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File: 106 KB, 316x159, 1644443295659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50690282 No.50690282 [Reply] [Original]

Literally, if you don't want to live in buttfuck nowhere you have to be making like 250k to afford houses.
Like, if you need to live in the city and not in the fucking hood and get shot a person in his 20s will not be able to afford a home..

So I ask, is it even possible for a man in his 20s (early 30s) to afford a house (3 bedroom) not in the fucking hood or in butt fuck nowhere nebraska?

>> No.50690296

Absolutely not

>> No.50690320

Is the question regarding getting a loan for a home or paying the mortgage comfortably? There is a distinction to be had,

>> No.50690333

Yes, if you inherit. You can't afford to buy one.

t. inherited grandparents dilapidated house and have family on single income, no debt

>> No.50690336

paying mortgage comfortably (not being over 33% of your income)

>> No.50690340

how did you do it
how much do you make
and where do you live

>> No.50690361

>> is owning a home even possible on one income
> absolutely not
>> how did you do it?

>> No.50690364

You can do like the chaldeans do and have you, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, your cousins, your aunts & uncles all chip in and split a McMansion between the 20 of you

>> No.50690395

Depends on where you live and the quality of house

>> No.50690573

I've owned a home my entire adult life and done so on one income.

>> No.50690789
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Of course it's possible depending on income. I financed my house worth $550k last year. I had to get creative with my cash, 401k, and crypto to make the down payment but my mortgage payment is lower than most apartment rents in this area now.

>> No.50690970

Houses don't make sense in cities, they just don't make for walkable neighborhoods, sorry! If you've managed to save up enough for a house, you should be able to afford a luxury extra large single or family pod somewhere, you'll share ownership with the building owner though.

>> No.50691003

I literally bought my home on one income, it is very possible if you aren't an irresponsible cuck who impulse buys everything. Stop wasting money on cigarettes and alcohol, stop ordering doordash at a 30% increase on already overpriced foods. Just learn to cook and manage your finances and you'll be flush.

>> No.50691328

I have a home by myself. Save as much as you can for a down payment and get a loan. It’s so easy. I bought a house from 1950s had a dumpster dropped in the driveway the day I closed and fixed her up. My mortgage is cheaper than my rent used to be

>> No.50691548

Not until the boomers die out OP.

>> No.50691580

how do you make sure that the house is safe to live in? like no asbestos, lead paint, or lead solder in the pipes? i'm sure replacing all that with up-to-code stuff would be extremely expensive

>> No.50691789

what hood do u live in

noone has yet to post:
>where they live
>how much they make
>what % of their income goes to the house

>> No.50691880

>Dunwoody (metro Atlanta)
>$190k per year
>Mortgage, insurance, and property tax are about 15% of my gross income

>> No.50692020

>>how do you make sure that the house is safe to live in?
don't be a dumbass. get a reverse osmosis water filter

>> No.50692104

>make 70k a year
>houses cost 550-700k where I live in Ca.

No I can never afford to buy a house here. Ive been living with my parents stacking cash and when I hit about 200-300k I plan on moving to the Midwest or maybe rural Oregon and buying whatever I want.

>> No.50692435

im buying a house in a safe white neighborhood for 300k on my income alone while my gf finishes college

>> No.50692596
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hello fellow atlanta dweller

>tfw looking for a house in dunwoody as well
>cant afford shit there, make $140k per year and don't want to spend almost a third of my after-tax income on mortgage+tax+insurance
>same issue in alpharetta for houses that aren't 50 years old
>johns creek is too far away from brookhaven where my office is
>so is vinings
>my choices are basically norcross or clarkston/scottdale, which are non-starters for obvious reasons
>gonna have to continue to shell out too much money for my small apartment in brookhaven

feels bad

>> No.50692699

>up state new york
>make just under 12k a year on welfare
>bought house outright after hitting it big on meme coins and meme stocks

>> No.50692755
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this is so fucking stupid
what is it with you stupid chud incels and your ridiculous standards for everything
why do you need a 3 bedroom singled detached family home
why must you live in a single income household
why must you live in the most expensive cities on the planet, what the fuck is wrong with Omaha
of course you will never afford a home with the conditions you specify and at no point in the past was this the case
the houses of the 1950's you people put up constantly as "affordable" are actually terrible cramped uncomfortable shitpiles which were built in places which were, at the time, but are no longer, complete fucking boonies

>> No.50693889

You cucks were too busy crying about football blm or Trump while you let Jews black rock and China literally buy your entire country’s housing. You deserve nothing but bugs

>> No.50693960

>By not

>> No.50693971

>Rust Belt
>Bought 300k house in cash with crypto gains
>Work when I feel like it, made $40k last year. Cost of living for me + wife + 1 kid is like 20k/year because no house payment

>> No.50694023

I could, but banks doen't think I can pay $1k a month on a $60k salary being single.
I own my car, have no debt, save $2.5k a month.

