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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50707410 No.50707410 [Reply] [Original]

>Rented out my old house to a tenant
>first 3 months of rent came in on time
>missed 4th payment
>tried contact him through email and phone for two weeks
>no response
>20 days later get a unaddressed package in the mail with the keys inside, no note or anything
>go to the house, everything gone except for garbage and a few pieces of leftover furniture
>try contacting tenant again
>no response again
I tried looking him up on social media but couldn't find him either. This is the first time I've rented to someone, what do I do?

>> No.50707427

If he signed a lease, contact a lawyer. There should be stipulations for this in that contract.

>> No.50707440


>> No.50707450

Uh you should probably get your pipes inspected

>> No.50707464

just rent to someone else

>> No.50707525

But not with a dick obviously

>> No.50707536

kek, ur house was used for gay porn

>> No.50707549

Maybe he witness a mob hit and had to go into witness protection

>> No.50707560

He had to "disappear", it is to be expected this kind of things can happen. I have a suitcase ready to leave the country at a moments notice, this is normal
Just inspect your house for damages and rent it to the next tenant, until he has to ghost, and the cycle starts again

>> No.50707561

I can't find him though
The security deposit wont be enough to clean it, remove all the crap, and cover the rent he missed. It usually takes 30-60 days to find a new renter in my market. I have mortgage on it still which was paid with the rent. he fucked me

>> No.50707590

inspect the property, if there's any major damage go after them for repairs. else keep their deposit and fill the property again.

>> No.50707601

Doesn't matter if you personally can't find him, you can still work with a lawyer to outline charges and submit a police report.
Aside from that, all you can really do is ensure that nothing was taken (if so, document it and bring it to the lawyer) and start searching for new tenants.

>> No.50707615

Back to the wage cage faggot, did you think being a landlord was easy?

>> No.50707631

hope u already refinanced ur mortgage to be 1.5% or lower for the next 5 years

>> No.50707639

You would be over-leveraged if you can't afford it to sit empty some of the time, expecting 100% occupancy, hah, what a good joke!

>> No.50707642

>I have mortgage on it still which was paid with the rent.

>> No.50707645

You didn't lose anything. You just didn't gain anything. Landlording is free gains, don't worry about it. Rent to someone else.

Unless the house belongs to the bank, not to you.

>> No.50707654

You might even find something fun in the air ducts if you look closely.

>> No.50707671

>I have a suitcase ready to leave the country at a moments notice

What's your loadout? Got any pics of the suitcase? Interesting idea now I want to put together such a bag.

>> No.50707863

policereport? huh?
sounds like you two are just bitter.

>> No.50707873

Naw, thats a common thing. My sister did that with her first house, her tenants paid the mortgage cost plus a little extra which she put into maintenance. After the mortgage was paid she told them they had 6 months to move, then sold the house after they moved.

>> No.50707892

If they signed a legal contract, and they are in violation of that contract, then yes contact a lawyer and file a report.

>> No.50707918

Many such cases
Check references next time - ring their last landlord.

>> No.50707925

Was his name Paul Allen?

>> No.50707926
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If this isn't a shitty bait thread, take the hit, clean it and rent it back out. Get landlords insurance, it's not expensive here but may be for you in a jogger infested area

>> No.50707931

Boo fucking hoo. Looks like youre paying 2 mortgages this month faggot. Kys.

>> No.50707967

Wtf is this video lmao

>> No.50708034

>what do I do?
You learn from your mistake and you eat the loss. Then you find another tenant.

If the tenant couldn't make rent what makes you think that the tenant will be able to pay up anything even if under contract? So you're really advising OP to pay a lawyer to waste more of his money with zero tangible results.

>> No.50708151
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>he fucked me
based. fuck you op lol

>> No.50708178

You really lucked out. In Los Angeles, tenants just stop paying the rent and stay in the place forever since you can't evict them.

>> No.50708181
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post pic of bare house or get b&

>> No.50708936

>I have mortgage on it still which was paid with the rent.
don't you have a job

>> No.50708978

Holy based

>> No.50709034

what a cunt

>> No.50709056

Hope you own the house and not the bank or else your asshole is about to be drilled x2

>> No.50709085

Try getting a real job OP.

>> No.50709113

I think you're lucky if this is the worst you have to deal with. If I were in this situation I'd expect a legal fight to evict a squatter. Doesn't make it right to break a lease but you got off lucky.

If you can't afford this shit on a single house you're overleveraged and don't know what the fuck you're doing. Clean it yourself then, this is what you get paid to do as a landlord.
He didn't follow the binding lease, yes, but "he fucked me" looks more like squatting for months while the courts refuse to serve an eviction.
This sort of shit is why the real estate market is vulnerable right now, too many people thought landlord-ing was literally free money.

