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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50701905 No.50701905 [Reply] [Original]

eth merge– 9/19
smartcon– 9/28-9/29
if you've been around, you probably know the theories that chainlink staking was pushed off for years because eth2 wasn't ready. now there are regularly rumors that eth2 will be particularly dependent on chainlink and that the ethereum foundation has completely bent the knee. is this timing just a coincidence or are they really about to pull back the curtain on this whole thing?

>> No.50701932

>rumors that eth2 will be particularly dependent on chainlink
like what?

>> No.50701992

I'm hoping another anon can shed more light on that
there have been some posts here in the past few months about how certain proposals being made to ethereum were basically being done for the good of chainlink and arbitrum

>> No.50702045

there is no such thing as coincidence from my frame of reference

>> No.50702071


>> No.50702085

How has the Ethereum foundation "bent the knee" to chainlink? I don't see any other eth enjoyers that have a problem about chainlink, we're frens

>> No.50702249


>> No.50702304

>In this overview of danksharding, it describes how after the merge, Ethereum miners will take on the role of validators, while a "new category" of network participant will be created in the form of "block builders" who submit built blocks to the validators for selection. It also mentions that oracles may be used as block builders, given their ability to mitigate MEV. Obviously to anyone that has been paying attention, this is literally saying that Chainlink nodes running FSS will play a fundamental role in the new structure of Ethereum, post-merge. Has Ethereum really conceded such a core role to Chainlink?

>> No.50702310

Moneyskelly hates sirgay bro where you been

>> No.50702351

They thought they were launching Eth 2 in 2019, a lot has changed.

>> No.50702352

I’m not a technical guy so I’m sure someone with more expertise will correct my understanding. But at the moment chainlink is paying full has costs to put their data on chain. It’s ludicrous that they would have to pay full gas costs to enable transactions on the network that rely on that data. EIP 4488 will greatly diminish or even remove those costs so LINK will no longer pay full gas costs, thus greatly reducing the need for node operators to dump the LINK token to cover their fees. Again, if my understanding is wrong I apologize but that’s my understanding.

>> No.50702373

Yes, that’s part of it. That’s covered in the first warosu link.

>> No.50702392

>mETHheads; dindu nuffin

>> No.50702430
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>> No.50702572

Idk how anyone that comes here and owns Chainlink can’t have their head spin upon reading this

>> No.50702580
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>eth2 will be particularly dependent on chainlink and that the ethereum foundation has completely bent the knee

I need to sell my link stack because idiots like you still holders.

>> No.50702616

Ad hom is not considered a valid form of debate, even if you post a picture of some alcoholic, edgelord “poet”

>> No.50702817

Vitalik got cucked by the big bear Sergey.

>> No.50703006

>updated 4 days ago
> To avoid this design forcing high system requirements on validators, we introduce proposer/builder separation (PBS) (see also: [1] [2]): a specialized class of actors called block builders bid on the right to choose the contents of the slot, and the proposer need only select the valid header with the highest bid. Only the block builder needs to process the entire block (and even there, it’s possible to use third-party decentralized oracle protocols to implement a distributed block builder); all other validators and users can verify the blocks very efficiently through data availability sampling (remember: the “big” part of the block is just data).

>> No.50703035

priced in

>> No.50703077


>> No.50703096

The merge is happening after shemitah (ends sept 26)

>> No.50703142

I think it's pretty obvious this is the reason Smartcon was pushed back by 2 weeks. The date change happened right after the Merge date announcement.
Either way, it's all falling into place rather conveniently, and I'm hopeful the end of the year is going to be pretty goddam interesting.
The next 8 weeks are going to be excruciating. I've been waiting for this all year. We all have.
(cue some asshole)

>> No.50703201

Nice anon! Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.50703223


>> No.50703374

schizos interpret everything Vitalik says as being LINK fud

>> No.50703385

Dude chainlink
Chainlink bro

>> No.50703393

you're probably just memeing but on the offchance you're not or some misguided lurking anon is fooled, i'll give this a serious answer
pbs makes it possible to use third-party oracles to distribute block building. possible != required
the whole point of pbs is that you don't have to worry about block builders being centralized, because validators can verify the data
all of this is sharding design which is years++ away and unrelated to the merge. proto danksharding (eip 4844) comes before danksharding and is much more important
if you wanted to meme chainlink as important (lol), you should shill for eip 4844, on the basis cheaper rollups would make arbitrum better. don't you guys believe arbitrum is tied to chainlink?

>> No.50703402

Most insanely bullish thing I’ve read this year. Thanks anon. Just another proof that it’s all coming together this year.

>> No.50703507

Is this true? I thought the smartcon date was pushed back in May while the merge date was just announced in July.

>> No.50703855

so xrp 2k by sept 19th?