>> No.50694083

>He doesn't have 5 letters of recommendation and 3 other houses

>> No.50694106
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I inherited my grandparents' large commieblock apartment with a sauna.
Did a gut renovation for around 50k€ and living a pretty comfy middle class life with zero debt.

>> No.50694134

Forgot to add: you either inherit or enter a 30 year blood pact with a bank in order to get a home. No other way.
Then there are the rentoids who dump half their salary on rent. They're cucked beyond belief.

>> No.50694307


Don't you want to have a garden, where you could make bbq? Or just have your privacy in General? Apartments don't allow it to the same degree.

t. Apartment owner

>> No.50694452

$60K for a two bedroom condo in an average suburb of a large midwestern city

there's houses to buy, you all just don't know where to look

>> No.50694470

automated spambot thread
no post ITT is worth reading
all made by bots

>> No.50694496
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>> No.50694648

>wanting to live in a city vs a town of 10-20k people that's 30-60 min from a city
With this decision, your thread of fate has been severed. Open your eyes and realize where you have erred, or persist in the doomed world you have created for yourself.

>> No.50694653
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>this is so fucking stupid
It is.
>what is it with you stupid chud incels and your ridiculous standards for everything
What's with Dip shit, American Liberals and their endless assumptions and projections.
>why do you need a 3 bedroom singled detached family home
I do not what a shitty "American" plywood plaster wooden box.
>why must you live in a single income household
Because I dont have rich parents and I dont have bitches and buddies to pool money? Americans are retarded and cannot collectivize.
>why must you live in the most expensive cities on the planet, what the fuck is wrong with Omaha
Because I cannot work from home and need to go where the money is, There are no jobs in Rural butt fuck no where Canada.
>of course you will never afford a home with the conditions you specify and at no point in the past was this the case
Imma just sell drugs and use said drug money to buy more BTC, I will not live in Mutt nigger shart in the mart, shoot up a school, tranny land.
>the houses of the 1950's you people put up constantly as "affordable" are actually terrible cramped uncomfortable shitpiles which were built in places which were, at the time, but are no longer, complete fucking boonies
Good. I want to live in a wooden shack, grow dope, cook meth, shoot shotguns and fuck my trailer park sluts and I will do that even if it means shooting dumb fuck Amerimutt Jewish footstools in the head/legs.
Take the raider pill.

>> No.50694669
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Nice, You can be a landlord AND you help poor people save money.
That's how you do real landlording.
Amerigolems just buy houses, turn them into Apartments and then fleece poor people.
A REAL land lord, historically speaking, would rent out land for people to generate profit and would ask a small portion to justify rent.
This is just mutt nigger slavery.
>B& for muh hecking racism!

>> No.50694687


Then get a smaller house and/or live n a smaller city

>> No.50695543

>drug money
underage. how do you plan on purchasing enough btc for it to be worthwhile without putting your drug money in the bank?

>> No.50695605

I work remotely and live like a god-king by splitting my time between Eastern Europe, Georgia, and Thailand/Vietnam. Sometimes I’ll go to the Maldives or UAE if I feel like splurging.

>> No.50695718

Why would a single man need a 3 bedroom house? Just get a cheap apartment and pay it off fast.
As the city's build up and your apartment value goes up. Sell at the top, and when you've found a wife, go buy a cheap house in a small town. Live happy

>> No.50695747

> be me
> make 48k in Prague
> Shitty houses cost at least 600k

>> No.50695769

Goddamn I’m glad I’m not european.

>> No.50695789


How much does a 65 sqm, 2-3 rooms apartment cost in Prague? Not in the center, but an average one?

>> No.50695819

Anywhere between 400k and 600k.
Keep in mind, the average post-tax monthly wage is $1.6k.