>> No.50709131
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He fell for the landlord meme

>> No.50709132
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>Try getting a real job OP
>Some dilating troon with 8 am Starbucks shift tomorrow
Hire a private investigator if you have his name

>> No.50709196

What a chad. I might do this too now

>> No.50709202


lol get a life bro

>> No.50709212
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>What's your loadout? Got any pics of the suitcase? Interesting idea now I want to put together such a bag.
here's the pic

>> No.50709223

HAHAHAHA get fucking owned. probably left your pipes full of grime too. landcel btfo u got grime in your pipes

>> No.50709302
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>> No.50709331

This is why I ensure they have social media, surreptitiously note all their close friends and relatives, add custom programming to the openwrt router to report all websites visited and any other non-encrypted info, and install hidden cameras. I haven't had to use the information gathered with malicious intent yet but you'd be surprised what girls do when they think no one is watching.

>> No.50709359

Have you considered getting a job and working for money in the meantime?

>> No.50709377

What do they do anon? You sparked my interest!

>> No.50709460 [DELETED] 

Checked, let's just say I could profit from making an OnlyFans in their stead.
Get trips and I might just post some oc.

>> No.50709542
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Rolling for some hot voyeur OC

>> No.50709575


>> No.50709587


>> No.50709590

OP, what skin color was your tenant?

>> No.50709619
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>> No.50709647

No, he margin called you

>> No.50709661

Fuck landlords. I hope he messed up your home somehow.

>> No.50709683

Who are they leaching off of?

>> No.50709712


>> No.50709728

No - He has two.
Whatever he used for income on the mortgage, AND this second job he bought, landlording on the side.

>> No.50709829

This is a learning experience. Everyone in real estate goes through something like this. Learn from it and be better next time

>> No.50709933

>he fucked me
Hahahaha no lad, you played yourself.
Enjoy bag holding that mortgage.

>> No.50710035
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Not my problem

>> No.50710159
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Anon it sucks but it could be so much worse. The tenant could have stopped paying and declared BK and not paid rent for years. Or burned your house down. The rental property biz has downsides like this and always will. Hedge your vacancy exposure with multi unit buildings. Charge large deposits. Keep large cash cushion on hand for things like thus and remember it's it's a tax write off against your W2 income. Don't worry you GMI.

T. Owns 11 rental units since 2004.

>> No.50710176


>> No.50710448

kys parasite

>> No.50710603

man you haven't had a real job since 2004 that's crazy

>> No.50710759
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I quit my job in 2009. Aside from birth of my kids that was the best day of my life.

Ok commie

>> No.50710914

Tell us nigger

>> No.50711041
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He probably killed someone and flushed the remains.

>> No.50711061


>> No.50711398

the solution is for you to stop being a scumbag

>> No.50711754


>> No.50711795

Why would you even take a nigger as a tenant?
Are you a retarded, or worse, a liberal?

>> No.50711801

Get fucked you piece of shit scumbag. No one forced you to be a fucking landlord you dumb motherfucker. Did you really think your investment carried absolutely no risks? You are scum.

>> No.50711967

Passive income is a meme retardo

>> No.50712050

Bro, consider yourself lucky all he did was leave. Others would sit there for six months and not pay while you struggled to evict them. Then once they did leave they’d break everything on the way out.

Never buy a property unless you can cover long vacancies.

>> No.50712608
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Reminds me of when I cucked my land "lord" by living rent free for one year in some 'studio appartement'. Basically a glorified room with a toilet + shower.
>He thought he could scam me out of $550 each month.
Feels good man.

>> No.50712631

Looks like you got lucky. Tenants in NYC have been loving rent free for 3 years. The tenant could have just forced you to spend $2,500 on an eviction lawyer and 3-6 months in court, but was nice enough not to be an asshole and even returned the keys. If you rent property in burgerland and don't understand that written leases are pieces of toilet paper and that every tenancy you have is a month to month then you have no business being a landlord.

>> No.50712643

How’d you do it anon?

>> No.50712649

Non burger here, can’t you just go change the locks while they’re out and throw their shit on the sidewalk?
If it takes 6 months in court and thousands of dollars, why not make them pay it instead of you?

>> No.50712662


>> No.50712886

No there's a George Soros appointed DA in the county who's just diamonds to send you to jail for an illegal lockout.

>> No.50712986

Does he have a reservation at Dorsia? he's lying, just like when he told me he was going to sell his bags of qom

>> No.50713037

FIle a police report, learn about a thing called deposits, and move the fuck on

>> No.50713145

>the landcrook wanna be capitalist cant even fund his fucking pyramid scheme if a rentie bails on him for a month
Lmao, I hope you lose the house you greedy retard.

>> No.50713148
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landlord btfo
you will let people use your property for free
and you will be happy

>> No.50713262

Time to tap that rainy day fund.

>> No.50713273

Fuck you

>> No.50713423

>he fucked me
Oh look it's an amateur landlord who takes things personally edition

There's insurance for things like this but you're a cheapskate so you don't have it. If he had died you'd be in exactly the same boat, and it would also be 100% your own fault. Maybe a hitman was after him and he had to bail. But you imagine your own problems are far greater than his. You fucked yourself.

>> No.50713436

>what do I do?
Maybe just be thankful you're lucky enough to have a property to rent out, then find a new tenant.

