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50719090 No.50719090 [Reply] [Original]

The Top 80 rich people's wealth is higher than the bottom 3 billion people's wealth: Thoughts on this situation?

>> No.50719553
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shit in toilet
but no shit my heart
why are here just shit

>> No.50719751

Act accordingly, what the fuxk

>> No.50719816

Because the bottom people are so fucking stupid they chose for it to be that way and you can't convince them that
>it's their own fault
>they need to stop supporting the system that does this to them
They aren't just slaves physically, but mentally and spiritually too, and quite possibly aren't even conscious souls but just meat golems

>> No.50719834

if it were monkeys on an island the 3 billion poor monkeys would just kill and eat the 8 rich monkeys. But we have laws to protect this so that the pie can grow bigger for everyone. sucks on the face of it but then realize tthose 3 billion would have not been born and would surely starve without the wealth creation of the west.
If people cab forget their place on the social heirachy for a moment, youll see it aint so bad.

>> No.50719837

>He doesn't know about the class of people above the "top 80" who sit above the money printers.
O anon.

>> No.50719881


The bottom couple billion are in debt. If you've got a dollar in your pocket and no debt then you are wealthier than all of them.

>> No.50719882

a bee queen can rule a colony of 20k bees

>> No.50719994
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Lets say you took all of their wealth and gave it to everyone else equally. The amount of wealth we would all get is very small. Not only that but as we spent it, it would cause massive price increases and we wouldn't be any better off.

The rich don't consume resources, that's what savings is, the act of refraining from consumption. The fact they are saving means there are more goods and services for the rest of us. Also, don't forget, there is such a small amount of super rich people. The working class receives like 99% of all consumer goods and services.

Any effort to take from the rich will always make the poor and middle class poorer.

>> No.50720028
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Reminder that leftists are fucking retarded.

>> No.50720324

They are alpha chads while the 3 billion are poor niggers who cope and seethe

>> No.50720329

>The amount of wealth we would all get is very small.
Yes but we would all benefit from eradicating parasites that leech upon us and setting a precedent that we can do it again for any aspiring parasites put there.

>> No.50720337

marx was right

>> No.50720375

If we shared out all the money equally. After 4 months we would be close to where are now again.

>> No.50720436

Except we know that's not true. If wealth is redistributed, the middle and lower class in expand consumption and grow the economy. Idk how you can think the exact opposite would happen since we just did this with stimulus checks for everyone and demand exploded

>> No.50720496

lol, that would only put a tiny dent in what the USA owes to social security and to it's own citizens, USA owes nearly 5 times that amount in debt

>> No.50720581

To add to this, the world has never been as prosperous as when the middle class started to emerge, indicating that more buying power = better economy.

>> No.50720715

>we would all benefit from eradicating parasites that leech upon us
1) They aren't parasites. They make production more efficient for a small fee(profit margins are typically 7%, which is lower than taxes).
2) I already explained how you wouldn't benefit.

He was hilarious wrong. Just read Bohm Bawerk already.

Not only that but the money spent would cause price increases making nobody better off.

>the middle and lower class in expand consumption and grow the economy.
Consumption doesn't grow the economy LMFAO
Savings and investment grow the economy.
Get the fuck out of here with your keynesian pseudoscience.

>we just did this with stimulus checks for everyone and demand exploded
Yes and the economy is so much better now and inflation didn't skyrocket. You are very smart.

You get more buying power by creating more goods and services using less labor inputs.
Not by printing money to increase short term consumption and neglect production.

>> No.50720825

>Defending rich people who got where they are now because they had connections and got lucky
It's like you WANT to be slaves

>> No.50720856

this. believe it or not, god doesn't put fully formed souls in poor peoples' bodies.

>> No.50720896
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>> No.50720923

Good, the bottom 3billion people are stupid and deserve to be poor.

>> No.50723611
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you ain't gon do shit homie

>> No.50723624

Pretty sure it's the top 8 people. Not the top 80.

>> No.50724340
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>Thoughts on this situation?
means we're in a global market bubble where somehow owning 15% of an unprofitable electric car company makes you the worlds richest man

>> No.50724523

>stimulus checks for everyone and demand exploded
causing the inflation bullshit we have now. you whores have sold 10% of you lifetime future earnings for a measely $1200.