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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 59 KB, 1150x1084, bobo-bad-haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50700051 No.50700051 [Reply] [Original]

Pelosi aggravates tensions with China to the highest they've been in a decade and the market pumps because her plane wasn't shot down. CPI running white hot but the market pumps because at least it wasn't as bad as the fake CPI number being circulated. Economy slowing down, formal recession, bond curve inverting, euro and japan imploding, and markets all pump because they figure this will get the money printer turned on faster.

HOW FUCKING LONG can the market stay retarded like this? Every time bad news comes out the market pumps because at least it wasn't worse news. This is a clown market in a clown economy populated with clown cattle ruled over by clown overseers. I am so massively sick of this up only bullshit. WHAT WILL IT TAKE to get people to realize that a nonstop torrent of shitty macroeconomic news isn't actually a bullish catalyst? War, nukes, global famine, enslavement by ayyyyylmaos, what's it going to take? FUCKING WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE???

>> No.50700082
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>Money printer blasting all year
>Why won't the market keep going down

>> No.50700089

Retail shorts closing their positions so the hedge fund managers can slurp up that last .01% of alpha for themselves.

>> No.50700090
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the bull is standing right in front of u and u dont see it
this is like the 6th green week
Stop being a contrarian if you want to make it

>> No.50700096


> not having bought at 17k

bobo cope are best threads

>> No.50700118

Barely holding 23k.

>> No.50700132

It will crash this fall when reality sets in. Summer -- and August in particular -- is silly season.

>> No.50700158
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nice larp mumu I can smell your bullshit from here.

>> No.50700165

in a bear market every bit of bad news drops the price and every bit of good news has little to no effect

in a bull market every bit of good news pumps the price and every bit of bad news has little to no effect

>> No.50700235

>in a bull market every bit of good news pumps the price and every bit of bad news has little to no effect
we are currently in a market where every bit of bad news pumps the price and every bit of good news pumps it even more. That is by definition a clown market. WHAT THE FUCK is it going to take to knock people out of this delusional state of mind?

>> No.50700406

are you looking at the right chart?

>> No.50700448

We’ve never had a crash while it was as easy as it is today for retail to trade. There’s so much dumb money in the market right now. Also, inflation will tend to make people prefer to hold securities instead of dollars.

>> No.50700450

bitch it has nothing to do with bitcoin. who cares about that s&p correlated shit token? I am talking about global markets, I am talking about the stock of every company on the planet being bid the fuck up every time shitty news drops. The fed baked in a certain kind of behavior into traders in 2020-21 and now they're still dancing to the music even though the music's stopped and there aren't nearly enough chairs left. How much longer are the retards going to dance before they realize they need to be covering their asses?

>> No.50700492

>Also, inflation will tend to make people prefer to hold securities instead of dollars.
cool, so inflation low = pump equities, and inflation high = pump equities? inflation can be a trillion%, negative infinity, and the right answer is just to hold stocks forever anyways? it's utter bullshit, it's a market that has stopped making sense, it's just hordes of unsophisticated faggots buying indiscriminately because that's what worked for them in 2020 spending daddy powell's stimmy money. It can't last forever.

>> No.50700504

Normies don't even know what a "Taiwan" is, they're not going to sell over that

>> No.50700534
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>He still thinks he should be rational in this market to make money

>> No.50700578

You need to realize the scale of what happened in 2020
When people say that more money was printed in that year than all previous years combined, they weren't exaggerating
It just went to PPP loans, of which there were 11.8 million, and those received up to $10 million each
Now remember that 4.1 million of those were forgiven and will never need to be payed back, and that many companies double and triple dipped on PPP and you might realize that this shit will last until the people are third world levels of poor and actually revolt

>> No.50700612
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>bitch it has nothing to do with bitcoin. who cares about that s&p correlated shit token? I am talking about global markets, I am talking about the stock of every company on the planet being bid the fuck up every time shitty news drops. The fed baked in a certain kind of behavior into traders in 2020-21 and now they're still dancing to the music even though the music's stopped and there aren't nearly enough chairs left. How much longer are the retards going to dance before they realize they need to be covering their asses?

>> No.50700680

It already went down, dumbass. Did you miss that part where there was blood in the streets?

>> No.50700691


You missed the bottom bobo. Deal with it.

>> No.50700698

for bobo, nothing is ever enough

>> No.50700699


The market can't capitulate, retard. Look at who the market participants are:

>Boomers, who can't sell the bottom because its their pension income for the rest of their lives
>Zoomers and other young people, who don't need to sell because they're gonna live until 2080 and who've spent the last 3 years being trained to reflexively dip-buy and "hodl"
>Insitutions, who have already sold what they're going to sell and are increasingly over-leveraged to the short, which means they add to market demand if they get liquidated.

