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File: 167 KB, 929x1175, 18EB33A0-9729-42A9-945B-83283001C721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50716149 No.50716149 [Reply] [Original]

>fantom dead, aave already pulling out saying it is pointless risk and not yielding any profits

>Solana dead, private keys that were generated in the last 9+ months are compromised and 7000+ wallets are affected and getting drained as I type

>Polyeets about to die too, constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)

>Cardano still has 0 dapps, 0 TVL and no usecase

>Kadena, ghostchain with 0 users, 0 dapps and 0 TVL

>ETH2 is inferior in every way, 14 minutes finality, slashing and centralization

>all the L2s are overcomplicated failures

>new L1s like Aptos or Sui are just centralized cashgrabs using outdated tech

Meanwhile Avalanche is going strong and doing better than ever.
So whats your excuse being invested into dead L1s and shitty L2s?

Also shoutout to Cosmos that figured out the only way to survive is becoming an Avalanche Subnet, smart guys.

>> No.50716164

Meanwhile tezos keeping chugging along

>> No.50716177

Turbo giga based.

>> No.50717020

>shitty L2s?
Subnets are worse than L2 tech.
Avax will become a rollup for ETH, a cuck so to speak. Either that or it will die due to decentralized Perps and security risks that come with it.
t. Work at the EF

>> No.50717040

>Subnets are worse than L2 tech.
>Avax will become a rollup for ETH
HAHAHAHAHA no, the other way around maybe.

>> No.50717076
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what are the best coins on avalanche?
i have some platypus and joe
is husky dead?

>> No.50717098

They are, if you disagree explain why side chains are better than L2 which is as secure as the main chain.
> the other way around maybe.
ETH has 100k nodes

>> No.50717182

ayy i got some joe too

>> No.50717271

Husky keeps delaying the eshop, but it's not dead. They said they're waiting for better market conditions

>> No.50717319

>ETH tard thinking shared security is something good or desired
>ETH has 100k nodes
not all of them are participating in the Consensus so they are meaningless and add nothing.

>> No.50717505

>>ETH tard thinking shared security is something good or desired
Is it something bad? Why should I not want my L2 to be secured by the L1. Explain why that's not something to be desired.

>> No.50717522

To me only ETH and AVAX are the real players in this game that didn't abandon the core philosophy in order to attract normies (Talking about the tech and protocol design, I fucking hate AVAX marketing and ETH maxis brainwashing on social media).

These 2+Major DA+Major L2 are the plays for next run, The fact AVAX was kinda restrained this run (Most vaporwares actually hit a top 3-5 spot position while AVAX barely even stayed in the top 10 despite having much more cases being a top 3-5 coin than Sol/Ada/Bnb/Icp/Dot, Meaning it AVAX haven't even seen major hype cycle compared to other coins), So i can really see next bullrun being the AVAX bullrun.

>> No.50717752

Avax is proof of stake
enough said
anyone buying into it is officially retarded

>> No.50717803
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>Shitting on L2

>> No.50717848

>Is it something bad?
>Why should I not want my L2 to be secured by the L1.
imagine we sit in a car and I drive it off a cliff and we both die. how is that desirable? its not.
if the L1 fucks up it will drag the L2s down the cliff with them.
on Avalanche you dont have this issue.
Avalanche has the best implementation of PoS.
there is no slashing and its open to everyone.

>> No.50718340

show me exactly where on kadena there is 0 of anything

>> No.50718359


>> No.50718381

leader-based shitcoin that changed its consensus halfway through

>> No.50718484

BNB is still the 2rd largest smart contract blockchain by market cap.

>> No.50718706

0 users
0 dapps
0 DeFi
so a Ghostchain.
Its still leaderless, Snowman++ just killed all the MEV opportunities and you cant game it anymore like in the early days.
Centralized, owned by that shady chink CZ whos known for ripping off his customers.
also cant scale.

>> No.50718741

Had to be done to minimize MEV, it's because the EVM is fucking dogshit

>> No.50718764

Husky is hanging in there man, will be back stronger whenever this market gets some life.

>> No.50718966 [DELETED] 
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>if the L1 fucks up it will drag the L2s down the cliff with them.
>on Avalanche you dont have this issue.
So if avax main chain gets 20% attacked, the subnets don't suffer? What a great solution anon.

I also don't like the way ETH deals with it, I mean I don't want my dapp to be dependend on the most secure chain in the world next to bitcoin.
I'd rather risk it and make my subnets comparatively much less secure just because of the risk that the most secure chain next to bitcoin might get hacked!

Fucking retard I have no idea how you guys breathe sometimes.

>> No.50719016

>0 users
>0 dapps
>0 DeFi
>0 TVL
>so a Ghostchain.
what is this

>> No.50719022
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>if the L1 fucks up it will drag the L2s down the cliff with them.
>on Avalanche you dont have this issue.
So if avax main chain gets 20% attacked, the subnets don't suffer? What a great solution anon.

I also don't like the way ETH deals with it, I mean I don't want my dapp to be dependend on the most secure chain in the world next to bitcoin.
I'd rather risk it and make my subnets comparatively much less secure just because of the risk that the most secure chain next to bitcoin might get hacked!

Fucking retard I have no idea how you guys breathe sometimes.

