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50697228 No.50697228 [Reply] [Original]

Is retail wage fucking the worst possible career to have?

>> No.50697254

At least it pays, contrary to jannies’ “careers”.

>> No.50697287


>> No.50697302

Depends on the location. I would rather be a retail wagie in a nicer suburb than say a public school teacher in an urban area.

>> No.50697310

>Is retail wage fucking the worst possible career to have?
worse career in the world has to be waste related, those guys that spend their days emptying trash bins, shit that cannot be an easy job, they should be paid very well and be able to retire early, it's such a fucking selfless job.. shit, never seen a women doing that job nor arguing for equality there, that says something about it doesn't it?

>> No.50697336

i used to work in retail, back when i was in school. i like cooking and briefly read into cooking as a career (with no interest in actually pursuing it.) from my understanding, working in a restaurant kitchen is considerably worse. longer hours, shittier pay, constantly sweating your ass off and getting yelled at and abused by alcoholics and drug addicts.

>> No.50697344

Being a garbageman looks tolerable and even fun if they get to hang on the backside of the truck. This childhood dream has never left me.

>> No.50697386

I bet they find cool shit in the trash every day though. Lots of people go through trash for fun, these guys are paid to do it

>> No.50697433
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>no fancy dress code
>air conditioned
>catchy upbeat radio
>get to walk around
>talk to people
>free consumer information
>sometimes listen to podcasts
>low pay to motivate you
>work with retards so great stories

>> No.50697451

>akchully le bad thing is... le good

>> No.50697468

Management probably isn't so bad.

>> No.50697484

Retail waging in your hobby store that you're an owner of sounds comfy.
>paddleboarding/surf shop
>don't open until 11 on weekdays
>go on a morning surf
>dick around at work selling shit to kooks
>clockout at 6
>do whatever you want after work

Obviously you'd have to work longer weekends when tourists are in town, but you're making money from them instead of fighting over waves.

>> No.50697494

yes anything that forces you to help the general public with unimportant bullshit is awful

>> No.50697538

Accurate I was shocked when i once saw a woman doing this in Sweden, its a massive rarity in the majority of the world.

>> No.50697555


I spent a couple of months working in a local shop before moving abroad it really is a good way to socialise with the community/make friends.

Not so good for romantic relationships though you know what women are like!

>> No.50697605

Except theres no room in the cab to put anything & anything small enough to take would sure be bagged. And no, they're not paid "to go through the trash" they're paid to dispose the trash as fast as possible so they can move onto the next stop. Also the smell all day

>> No.50697759

It’s not a career, it’s a stepping stone to something better.

>> No.50697826

rose colored glasses are pretty comfy

>> No.50697860

>those awful bright tube lights
>shit fucker music all day
>feet sore from constantly walking
>customers are all whiny parasites with retarded kids and foul BO
>constantly getting interrupted with retarded questions, most of which result in more walking
grocery stores, walmarts, gas stations, and other places that cater to essential and basic needs that almost everyone has have a more diverse and retarded range of customers than specialty shops. the only retail job i actually liked was working at a store which was like a Best Buy but with a bigger focus on computers. that was a fun job despite the occasional retards because i was talking about products and shit that i actually cared about.

TLDR if you are going to work retail try to get into a specialty shop.

>> No.50697881

>It’s not a career

Nope, lots of people make it a career

>> No.50697892

sounds comfy but might not pay very much unless its tourist time

>> No.50697894

I have a friend who works in a grocery store, claims that he likes the job. I feel like if you could happily work in a grocery store that you'd be happy doing anything and worker drones like that are valuable. If I were an employer, I'd definitely hire somebody who worked at a grocery store for years. They're dependable.

>> No.50697965

good point

>> No.50697990

You can sell niche premium products like $3000 paddleboards to rich dicks with more money than skill. Outdoor hobby enthusiasts love to consooom the latest product instead of actually doing the hobby.