>> No.50703883

Sorry, you're right I was getting mixed up in my memory of events. However, I believe the date change was because of it nevertheless. I think it's likely Chainlink knew about it. I thought this when I heard the Merge announcement.

>> No.50704079

delaying for post merge makes the most sense
if the merge fucks up when staking or ccip is just rolling out that could causes unforeseeable issues and even not being link's fault it still looks bad, by association

>> No.50704140

The Ethereum community is so bullish on mevboost that developers plan to incorporate the concept of PBS into Ethereum’s core protocol a year or two after the transition to proof-of-stake. In the meantime, if all goes according to plan, mev-boost will be available immediately after the Merge.

>> No.50704164
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>> No.50704165


>> No.50704183
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Based spoonfeeder anon

>> No.50704363

This thread will get archived/deleted. This is way too bullish for the tourists to see.

>> No.50704379

by vitalik's own admission, merkle root attestations aren't sufficient for cross shard synchronization, much less cross shard signaling. that is, dedicated, third party oracles are required to make eth 2.0 viable.
not to mention, eth 2.0 roadmap is rollup centric for the foreseeable future. rollups are what shards aimed to be, and eth shards will mostly be storage for rollup states.

>> No.50704387

Can any anon address this? Is what the OP posted really a nothing burger?

>> No.50704654

It’s not a nothingburger but it seems like the oracle fast lane thing could come soon but pbs will likely take a while. Unless…

>> No.50704795

I don't understand a single word but what I know is that I am NOT going to send any of my 1120 stinkies

>> No.50704802

ETH had delayed progress for two years and sucked users' through mev instead of having worked on anything. Thanks to that, they lost their most important value-capturing features to Chainlink, reducing ETH into a settlement layer. Meanwhile, having solved the scaling problem through arbitrum, LINK will capture the most value out of any offchain-onchain transaction.

All the pieces are falling together nicely.

>> No.50704824

more like gaynlink

>> No.50704856
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>> No.50704948


>> No.50706073

Do you anons think there is any validity in this? It sounds too rational to be a simple larp.

>> No.50706155

many anons were saying you got until aug to fill up your bags
i thought these were just larpers with all the macro fed happening, but it seems at least some of them most be on to something
either way you would have to be a total retard to not at least start slurping after the june deleveraging

>> No.50706432

Chainlink Labs has a "Head of Carbon & ESG Solutions" so that does add some credibility, even indirectly, that they are on board with that sort of narrative.

>> No.50706465

and optimism and arbitrum are the only two optimistic rollups that matter, and arbitrum is cheaper and faster than optimism and uses chainlink as its validator.

>> No.50706547

Only good thing about ETH is that you can buy Pixelon NFTs


>> No.50706579

>ari juels fudding PoW and shilling PoS directly to congress

>> No.50706762

Cant believe people havent put two and two together yet
You think that was an accident?

>> No.50706914

Assuming this larp is true, what kind of link token price action can we expect in the next year or so?

>> No.50707044

more of the same

>> No.50707148

if chainlink was so important for eth Vitalik or some of the other key eth devs would be speaking at smartcon but they are not so

>> No.50707155

Is this water fucked up?

>> No.50707821

They haven’t announced all the speakers yet but you might be right. We’ll see.

>> No.50707876
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Ethereum is transitioning into a modular structure where miners become validators, which creates a new distinct role of (fairly sequenced) "block builders".
Guess who is qualified for that role.

>> No.50708182

the ETH foundation need to publically endorse Chainlink for me to take this seriously. Otherwise it is more rumors on 4chan that never go anywhere.

>> No.50708229

The mother of all crashes will happen when the Eth merge doesn’t go smoothly and there is critical errors. Shemitah will end with a bang. You’ve been warned

>> No.50708931


>> No.50709191

too good to be true

>> No.50709771

Somehow this year has been fucking painful to get through. I guess because many of us have been waiting 5 fucking years at this point, and the last 2 years have been pretty brutal. The suspense of waiting for SmartCon feels like an eternity, feels like so much is on the line… bros I’m fucking scared.

>> No.50709790

Can CL also make solana decentralized? Why is Sam attending the smartcon, if not relates to Solana?

>> No.50709792

kek that was and is still the best meme to come out in a while

>> No.50710320

Everyone itt is a retard faggot pig

>> No.50710355

The same reason Sam does anything, to separate goys from their money.

>> No.50710844

>Eth2 dependent on chain link, rumors are fucking stoopid, why rely on an L2. Also no curtain is being pulled so keep your damn claws down.
The smartcon and merge and happen whenever all I want is for the stated expected 100k TPS by Vitalik Butterin in Ethereum foundation conference to come to actualization by building more on scalability. Hopefully new individual NFTs or metaverse using the Sylo interface as an entry point will onboard totally well. Goblins feels like the right amount of creativity.

>> No.50710966

Because i dont understand what it means in practise. It just sounds like some technical drivel in star trek or something