>> No.50719049

Because AVAX wants to be the AWS of Blockchain. A Platform of Platforms. People want to choose validators and decide on their own level of security, a fucking Crab Game does not need the same level of security as a Fintec Dapp for the same reason I don't live in Fortified Castle with a moat around it, with the moat filled with Alligators, that level of security is not required, speed for fast finality and performance isolation is more important for that use case.

Same with Organisations, they want private permissioned blockchains, were they can KYC validators, whitelist addresses and set requirements for joining the network, like having a certain amount of processing power or agreeing to abide by the laws of a certain jurisdiction. They don't want a bunch of random faggots from yonder internet validating their shit.

>> No.50719067

>Because AVAX wants to be the AWS of Blockchain
Funny because AVAX runs on AWS

>> No.50719106

what do you think of kadena?

>> No.50719123

I think it's a scam because emily doesn't send me tomboy pictures anymore

>> No.50719155

anyone know when snowcone is launching? the released a web3 wallet but no indication when their token drops on red coin

>> No.50719217
File: 23 KB, 333x426, avalanche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if avax main chain gets 20% attacked, the subnets don't suffer?
no, if there is a problem then this problem is NOT shared with the other subnets.
C-Chain could stand still or have insane usage/fees for whatever reason but all the Subnets with all their individual usecases would still work just fine and still have their own fee markets depending on their own usage.
and nigger please, Ethereum is far away from being "Super secure".
mining is centralized since forever and the MEV makes it unusable, their PoS implementation will be centralized too. enjoy getting slashed due to hardware or software bug.
>much less secure
they arent less secure, Subnet Validators still have to stake 2000 AVAX per Node and validating subnets is an open market. I run my own Node, I can validate whatever the fuck I want so subnets have to provide good incentives to get my node to help them with their decentralization and increase of security. get it?
>Fucking retard
seethe more ETHomo. the Ethereum time is over, now is the age of Avalanche.
join Avalanche or perish.

>> No.50719279
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wow they actually did something? last time I checked there was literally nothing.
ok I guess I have to correct it,
they have:
>5 dapps
>5.5 million TVL
>probably more than 0 users but not more than 100.

overall still in the ghostchain territory.

>> No.50719288
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>ETH main chain is not more secure than my shitty sidechain
You are retarded, see pic

>> No.50719349

>AVAX runs on AWS
Avalanche Nodes can run on almost any hardware and on any VPS.
if the VPS goes down it doesnt take long to just run it somewhere else, either locally in your basement as a NEETnode or on some other VPS. all you need is a backup of your staking cert.

>> No.50719360

Cool that doesn't change the fact that solana has less nodes running on AWS than fucking avax. It's a joke

>> No.50719462

>all get hacked
every Subnet is different. Avalanche Subnets can run any VM.
Cool that doesn't change the fact that its not an issue, the Avalanche node can run on any VPS or any server.
you arent tied to any VPS, whats so hard to understand about this?
>Solana dead, private keys that were generated in the last 9+ months are compromised and 7000+ wallets are affected and getting drained as I type
Solana is Dead, the trust is dead.
remember when they stole some whales funds and liquidate his position?
Solana is a joke and its dying, its also down all the time.
Solana is ngmi.

>> No.50719491

>can run any VM.
Ok, my guy I think you have brain damage or something
Solana is a scam.
Yet a literal scam has less nodes on AWS than avax does.

>> No.50719811

>I think
you dont, thats why you dont get it.
>less nodes on AWS
irrelevant as already explained.

>> No.50719841

>>I think
>you dont,
You're right, I know you have brain damage.

>> No.50720651

fucking kek

>> No.50721039

snowman++ killed more than that, it killed decentralisation
the selection randomness is centralized

>> No.50721101
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Avax is a centralised, premined roach scam.
>We still have husky frogie shills in 2022
Go back to your tg or trannycord you disgusting snail eating faggots.

>> No.50721247
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We’re building and ready soon.

>> No.50721271

Seethe more tranny

>> No.50721286

>>Polyeets about to die too.

LMAO didn't Polygon subnets literally make avax useless? what are you talking about retardo?

>> No.50721315

Nice comeback you disgusting loser, you are 97 % down and everyone who bought your nfts got scammed and owns nothing, really a great project. I know that subhumans like you do not feel any shame but you should consider to kys.

>> No.50721411

great job retard, next time do your research before fudding

>> No.50721472

I'm up x70, don't give a fuck, cope seethe dillate.

>> No.50721547

Nice larp post your wallet and tx or shut up you brown frogie shill.
>Liquidity 88k
Nice jamal you 70x your $5.

>> No.50721602

Don't have to prove shit to retarded niggers like you that post 2 year old pics. And holy shit, imagine thinking liquidity has anything to do with this, you really are a retarded gorilla nigger. Husky alreay made me rich and will continue doing so while you obviously bought the top, sold at a loss and are now seething on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Once again, cope seethe and don't forget to dillate!

>> No.50721694

Calm down jamal you will get a heart attack if you keep seething like this. I bought this scam sub 100k mc last year in one of the og threads and sold near the first ath (never touched it again). But you are a shilling a dead shitcoin and I can't stand this so ofc I will call you out on your subhumans behavior.

