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50707644 No.50707644 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't a thread for shit posts or meltdownie spam or whatever other off topic nonsense is going on in that dumbass "general". Let's have serious discussions about Gamestop and its wider ramifications to the market.

>> No.50707815 [DELETED] 

peepoopeepoo fuck the dtcc fuck the jew

>> No.50707971

Who knows if it'll ever actually "go to the moon" or whatever.
What I know is, an army of cult like idiots, right or wrong, is a powerful force.
Ryan Cohen has a proven albeit short track record.
Gamestop itself often has really solid prices on things. As someone who games, I do find myself occasionally buying stuff from them due to prices.
All in all, it's not going to 0 but there's money to be made off the swings back and forth, and it can't hurt to hold onto some shares in case the conspiracy types are right.
Will be interesting to see if any of the Blockchain based stock market predictions come to fruition but rn it looks like schizo posting

>> No.50708073 [DELETED] 
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Tongue my anus bank jew

>> No.50708088
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the conspiracy types are correct in that there is shennanigans going on and that buying and holding should naturally cause a system-breaking squeeze. buying and direct registering shares will guarantee that something will happen. who knows what that is, but the way i see it, every outcome is a winning condition; especially if they have to take extreme measures to shut it down. there are always consequences for exercising that kind of power

>> No.50708090

nobody serious is holding that dumpster fire, retard

>> No.50708120

I'm really unsure honestly but been following gme closely makes me believe you. The general idiocy of gme holders makes me cringe heavily though. There's some very smart people who have caught some interesting things and the early signals on loopring made me some good money.

>> No.50708277

This is where I'm at, I've held for 2 years now and don't plan on selling until there's something concrete disproving the existing theories. It doesn't affect me in any meaningful way, and this is an unprecedented event.
Either the economic terrorist and elites pull through and do what they do best and bring it to an end, which is likely, or they don't, and I'll be a bit richer.
At every turn there's verifiable fuckery and it's obvious that there's an ongoing fight to suppress the ticker. Are the millions of retards holding going to prosper or the ones that have many years of manipulating the market and controlling the very institution itself going to win?
Who knows. I'm along for the ride.

>> No.50708291

> idiosyncratic risk to the entire system
> fucking the rich man out of his position with infinite risk
> cult-like following
> immense squeeze potential outside of normal parameters
> Ryan Jewhen at the helm

Yeah im thinking of buying some more
Verification not required

>> No.50708312
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The best part about the GME psyop? EVERYONE HATED GME. EVERYONE. They were overpriced, rude, and ripped you off when trying to sell used games. Just before the squeeze narrative everyone was talking about how evil GME was due to the way they treated employees during the rona.

Then the marketing kikes did their thing and manufactured one of the absolute top psyop campaigns Ive seen in years and somehow convinced reddit that GME was not only a financially viable company, but that it was an inherently morally GOOD company and buying its stock was a virtuous thing to do. It was absolutely fucking brilliant and machiavellian and reddit swallowed every single word and begged for more, switching from "fuck gme" to "i will risk my children's future to defend gme" in the span of a few weeks.

I made a lot of money from this buying and selling twice and I feel zero sympathy for bagholders and cultists - I have grown to see them as more dangerous to humanity and civilization than the hedgies who psyoped them. Its a weird feeling but I think I now understand a little bit why kikes see us as goyim - literally cattle and sheep to be used. In just a few weeks they completely inverted how people thought and FELT about GME, and did so while convincing the normies and plebs it was all an organic, natural, and grassroots crusade by the little people against the evil bankers. Not only did the sheep believe it, they also internalized and made it a fundamental part of their egoic identification to the point of cultism and life-ruining desicions. Absolutely zero sympathy for NPC bagholders brainwashed by kikes.

>> No.50708469

I was meaning to ask the same about AMC. I have a friend of mine that won’t shut the fuck up about it and how “the apes” are going to send it to the moon. Something about how they own the float and the hedge funds need their shares? I just don’t see it

>> No.50708486

It highlighted to very many normalfags from reddit just how fucked the financial system is. It's been very useful in that regard. I also made a couple ten grand off it and continue to hold some shares in case it actually pops off.

>> No.50708499

AMC is fakeshit. GME is the only one with potential to squeeze.

>> No.50708532

i believe it. I'm not schizo enough to care though
based. good to see anons taking profits. I chuckle at all of the coping plebbit bag holders.

>> No.50708566

DFV looked at AMC and said there was no value there. So how did the AMC movement start? Who was the one who not only showed that AMC would squeeze with GME, but provided the evidence to definitively prove DFV wrong in his assessment of AMC?
That's right: nobody! It's completely faceless and inorganic. Their subreddit was created after the sneeze and only has 8000 users on at a time and never went through a migration. They don't DRS. They just flood the internet with forced memes to camouflage the fact that they don't have any DD.

>> No.50708608

amc was bundled into some fucked swap alongside being pump and dumped to dunk on normies, distract from gme and for collatoral. i have no source but these digits and schizoaffective disorder

>> No.50708650

This is a desperate play for complete retards

>> No.50708704
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This. The system is going to break and fuck lots of people, probably including the moonbois. Apes will get slaughtered, but Molech might actually blink a little. Worth watching.

>> No.50708708
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memes aside, GameStop is seeing some interesting new business approaches with the NFT market and potentially even more blockchain based income models. it sees regular run ups that has become undeniably a swingers paradise, the run ups are likely to continue. bear thesis is that the stock is unpredictable and could go + or -25% on any given day without news, it’s a heavily controlled stock so why bother. ultimately it’s not for the normies but it remains a solid play for the bold and the schizos

>> No.50708773

Gamestop loses 600 million dollars every year in their business operations.
The only way they can stay in business is diluting bagholders, which they will surely do.
Gamestop is going to zero. Their business model is simply obsolete, and their jpg store is an expensive sideshow with no relevance.

>> No.50708804

You’re going to kill yourself tonight when Solana hits 0 stupid ass crypto baggie

Get your teeth fixed

>> No.50708815

If they to decide to do a broker shares count it'll be over by tomorrow. SS is certainly comped and i hate it.

>> No.50708819

Please do not split threads.

>> No.50708835
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>Shills have had to split the actual threads numerous times today
>Jannisaries are in on it
>Implying this isn't gigahyperomegashenronover9001 bullish

>sneed hedgies

>> No.50708837


>> No.50708847
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