>> No.50697993

no there are way worse and harder jobs. Especially since you can get wagie retail jobs for like 15-17 an hour now

>> No.50698026

Retail sucks because the companies suck, and the companies suck because they’re ran by a bunch of brain rotted boomers who seriously think heckling customers for whatever dumbass card they have is a good idea. I was a manager throughout the whole Covid thing until April this year and when I started it was genuinely enjoyable for the most part, was a smaller local chain and everyone got along and did their jobs just fine. Then something happened around the start of 2021 upstairs to make all of that nosedive. All that said, restaurants are by far the worst. Everyone is either on something fierce to cope with the shittiness or a no call no show away from a heart attack. Add in abysmal pay and conditions and frankly I’m shocked so many are still in business.
>not talking about your small local bars or anything of course

>> No.50698036

the concept of work is so hellish. imagine spending 8 hours of your day toiling on a sales floor. you literally spend most of your time on a cement floor, not at home, but in some store or dingy warehouse. not me, i wasn't made to be a slave. i was made to stare off into the forest for hours

>> No.50698138

very based

>> No.50698189

If you know somebody who knows someone who pays you under the table, its a job.

>> No.50698392

This. Imagine working in a supermarket in a mountain range or a somewhere rural. So comfy.

>> No.50698749

I do it.
Night shift.

It's actually not a bad job, especially compared to the labor jobs I did before.
Really the only bad thing about it is it simply doesn't pay well or give you skills that allows you to move up, and becoming a manager or salaried means you are basically the store's bitch and on call all the time.

I have seen so many managers rotate out due to the stress and how much they work them compared to the meh pay bump that most don't last a year.

Meanwhile as just a wagie I don't earn a ton but the work isn't hard and since I work night shift I can listen to my headphones which makes everything much more tolerable.
Few responsibilities other then physically doing the work expected of you.

I honistly wish it was enough that I could do it for life and live a modest life, but the only reason why I could live on it while saving money was because the place I rent is really low cost.
But my time is up though. They are selling the place I currently stay at the end of the month, and looking at the normal propery market and rentals in the area fills me with dread.
Most places want at least 2/3 what I make a month just for rent in really run down places or to just rent a room in someone's house.
And I only managed to save up $23,000 bucks so I can't really afford to buy a house even if I could get financing. Since everything spiked to the cost of a quarter of a mill in the past two years.

I still have a month to look but this would be way easier if I made more money.

>> No.50699016

I don't know, EMT's have a pretty stressful PTSD inducing career, and get paid only about 15 dollars an hour.

>> No.50699206

A friend of mine started out working in waste management after high school. The job fucking sucks, but everything considered retail waging is somewhat worse.
Waste management is a crucial fuction for a working society, your job might be shit but it fills an important purpose. Everyone working it know it sucks, and upper management don´t force anyone to pretend "they should be grateful for working there".
Compared to the dystopian Walmart hellscape videos I have seen here, the blue collar misery of waste management seems like heaven compared to retail waging.

>> No.50699398

Working at Walmart perhaps.
Other than that, waiter.

>> No.50699443

Working at walmart isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.50699506

No. It’s clean and safe job. If you have a triple digit IQ and some social skills you can make a career out of it.

Retail managers make 6 figures.

>> No.50699553


Fantastic cope for achieving nothing with your life. Lots of people suck dick for money too degen

>> No.50699663

Does your company do tuition reimbursement? If so, you should get an associates degree in something that interests you with it. You’ll have a better career with that

>> No.50699967

The things that interest me actually pay less then my retail job and are far less stable.

I do them as side jobs and hobbies. Not as main careers, because I have better odds at a casino making a profit then turning those interest into a stable profitable career.
Besides, I already got a associates and it didn't help me get a good job way back when I got it.
I really doubt another one would do much better.
Probably would earn more just spending the extra time that would have been spend going to school, instead doing some sort of second or third job. Though I don't have the focus or ease of commute to hustle that hard.

