer at its finest. TPTB put Sun Tzu to shame. The fact that (((nazis))) think that ((())) = Jew is propaganda and subversive trickery. /pol/ is infested with it and so it GLP and places. Tavistock, shareblue, the commies and god knows who else. It is all a lie.

>> No.5070775
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>being proud of who you are means you are killing people

>> No.5070971

It is collectivist to be supportive of the tribe. I am an individual. Not that I am jealous of others prosperity and success, I am grateful for much of what it produces. I just don't give a shit and won't pat you on the back for it. Neither will I force others to provide resources for you to accomplish something. Charity is fine but not when it is mandatory and not when the recipient is undeserving or receiving it only based on incompetence, bad decisions they have not atoned for, or not trying hard enough. Occasionally you can make an excuse for accidents or war injuries but shit like genetic defects or low IQ should not be encouraged to propagate and survive. Iceland eradicated Downs syndrome recently or so they think. Good job them.
>Be like Iceland.

>> No.5071138

Nice larp you overstuffed pig. Go graze in a barnyard somewhere with your fellow swine.

>> No.5071288

If you would use actual arguments instead of fat shaming tactics we would get ahead so much more.

>> No.5071458

Race is much deeper than skin color. If you've been brainwashed to believe otherwise you simply a fool.

>> No.5071464
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Found the fattie.

>> No.5071539

Kill yourself jew

>> No.5071724
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>> No.5071827 [DELETED] 

Sheesh, you people are fucking disgusting.

>> No.5071851

Sheesh, you people are fucking disgusting.

>> No.5071916
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>> No.5072003

Huh, Bams not fat anymore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiPtNyyLVZM
What do you mean by 'you people' hmm... RACIST! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHxAuCjiDlA

>> No.5072082

cool story fag.

>> No.5072243

The responses this thread has received so far just confirm that Cryptocurrencies serve as a tool to keep the white supremacist community alive. Fuck it.

>> No.5072291

another mindless rant from a leftist emotional junkie.

>> No.5072342

Is this bait

>> No.5072375

So make your own then instead of complaining about ours

Oh wait it’s easier to ride coattails bitching and moaning the whole time

>> No.5072415

>Do you think it's cool to become le ebin cyberpunk by supporting drug dealers, oppressive countries like China and white supremacists?
Yep. It makes me feel like Nick Cage in Lord of War.

>> No.5072526
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Have a nice live, faggot.

Greatness doesn't come from virtue signalling.

I know that feel, bro. Makes me feel like a mastermind or something.

>> No.5072621
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Implying the holocaust actually happened.

>> No.5072747

stay away from white countries if you dont like proud whites faggot

>> No.5072808

The future is libertarian right
Can't wait famalam
Wonder what the parasites will do
Probably eat lead or grass/bark
Nuclear family, extended family, lical community
Urban fags are in for a big surprise

>> No.5072862

It's as if she's describing government makeworkers, parsites and their handlers, topkek

>> No.5072927

You've been exploiting poorer nations since centuries. You have no right to keep people from migrating into your country.

>> No.5072967
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i hope all you millennials keep hodling and BTC goes parabolic. we need you guys to become rich and take power away from leftists. we all know leftists don't hold BTC, but meme-warriors like us. N

>> No.5073001
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I'm still not tired of all this winning

>> No.5073043


>> No.5073231

I was going to disregard this, but I think I'll post a few of my thoughts, for the benefit of all.

first of all,
>not exactly money
money is:
a store of value
a unit of account
a medium of exchange

crypto meets all of these requirements.

the rest is emotional bawwing about how improving human society, industry, and economy is somehow morally repugnant because of chopping down trees, or something. it's incoherent, because lefties don't think, they feel. they are emotional junkies, and use whatever intelligence they have to justify their feelings.

ironically, the current left are bigots and fanatics, who maliciously attack anyone who disagrees with their dogma.

>> No.5073347

No you dumb faggot. Not all white countries have a history of imperialism.

>> No.5073356
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>lefties don't think, they feel. they are emotional junkies, and use whatever intelligence they have to justify their feelings.

>ironically, the current left are bigots and fanatics, who maliciously attack anyone who disagrees with their dogma.


>> No.5073767

guess we should all move to mongolia then, that one sure does have a history... what a fucking tool you are

>> No.5074365

Why the fuck are you so obsessed with jews?

>> No.5074446
File: 689 KB, 473x1000, s35434522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare pepes were the original crypto and we know that only nazis deal in pepes

>> No.5074452


>> No.5074641

why are you so obsessed with using marxist rhetoric to push an anti-white agenda

>> No.5074802

You won't believe the amount of shitheads who won't acknowledge their privilege, you racist piece of shit.