>> No.50695830

Buffalo suburbs
Bought a 1400sqft cape cod
I make 40k my wife makes 67 and our mortgage payment is ~1k/month

>> No.50695846

Yes but only in the countryside. But even now price are inflamed even here because people figured out that with working from home they can finally move out of the cities.

t. home owner in a small village that bought in 2019

>> No.50695984

My wife and I did insurance claims living in Ontario. Made about $45k / year each. Now we started a business together and also get $2k/month in government child support. We sold our shitty Ontario house and moved to a less expensive and more based part of the country (Alberta). House is ~2000 sqft

>> No.50696545


That is a pretty bad deal. In south Germany you can earn more and apartments are cheaper, however only in small towns.

>> No.50696999
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I recently entered a raffle for a chance to win my first home (pic related). Hope I win. I have no way of affording it otherwise.

>> No.50697105

Have you considered you don't deserve any of that? You want nicer things, make more money.

>> No.50697257

I have a garden, I have a big deck with a nice grill in a 2000 sq ft home I purchased for $235k

except it's half a duplex in a Midwestern suburb
no it does not meet all of the standards of a smegma encrusted bizraeli but it is my home and I am able to afford it
this zero compromise bullshit will leave you poor and miserable

>> No.50697755


>> No.50697838

If you were DCA-ing into BTC ETH AND MATIC then maybe you'd have a house by now anon. You can, you just need to invest right.

>> No.50697889

Yeah now is a bad time to buy in the metro Atlanta area. Prices are way up and the minimum for a decent house is $650k which is just retarded at the current interest rate. You could also look into Acworth and Woodstock.

>> No.50697951

100K salary last year, for the first time in my life. After taxes, and extreme saving I managed to save 35K cash. Not even enough for a downpayment. Feels like I'm buying the generational top.

Indeed you have to be a high-tier 195K + RSUs + bonuses techie just to even consider buying one.

>> No.50698301
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I have two houses (4 bedroom). I bought the first when I was 29. Both are in a desireable metro area. So yes it is possible, anyone who says otherwise is a seething poorfag who should rope.

>> No.50698452

in what year were you 29?

>> No.50698561

>you don't deserve privacy
Okay Klaus

>> No.50698657
File: 111 KB, 231x274, sload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a concubine? I have
575lbs of Beans
324lbs of Rice
135lbs Flour
116lbs of Oats
5000 124gr 9mm FMJ
7000 5.56 FMJ
23,374 22lr
Around 200 300 Win
423 7mm Rem Mag
42 3006
1200 17hmr
900 17wsm
9,000 12 gauge of all loads (7.5, 6, 5, 4, slugs, 00 magnums and reduced recoil)
2500 10mm JHP and FMJ

Im not gay but i can cook like an old school southern fat guy and i can do dishes. I also hate all niggers and jews and am allergic to any form of social interaction and penicillin

Hows this deal sounding??

>> No.50698729

shitskins are animals

>> No.50698759

ITT: mutts talking about gross salary that they will never touch because the state rape them

but hey, i do big money (before tax)

>> No.50699843
File: 6 KB, 200x212, 1651291661991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am married to a smol Chinese qt that is 10 years younger than me, who cleans, cooks, and raises my children, as well as provides any kind of sex I desire on demand. She has wide hips, is the definition of short stacked with big tiddies, and birthed our first child in record speed.

I have at least twice as much ammunition as you in the calibers I need, and I grow my own food.

I have no need of a concubine or homosexual dancing negro. Good luck on your search of domicile.

>> No.50699902

pretty much the same for me. which cities you looking at anon? CA is so nice but i need to leave

>> No.50700071

>might make 70k if I land this new job
>cheapest studio apartment is 250k plus $600 a month HOA
>1bd is 350k

>> No.50700177
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>> No.50700454

So what i'm gathering from this thread is basically
Yes you can do it
You had to have done it a LONG time ago
Impossible now

>> No.50700461
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congratulations on the premature hapa

>> No.50700535

Laguna Beach

>> No.50700557

>t. Lives in a 3 bedroom in small town Nebraska.
It is a 30 min drive to Omaha. Thats not too bad. You are just car dependant because there is no available public transport. You might be able to find a similar arrangement for your area.

