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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 511x428, niggerconsciousness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5072049 No.5072049 [Reply] [Original]

Cash out

>> No.5072087
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>> No.5072092

Nigger doesn't understand what level he's at in the pyramid scheme.

>> No.5072228
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Time to buy MELON :^)

>> No.5072247

>Black people
>Able to buy into bitcoin in the first place

>> No.5072253
File: 256 KB, 1024x1007, COULDHAVEBEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wonder why we just don't like them.

Those uppity nigger need a boot on their throat a reality check

>> No.5072286

Please do. We're about to swerve everyone and go bitcoin cash.

>> No.5072325

If all the world's black people would invest all they possibly have in Bitcoin it'd be great for the whites, yellows, tans and every other color currently invested in Bitcoin. I'm all for it.

It'd pump like crazy but most of them would have the weakest hands. As the price rose short term greed would spike and they'd turn it into fiat to buy frivolous things.

Meanwhile we would ride, move btc into an alternative, and likely be fine

Tldr; hope ALL blacks invest, it helps the white man

>> No.5072371


Let's pull a pol and meme them into buying bitcoin

>> No.5072420

Wow, just like that my foot fetish is gone.

>> No.5072441

If all the world's black people would invest Bitcoin would go up maybe $1,000.

>> No.5072494

Can you buy bitcoin with foodstamps now?

>> No.5072580

came here to post this

>> No.5072607

If anyone is interested, join a group called Black Consciousness. Full of niggers discussing get rich quick schemes and recently crypto. You can shill anything there with a black profile, they will buy it.

>> No.5072668

I know a few Mexican Drug dealers i use to get my shit from with a few Bitcoin never met a black guy with any.

>> No.5072812
File: 120 KB, 950x960, Teodorin Obiang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! Are you forgetting warlords and dictators? How much do you think mugambe is worth? Or Teodorin Obiang and his father?

>> No.5072859

Warlords and dictators are not "the world's black people". And they'd never buy internet meme tokens.

>> No.5072871

sucks that whites and chinks slready own 99% of them

>> No.5072884

Tfw tupac is satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.5072907

someone awoken their inner jew

>> No.5072923


>> No.5072944


Great idea whitey.

We need to spread a conspiracy that bitcoin is going to replace the dollar and that only whites and chinks will have any.

Niggers will panic buy at any price. They will sell everything and go all in at whatever price coinbase says.

Let's do it. Let's make this happen.

>> No.5072969

But the nearest families do enjoy the wealth as they inner circle is shared between them. This can go up to as many as 50 people who are quite wealthy just from one family. An estimation would make this number quite high when looking at the government and nepotism and "investments" to family members all this makes it possible to share a crazy amount of wealth.

>> No.5072989

Doesnt this doop and other americans understand how racist they are?

I dont get it. black people want to be equal to white but they consistently try to seperate themself from white folks.

>> No.5073022

I cashed out about 7 red flags ago

>> No.5073023

What a dumb fuck. Doesn’t think of this when btc is $1. Or $100. Or $1000 or even $10000. Nope when bitcoin Isco sixteen thousand dollars he has this brainwave that they should all start buying and take over. Kek

>> No.5073030

>black people want to be equal to white
they don't want equality, they want more

>> No.5073068

>americans understand how racist they are?
>I dont get it. black people want
I think its an inferiority complex. They make excuses saying "Well if A happened then we wouldnt be suffering with poverty and crime."
If you are white you dont think about being whte that much, but if you are black you consistently think about being black

>> No.5073086

Wait till he realises that crypto valuta is also worth something. But i guess at that time, the ICOs have all been regulated and the time to moon crazy is over

>> No.5073100
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>> No.5073111

This desu they would get decked, in the meantime we could slowly push shitcoins onto them and 99% of them would be holding Todd, Chang, and Pajeets bags

>> No.5073151

I have quite a lot of black students here at my uni in germany (we dont see black people very often here) and no one of them is talking about their race.

This is purely an american problem and I'm sorry for my white ami bros.

>> No.5073152

More like buy in. Ride the pump. Dump on the idiots.

>> No.5073181

Do black people even know how to copy/paste exchange addresses?

>> No.5073191
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my grandma just walked into my room and saw this, she's crying

>> No.5073192

It would be funny because they'd lose their money as btc becomes obsolete due to the piece of shit that it is

>> No.5073196

You overestimate their funds. It would barely pump.

>> No.5073226

moving everything to niggercoin

>> No.5073259

They want to literally work for us again, how nice.

>> No.5073277

Niggers are too emotional for trading and their attention span is too small to make money long term. This would actually be amazing news

>> No.5073279

Cause yall Nazi faggits

>> No.5073299


>> No.5073321

Top shelf shitpost.

>> No.5073345

>Sell my bitcoin to black people

Why would I do that? Then they’d take over the world

>> No.5073359
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>we dont see black people very often here

Frankfurt reporting in. That was a true statement a decade ago. Now my city is crawling with niggers, it feels almost surreal. And it's going to get a lot worse in the upcoming years.

>> No.5073385

is that a G650?

>> No.5073443

I think it has something to do with the free choice of coming to a rich country from an impoverished country and having a sort of "rich" history that they can claim. Whereas the other group(Americans) have no identity except American, but widely dominated by white people who used to abuse and misuse their forefathers. Besides being made aware of the contrast of white people and their own failure to succed creates a psychological gap i think. Even though systematically the chances of improving one's situation is difficult, with an almost non-existing social mobility except if ones have great talents in academics or the more stereotypical entertainment.

>> No.5073560


Oh god this is hilarious...

>> No.5073993


>> No.5074002

is it possible to buy crypto with EBT?

>> No.5074106

Holy fuck. Imagine if /biz/ bands together to manipulate them into buying our bags...

>> No.5074323

Just pick some shitcoin with no trade volume, hype the shit out of it and set all the sell orders at twice the current value

>> No.5074328

Is there any plugin for shapeshift that turns EBT cards into crypto? It could be worth good money.

>> No.5074371

What the actual fuck am I looking at here. This looks like Nas begging forgiveness from a Giant after he climbed the magic beanstalk.

>> No.5074392

nah im too rich to give a fuck about pol tier shenanigans. i live a peaceful, quiet life now one free of hate

>> No.5074485
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Oh God, please tell me this is true.

>> No.5074514

You're part of the problem you know that? Asian countries are homogeneous because they have a strong culture thats hard for foreigners to penetrate. What culture does Germany have? You're run by (((Christians))) that import foreigners, so not only is your most popular religion from the middle east the future germans will be too. You can regain your old culture and your old pagan religions but you rather just sit on the computer and kneel before a jew every sunday now you reap what you sow

>> No.5074529

You are all using a currency created by an African. "Satoshi Nakamoto" was a black man.

>> No.5074608

How long until they Reich again anon?

>> No.5074613
File: 32 KB, 488x366, 1510203477956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just sold 100k.

>> No.5074656


wtf...I love Odin now.

>> No.5074749

See. You even openly mock your own native beliefs. You deserve the refugees