>> No.50713466

>he fucked me
based rentfag giving us all a good name

>> No.50713500

>gamble with leverage
>gamble doesn't pay off
Better pay a lawyer, with money you can't afford, to go after the guy whose rent payment you were completely reliant upon... to pay that mortgage you can't afford! You're trying to play the system, crying foul when it doesn't work out precisely your way while contributing to a dynamic which otherwise forces people to rent. I genuinely hope, for the health of the housing market as a whole, that you and every single other person in your position lose your bets because you're trying to enrich yourselves at everyone else's expense. It actually brings me a small joy to know that the housing market looks like it really does finally want to take a dive, and that you're probably going to find yourself underwater on that loan. If this happens to you and a few million more people, maybe the rest of us will be able to afford a house. Hurrah! Death to landlords!

>> No.50713793 [DELETED] 

Trips get

>> No.50713862

OP this thread has shown just how much parasites like you are are despised. You come here complaining about a guy who literally just packed his shit up and left and you expect us to feel sorry for you? You’re a disgusting parasite and worthless scumbags like you whose only ambition in life is to hoard shelter is part of why society is falling apart. You are a piece of shit scumbag and for you to not even comprehend that any investment, yes even real estate, has risks speaks volumes to your character and overall fucking stupidity. I hope your next tenant burns down your stupid “investment” property.

>> No.50713896

based ghosting tenant

>> No.50713937

In most countries tenants need to deposit 3 months rent in a joint account so that the landlord can cover damage and situations like this where the contract is breached. Is it not like that in burgerland?

>> No.50713955

>he fucked you
No, you fucked yourself. You thought being a landlord was risk free?

>> No.50713968
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>The security deposit wont be enough to clean it, remove all the crap
Ooooooooh nooooooooo!!!! The LANDLORD is going to be forced to WORK?!?!?! How will he ever survive it, bros... realtysisters... can you imagine... it was never supposed to be like this... cleaning... removing trash... the INHUMANITY... don't they know we LANDLORDS are LORDS of the LAND?!?!?!?!

>> No.50714138

i hope you die you fucking parasite, homes are for living not for stealing money off people

>> No.50714233
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>i hope you die you fucking parasite, homes are for living not for stealing money off people

>> No.50714577

spotted rentoid tears

>> No.50714666

How much of daddy's money got you started?

>> No.50714687

>I have mortgage on it still which was paid with the rent
Get fucked you cunt

>> No.50714709

Why are you still resentful of landlords even though you know you’ll be a poor weak bitch for the rest of your life? Do you not want to kill yourself, poor boy?

>> No.50714865
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You can always go to small claims but I'd consider this abandonment. You're likely in the clear to just post a notice, take pictures for proof, then reclaim property based on the state. I'd change the locks ASAP either way while you post notice just to cover your base.

Likely you going the small claims route won't be worth it since they're probably dead beats. If they didn't totally trash the place and you just have to pay a bit to get it in ship shape on top of the deposit, just count yourself lucky and move on. Most rentoids trash the place then make you evict them on top of the court fees. I guess my advice is decide how much it really matters for you. Sounds like from here >>50707561 you're just out some fees and such for cleaning. I'd relist it and start taking apps asap and just move on.

If your lease doesn't have an abandonment clause you need to make sure it has one

>> No.50714989
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Alpha move.

>> No.50715033


>> No.50715082

>It's ok bro it's common
Literally normie thinking. Anyone who does this deserves to be poor

>> No.50715151

Like whaaaAAAaaat..?

>> No.50715168

How is this normie thinking? It's called capitalism kektard


>> No.50715304

In the US one month's rent as a security deposit held in escrow is the usual amount to cover damages & such. Sounds like OP has that deposit, but it is not enough to cover the clean up costs done by the rentie.

>> No.50715390

cope rentoid scum

>> No.50715448
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>My tenant stopped paying and willingly left, delivering the keys to my door and forfeiting their security deposit
This is a best-case-scenario as far as delinquent tenants go, why are you crying like a bitch? Do you have any idea how lucky you are not to be locked in an eviction battle right now? You sound like a pussy. Landlording, like every other bottom-feeder method of making a buck, requires brass balls to pull off - grab your sack and get your shit together you fucking faggot.

>> No.50715789

why rent to somebody you have no online trace of? You get their name, their families adresses, work references and threaten to take their kneecaps if payment isn't done.
And you let it go 2 weeks of no contact? why not go to YOUR property and demand the rent day 1 of missing payment and no contact? Should have just switched locks and installed cameras when payment wasnt received day 1

>> No.50715962


>> No.50715997

I almost cried(as gay as that sounds) when I walked around/under the Discovery shuttle at the Smithsonian in DC. Glad we're starting to go to space again with these new SpaceX and NASA projects. Even the Amazon tourist space plane is pretty cool.

>> No.50717619

OP you will have to force yourself to adopt this zen like attitude or else renting out your property will drive you to despair. I would also urge you to clean and repair the place yourself, make a day of it and console yourself with the fact that with deadbeats such as your tenant it's not personal.