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50712653 No.50712653 [Reply] [Original]

Is privatization a bad sign? How does it even work?

>> No.50712676
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>> No.50712683

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it, not glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a parasite.

Capitalism privatizes everything and turns everything into a commodity to be exploited and enslaved. From land, shelter, water (soon even air) and even living beings (cattle) and humans(slaves)

>> No.50712686

>Is privatization a bad sign?
No. It's actually a good sign, nationalization is a bad sign.

>> No.50712706

>its a good thing when 10 unelected jewish families decide the fate of tens of millions of people

>> No.50712716

>Marxism and scientific communism are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, communism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All political tools like secret police, communist party, forced psychiatrics, gulag etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating repressions, poverty, wealth inequality, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it, not glitches, and every single state officer or party comrade is a parasite.
>Communism nationalizes everything and turns everything into a state asset to be exploited and enslaved. From land, shelter, water (soon even air) and even living beings (cattle) and humans (slaves)

>> No.50712725

>its a good thing when 10 self-elected jewish families decide the fate of tens of millions of people

>> No.50712865

have sex

>> No.50712912

fuck off jeff

>> No.50713367

Oh boy

>> No.50713565

yes it is bad, obviously everything works much better when the imam, pope, or leftist commie trannies decide everything you bigot

>> No.50713625

unironically, the best system is the current china model, which is why every country is slowly moving towards it:
>allow entrepreneurial individuals to set up businesses and compete
>allow huge amounts of capital to go into it
>collectivise risk to the population
>in return the companies give complete backdoor access to governments, who benefit from the company's success
>because of gloabalised economy, outcompete foreign countries companies
>cult like, bug like mentality from population, no dissidence
>no allowance for externalities like pollution or worker welfare, keeps your companies more competitive
>use money to buy influence and resources abroad, further monopolising the market
>don't allow foreign agents to buy your countries companies, only the government can win from the company's success
Rinse and repeat

>> No.50713726

privitization is a good thing but it can be done in the wrong way
the public sector is inherently uncompetitive and stagnant because of both it's size and unique position of being incapable of failing
however the private sector needs to be regulated and kept in check to prevent bad monopolies or excessive exploitation
there is also the point that this is literally selling off the industries to international jews but it could be fantastic for propelling ukraine into a remotely modern economy

>> No.50713744

unironically, the best system is the current zionist model, which is why every country is slowly moving towards it:
>allow entrepreneurial individuals to set up businesses and compete
>allow huge amounts of capital to go into it
>collectivise risk to the population
>in return the companies give complete backdoor access to governments, who benefit from the company's success
>because of gloabalised economy, outcompete foreign countries companies
>cult like, bug like mentality from population, no dissidence
>no allowance for externalities like pollution or worker welfare, keeps your companies more competitive
>use money to buy influence and resources abroad, further monopolising the market
>don't allow foreign agents (goyim) to buy your countries companies, only the government can win from the company's success
Rinse and repeat

>> No.50713760
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, a6475bbc96d0eb5ac1edf5e19af9290a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless the walton family and god bless shart mart

>> No.50714064

all of those Ukrainian state owned companies will end being owned by people with
in their last name.

>> No.50714133

Have sex socialist swine.

>> No.50714206

Capitalism is a drag queen story hour in every school. Capitalism is muslims dancing and taking selfies while Notre-Dame burns. Capitalism is african rapists getting shorter prison sentences than the Whites who publicly complain about their country's immigration policy.

>> No.50714312

Ive had sex im more interested in euthanizing parasites now

>> No.50714350

Euthanize yourself then, no one is more parasitic than a bureaucrat pig no matter under what economic system.

>> No.50714473

OK, groomer.

>> No.50714554

Kill yourself, you can thank progressive movements for anything you listed above, basement sweller faggot.

>> No.50714593

>defends pride parades and trannies
>calls other people faggots
go jerk off to Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard while your country is looted by corporations.

>> No.50714622

Gonna capitalize your mothers vagene

>> No.50714683

You can thank the left for that, their obsession for capitalism makes them destroy any religious and traditional value people used to have, but systemic efficiency never goes away.

Now that "capitalism" turns their own values into a product for the sake of efficiency they cope with projecting their own faults to the other side, as always.

>> No.50714716

In a healthy economy it's a good thing. In a corrupt country currently at war it's corrupt politicians selling out their country to foreigners.

>> No.50714744

lol nice headcanon, fag enabler.

>> No.50714784

You're another socialist swine and you'll fail just like the others, hiding yourself behind social conservatism to larp as a right-winger doesn't fool me, pathetic low-life scum.

>> No.50714903

yes, I want a system that protects families and traditions, you're vociferously promoting a system that mainstreamed feminism and homosexuality but I'm the right wing larper. If you stand for unrestricted capitalism, you literally can't take a principled position on anything else. That's why you're a disgusting, civilization wrecking fag enabler

>> No.50714983

>I'm a free market libertarian kind of guy
>but I also believe that the free market will somehow lead to the creation of a traditional conservative society via magic
This burger combo never fails to amuse me. You'll only get your trad world if some authoritarian ruler creates it with an iron fist. Free market will lead you down a completely different path of degeneracy and chaos which I personally don't mind

>> No.50715028

You are a complete idiot.

>> No.50715038

I disagree, I'm ok with the free enterprise but you have to place strong restrictions on it when private entities amass enough capital to influence your culture. And in general, companies should be prevented from doing anti-social things that hurt the average citizen. You need some degree of free enterprise or your nation will stagnate.

>> No.50715393

Neither i care, but "muh capatalism is the only responsible for trannies in school" sounds like bullshit to me, i never heard anyone pushing for that shit being in favor of capitalism in the first place, they actually blame everything on it and have strong leftist beliefs
>I'm ok with the free enterprise but at the same time not ok
LOL at you.
>And in general, companies should be prevented from doing anti-social things that hurt the average citizen
And you're going to prevent that with your teenager powers?
Not even the soviets stopped the so called "pseudo-capitalists" from taking over their own state thanks to a black market created by how shit central planning was, cronyism is inevitable in your ethnoLARP societies just like the commie ones.

>> No.50715702

Losing control over companies that are the base of your economy is never a good sign. Also, privatization only works with profitable companies so less money to the gov and more to the... you know who.

>> No.50715740

No, privatization means a crony state is finally willing to grow the fuck up and let their people build a prosperous market economy. Look at China post-Mao.