It's fucking OVER for bobos, the fed, and wall street

>> No.50700748

>blood in the streets
>after a face ripping free money-fueled retard surge of +130% in just two years

that wasn't blood in the streets, that wasn't even a dip. that was literally nothing.

>> No.50700770
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Why is it delusional? Cuz it goes against ur trading strategy?
Get pwned

>> No.50700777

>bobo STILL doesnt get the memo
buy the dip, buy the bad news buy everything retard

>> No.50700824

this. bond market melted down again in june, stealth QE since then, everything the fed does is a psyop to weaken confidence in the (inevitable) "hyperinflation soon" thesis
any kind of legitimate tightening would result in total market collapse and riots in the cities as gibs run dry

>> No.50700861

it's not too complicated, you either hold shares of ownership in a company/non-inflationary crypto or you hold a stinky garbage shitcoin (USD). let go of your boomer "USD good, USD money" mentality and things will stop being so confusing

>> No.50700867

can you false flagging bullcucks not spam these copethreads all the time? you're 70% down from ATH, cope

>> No.50700874

We’re basically back at “everything is gona be ok” market level again, even though the future is extremely bleak

Might just KMS

>> No.50700889


>> No.50700893
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1000, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boomer schizo /pol/tard stacker bros... gold is declaring independence

>> No.50701004

Stealth QE? STEALTH??? $1.1 trillion has been openly announced already. This will all be passed by November with $260 billion passed last week. If bobo didn't go long the second the $260 billion was green lit I don't know what sort of signal they need to change their outlook? Do they need Powell outside their door printing dollars and posting them through their letter box?

>> No.50701030

many major tech stocks dumped 50-75%. I'm not talking small caps--- I'm talking Meta, Netflix, Nvidia, etc. Even Apple, Google, Tesla, and Amazon approached those levels, which is pretty insane. Crypto lost ~75% of its mcap, so I would say that we are in a section of the market that did have blood in the streets

>> No.50701047

this is a pretty good take. the panic selling is over, the institutional selling is over, and anyone who remains is here to stay for a while

>> No.50701064

they are literally going to shrink their balance sheets starting in september though

>> No.50701070

>70% down from ATH
LMAO bearcel cope. If you held through that entire bullrun you're still 300% up

>> No.50701093

>stealth QE since then
could you explain better how did they make stealth QE?

>> No.50701094

War with China is bullish anon, perfect excuse to stop raising rates.

>> No.50701109
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You didn't hear? It's being delayed by just 2 more weeks

>> No.50701116

>??? $1.1 trillion has been openly announced already
announced? What does it mean?

>> No.50701124

It will probably crash when everyone has to cash out to buy school supplies to be ready for their classes

>> No.50701137

the fed buys bonds and doesn't tell you about it
they're not a transparent organization

>> No.50701379

Where can I read about these bond purchases and this 1.1 trillion you're referencing? I don't doubt it but I want to understand it better / confirm for myself

>> No.50701406


>> No.50701414

It means they are printing money to fuel extra spending. Every single announcement you hear being made in terms of government investment is more money printing. Tax dollars are are a drop in the ocean compared to government expenditure. It's fiat unbacked fiat currency, there is no incentive or logical reason to stop money printing at this stage in the game.

Just like they were supposed to every month so far this year? Stop being so naive. What they say and what they do are 2 completely different things. You will see exponentially increasing amounts of money printing until the dollar implodes (through hyper inflation or a loss of faith). To stop money printing at this point, when markets are completely dependent on it, is the death of the US as a world super power and ushering in an age like post soviet collapse Russia. Do you think the politicians in power can stomach that?

>> No.50701456

The equity risk premium to stop declining which isn't happening any time soon.

>> No.50701517

There was one passed last week of $250+ billion. "The United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021"

There is another one in defence lined up.

>> No.50701619

>the fed buys bonds and doesn't tell you about it
have you any proof for that?

>> No.50701632

damn dude how do you stay aware of these things? I couldn't possibly follow every senate bill that gets passed
It would make sense for the fed to be all "Tightening/hiking" in the streets and "printing" in the sheets, so to speak. they can keep prices/buyer demand from going wild if they are not nominally easing and the markets don't expect their liquidity, but if they wanted to continue de facto easing they could just do it on the DL. Can't you see their balance sheet tho?

>> No.50701644

>Every single announcement you hear being made in terms of government investment is more money printing
so why the fed balance sheet went down instead of going up?

>> No.50701680

>until the dollar implodes (through hyper inflation or a loss of faith)
will gold take the place of the dollar?