>> No.50699992

I did retail wage slaving and call center support when I was younger. Call center support is WAY worse. You're either dealing with complete retards who can't follow basic instructions, or rude assholes who just want to yell at you all day. And they deliberately under staff so nobody is sitting there doing nothing, so it's just this constant unrelenting stream of calls.

>> No.50700032

the worst career is one that doesn't pay when you live in this capitalist reality. volunteer = literal slave

>> No.50700114

>worst possible career to have
>possible career to have

what a fucking retard

>> No.50702104
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I used to be a janny at a retail store.

>> No.50702121


>> No.50702147

Any customer service related job is bad if you can't tolerate dumb human beings. You have to reach that point where you THRIVE on how superior you are to these unwashed masses and look down upon them like you are a king and they are a peasant.

Some people have anger management issues. They should not work a customer service job and will hate it. You have to learn to laugh at people and feel superior rather then becoming an angry ape.

>> No.50702302

Homeless is worst

>> No.50703078

Retail is career limbo, really it's like being in limbo in general. It becomes increasingly more disturbing the longer you're there or the more undefined your exit timeline is.

>> No.50703436

It's not a career.

>> No.50704060

>Not so good for romantic relationships though you know what women are like!
That's what checkout chicks are for

>> No.50704356

i just got fired from a cold freezer overnight truck loader position because i refused to work friday nights. if you think im freezing my toes off packing pallets 6 ft high full of Waygu beef, lobster, and salmon for 4 and 5 star hotel richfags on a friday night you have another thing coming

>> No.50705753
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Nope. Theres something worse. Much worse. Camera security guard. You sit in an empty desolated room for 8+ hours with no allowed access to the Internet staring at cameras as you feel the dread of your precious time literally clawing out of your body very, very slowly.

Being real we all waste a lot of time fucking around on 4chan and what not but it's at least entertaining. It's fun. It's a pass time. Staring at these cameras broke me a little, made me claustrophobic a little bit. No I'm not kidding it really is soul crushing.

>> No.50705763

Being an euro (in one of the better euro countries) lets me literally stake shitcoins (mostly doing VINU and LTC atm) and short BTC sometimes to make enough money to live happily. My "job" literally takes about half an hour every day.

>> No.50705766

>good euro country

>> No.50706238
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>> No.50706299

It is one of those jobs that's fine until 21. If you're still working retail past 21 then what the fuck are you doing with your life

>> No.50706419
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It's bad when your managers are brain dead slaves that regurgitate whatever corporate tells them to do. And the entitled customers think that the universe revolves around them and have no idea what the amount of work that goes into the retail process. A good chunk of what you do is just basically Google shit that people were too lazy to do themselves because they wanted to talk to a person instead of a machine. And the pay itself is pretty bottom of the barrel tier.

I make $15 an hour myself working for a big well known company and I'm going to try and leave for something better when the year wraps up.

>> No.50706444

IMO food service is considerably worse to work and it's a harder job than it looks.

>> No.50706527

at least as a tradie I can think to myself whenever things get fucked or hard or frustrating "Okay do this next time" but for those types of jobs I understand your pain.

You just trade life for money. Hours out of your life you could have been growing, and instead you're a glorified AI with advanced facial recognition.

>> No.50706782

I enjoyed my retail wage years. I hated working at small restaurants and grocery stores the most.

>> No.50707026

I work at a suburban liquor store in a 90% white area and am allowed to browse the Internet all day while checking people out at the register. Chill as fuck. Unfortunately a pajeet family is acquiring the store. Big sad.

>> No.50707125
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>o say can you seeeeeee

>> No.50707135

I wouldn’t mind this at all

>> No.50707160
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I guess you don't replace grease traps for a living

>> No.50707169

It's a job. And like Chris Rock says, people who have careers need to learn to shut the fuck up, when they're around people with jobs. "Don't let your happiness make someone sad!"