>> No.50721737

The man asked about husky, I answered truthfully that they're alive. Since you're unable to differentiate between that and shilling, I can only conclude that you're either esl or retarded, likely both. Screencap this post and pin it to your mudhut wall so you can cry when husky reaches a new ath.

>> No.50721741

keep crying ETHomo
>it killed decentralisation
>Avax is a centralised
its not, anyone can run a block producing node.
I already explained the problems with poo-lygon sandeep
>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)
this is garbage.
its still a Ghostchain with only 5 useless dapps that have almost no liquidity.
why should anyone use that crap instead of Trader Joe?

>> No.50721761

>its not, anyone can run a block producing node.
Anyone? with 0$ right, like you can a PoW node.

>> No.50721820

ASICs/GPUs and electricity cost $0?
damn nigger you are retarded.

>> No.50721869

What's major da sir

>> No.50721899

>like you can a PoW node.

>> No.50721919

>He is still seething
Hit a nerve there jamal right?
>The man asked about husky, I answered truthfully that they're alive
One shitty ama per month or saying "2 more weeks sers" is not alive, this is link level of cope.
I told you faggots last year that husky will be forgotten and you all said that I am fudder. It is now 97 % down and I was right.
>Using esl as an insult while shilling a dirty frogshit scam
To much projection for me.

>> No.50721970

Just remember to screencap my post so you can cry over it later, toodles.

>> No.50722004

>dfk subnet
>Crabada subnet
Avax is a ghostchain right now apart from multichain apps and forks. How do we fix this?

>> No.50722017

>Just remember to screencap my post so you can cry over it later, toodles.
Oh the irony.

>> No.50722517

>Meanwhile Avalanche is going strong and doing better than ever.
ICP already killed your shitcoin

>> No.50722829

How the fuck are they dead, DFK just had a new ATH in transactions a few days ago

>> No.50722868

>dfk subnet
>Crabada subnet
and? those are just some of the first subnets (permissioned too), over 900 other subnets are already dicking around on the Fuji Testnet.
all of these subnets require nodes and nodes require 2000 AVAX minimum. do the math and you will see why 1 AVAX will be $1000 in the not so distant future.
another dead ghostchain.
>0 users
>0 dapps/DeFi
>0 TVL
how is this trash going to compete? explain yourself streetshitter.

>> No.50722893
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>Forgets deliberately about bnb chain

>> No.50722901

centralized chink scam.
fuck binance.

>> No.50722968

>exchange with the most users
>exchange with most volume
>active in using its resources to develop web 3.0
>surpasses eth in users and tx
didn't you learn anything turk roach, gavin failed bacause not a single nigger cares about decentralization. And bnb is good enough.

>> No.50722998

>exchange that keeps fucking over its users
>trusting a chink

>gavin failed bacause not a single nigger cares about decentralization.
Polkadot was never decentralized to begin with dumb nigger. go do your homework.

>> No.50723031

>Avalanche Nodes can run on almost any hardware and on any VPS.

Ok yeah, but the vast majority run on AWS so Avax runs on AWS.

>> No.50723045

hey, if you want to swim against the stream of capital, you are welcome to do so, binance will nevertheless offer your service to their customers

>> No.50723049

and? where is the issue with that dumb nigger?
if they go down you can just run your backup node somewhere else.
there is no problem here.

>> No.50723063

the shitty BNB chain has no future, is centralized and cant scale.
so will never be used to tokenize all the worlds assets (thats Avalanches job already).
its at best good enough for chink rugpulls and thats it.

>> No.50723094

The issue is that when AWS goes down, Avax goes down, I'm not sure how your singular hypothetical backup node can run a consensus but ok.

>> No.50723129
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>the world is going to run on one chain
vechain is that you

>> No.50723136

>Where is the issue with running our entire network on Amazon Web Service

Roach IQ on display, truly.

>> No.50723396
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>20 validators is good enough

>> No.50723421

>ironically using a lower number
and even if, picked out of hundreds competing, the market uses solana, so bn chain compared is like fort knox

>> No.50723587

you're aware bsc can't have more than 21 validators?

>> No.50723654
File: 453 KB, 1124x1137, 6B663DBE-0C5C-47A7-92CD-A1FD8CE97368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double spend
>be AVAX
>claim to be “scaling solution”
>somehow manage to bring gas fees to $14

Meanwhile at Polygon
>first open source zkEVM
>more than 30,000 dApps
>more than 6,000 monthly active builders
>partnerships with major companies like Facebook, Disney and Stripe

>> No.50723729
File: 91 KB, 1514x716, chains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tron's tvl is just justin's fortune. avalanche should be number 3. seethe more

>> No.50723749

its enough. and if you want to compete for a validator role buy bnb, or delegate like the rest of us

>> No.50723930

>The issue is that when AWS goes down, Avax goes down
it doesnt.
> I'm not sure how your singular hypothetical backup node can run a consensus but ok.
Every Node operator knows how to backup their shit.
its not a problem.
>the world is going to run on one chain
>on one chain
no on many thousands of Subnets, a Subnet can run any Blockchain VM.
as already explained, there is no problem.
Nigger tier IQ prevents you from reading?
>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)


