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5068447 No.5068447 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else all in Bitcoin right now?

Feels bad missing all the moons the past few days but I feel like big dick BTC is going to make the push to 20k any hour now and alts will be JUST'd back into oblivion.

Or am I just coping?

>> No.5068502

I'm mostly in BTC. I'm not worried about anything besides the entire crypto market crashing.

>> No.5068534

Me too brah

Keep those steady hands and never doubt the King

We are going to moon soon and alts will get crushed

>> No.5068536

Alt season almost over. Just chill bruh u good.

>> No.5068568

All these deluded idiots putting their eggs in one basket. Really feel bad, you guys are going to lose so much.

>> No.5068577


If BTC goes down everything shits the bed, it's the safest place.

>> No.5068598

There are cycles in this market and Bitcoin going up again is the next step. Apart from some serious news that pops the whole bubble Bitcoin going up before other altcoins follow is the next step.

>> No.5068611

All in on BTC sold all my shitcoins a while back when everything was crashing.

Feels kinda bad desu to miss these moon missions (especially with coins that I hodled not too long ago). But my BTC gains more than make up for it so Im not too worried.

>> No.5068663

If you genuinely think that it’s just a “cycle” then you are truly delusional. Money follows what makes the most sense.

BTC is at 20 dollar fees and just hit a double top.

Being all in BTC at this point is like going all in on Yahoo stock in the early 2000’s

>> No.5068691

Sounds like you need Link in your life

>> No.5068701

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH alt season is just beginning

>> No.5068702

better buy ripple xrp it will take over the cryptos makret

>> No.5068741

Yes I’m going to watch the ratio on alts get absolutely fucked again
More profitable in bitcoin
When bitcoin runs

>> No.5069137

To me BTC was supposed to provide two valuable things: 1) a store of value because of limited tokens 2) transactionality making it worth it to hold some for the average joe eventually to buy their things with without worrying about fiat printing machines.

But now all these crypto-ccs are starting to be treated as interchangeable or at least gaining more equal legitimacy. I don't get how you have store-of-value in BTC anymore in that case, because you can just move your coins to the most liquid crypto. New more liquid crypto comes out, people move, old coin plummets. So no more store of value. And we know where BTC is with transactionality/liquidity, ie: shit tier compared to other coins. We need more BIPs integrated into BTC to fix it, but miners are slow rolling that because they like rolling in the fees. So what keeps BTC from being more than tulips at this point?

>> No.5069158

alts are going 10x compared to BTC. BTC holdres WILL GET REKT hahahah.

>> No.5069187

Bitcoin isn't going to move for another two months. All the normies that wanted to buy in already bought and the rest are waiting until after Christmas.

>> No.5069276

You'relate to the game, €15k was the sell-point, if it reaches €15k again, the sales will be triggered. You need an exit strategy.

VeCoin is massively undervalued now, so I suggest you diversify into VeCoin and Ethereum.

>> No.5069345

I forgot to mention, alts are the big exit strategy for a lot of people, so you want to be on that train before bitcoin starts to crash.

The big coins to watch IMO:
Bitcoin Cash

>> No.5069699

Still laughing at the nocoiners who think that what the global economy needs now more than anything else is another digital payment solution.

Owning a bitcoin is owning a bank. The reason it is mooning right now and getting the hype is because the world needs a solution to QE and NIRP. When the world needs a transactional solution that cuts out banking middle men, bitcoin will redeploy it's resources to deliver those services.

>> No.5069857

People are starting to figure out how badly the game is rigged. Euro inflation is at 3%, plus you gotta pay tax (44% where I live) on interest. So even if you're saving at a 1.5% interest rate, you're losing ~2% of your wealth every year while house prices continue to rise,

Crypto is going to destroy banks, and that's really what the world wants.

>> No.5069892

If people can sell their BTC and swap to a faster coin faster than BTC can "redeploy" why wouldn't they just do that and let BTC go to zero?

>> No.5070079


One day the cycle will break and it will all be over.

I've already lost all my BTC, yours will be next if you don't cash out now.

>> No.5070315
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>i've already lost all my BTC
normies are disgusting

>> No.5070698


>> No.5070788

>alts moon
>everyone wants to secure gains
where do you think all of them will go?

>> No.5070948

yeah I bet he misses his $50 worth he bought on coinbase at 17.4k

>> No.5071402
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>staying in BTC now

The reason XMR and LTC skyrocketed was because smart money was hedging against a BTC correction.

This guy >>5069345 knows what's up.

>> No.5071654



>muh brand
>muh digital gold

i don't buy this.
People are so greedy they will leave instantly if something better and stable comes a long.

Who keeps buying BTC????!!!!!!!!!

And why is no whale dumping BTC?
Or are they dumping.... SLOWLY? :)

What's the safest crypto haven if you don't want to cash out to FIAT?

>> No.5071681

Negroe, take an alt that you like and put part on it.

>> No.5071733

>safest crypto
Ripple. I know, now we have a PnD, but it is in general very stable.

>> No.5071803


Ripple when it's down 60% from here?

>> No.5071834

Lol blame core not the miners. Core would rather see Bitcoin die than give up control. If you can't see Peter Todd is an autist you might be one too.

>> No.5071843

Monetize is safest. I fully believe it will hit $5000 next year. And op don’t worry. 200 million worth of fresh tether will be pumped in very soon.

>> No.5071845


I went in bitmex and lost it all.

My entire life savings on a single 100x leverage trade.

POOF, gone in an instant.

>> No.5071967

Monero i meant is safe.

>> No.5072078


All the normies that bought the past 2 months will soon realise bitcoin isn't doing anything anymore, then they will google why this is happening.

Then they will see coinmarketcap, they will see cheap coins that are up 1000% like ripple, they will think ripple can reach $10.000 like Bitcoin. Then they will sell their bitcoin and join the alts.

>> No.5072168

>thinking normies know how to buy alts

>> No.5072189
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>> No.5072257

They can, my normie friend told me to buy ripple today, he said it's the new bitcoin and it will soon be $100 dollar and $10.000 next year...

>> No.5072271

Why would you do that anon

>> No.5072550
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I'm getting serious FOMO on Ripple, is it about to get dumped? I know it will dip 50% the second I buy

>> No.5072664
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Hit the quantum killswitch and try again

>> No.5072752


Haha this shit is exactly what happened.

I was like "alright let's try 5x"

Hmm, I barely got anything.

"Alright let's try 50x"

"Oh fuck I lost a quarter of my stack, I guess 50x is too much"

"Let's try 25x with 1/2 of my remaining stack"

>price goes down 2%

"Fuck I need to panic sell because if it goes further I'll get liquidated"

>panic sell, lose 1/2 my stack again.

>price goes back up

"Fuck fuck, alright last try"

>put in a 50x short order


>don't sell because of greed
>see price is creeping back up

"I definitely bought the top don't worry, it'll go down again"

>price creeps up further

"No big deal, I'll put a stop loss at what I ordered it"

>price triggers my stop loss, taking me out of my position, then immediately starts to plunge again
>lost out on massive gains

Then at this point I just gave up, went 100x a few more times and lost it all.


>> No.5072781

could be worse. coulda bought XRP at ATH like me.

btw... selling XRP

>> No.5072959

You're betting against computers in an unregulated market. Of course you will eventually lose everything. This market is like disneyland for phD educated algorithm based traders. NEETS cannot prevail.