>> No.50707176

>be garbage man
>perform vital service too society
>tangible results seen each day
>non customer facing so no need for faux recognition
>constantly in demand so bosses forced to be flexible
>no HR staceys or micro aggression accusations
sounds based

>> No.50707227

Wanna post a link

>> No.50707234

You would be the 50-Millionth security guard I've seen on 4chan. In many threads they'll spout how "comfy" it is, and, sure, it beats huffing Respirable Crystalline Silica or VOCs or other stuff that will shorten your lifespan. But I know ennui. I honestly can't imagine being in that position. Again, it won't destroy you the way some other jobs literally will, but, I don't know if I could do it. I only started my first office job at the beginning of June. I wonder how that compares.

>> No.50707247

Its not a career if it makes you just as poor as you were yesterday. It's a mcjob. Aka exploitation of the common working man.

>> No.50707275

They are paid very well and have great benefits, especially considering their job is entry-level.

>> No.50707338

Buy and hold ETH with your slave wages and I think things will get better.

>> No.50707740

Nah, grocery stores are pretty chill. They pay shit but it's about as low-stress comfy as you're going to find outside of an office. There's a reason people stick around at those jobs. If they can't hack it anywhere else, and you're going to be paid peanuts, you might as well do it in an air-conditioned low-pressure environment. As far as McJobs go, they may be the best.

>> No.50707785

Great way to put it.

>> No.50707909

This. There are way way worse jobs. I worked assembly line and warehouse and both of those sucked compared to retail. I worked Walmart DC and at least the pay was better and the labor is about as much as most warehouse jobs.
Dream job for a retail wagie. No constant monitoring, you know what you're doing and get it done, no fussing about.

>> No.50708071

as long as you arent on the register its not that bad. Even the register at walmart would be preferable to fast food hell. walmart by me is always looking for people to stock shelves over night, sounds super comfy if you can live on $19/hr

>> No.50708210

Eh, I feel like retail jobs get blown over way too much. Just like any other entry level job, they suck to some degree but it's highly dependent on location and even more so with who your coworkers are. Currently working in the warehouse of a major tech retailer and although the pay could be much better, I'll be pressed to find anything comfier. I'm never expected to be out on the floor shilling, the people I work with are somewhat enjoyable to be around and the pay is just enough to be tolerable to have stuck it out the past couple years before going back to school fulltime. Although I would never sell my soul to it, I do envy some friends that have switched to working at Apple stores, they're still seen as "retail" but those guys make pretty good money all things considered. Some friends are currently bringing in 24-25/hr and another got bumped into their Genius (glorified in-store tech support) which nets him around 30/hr.

>> No.50708438


I wanted to say that, if you knew the premise was, "Chris Rock Job Career" you could google it yourself, and be cruel, leaving you to find it yourself. But it was sufficiently easy (that google pulled it up immediately) and the bit on the end of this clip is sufficiently funny (simple, easy to anticipate, but easy to remember, easy to repeat, and impactful especially as a joke to tell to fellow working-people on the job) that I'll link it anyway. Scrapecscrapescrapescrapescrape. Classic.

>> No.50708974
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Just think: NEETs used to think their trump card was not having to go anywhere and being able to lie on their beds browsing 4chins etc. all day. Now thanks to Covid and WFH, the rest of us do that but also get paid vast multiples of whatever paltry amount they get in NEETbux. Think how fucking furious they must be, the dawning realisation that they've wasted their prime years.

>> No.50709487

I did night stocking for a few years. Pretty chill, put in headphones, fill up shelves with cookies and shit for 8 hours. But yeah I'd blow my head off before Manning a register

>> No.50709639

>even fun if they get to hang on the backside of the truck.