>> No.50724174

you'd have a literal dumb fuck to think that avax is anywhere near matic lmao, polygon is on another level while avalanche is just a shit network

>> No.50724238

>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)

>> No.50724390

>Imagine thinking AVAX is immune to a supply chain hack.
That's not a SOL problem, that's an application problem. It's a similar problem to how meta-mask got hacked last year. Also, even with messages stripped from tps count, SOL does 20x more transaction than avax (500 tps avg vs 25 tps avg). AVAX isn't winning the adoption war, it's losing more ground over time. Being limited to 4k tps per application will do that.
2k avax per node isn't a good thing. You want it to be as cheap as possible to participate in your network, especially if you're forced to run a AVAX node if you want to build a subnet. AVAX going up in price over time means you will see less adoption over time as people cannot afford to spin up their own subnets to run their own ideas and use-cases on avax. You want nodes to be able to be spun up with as little avax as possible; there is no advantage to having 2k per node unless you are trying to set up the network to be permissioned without saying it's permissioned. It also centeralizes the network over time as if we get to a situation where 2k avax will make you a millionaire, more nodes will shut down to take profits and less people will be able to afford to come in and spin up their own nodes. Risk of node operators also goes up over time holding such a large sum in a single place opening it to attacks or potential wrongful slashing (which happens). You marketing 2k avax per node as a good think shows you're either clueless or a fucking moon boy just chasing money with little regard to what avax does.

>> No.50724425

How much TVL is the avax foundation providing liquidity in defi protocols? That website is meaningless if it doesn't adjust for that and it if that's the case it is pretty much a central entity propping up the ecosystem.

>> No.50724479

>That's not a SOL problem
Solana is a piece of shit, constantly down and centralized.
>2k avax per node isn't a good thing.
Its not set in stone dumb nigger, P chain Governance solves whatever retarded shit you typed up there.

>> No.50724597

I like what you did there. You would of had to concede your points and admit to avax having problems so you changed your attack vector to make it look like real concerns with the protocol are retarded without addressing the underlying concerns. A very standard shill tactic but that doesn't work on me.
Still passes the 99.9% up-time rule, even in beta
It now has the 3rd best nakamoto coefficient (30). The only thing you can argue about sol being centralised is that nodes all use pretty much the same piece of software to interact with the chain, the same way all ETH nodes do.
>Muh P chain
You're relying on validators to vote against their self interest and increase competition and reduce their potential rewards. You're naive to think this will easily change and it should have never been an issue in the first place. How far away is P chain governance anyway? AVAX has a terrible record of meeting roadmap milestones, shit even your so called revolutionary wallet is now a year behind schedule and you still need to do meta-mask fuckery (which has been the victim of a supply chain hack before, guess you now have the same problem as sol which you shills were decrying earlier) to interact with anything.

>> No.50724648

>ctrl+F "oasis"
>0 results
I don't get why people are completely ignoring it, very strange. Avalanche is definitely at the head of the pack but as far as I know it is still a transparent chain.

>> No.50724702
File: 104 KB, 574x895, 1628482800907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantom is dead guys
>so here is daily threads reminding you your project is dead

>> No.50724750

>Still passes the 99.9% up-time rule
its garbage that is constantly down.
yes its centralized. you cant run your own Validator.
>How far away is P chain governance anyway?
its gonna come soon.
at the moment governance is not an issue or main priority.
>and you still need to do meta-mask fuckery
Core wallet has already been released.
>I don't get why people are completely ignoring it
because its outdated tech, Dawn Song stole Ted Yins intern homework at facebook expecting billions of dollars.
but actually there is nothing oasis can do that Subnets cant.
they would be better of transitioning into a Subnet than trying their own thing.

>> No.50724781

>but actually there is nothing oasis can do that Subnets cant.
Are there any privacy-oriented subnets live on Avalanche or in the works currently? Is there a subnet that enables privacy-enabled data tokenization? I would be very surprised if the answer was "yes," as far as I know oasis is doing something completely different from the rest of the pack.

>> No.50724826

>Are there any privacy-oriented subnets live on Avalanche or in the works currently?
Subnets are fully customizable. it can run anything, even whatever oasis has.
>as far as I know oasis is doing something completely different from the rest of the pack.
in its current state its still centralized and cant scale.
>privacy-enabled data tokenization?
you could easily turn this into a subnet and have the same thing but with sub second finality and actual decentralization.

>> No.50724935

A Solana wallet app was hacked, not the chain itself
Polygon reorgs happen much less frequently than ETH reorgs

>People want to choose validators and decide on their own level of security
the market's been doing that for years
security = build on eth
games and degen shit = bsc, etc

>> No.50725106


>> No.50725250

>it'll stay a ghostchain forever guys!

>> No.50725369

I'm seeing a lot of "can" and "could," is any of this in the works, at all though? First mover advantage is everything, and on the privacy front it doesn't seem like Avalanche cares at all from what I can tell. Why would I build a subnet from scratch when I could use something that is tried-and-true? It's the same argument as "people will just build their own oracles instead of using Chainlink," sure they could, but in practice that's not what happens when there is only one party in the space that dominates their niche.

>> No.50725389

fuck that all craps just wait for PulseChain.

