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File: 235 KB, 1124x1137, avax camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50712200 No.50712200 [Reply] [Original]

>be AVAX
>claim to be "scaling solution"
>somehow manage to bring gas fees all the way to $14

How does this retard Emin have the audacity to talk smack about Polygon?
Polygon never had their fees cross $1 even during one of the nastiest DDOS attacks in the market

>> No.50712215
File: 51 KB, 600x800, 1654855541868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey brown guy, I have AVAX

>> No.50712216

yeah polygon just halted and txs didnt go through

>> No.50712222

This happens to every chain. They cut corners and are fast at first, then the network gets clogged with data and prices to use said chain, go up. Newfags won’t understand until it’s too late.

>> No.50712254
File: 57 KB, 1066x1392, hey nigger, i have MATIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nigger i have MATIC

>> No.50712263

Shill me polygon. Cant you bridge both ETH and Avax into polygon? I work in crypto and I've noticed our clients really prefer Polygon lately.

>> No.50712267

>happens to every chain
never happened to polygon

>> No.50712276
File: 216 KB, 914x1549, 1658266695616783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ronin bridge was hacked for 650M
>ETH sidechain secured by 5/9 multi-sig
>4 keys held by Axie themselves
hmmmmm sounds familiar, isn't Polyjeet also a ETH sidechain with a 5/8 multi-sig ALSO with 4 keys also held by Polygon employees? Not to mention Currygon has been hacked before. It's just a matter of time before all funds are cleared out.
Good luck you fucking street shitters, you'll need it.

>> No.50712284

Why does Matic use ETH? What's the point of having your own token if you want to be an L2 to another network? I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.50712287

give me one reason i should choose Polygon over Avalanche

>> No.50712288

bullshit, your chain congests to shit and does 100 block deep reorgs you lying street shitter.

>> No.50712292

I've spoken to quite a few devs who like polygon and say it's far more dev friendly and is easy enough that even pajeets can use it.

>> No.50712301

curry > kebabs
hate jeets but love the food

>> No.50712305

I noticed Cheering Biden turned into a meme when my rape defender got deactivated.

>> No.50712306

>first ever open source zkEVM
>8 multipurpose scaling solutions
>partnerships with major companies like Facebook, Disney and Stripe
here i gave you 3

>> No.50712321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50712326

I used Polyjeet last year asshole, it's pretty much unusable in high load situations and gets spammed to fuck 24/7.

The "Polygon is a le Efferum helper! We help it scale!" thing is only a cringe pussy move to get ETH bagholders on board.

>>first ever open source zkEVM
>>8 multipurpose scaling solutions
>>partnerships with major companies like Facebook, Disney and Stripe

The zkEVM wasn't built inhouse, they just bought them up. The scaling "solutions" are nothingburgers or copies (see """"""Supernets""""""", a literal copy of subnets). The company "partnerships" are your usual nothingburger crypto partnerships.

>> No.50712350
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>> No.50712364
File: 7 KB, 440x195, 2ef45ccf-6546-4294-b34e-4e6c511dd7a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking nigger cuck faggot slave
almost 2 billion transactions
everything you said is suddenly irrelevant

>> No.50712375

avax is shit and on a death spiral, matic will shine like a star in the next bullrun. why do you like being poor so much

>> No.50712381
File: 77 KB, 1018x1600, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50712397
File: 64 KB, 1082x534, jeet_innovation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first ever open source zkEVM
wasn't even developed by them, they bought it from another team and made it open source. I doubt they even know how the fuck it works, hence why it's stuck in development.
>8 multipurpose scaling solutions
It's actually 7, only two are even usable. The supernets is just a tacit admission that their current scaling method didn't work (pretty obvious after the congestion and reorg issues) so they stole subnets from AVAX and rebranded it 'supernets' despite them actually being subnetworks. Goddamn, either jeets are just stupid or the marketers have no shame. I am pretty sure this indicates that all major decisions made by Polygon are from their business department and not the CTO.
>Facebook, Disney, Stripe
Floundering globohomo shitcorps, not even full partnerships just some bloated megacorporations throwing out money to whoever claims to be ESG friendly and can mesh with their shitlib woke values. Obviously having a melanin enriched team helps too. They probably think of the Sandeep as some kind of brown pet, like an ewok.

>> No.50712402

Let's see
>20 min finality
>2 nodes have enough stake to control network
>multiple deep re-orgs every day
>whole TVL secured by a 5/8 multi-sig; team controls 4/8 keys and chose holders of remaining keys
>classical consensus protocol that can not scale validator set

>> No.50712444

>doesnt change the fact that they'll have the first open souce zkEVM
why are you seething about the fact that Polygon is so fucking liquid?
>go to their website. its 8 faggot
at least supernets work you nigger. subnets fucked up and send gas fees to $14
>talk all the shit that you want about these companies but the fact remains tht they are influencing the leading the world. The fact that they're choosing Polygon over your shitchain says a lot
how much more cope can you produce?

>> No.50712450

seriously where do you get all this bullshit from?
i could make the same lies about AVAX right now and call it a day

>> No.50712466

>if I just laugh at it, it will go away
ok jeet, I've never seen a single one of you retard shills make a technical argument. Not a single one. It's all just the same 3 memes being spammed over and over. Same copypasta too "first ever open source zkEVM, 8 multipurpose scaling solutions, etc etc blah blah"
How about you start posting some hands with timestamps and then we can talk

>> No.50712491
File: 104 KB, 1125x1065, i have matic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now seethe you turk fag
Captcha: KYSRN2

>> No.50712579
File: 132 KB, 1047x1034, lamopepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons

>> No.50712601
File: 51 KB, 1062x710, AVAX_gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know when you use greentext you are supposed to quote or paraphrase my post. It's hard enough to understand your hindu blathering without the fucked up formatting.

>they'll have the first working zkEVM
yeah sure, and Cardano is going to have 100 dapps anytime now. Vaporware and false promises are the default in crypto and Polygon's behavior indicates this to be exactly where they are coming from. Also you can't brag about something that hasn't been released, or at the very least proven to work. You have to have something. Anything else is meaningless conjecture. Polygon's track record so far is a congested sidechain with questionable security and a stolen horizontal scaling method. You can't expect anyone to take their claims of advanced future tech seriously. Sure, go ahead and gamble, but don't try to rope the rest of us into putting money on wild claims by dubious characters.

>subnets fucked up and send gas fees to $14
the exact opposite idiot, subnets sent gas fees way way down. What sent them up was a volatile gas fee algo that they simply changed in an update about a week later to be much smoother. See pic.

>> No.50713108

polygon really feels threatened by avax with all the fud they do constantly and instead of having their own threads they always invade avax threads maybe not enough organic responses to have their own polygon threads anyway its not a good look at all makes then look kind of desperate

>> No.50714811


which one is a lie? lmao

>> No.50714970

shitskins are indeed pathetic. Idk why Turks get called cockroaches when low IQ pajeets share more characteristics with actual roaches.

>> No.50716297

2 shit coins arguing.

This is like the india/pakistan border closing ceremony.

>> No.50717292

its more like polygon jeets are annoying mosquitos on a majestic horse(avax) that you constantly have to swat away this is in referance how they keep invading avax threads and make dedicated fud threads on avax to shill their own shit token

>> No.50717357

>AVAX breaks down over a crab game stress testing its network
>meanwhile BSV is already doing multiple times the transactions of Ethereum without fatal issues that plague polygon and avax