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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50712102 No.50712102 [Reply] [Original]

just sell your stupid, shitty link tokens
it's going nowhere
project is dead and you can't deny it
how many times do we have to tell you this?

>> No.50712175

enraging that these link fucks wont sell
fucking hate them

>> No.50712177


>> No.50712341

You had 10 years.

>> No.50712377

we as in biz
fucking moron

>> No.50712382

>how many times do we have to tell you this?
hmmm I'm not sure, but so far it's clearly not been enough

>> No.50712398

who is this guy, biz?
is he like a kek baggie?

>> No.50712411

I am still, not selling. I will never sell, and you my Bulgarian foe, will never be a woman.

>> No.50712420

Fuck we hate linkies they are so fucking smug the cunt double nigger spastic fuck why won't they sell faggot kike linkies think they are so smart they think they are going to make it well we have news for those retard limpdick chud losers link is only going down forever we can not wait to watch them kill themselves on livestream when they finally realise that they were scammed by a fat russian peabrain who pisses and shits himself onstage for all the world to see how completely and utterly pathetic they are if they don't end it we will hunt down every last linkie and personally put a bullet through where a normal persons brain would be

>> No.50712421

reverse psychology fud?

>> No.50712432

Bots. Only bots

>> No.50712474
File: 31 KB, 660x372, No,_I_don't_think_I_will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50712505

How long have you been browsing biz?

>> No.50712514

I have a confession to make. I am a bot, anon, and I have been responsible for every post in this thread

>> No.50712544

who the fuck is this guy biz please furnish me with data, anon

>> No.50712551

I won't totally roll it out, I did sell 75% of my holdings last year but I ain't moved about what the remaining does, biz is clearly fudding the hell outta of this token, based.

An anon asked yesterday for possible buys as he wished to dump his LINK stacks, I saw a lot of alts but one normie spoke about in-car edutainment while on the go and called it holoride an Elrond based project, looks classy, y'all wagies can check it out coz I sure do need some solid gems.

>> No.50712606

say hi to everyone in discord for me
and remember that you will have to answer to Him on day

>> No.50712642 [DELETED] 

I really can't wait for assassination contracts. I have a huge list of gypsie/indian scam that need cleansing.

>> No.50712660
File: 144 KB, 1868x437, random_idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.50712736

too stupid to get it.
the posts of a bot isnt worth reading
it doesnt matter if you shit in streets in fact of course, you are a bot

>> No.50713301

i dont get it