>> No.50725412

Id never buy this because of the way its advertised here very off putting and distasteful not to mention unoriginal. do better t. ava

>> No.50725416

2 more years

>> No.50726727

>Why would I build a subnet from scratch
because they made it very easy to launch your subnet, unlike launching your own oracle

>> No.50726744

What do you mean? The "hey nigger I have AVAX" threads are just shitposts

>> No.50726791

You can't just "launch a subnet" with features that aren't natively available.

>> No.50726830

>Matic about to die.... because I say so, ok???
turkvax has been in a death spiral for months while matic pumps harder than anything

double spend roachcoin not needed

>> No.50726868

>First mover advantage is everything
nobody else has what Avalanche has.
its like we are going from VHS to DVD but you are still arguing that betamax or some other outdated format is gonna make it. what a laggard mistake.
>and on the privacy front it doesn't seem like Avalanche cares at all
cant you read? a Subnet can be anything, its fully customizable. Oasis could easily transition into a Subnet and I predict that they will, just look at Cosmos.
>Why would I build a subnet from scratch when I could use something that is tried-and-true?
you can build it from scratch or you just fork over whats already there, even whats already there can easily transition into a subnet.
you could also use already finished VMs and just change on them whatever you want through a simple GUI and launch a new Subnet in under a minute. there is endless possibilities.
>It's the same argument as "people will just build their own oracles instead of using Chainlink,"
actually yes but in a different way.
its retarded to build your own oracles but its also retarded to build your own consensus. Avalanche solves this problem (and some other problems) like Chainlink solves the Oracle problem.

>> No.50726899

Begone from here, young Sandeep
To the designated shitting street

>> No.50726959

>Oasis could easily transition into a Subnet
Even if they could do it "easily," WHY would they want to do that? The consensus is already built, what is the selling point for re-building the whole thing on Avalanche?

>> No.50726988

Sub Second finality.
go read up on the Avalanche Consensus.

>> No.50727007

Oasis has instant finality, so I ask again, why would they want to move their computation into a subnet on avalanche?

>> No.50727086

Oasis has a generic and old consensus retard, it's not "instant"

>> No.50727100

>Oasis has instant finality
>of up to 1k tps, around 6s block times
Avalanche is several times faster and offers more tps.

>> No.50727124

It *is* instant, read the documentation.
I will give you the block time advantage, but 1k tps is only for a single paratime, not the network as a whole.

>> No.50727129

too slow, cant scale.

>> No.50727143

Why can't it scale?

>> No.50727160

its capped at 100 nodes.
Avalanche can scale to Millions of nodes.

>> No.50727179

That's not scaling, that's decentralization. And using your same logic, they could just "fork" another chain's code and swap out the consensus mechanism, building on top of avalanche is not needed.

>> No.50727227

>That's not scaling
its literally just 100 nodes, thats not scaling and not secure at all.
>and swap out the consensus mechanism
easier to just become a Subnet on Avalanche.
>building on top of avalanche is not needed.
it is and 900 Subnets are already in the works.
meanwhile nothing going on on the Oasis Ghostchain.

>> No.50727461
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And yet zhao keeps pumping, sounds weird op
what's your thoughts on this

>> No.50727509

What's your take on ORE ID chad? the platform was built in partnership with AIZON and has accounts with top platforms too.

>> No.50728310

Yeah, Railgun is one of the platforms I know have been developing in times like this. The privacy protocol has increased its reach as it's planning deployment to other blockchains like Polkadot and Avax.

>> No.50728811
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1657631284603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to give into buying this fag token again. It pumps 2x and dumps 10x backward. I will prefer to hodl low caps like LOX with real-life utilities over your bag of shitcoin. Go back to your hole.

>> No.50729093

I accept that you are being paid to post here and promote avax but holy fuck you're doing a terrible job. Completely avoiding and subverting points while you sneak in a few lies, very jewish of you, I'm sure you're currently making Israel very proud. I can spin up a SOL validator for a lot less cost than an AVAX validator. You currently need about $50k + hardware to run an avax node. I can spin up a SOL node for around about $2k all in (give or take a few hundred dollars each way) using consumer grade hardware. This is a mere 20x less cost to myself compared to running an AVAX node. There are no special checks, you download the software from their github and connect using a few commands. I wonder which approach will lead to a more distributed, decentralised network over time? I guess it's why SOLs nakamoto coefficient has risen over time where as AVAX's is stuck in the mud?

>> No.50729158

Are you literally retarded? The cost of one Söylana validator is hardware+1.1 SOL/per day payed by the validator you fucking lying nigger. You literally lose money/don't profit if your stake isn't high enough. See here:

>Of course this calculation doesn't account for the staked amount the validator actually owns, as they will receive 100% of the rewards. So while 50,000 SOL is the breakeven point for a validator charging 10% commission, a validator needs to own 'just' 5000 SOL staked to its own network to break even. At current rates that is still around $750k worth of SOL, which few of us have sat around waiting to invest.


>> No.50729829

Dont you just need a raspberry pi to validate Avax? Its like 50 bucks.

>> No.50729857

not an argument, like any leader based selection it either opens the chain to long range attacks or has a centralised selection process
most people here are too dumb to understand that simple dichotomy tho

>> No.50730244

What happened with Solana was tragic chad. It was a wake-up call for users to stay clear of anything centralized and keep funds in a cold wallet. I think platforms that focus on security and asset management would thrive in the coming months.