On NYE a few years back, I was on a rooftop in chinatown. Must have been 4AM. The bars were closing and we heard a lot of sound coming from the club several stories below us. There was a dump truck outside, grabbing trash. Two girls in spandex and bright shiny cocktail dresses were talking to the garbage guys. The garbage guys motioned for them to throw, and so the girls grabbed the garbage and tossed it into the back of the giant truck. We all started discussing this from our perch above, when the garbage boys hopped onto the back of their truck, they motioned again to the girls

Then the two cocktail dress girls grabbed onto them, hopping onto the side of the garbage truck. The truck then sped down the street and we could hear the sound of the girl's 'WhooooOOOOOO!!!!"'s for miles as they toured the city

>> No.50710058

Very well articulated. t. retail wagie last 5 years, working to the end of my degree, feels like an actual eternity. Like the place has placed my life into pause and time just got vaccumed away.

>> No.50710305

stacking shelves is nothing compared to working in kitchens, low paid construction labour and many other menial tasks. nightfill is actually a good gig as far as low tier wage cuckery is concerned.

>> No.50711022
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Sanitation workers make 6 figures in cities, and in a lot of cases that's before their snow-event overtime and other instances where they get differentials. Plus they get full pension and incredible benefits due to them being a labor-intensive job. They also provide a fuckton more vital service than most of the people who look down on them for 'picking up trash'
If you gave me the option of being a retail wagie making a garbage man's money, even with benefits, I still wouldn't do it. The thought of taking shit from middle aged women and retarded immigrants dropping shit, all while being berated by a manager who couldn't hack it anywhere else would drive me to suicide or assault.
Meanwhile the trashman is throwing shit, using machines, driving a truck, and is outside in better shape than most people by sheer virtue of being physical every day.

>> No.50711076
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>> No.50711123

If this scene was depicted in hieroglyphs, the future would agree that these are slaves.

>> No.50711154
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It’s probably up there.

Better question, what are some of the BEST possible careers to have?

>> No.50711160


anything related to programming. that's what the internet tells me

>> No.50711216

This is true

>worked at a wireless sales booth
>constantly told to harass shoppers to get them to buy a phone and wireless plan
>dogshit horrible computer system so setting up their new plan takes forever if you actually have a customer
>always really sneaky jewy “deals” we’re told to pitch
>start getting told to pitch a cable bundle that’s a literal scam

I would always try to break it down to the customer on how to game the system as much as possible, how to return phones while still getting the cash vouchers, etc. Fuck boomers and their scams.

>> No.50711395


>> No.50711438

Janitors at colleges make 60-70k a year, no shame, especially when you're making that kind of money and no one gives you shit because of pity, no pun intended.

>> No.50711529

the worst you can do is a nurse, most of them work hours and hours and are pretty low paid.
basically macdonalds but improved, things like vinu or any crypto to this day are still somewhat profitable if you just want money, it's not wrong to differentiate wanting profit from achievements

>> No.50711617

WFH is the best and I was a former NEET. I'm thinking about setting up my "residence" at a family members house and then moving to a cheaper country like Thailand.

>> No.50711689

>with no allowed access to the Internet
It's not always like that.

>> No.50711825

Retail is actually a rather easy job once you learn to let go of dumb shit. The pay sucks though so it’s not a good long term plan. Worked retail for a couple years between school and college and it was pretty fun if you made it fun.

>> No.50711891
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this story makes both /fit/ and /biz/ obsolete

>> No.50711915

Retail wagie here.
Everyday I wish for death.

>> No.50711963

Yeah, but in retail dumb customers/bosses means you have to do extra work

>> No.50712150

IT 100%

>> No.50712209

I know someone who is the DRIVER of the garbage van. Seems comfy, doesn't even touch the trash who might have inside it who knows what dangerous shit.

>> No.50712227

> it’s a stepping stone to something better
Kek I see this thrown around as justification for shit pay in many jobs
>oh its for the first job blah blah blah
When it is really just wagedumping since they know full well people end up there.

>> No.50712252

It's great if you're a brain dead normie. If you're an autist though, it's hell on earth.

>> No.50712324

Targeted sales is worse. Basically retail but with a luck factor dictating you keeping your job. You can be good at selling, but slow days will eat you alive.