>> No.50700689

The writing was on the wall when women entered the workforce. Prices have scaled to accommodate the demand that can be expressed by dual income couples. In general, most assets will go this way with time since humans tend to pair up. Expecting a single income to cover your expenses only works when half of the population doesn't work, collect a salary, and jack up demand relative to supply.
Given current political trends the only way out of this is for men to exit the workforce and let women do all the work. This would be the fastest path to restoring balance, with the added benefit of women happily doing all the work to fight the patriarchy or some other imagined bullshit.

>> No.50701164
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Is that seething I detect?

>> No.50701237

it is the increase of population
now with the vaxxx we will see a decrees in population
boomer bags will crash

>> No.50701260

Live in Wisconsin
Less than 10% goes to house.

>> No.50701327

What has happened is inflation since the 1970 (and before). Inflation finds its well into fix assets, driving their cost up. Without inflation we could put money into the bank and be happy. But will inflation we need to buy something that will keep up inflation... like a house.

Women moving into the workforce doesn't create more inflation or drive up prices of things. If anything it has helped keep the US economy being destroyed by inflation. Inflation is created by ratio of production going down or money supply going up. Women joining the workforce helped with creating more production and off setting the increase in the money supply. Don't get me wrong it takes 3 women to equal one man's production.

Over the last two years we have seen production go down AND the money supply go up. So yeah Zestimate™ are going up.

>> No.50701588
File: 25 KB, 703x267, monthly payment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy house prior to china virus
>mortgage is ~1000/mo
>refinance in 2021
>mortgage is now ~770/mo
>principal now exceeds interest
eh, im comfortable

>> No.50701991

No. Nothing is possible on a single income. Stop asking.

>> No.50703295

>even possible
Modern americans are so cucked people will ask you why you even want a house if you don't have a wife and kids.
>"you're a kid until you're 40!"

>> No.50704254

I have 2 homes on a single income

>> No.50704334

I bought early 2022 and I only make 90k. It's def possible.

>> No.50705054

the thing that I have realized is that a majority of wignats that are descended from the later waves of Irish and German immigrants that were considered "genetic trash" by the established communities of the Europeans here. I wonder if this is a natural progression to try and tie all European groups together to ensure a favorable outcome in the strategy of these lesser males?

>> No.50705108

>be american
>make 48k
>houses cost 600k
>stuck in burgerstan, don't even have the dignity of living somewhere functional and gorgeous like prague
dude shut up euros have no real problems in life

>> No.50705253

how will boomers dying help if investment firms just buy up all their houses

>> No.50705295

Investment firms make up about 1% of SFH market
In other words, you're an idiot

>> No.50705312

have you seen how much maintenance boomers put into their homes? In the next 10 to 20 years we will see boomers finally start dying in mass. (average boomers just turned 65 this year.) Do you think investment firms want to buy those homes up.

>> No.50705315

most people could probably afford a median cost house.

by most people I mean:
1. have a median income job, dont overspend, avoid medical costs
2. save the money and invest in the stock market for 10 years
3. If you work for the entire decade and save, you'll have about 500k
4. Borrow against your stock and pay for the down payment on a house

If you do this at 22 you can afford a house at 32.
Nobody told you this by the way.
Now that youre 35 with 70k in student debt with a shitty degree... youre basically fucked unless you drastically increase your income

>> No.50705383

Unless you're some high paid professional, absolutely not. And if you're not, good luck finding a woman worth marrying nowadays. Better off playing the lottery

>> No.50705403

Boys, I just played a scav run on Escape from Tarkov going to factory.
Spawned in with a white labs card AND found an MMAC plate carrier all in the same spawn area.
Fuck boomers fuck kikes though.

>> No.50705428

I am happy for you.

>> No.50705458

I'm in my early 30s and own a home. Granted my income is above average, certainly not $250k but probably closer to the average family income as opposed to a single income.

Mortgage interest rates are kind of high right now, but it's still possible. Just put down as much as you can, it's looking like houses are back to appreciating ~5% a year and the craziness of the last couple has subsided, so if you don't have enough to afford a 20%+ downpayment currently, just keep scrimping and saving every penny you can until you can actually afford to buy the house and make the payments.

>> No.50705471
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Quick little thing because I'm curious and I prefer looking at things rather than having a pissing contest with anons

I live in Raleigh NC.