>> No.50701692

It was in the news when it was passed last week. I didn't know about it until I seen it in the news.

Yes massive decrease. Really unloading all those purchases of the past couple of years. Add $250+ billion to that number you see as well because there is only 1 way it's being funded.

>> No.50701698


>> No.50701716

>"printing" in the sheets
balance sheet shrinked

>> No.50701750

>Yes massive decrease
not a massive decrease but they did it. If they are printing behind the scenes balance sheet shoud go up, it went down

>> No.50701810

noooo stoooop that response is literally perfect wtf how am i supposed to larp as bobo now??

>> No.50701894

Lets take this claim and apply it to Brent oil graph:

Where is brent heading?

>> No.50701910
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Pic related

>> No.50701937

This is the insidious part of the loans
None of them went to the people. They all went to make-work businesses
Because of this, much of the market was unaffected until reality kicked in like your pic related

>> No.50701971


>> No.50702053

lol you stupid fuck we've had a whole year of down only and now you throw a fit because the markets are rallying? get fucked late bear.

>> No.50702095
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Imagine being a schizo doomer Bobo. Wishing the world would end so I stop making money.


>> No.50702404

there's no one left to sell. that's what happened. now its only up

>> No.50702728

>fed says they're gonna taper their bond and asset purchases
>repo buildings opened for treasury
>but they never do taper
>realize Fed is buying equities in the big indexes and funds to keep the market floating
>been doing this since 08

>> No.50703582

its simple the bond markets went ahead of the fed and priced in 3.5 FFR already a month or so ago
everything starting cracking, they instantly reversed course but the cracks are still widening, housing and labormarkets arent recoverable at this point
but the stonks market did recover because bonds have pulled back substantially from peak
this is the reason why after a whole year of disaster near the fomc the last meeting last week didn't effect the market despite a giant hike 75 bp being announced
everybody knows we are at the limits of the system and soon powell will need to either print more money then after covid or watch the entire usa go soviet collapse and die without even firing a shot against russia or china
so you guess what happens
now before you turns too bullish this also means just like in late 2018 for both stonks and crypto there is 1 last rugpulling before we secular mumu again, the problem here is especially with crypto this might not even make a new lower low and if it did it would not be worth waiting for
i really hope you bought the 18k btc/ 900 eth bottom cause that was way too risky not to buy

it goes through the repo facility and doesnt show up in the fed balance sheet graph
the fed is taking big boy bank assets in and paying a yield on time totally 100% risk free
now the first parking of this money in repo drains liquidity out of the system that already happened, but now that it is there and rates rise the fed pays out massive amounts of money here
the last i checked their reverse repo was at 250 bil so stealth because they dont report it in their balance sheet, and it cant be reported because then it meant they sold of 300 bil in other things which isnt possible

>> No.50704395
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>t. friendly big money trader

People have cash and credit as its still freely flowing into the economy. Some banks are still lending

People think the worst is behind them, we are still in the summer so vacation time for normal people. They don't hear/see/read the news if its not at the beach/bar/club

smart money have prepped for a downturn, they know its coming

QT is not priced in actually. People now aren't even feeling the effect of this year's rate hike.

mortgage purchases now are owned by over double the speculative buyers than the great recession according to some data...interesting to see what would happen to these "prime" borrowers

food shortages are likely to get worse, and inflation may actually be sticky. Companies are expecting the fed to go dovish next year which would mean that's when things get nasty. Its also likely that we could enter a period of real stagflation aka lost decade

You're asking the wrong question. You are asking why isn't the market going down. The real question is how *bad* will the recession be.

>> No.50704439

shut the fuck up you faggot monkey bear, you had your fun, now we bull and our cocks are leaking in anticipation. go back to your faggot cave

>> No.50704478

Going down a little each day can be more bearish than the -3% days because the latter bait the oversold indicators. Things are looking real good so far this week.

>> No.50704479
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It's a bear flag on the daily for BTC

>> No.50704525
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>> No.50704540

Pelosi and the dems are chinese agents you retard. This is posturing to make them look tough before midterms. Why the fuck would China piss off the US after helping steal the 2020 elections? Youre a fucking gullible retard

>> No.50704581

it's all fake. they are squeezing normalfags, the moment everyone buys in, that's when they will crash the market. the smartest thing you can do right now is not play the game buy nothing, all coins will go down soon

>> No.50705013

bit cringe big g

>> No.50707319

>You're asking the wrong question. You are asking why isn't the market going down. The real question is how *bad* will the recession be.
but if all this is true and so obvious (eg the amt of prime borrowers in RE, that's a very transparent statistic), then surely the market should be pricing it in already. why isn't it?

