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50715631 No.50715631 [Reply] [Original]

why is BTC worth more than XMR, when XMR actually does what BTC was supposed to (and what maxis think it does)

>> No.50715716

Because being untraceable isn't always desirable

>> No.50715857

I think you answered your own question

>> No.50717058

simply because XMR isn't BTC
XMR hasn't the longuest and oldest blockchain

i have both though

>> No.50717242

Monero is optionally transparent.
>XMR hasn't the longest and oldest blockchain
Dumb logic. Just because it is older does not mean better.
Horses are the oldest form of transportation, do you use them instead of a car? No.

>> No.50717400

>Horses are the oldest form of transportation, do you use them instead of a car? No.
It could be argued that bitcoin is the model-t in this analogy. It's shit compared to the modern version, but people still pay a lot for the classic.

>> No.50717605

it's not the same. cars are better than horses and more efficient. the problem cars solve is: efficiency and speed.

it's a different problem and value origin in crypto.
bitcoin is worth more because in the crypto ecosystem trust has a huge value. and what is the most trusted network ? bitcoin. people need stability and security. bitcoin offers that.
Monero also offers that but it is not the blockchain with the oldest and strongest network

>> No.50717612
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Why are literal dog memes cracking the Top 10 and returning 45 million % gains? Because the current crypto market is a HIGHLY irrational clownworld casino where absolute shit is considered valuable and vice versa.

So don't make the mistake of assuming that a higher market price is an indication of quality or staying power, without actual real-world utility and adoption such glory is ultimately fleeting.

But to answer your question: because Bitcoin had a 5 year head start and because the Monerofication of OSPEC-critical markets like the darknet & ransomware sectors has only just begun. Consider that just 18 months ago Monero-only markets didn't even exist and BTC enjoyed a 100% acceptance rate.

Now there are already 8 Monero-only markets with more announced and BTC's acceptance rate is down to just circa 50%. And in a couple of years it'll be completely dead in the only 100% crypto commercial sector in the world, good luck reconciling that with the "just keep stacking sats, bro, Bitcoin has no competition!" narrative.

Anyway, once the speculators finally see the writing on the wall and realize Monero is the next big thing in crypto, then we'll see some crazy shit.

>> No.50717643

Network effects and game theory

>> No.50717707

Because of branding.
XMR has the better tech no doubt but it's uses are basically what early Bitcoin was used for, ie money laundering, black market currency and just generally used by criminals. Good luck trying to convince the average person to invest in XMR when the entire coin's existence is based of hardcore libertarian ideology. It's a tough sell.

>> No.50717716

submarine swaps are better than xmr.

>> No.50717723

because xmr glows with the light of a thousand operatives

>> No.50717786

bitcoin can exchange to xmr with no middle man, and the opposite can also occur. Given that bitcoin is the original, and there is only 21M, do you now see why btc is more valuable, even if you need to hide a transaction?

>> No.50717835
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>submarine swaps are better than xmr.


Plz go inform the DNM admins on Dread all about them and then report back with their response.

>> No.50717864
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>because xmr glows with the light of a thousand operatives

Yeah, totally lol

>> No.50718321

People do pay alot for NFTs, such is Bitcoin.

>people need stability and security. bitcoin offers that.
People also need privacy, you don't want your entire financial record publicly available for anyone to see, do you? Even credit cards and banks are more private than Bitcoin.
>Monero also offers that but it is not the blockchain with the oldest and strongest network.
Again, older does not equal better. Technology must evolve in order to be competitive and ahead of its competition. Does anyone use the first and oldest cryptocurrency called eCash? No. There were several cryptocurrencies before Bitcoin's conception.

>> No.50719056

correct answer
XMR's time will come eventually though

>> No.50721423
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XMR is fucking dead, ZHAO will fucking destroy both XMR and BTC soon since they already beaten ELON by far

>> No.50723538
File: 104 KB, 1200x600, bitcoin_whitepaper_nederlands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People also need privacy, you don't want your entire financial record publicly available for anyone to see, do you? Even credit cards and banks are more private than Bitcoin.

i agree with this problem and unfortunatly it is a big problem. maybe bitcoin destiny is to be some kind of p2p cash system to become a value reserve like gold coins were used sa cash before it became money reserves for countries.

>Technology must evolve in order to be competitive and ahead of its competition. Does anyone use the first and oldest cryptocurrency called eCash? No. There were several cryptocurrencies before Bitcoin's conception.

it is and still will be the blockchain with the more proof of work done which prove its resilience and security. it doesn't need to be an innovative crypto anymore, it just needs to do what people expect it to do: work as usual with a block each ~10 minutes, broadcast transactions. it's this way since more than 13 years. it can sound weird if you are looking for innovations and new ideas but if you are looking for stability, security and resilience then it's perfect

ecash didn't had bitcoin innovations (pow, decentralization for exemple) to build resilience.