Median Home Price: $439100

>One of the easiest ways to calculate your homebuying budget is the 28% rule, which dictates that your mortgage shouldn't be more than 28% of your gross income each month. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is a bit more generous, allowing consumers to spend as much as 31% of their gross income on a mortgage.
Average Percent one ought to pay for housing: ~30%

>In the United States, a 20% down payment on a home has been the traditional standard. However, mortgages with 10% or 15% down are also available, and there are ways to buy a home with as little as 3.5% down, such as with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan.1
>Say 15% bc you got a good deal

>> No.50705488
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So (439100*85%)=373235 at 5.6% 30 year -> ~$2150/month OR $25800/yr

Average HOUSEHOLD income for Raleigh is currently $61,505

61505/25800 =41%
So housing is pretty much not affordable with traditional wisdom for household income and like 3 bedroom housing. So like what percentile of income do you need to be in to afford housing as a “household” (read in our case household of 1 person) to reach 30% of yearly income on housing?

25800/.30 = $86000 yearly income

Using that last link this falls within the 60th and 70th percentiles of households, making reaching this pretty unlikely considering this is household income and not individual income. So yeah, housing is unaffordable for most Americans in my area by traditional wisdom.

>> No.50705507

one thing to consider is also that the median house is probably in a shit neighborhood

>> No.50705545

i hope the other is at least worth the same because otherwise i'm sorry to say but you're a poorfag

>> No.50705556
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yeaaaaahhhh see my rent for a 3 bed 2 bath in a black neighborhood where people get shot near it, homeless stumble by walking dead style, and neighbors chuck glass bottled near is about ~2200 a month so that checks out

>> No.50705568

He probably owes 700k+ on both properties kek

>> No.50705588


Most normies probably just pay closer to 50% of their income for housing and pray to god they don't get laid off or have an emergency since they're living paycheck to paycheck.

Isn't Raleigh one of the top 5-10 fastest growing cities in the US? If I lived there and wasn't making a great income, I might consider moving to an area without such a white hot residential real estate market.

>> No.50705599

The housing market is healing

>> No.50705614
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Forgot the image

>> No.50705634


It's so satisfying seeing flippers get fucked

>> No.50705666

There's just no way for housing to go but down. If you understand the macro, just wait.

>> No.50705683
File: 536 KB, 1080x2191, Screenshot_20220802-144931_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is 5k from being fucked

>> No.50705705

Owning a home with 1 income and 1 mouth to feed is possible, yes. It becomes a problem though because as soon as you get a house every woman around you can smell it and their nesting instinct kicks in and so you will have another mouth to feed because women are liabilities 99% of the time. Next, you'll go simp mode and probably have a few kids, so there are more mouths to feed. The mother of your children will increase her spending based on how much money she thinks you should have, not necessarily how much you actually have. This will all start melting you down and you'll eventually lose everything, thanks for playing.

>> No.50705712
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From what I have seen anecdotally you are right, say what you will about boomer logic like spending 30% on housing but its something to work off of.
Raleigh is growing really fast because just like Houston, yanks can move in and live like kings while the market is still lagging to treat the triangle area like other east coast research hubs. I'm getting tf out of here anyway because I'm kinda tired of paying higher prices each year and the area really not having any special sauce besides being surrounded by racist satellite cities.

>> No.50706036
File: 538 KB, 1080x2191, Screenshot_20220802-151752_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another flipper getting fucked

>> No.50706068
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Fucked right out the gate

>> No.50706095
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good content thanks anon

>> No.50706119

I know I can do it, but I also currently make 6 figures and the houses in my area are still under $500K

>> No.50706141
File: 539 KB, 971x2663, Screenshot_20220802-152352_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is fucked just from closing cost and fees

>> No.50706171

You can afford that if you get roommates, which is the strat most people I know who have a house are doing.

>> No.50706173

Depreciating 5% a year more like!

>> No.50706200
File: 533 KB, 1080x2191, Screenshot_20220802-152928_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one fucked right out the gate

>> No.50706220

Damn that guy is definitely fucked

>> No.50706223

Well done you get it, prices are set by available credit. Women are working for *nothing*.