>> No.50707515



>> No.50707564
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it was down ya clown. The bottom was the end of June......... WTF are you waiting for BUY BUY BUY

>> No.50708941


>> No.50709115
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>> No.50709156

Maybe they haven’t been buying assets yet?

>> No.50710761

If we can't take this imagine when the quantum computers are released its going to be even more harder to face the threats posed by it. That's the main reason I chose QANplatform as it being a quantum resistant blockchain which is audited by an IBM Platinum partner.

>> No.50711126

The economy is a joke we should be in bread lines right now but everyone's still screaming about monkey jpegs

>> No.50711132

He can take the market collapsing he can't stand you faggots bullish over gay internet coins

>> No.50711269
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Remember, the only time institutions profit is when you sell the bottom or buy the top. They don't have the time and energy to make 20, 50, 100 bucks swing trading against the arbitrage bots. They RELY on you liquidating your 401k in anticipation of a recession or buying Dogecoin at 70 cents to continue existing.

>> No.50711448

Me smart
Me do the thinkey
Me say not good for war me sell

Market is already down 15-20% this year. How much more do you think it goes? The recession happened already. It’s over. Cope.

>> No.50711467

> HOW FUCKING LONG can the market stay retarded like this?
15 years
Then you’ll say ha I am such a smarty AYI beaershit

>> No.50712015

Maybe its not the market that's retarded

>> No.50712308

After 2 years of crypto I realized that TA on critical paths for the BTC is useless, because the BTC is being manipulated hardcore, since it's still fairly small.
That "b-b-but TA says otherwise" doesn't work very often in cryptos, although I agree with you that this is a major bear flag

>> No.50712346

It's not small. It's funny that the opposite of what you said is most likely the case.

Since it's so big: it's unpredictable because even a whale is easier to a predict than an ocean of retards.

>> No.50712626

No, TA is based on the prediction of the behaviour of those retards as investors tend to do the same
BTC can be manipulated by a group of whales easily, so they can paint the chart however they want in critical situations and subsequently influence the behaviour of other investor.

>> No.50712709

> BTC can be manipulated by a group of whales easily
you googled some retarded takes from 2014 and earlier.

nowadays relatively big companies like Saylor's microstrategy do retarded shit and it doesn't affect the price much precisely because it's too big to be manipulated easily.

theoretically only the 2-3 biggest exchanges could manipulate it but it may hurt them and the biggest exchanges could manipulate any non-crypto asset too anyway.

>> No.50712774

Then why doesn't TA work for BTC in critical situations then?
Why does BTC always do the opposite of what the market expects it do to?

Have you noticed that BTC dropped everytime chainlink began to rallye, which subsequently stopped everybody's motion?
This sure is just coincidence.

Plus, exchanges manipulate the fuck out of the BTC on a regular basis
>What are scam wicks

>> No.50712834

> Have you noticed that BTC dropped everytime chainlink began to rallye
oh you're part of a cult, that explains it more simply.

>> No.50712879

>>Insitutions, who have already sold what they're going to sell and are increasingly over-leveraged to the short, which means they add to market demand if they get liquidated.
>It's fucking OVER for bobos, the fed, and wall street

Nice contradiction retard. Institutions control the market and they can move the market on a whim. Right now we are seeing a suckers rally to get the plebs (you) to buy in thinking it's a reversal just to dump it on you and extinguish any hope you had of a bull market.

>> No.50713009

Chainlink brought me into crypto, but I sold when it went to 20.
I just see unusual patterns and inspect concerns of anons.
And they were right.
Investigate for urself.
The BTC is manipulated to the ground and TA does not work on crypto

>> No.50713020

>TA does not work on crypto
In critical situations*

>> No.50713065

Every prior recession has had major relief rallies on the way down. This time is no different

>> No.50713098

There's 1 quadrillion dollars in the equity market. Most if it is flowing back in. It's a gigantic ponzi. If the big boys wanna pull the plug, they'll do.

>> No.50713146

Every prior recession has had a weak labor market and high unemployment. This time is different

>> No.50713209

so many soys gonna get left behind

>> No.50713217

This market is fucking disgusting. A nuke could.be launched and it would still pump

>> No.50713234

biden get off the internet computer u got a big day tommorow!

>> No.50713238

>get shook out of the market by your own complete ignorance of the geopolitical dynamics to which you're reacting
>This market is disgusting. It's so stupid. It makes no sense to anyone. Clown world. Nobody can understand this market. It's completely unpredictable.