>> No.50731632
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>NO ETH can't be attacked it just can't

>> No.50731700

>The world is going to run on a chain that can technically never comply with financial regulations
you shitchain peddlers are a class for yourself. Thanks for the proof of concept runs; and again, no, neither parachains, subnets, layer whatever or roll ups will ever be used to settle transactions between real institutions, they all lack legal settlement finality and are unable to comply with Principle 8

>> No.50731729

Oasis is "instant" only as fast as the block time, can't go faster than 6 second average block time
Meanwhile AVAX C-chain is regularly doing multiple blocks per second, not to mention X-chain with UTXO

>> No.50731746

An FMI should provide clear and certain final settlement, at a minimum by the end of the value date. Where necessary or preferable, an FMI should provide final settlement intraday or in real-time.”

Note the definitive language of “clear and certain final settlement.” This excludes probabilistic or statistical finality

>> No.50731885

It's much much more secure, therefore less likely to be able to get attacked than your avg subnet. My image explains it perfectly.

>> No.50731914

eth is in the same camp, as the rest of gen 1.5. Probabilistic settlement finality. No matter how "secure" your walled garden is, it is never going to be taken serious by anybody else then gamblers

>> No.50731941

Non-tranime photos

>> No.50733012

You're apparently too dumb to understand that Avalanche doesn't have forks and any validator can propose a block ahead of what the consensus algorithm chooses for a block fee kek.

ETH has way more value to be attacked than any extant subnet. The point is if you need max security you use the mainchain (far more decentralized than ETH BTW) and otherwise it's up to the application to choose how much security they need.

>> No.50733101

so they went the centralization way
yeah sorry but I stopped paying attention to your shit chain after the snowman++ thing

>> No.50733900

They can just build a subnet for this and Subnets are fully customizable.
Every financial Institution will use Avalanche Subnets.
>its actually that stupid Nigger that cant figure out what Sub Second Finality means in the context of Blockchains.
so tiresome.
Ava Labs works with Mastercard, Paypal, The Bank of England, the US Government, FEMA, Deloitte and many more.
All of them will build Subnets.

>> No.50734269

double spending 26% inflation stolen tech scam turkish ghostchain

>> No.50734404

>t. some Ghostchain shill

>> No.50734481

>>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)
Any source you this, at all?
You write like a seething tranny.

>> No.50734495

Its common Knowledge Sandeep, Poolygon is shit.

>> No.50734691

Frankly it is great from what I can tell, go on and troon post further Yid shit

>> No.50734820

your stomach hurts, you need to poo
but I won't let you near the loo!
begone from here, young Sandeep
to the designated shitting street!

>> No.50735286

finality no matter how fast or "instant" is always going to be probabilistic, so no fit fro financial institutions
>muah community company programs
kek, marketing jeets

>> No.50735314

They can just build a Permissioned Subnet for that.

>> No.50735335

no they cant, legally not doable. Blockchains are NEVER going to be a settlement layer for institutions, the might be used as secondary ledgers but that is about it

>> No.50735362

>no they cant
yes they can and they will.
>Blockchains are NEVER going to be a settlement layer for institutions
there is no reason why they cant.
Avalanche has Sub Second finality and Subnets are fully customizable. its actually the best platform for this usecase.

>> No.50735453

typical marketing jeet.
You are unable to grasp the fine prints of contractual regulations. Keep developing and scamming, the underlying tech is worthless for what you try to sell it as to the poor bastards that pay your meals

>> No.50735550

>You are unable to grasp the fine prints of contractual regulations
Subnets are fully customizable

>> No.50735578

it doesn't matter. The settlement at the base is always going to be probabilistic, ergo unfit for institutional settlements. just give up, you wont make any sales on here anymore

>> No.50735606

Subnets are still fully customizable and can be adapted to that usecase.

>> No.50735664

And? Avax is probabilistic, which makes subnets probabilistic which makes them unfit for institutional settlement, even if you manage to make the settlement time negative.
This is true for every single dlt on the market and is going to be true for every single dlt that is ever going to build on decentralized verified transactions

>> No.50735684

See >>50735606

>> No.50735690

you must be a bot. And whoever deployed you should be fired

>> No.50735713

You must be retarded. I have to repeat myself 50 times and you still dont get it.

>> No.50735756

How does the customization of the computation layer of subnets get around the fact that consensus settlement is probabilistic?

>> No.50735776

Nobody cares if you slap some customizable shit on top of a probabilistic network. It inherits that property which, again makes it unfit, like every other dlt

>> No.50735780

>what are smart contracts

>> No.50735792
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why did all the low effort AVAX shills suddenly fill the board

oh wait. I completely forgot that MATIC surpassed AVAX kek

>> No.50735805

Everyone cares, thats why Avalanche is the Future.
Subnets are fully customizable and can serve any usecase.