>> No.50706226
File: 465 KB, 1080x2189, Screenshot_20220802-153132_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is fucked just from closing costs

>> No.50706243

85k a year
No debt
White neighborhood
350k house
Stay at home wife with two white boys
It's easy if you just fucking work faggot and don't support the Jews with debt

>> No.50706269

I don't believe you support all that with just 85k a year

>> No.50706309
File: 516 KB, 1080x2191, Screenshot_20220802-153714_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is close to getting fucked

>> No.50706375
File: 513 KB, 1080x2191, Screenshot_20220802-154114_Zillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another!

>> No.50706396

Holy shit, where is this?

>> No.50706409

The Phoenix area

>> No.50706454

Nigga this has been the case since the early 90s

>> No.50706468

1025 S Siesta Ln, Tempe, AZ 85281

>> No.50706496

I guess the wave of escaping Californians must have calmed down then, I heard it was really bad in Arizona, especially given how they flipped to being a blue state entirely because of Californians

>> No.50706601

The demand trend being based on credit is a hell of a blackpill for those reasons among many others. It's understandable why nobody really wants to accept it or even talk about it.

>> No.50706654

I'm starting to see houses that need relatively minor updates for 300k in a small city by me, which assuming the bidding war retardation is over is doable with 70k a year income imo if you're frugal.

>> No.50706675

Look at these

>> No.50706728


>single man
>three bedroom

>> No.50707149
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Are you in Hamburg? I'm in Hamburg. It's nice.

>> No.50707929

>flippers getting fucked
feels good man
slimy boomiggers have to wageslave for their money like the rest of us

>> No.50707996

I own a house on a single income 5 minutes from a small town with a couple bars and retsaurants, and 30 minutes from a smallish city with lots of stuff to do (really nice restaurants, tons of bars, music venuea, basically everything). I dont make anywhere near 250k.

>> No.50708017

Im in a similar boat minus the kids, and gf has a part time job to buy her own things (i pay mortgage and all bills though). Similarly priced house too.

>> No.50708082

You gotta live with your parents until minimum 30 so you cave enough money.

>> No.50708296

Incels don't get houses

>> No.50708504

That strategy will stop working in the long term as the "wage gap" "closes" and women become able to express higher demand via credit.

>> No.50708713

>the only people who can have a successful life are those whose parents are richfags and have a house close to actual job locations (IE major cities), and also, are unabusive enough you can stomach to live with them, and who put off getting into a relationship until they're almost out of sperm/eggs


>> No.50708764

Retards in this thread can't fathom that all you have to do to buy a house is
>buy a house 20 years ago

that easy

>> No.50708798

Just price the nigs out of their own ghettos

>> No.50708805

Your parents don't have to be rich. You just have to be saving money.

>> No.50708830

nobody to rent them to, genius.
sure, collusion hurts a free market and if all the big players decided to box people out of ownership at any cost to themselves they could probably do it for a time.
but if they aren't yielding for shit they'll sell and find somewhere else to park money. if public companies go on a suicide mission to own every house in existence they'll go bankrupt or get rekt by the shareholders for intentionally burning money.

>> No.50708859

Fuck same here bro fucking meth shacks cost 500k here in socal

>> No.50708865

yes but you're probably a princess who thinks not-buttfuck nowhere is 30 minutes outside a major metropolitan city. so, no.

>> No.50708892

>just dox yourself bro

>> No.50708920

>reading comprehension
they cant afford to live in a place with jobs unless they are already rich you dumb fucking somali

>> No.50708925

>wanting to live in civilization as my ancestors have done for 10,000 years is "being a princess"
look, i found the trailer trash!

>> No.50708942

>I guess the wave of escaping Californians must have calmed down then, I heard it was really bad in Arizona, especially given how they flipped to being a blue state entirely because of Californians
That wave was almost surely a one time thing (covid + remote became really common)

Everyone with a tech job and desire to get out of cali for the past 10+ years went to their place. Now it will just be whoever decided to go remote in year n+1, not a decade of backlog bursting in with money printer go brrr bucks

>> No.50709525


in major U.S cities you are better of really be really rich or very poor and on government assistance. It's the middle ground that gets fucked there.

>> No.50709830

>just be super rich or else go basketball-welfare mode
wow. yeah it's a third world country.

>> No.50710536

Holy Based. They're really fucked. Keep in mind that they're deeper in the hole counting closing costs.

>> No.50710616
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I would say to invest smartly in crypto and with tye crypto currencies we can buy houses in Dubai, Spain, Turkey, and in other countries too through UTRUST