>> No.50712446

Anything that isn't waging has that element though. Say you're a freelance civil engineer (like I am): you have no clue if you'll have jobs next month or if they'll be easy jobs or not.

On grander scale all companies are that; they don't know if they'll have customers next month; they have to secure that themselves.

>> No.50712467

This is 100% customer service call centre is worse since people are more likely to behave badly on the phone

>> No.50712548

Thank god. Getting into IT because anything else sounds like absolute hell.

>> No.50712623

Security guard is fine if you can fuck around on your phone/book the whole time. He's describing something that demands your attention the entire time

>> No.50712842

listen to a book/podcast/music or learn a language through airpod/bluetooth earphone

>> No.50712910

>you have no clue if you'll have jobs next month or if they'll be easy jobs or not.
Yeah, but you probably get paid a normal person's yearly wage for a single job.

>> No.50713053

Agreed I still do call centre support. It fucking hurts to do sometimes. Managers don’t have to put up with this shit.

>> No.50713132

Working in restaurants must be the worst, stressed literally all the time no matter the job.

>> No.50713334

Did you have to deal with customers shitting and pissing in weird places or hiding busted food items to rot?

Worse is probably them hiding busted cans of cat food.
That shit is the most heinous stench once it starts rotting. I have smelt rotting road kill that wasn't as pungent.
Was the only time I ever threw up due to the smell of something alone.

>> No.50713356

Never thought of it that way.
I guess such a outlook would make IT support a lot more tolerable.
That job make me lose faith in humanity a little bit. Especially since the vast majority of problems could be solved with a simple google search on the first results page.

>> No.50713441

They offer to teach anyone who is willing to learn the register, but it's a total trap.
Once they know you can rune the register that is where they will constantly try to send you because it has the highest turnover of any job of the store.
Not only do you have to deal with customers but also do like 3-5 things at once while not making any mistakes that will fuck up the ending till.
Probably second highest stress job in the store just behind being the general manager/store manager.

>> No.50713494

>Kek I see this thrown around as justification for shit pay in many jobs
For most it's a stop gap thing.
It's a way to keep the bills payed while looking or training for a better job.

>> No.50713536

I make 4% of sales plus hourly wage as a busboy and all I gotta do is lift plates and smile at fat fucks eating too much shit. I'm averaging 25 bucks an hour off this, waiters make even more. If you get into a place with a good volume of customers you make great money for a job (think average tip of 15% over a few grand of sales per shift) that is skill req wise on par with any fast food or retail job with much less work.

>> No.50713537

Knew quite a few autist who had retail jobs and like them well enough.
Usually they worked doing stocking or in the back room rather than dealing too much with customers.

Nah, the really job that is bane to autist is sells jobs.
If you aren't good at or enjoy talking to people and trying to persuade them to buy shit they don't need then sell jobs are close to the worst job ever.
Which kind of sucks because if you are good at it the pay to effort ratio is super high.

>> No.50713574

Really depends on the place though.
Also most places don't pay a percentage of sells but instead do the whole tip thing. Which if you are in a area where people don't tip then you are shit out of luck and make minimal wage with low hours.

>> No.50713583

Damn these women are hot I want to fuck them but sadly my dick isn't that big

>> No.50713591

True, guess I lucked out. It definitely has potential to pay shit, but it definitely has a huge upside of you get a good one, at least compared to fast food where you're fucked no matter what

>> No.50714005

The only thing I dislike about my career as an SWE is the globalhomo bullshit, and even that is much easier to ignore than /pol/ claims, maybe one email about Supporting the Current Thing every other week that I don’t read anyway. And I supposedly work at one of the more pozzed companies according to /g/
Other than that, it’s setting my own hours WFH and maybe doing 3 hours of real work a day, no requirement to have cameras on during meetings so I play guitar and browse /biz/

>> No.50714023


those are men

>> No.50714285