>> No.50713280

you are way oversensitive to the news cycle if you believed nancy pelosi flying to taiwan was a major international crisis

>> No.50713568

>it goes through the repo facility
>doesnt show up in the fed balance sheet
why not?
Repo facilities don't show up?

>> No.50713946

Whats that phrase? "The market can stay retarded longer than you can remain solvent" or something to that tune.

>> No.50713964

Sounds great, let them dance! Maybe they ate some ergot infested rye bread?

>> No.50714002

>getting gang stalked by the federal reserve

>> No.50714332

>housing and labormarkets arent recoverable at this point
why not?

>> No.50714348

>the fed is taking big boy bank assets in
index funds too?

>> No.50715885
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Fake pumps. 100% cash waiting to go 50% MSCI 50% BTC is the way to go

>> No.50715961

>i really hope you bought the 18k btc/ 900 eth bottom cause that was way too risky not to buy
They will ban all exchanges and crash the price this is the problem with crypto

onthe other hand they will let the SP500 pump into the sky

they have 0 incentives to see btc go to 100k+

>> No.50716001

it is it's just zoomers have no attention span. The crisis will roll in in the next two years.

>> No.50717019

Kek, I'm not sure if now is the best time to buy but I'm keeping a close eye on platforms with good potential like ORE and NEAR.

>> No.50717187

They actually have.
They can make sure, normies are joining the hypetrain fabricated by the media covering huge gains. If people gamble their cash onto cryptos to get an insane return so they can heat again, the people in charge will pull the plug to ensure a lot of wealth gets lost in the process.
Pulling the plug now would lead to a major economic disaster in which the US will bend its knee to china, because they currently need shitloads of money for their proxy war, taiwan and subsequently their military, as their supersonic missiles are garbage and just finished testing phase.

>> No.50717238

>eth merge in few days
>I'm not sure if now is the best time to buy

>> No.50717424

Nukes are not real bobo

>> No.50718547

So I take it you aped in on ETH? It would be nice if the merge is bullish. For now I hold privacy crypto like SCRT and RAIL which I see doing well in the long run.

>> No.50718877

macroeconomic based

>> No.50718909

BTC is CIA; USA loves it.

>> No.50719091

>Blood in the street
I’ve yet to see ecelebs and redditors kill themselves yet

>> No.50719309

They need more subscribers first

>> No.50719373

>25 refueling tankers in the air
>3 carrier groups around SCS
>F15s in Okinawa scrambled
>all civilian flights cancelled in Fujian
We nearly had a 21st century Midway over a saggy titcow

>> No.50719439

You're left behind, faggot, if that's what you're looking for

>> No.50719466

You need to buy in. Then we will let it go down

>> No.50719475
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I think that's why World War III was trending on Twitter. Meanwhile, I'm having fun joining the Secret Agency, you clowns

>> No.50719540
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>How much more do you think it goes?

>> No.50719556

This has been a low volume dump for the past 4 months anon, nobody is selling.

>> No.50719620

>what the FUCK is it going to take to make this market go down?
China invade Taiwan at 8th of August
Screen cap this

>> No.50719669

>you are way oversensitive to the news cycle if you believed nancy pelosi flying to taiwan was a major international crisis
look at the fucking market action around her flight and touchdown. Market participants sold off because they were afraid she'd get shot down, then rallied when she didn't. Market actors are buying and selling equities with the geopolitical sophistication of a tom clancy novel. I'm not the one overreacting to all this shit, it's the people buying every random piece of fucking news who are overreacting.

ever heard of selling the news?

>> No.50719753

You realize most market makers and hedge funds are run by boomers right? They legitimately believe they're living in a hollywood movie from the 80s

>> No.50719898 [DELETED] 

Eh, this id color is gnarly

>> No.50720024

True, kek

>> No.50720567

>s&p correlated

>> No.50723128

priced in

>> No.50723212

Just hold on senpai. The market won't go down until stuff actually starts imploding which it will. But not till first half of next year. This is actually completely typical for a bear market. Bullish for the next few months and bearish thereafter.

>> No.50723903

During a time when there was hyperinflation in nigeria, the stock market went up 400% in one year. It was the best performing stock market in the world that year. Of course, stock market collapsed the next year and so did the government of nigeria. Even when disaster is coming, you're not fucked until you're fucked.

>> No.50723933
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It would take me sinning but unfortunate for you I am on nofap for awhile and I will be rewarded inshallah

>> No.50724196

Number must keep going up to keep the "Retirement" dream going. If it goes down too much for too long plebs will dump their 401k and wall street will have no gamble fundus.

>> No.50724499

As long as (nice) coins like qom and pussy exist there is NOTHING bringing shit down. Bobos are so delusional.