>> No.50735806
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>> No.50735807

>fantom dead
kek there’s more daily txns on ftm compared to avax

>> No.50735820

You can't just "write a smart contract" on top of a consensus layer with certain properties to remove those properties. It would be like saying you can just re-write your computer's OS to increase the amount of transistors on your CPU, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.50735827

matic falls into the same category champ, never going to be more then a ponzi net laughed at by institutions

>> No.50735831

>copypasta memes from Avalanche
>constant reorgs, 20 minutes finality and whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig, network can go down if 2 nodes fuck up (LOL)

Hush hush young sandeep!

>> No.50735858

Of course you can make smart contracts, smart contracts will run everything in the future and Avalanche is the platform for this.
Chainlink will get its own Subnet too.

>> No.50735876

Matic is pajeet dogshit, it doesnt compare to Avalanche.

>> No.50735913

when it comes to the question about "clear and certain settlement" no, same same

>> No.50735975

I honestly think we are arguing with a bot, it just keeps giving the same response and not addressing what we are actually critiquing.

>> No.50735999

>doesnt know what smart contracts are

>> No.50736020

Is it possible to differentiate clearly between a bot and a pajeet that uses a script to determine which signal words he uses as a respond. I am doubtful sempai

>> No.50736062

Subnets and smart contracts are fully customizable, why is that so hard to accept for a retard like you?

>> No.50736085

Could I customize a subnet to do 1 quadrillion TPS? That would make avalanche the bestest blockchain in the world.

>> No.50736098

>1 quadrillion TPS?
There is no usecase that would require this.

>> No.50736107

Answer the question. Can it be done?

>> No.50736131

Erkan nobody contests that, what is being contested is, that avax, like any other dlt, be it classic nakamoto consensus, some Byzantine variation, hashgraphs, and everything else that is based upon decentralized verification of transactions is always going to have the property of probabilistic settlement finality, and therefor cant be legally used by institutions for settlements.

So anybody that claims whatever chain is going to e used by "institutions" is a lying piece of shit floating in the Ganges

>> No.50736135

I already answered your retarded question.

>> No.50736158

No, you didn't. Could I customize a subnet to do 1,000 TPS? 10,000? 100,000? What is the limit? They are fully customizable with no limits, right?

>> No.50736176

>and therefor cant be legally used by institutions for settlements.
Cool story bro but it can and will be used legally since subnets are fully customizable which means they can implement every Law and regulation.

>> No.50736191

you convinced me, you are a bot
thanks for wasting my time botjeet

>> No.50736218

Yes they are fully customizable, the subnet creator can decide what validators he wants.

>> No.50736242

Your time is worthless so I didnt waste anything.

>> No.50736267

Yes, it can be configured for limitless TPS, faster than speed of light finality and infinite number of validators. unfortunately it can’t be configured to get you more than 50 IQ. In that regard, it’s a shitcoin.

>> No.50736797

>Meanwhile Fantom is the only one pumping double digits with no top in sight
avax cope fag
he’s mad he didn’t buy any ftm when it was below .20 this year

>> No.50736998

That is the space's goal. Many projects are relentless when it comes to this, including metaverse sector. I learnt that Xpress wants to build a bank in the metaverse. I'm curious how they will pull things out.

>> No.50737094

>fuck binance.
They remain the best irrespective of the shit you say.

>> No.50738145

>Meanwhile tezos keeping chugging along
I have safely secured passive income rewards for XTZ by baking this asset in Sylo smart wallet. I have no doubts it's gonna pick up pace in the bull market

>> No.50738241

have you considered they could simply update the regulations?

>> No.50738332

There's no meaningful centralization there, what are you smoking kek.

This is the stupidest FUD kek. The failure probability is so small it's more likely the electrons in a bank's servers spontaneously reorganize themselves and fuck up accounts balances than for a safety failure to occur assuming BFT thresholds are met. It especially doesn't matter for avalanche because there's no longest chain rule so all that is affected is that block and it would be easy to rectify the limited parties involved assuming that would even happen in the first place. Long range attacks or what have you aren't a thing for avalanche unlike PoW chains. There's a much more realistic chance of a transaction reverting on longest chain rule protocols.

>> No.50738971
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Truth is users doesn't care about the tech behind ETHoe L2 vs Cumsmos vs Polgaydot vs AVAX. They won't care whether it is centralized or decentralized. They won't care at all. The product is what will attract them in the end. And the chain can either fuck or not fuck up the product.

Truth is, whether you accept it or not, AVAX will be massively popular and be benefited by especially few subnets. You can find few of them easily from Emin or Kevin but there are two hidden that are easily 500x within 2-3 years that you must dig deeper. And these images are the hints of why these hidden unnanounced gems will bring gaming adoption and bring AVAX, the next AWS to bigger awareness.

>> No.50739004
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>> No.50739042
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>> No.50739047
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2030, 1 AVAX = 1 AVME = 1 BTC

>> No.50739107
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Good luck finding the hidden 500x token/subnet.

>> No.50739399
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first HBAR dex going live tomorrow, get in or get rekt

>> No.50740854

NIFTYX will be interesting if they can release shit. Fucking website taking a year…

>> No.50741053

here, have some reading material if you really care why non of the current chains is going to make it.

>> No.50741083

>Bulgarian language
kys Simeon homo

>> No.50741698

>fellow bulgarians, here have some reading material
you are clueless, AVAX provides subsecond finality and that finality is ABSOLUTE and NON-PROBABILISTIC unlike shit like ETH or MATIC with their constant reorgs, up to 100 blocks for MATIC. Longest chain rule does not apply to AVAX. Not that it really matters that much in a slow legal environment as once your transaction is 7 blocks deep on the ETH chain then the probability it will be reverted is infinitesimally small, legally speaking zero.
In Avalanche there is no probability significant enough to matters to a legal process. Transactions are submitted and within 1 second are then set in stone. From a legal perspective that's as concrete as you can expect from all technology, which is always subject to small errors.
A judge wouldn't give a shit about some trivial technical probability anymore than he care about WiFi packet loss from the Law is a wholistic process that relies on human judgement, so one would take an argument based around WiFi packet loss seriously. Same goes for block settlement times, especially if the ambiguity is about 0.5s difference.

>> No.50742166

>generic pajeet reference response
not an argument

>> No.50742731

ur flag is literally an anus, kys jeet

>> No.50743584
File: 34 KB, 756x243, Ethereum-Beacon-Chain-experiences-7-block-reorg-What’s-going-on-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polygon reorgs happen less frequently than ETH
ETH almost never has reorgs over 2 blocks deep, in fact that time it had a 7 block reorg scared the shit out of people(see pic). Now take Polygon, has 20 block deep reorgs almost daily. During the bullmarket frenzy it was 40+ deep twice a day. No explanation from devs, no concern from holders, not a peep.

It's honestly embrassing that anyone can defend this coin on its technical fundamentals. It's a gambling shitcoin for jeets, like how BNB is for chinks. That's it. And no, you are not inheriting ETH's security because you are dependent on 5/9 multisig held by the jeet devs(same shit as Ronin bridge) and also 3 wallets which hold over 50% of all MATIC. I think only HBAR is more centralized than this shit, but at least HBAR develops their own tech instead of acting like a shady SPAC and buying up tech from smaller teams. In this way it's just a ponzi:
>dump MATIC
>use cash to buy out random dev teams
>make claims you have 'developed new tech' to attract more fools
>dump more MATIC on them
>repeat until you run out of fools(or until 5/9 gets hacked)

>> No.50744151

pooliegon BTFO

>> No.50744918

What do you think about Tezos?

>> No.50744920

I guess passive income is on everyone's mind lately. I'm taking my chances as well in LP mining on ORE Network. The yield is pretty decent desu.

>> No.50744925
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>join Avalanche or perish.
being this adamant

>> No.50745116

I have good expectations for Avax fren. I'm also anticipating the deployment of Railgun to the blockchain which would enable people to make private transactions and keep their businesses away from prying eyes.

>> No.50746650

I doubt if anyone can say for sure which the best blockchain is, but I feel the focus would be shifted to a blockchain that is compatible with all chains and makes entry easier for people.

>> No.50748429

Solana validators have super high hardware requirements. Have you been on the discord? People complain about it all the time. I looked into running one, it just wasn't worth it.

12 cores / 24 threads, or more
2.8GHz, or faster
AVX2 instruction support (to use official release binaries, self-compile otherwise)
Support for AVX512f and/or SHA-NI instructions is helpful
The AMD Zen3 series is popular with the validator community
128GB, or more
Motherboard with 256GB capacity suggested
PCIe Gen3 x4 NVME SSD, or better
Accounts: 500GB, or larger. High TBW (Total Bytes Written)
Ledger: 1TB or larger. High TBW suggested
OS: (Optional) 500GB, or larger. SATA OK
The OS may be installed on the ledger disk, though testing has shown better performance with the ledger on its own disk
Accounts and ledger can be stored on the same disk, however due to high IOPS, this is not recommended
The Samsung 970 and 980 Pro series SSDs are popular with the validator community


>> No.50749187
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70% of SOL's TVL has just been revealed to be fake. Turns AVAX actually had a much larger DeFi ecosystem during most of the bullrun. Not that surprising in hindsight since the AVAX community was clearly more active.

I would say this would be the last nail in the coffin but we all know SBF is going to keep this turd afloat until the next bullrun so he can dump it onto retail tards.

>> No.50750237

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.50750275

All Eth L2s and Tendermint chains (Cosmos networks) are centralized.

Avalanche subnets are decentralized. They share Avalanche security be sharing the underlying consensus protocol and the large pool of validators.

Meanwhile Eth L2s only claim to share Eth security because they get rolled up. Problem here is the L2 validators are usually a small group of computers and they can choose how to order transactions before compressing them into the rollup which is inherently centralized.

>> No.50750295

Old fag.. guess your points are somewhat inline, Avalance are busting bubbles, likely why Alliance block fundrs ( Decentralised VC ) launched on both Avalance & Etherium

>> No.50750326

how is the leader selected and how could this be exploited by a centralised instance. Think along those lines.

>> No.50750512

there is no leader selection. snowman++ adds a small fee to block proposers. this cuts down the block proposal spam so that bots aren't spamming a block proposal every 0.1 seconds without incurring significant fees.
so any validator can propose a block at anytime, but there is a heavy cost for proposal spam.

>> No.50750537
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nomies dont think, besides no skull to house a brain.
Avalance just came out of the woods and doing wonders lately, keeping an eye on projects builiding on it