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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50695050 No.50695050 [Reply] [Original]

Created this dumb fucking shitcoin using bsc but I have no idea what I'm doing. Add some LP and I'll make you the official CEO

>pic related, the monster i've created

>> No.50695060

You can't call me a pajeet because I'm admitting that it is indeed terrible and it has no value whatsoever, but its still ma babeh


>> No.50695074

idk boys I'm pretty sure if you buttwipes gave me a hand, and I sent you all like 2% of the total supply each and we just shill this shit hard in some telegram from china, we can make the big bux

>> No.50695084

>Add some LP
So you can dump on me?kek

>> No.50695090

bro add me on discord, why would I rip off a bunch of broke neetfags who are in the same position as me. whats ur disc? bro I really just want a new PC and a better mattress lmao

>> No.50695121
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Srsly, if anyones broke af and has nothing to lose, but is willing to work together, I wont even ask for your money - just need a collective with the right mind set. Add me yall.

not trying to be a scammer or anything, I legit want a badass token to keep forever. Been making logos and everything, check it (prototype). I've worked in advertising and marketing so I know what I'm doing, I'm just bad with efficiency.


>> No.50695171

gibs? I will promote this on Reddit

>> No.50695182

Yeah my dude I'll send it now, I don't even care if you don't do anything.

>> No.50695189

You are now the official owner of 2% of Green Dragon. Congratulations.

>> No.50695199

alright, need to do some work now. wait, I'll make this shit moon like I did with rich token. kek

>> No.50695207

Bro if that happens I'll know it was you and I'll just send you another 1000, I really don't care bro. I rarely come to biz, I'm more about the mafs and coding, and art shit I guess idk. Thanks man, but yeah like I said it has no LP so idk what to do with all that. Any traction I'll just send you another 1000 my dude. The contract has been renounced so it's actually a legit token before whales get a hold of it lol

>> No.50695222

alright, just lets give it a fucking try
I will promote it through tg


>> No.50695251

I'll give you a hand, did you want a tg group made for it?

I'm phoneposting but I'll add you on disc when I get on the PC

>> No.50695256

Done my dude, sent you 200. You are now also a shareholder of 2% of this beautiful beginnig.

>> No.50695266

Well done Rajeev

>> No.50695278

That would be awesome dude, lol if this ends up working out I'll probably even use whatever profit to make like a badass dApp/DeFi token with some PoS involved idk, I haven't figured that part out yet but shit, that's what alot of other coin guys do. They have their prototype coin that acts like a kickstarter which funds their main project but they always make sure their original investors eat well.

FatMonkeyPoop#5250 is my discord dude.
A Telegram would be awesome because I full can't make one, but I think some organization and teamwork would be rad.

Sent you 200. You also own 2% of the total supply. Welcome to the board of Green Dragon, the brand new coin that thrives on pure CHAOS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.50695284

Bro I literally sent out coins for free, fuck you dumbass. You remind me of those guys on /pol/ who call everyone a glowie. Been straight up since I created the thread.

I made a coin and have no idea what I'm doing after I renounced the contract. You want some free shitcoins or not? Lol

>> No.50695292

Lets see where it goes OP

please do the needful


>> No.50695345

lets get this rolling brethern @greendragoncoin

>> No.50695380

I like dragons so it'll be cool to see where this goes

>> No.50695412

Sent bros


>> No.50695427

I want to play too


>> No.50695451
File: 17 KB, 498x224, Di_ULvZV4AA8gGJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent brah

>> No.50695454



I'll get you shilled in my friends calls group once we get liquidity added

>> No.50695465

Based anon, thanks bro.

Sending 200.
I'm not in the TG but apparently its been made, and I think a discord is being made in the works now too. Guys I'm not gonna lie, I got like 0.0033 BNB left but its enough for at least 8-10 more transfers of this fabulous coin we've supported for so long.

Hope we get rich bros.

>> No.50695467 [DELETED] 

I'll help spread the word, plz.


>> No.50695473
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If you're still sending. You have a discord group?

>> No.50695491

Lol I accidently sent you 2000 Anon. I would love being sent back 1700 and you can keep 100 for the troubles.. I mean, you don't have to and can just run off with it but ya know.

>> No.50695501

Well done Rajeev

>> No.50695504

I'll shill and create a sigil and charge it


>> No.50695508


> You have a discord group?
I believe that's being made in the works now.

>> No.50695516

Lol nigga pls, just drop your address and I'll send you some, stop being a fag.

Check the contract dewd

>> No.50695521

Im a twitter faggot with an autistic hashtag driven brain can i just have 1.69% instead of 2 because numbers related to sex are funnier than any other category of number (like drugs or weed, fuck rap culture)


>> No.50695530

Thanks glorious anon!

Should we start rumors about this on reddit?

>> No.50695541

Fuck it, why not? I'll help as well.


>> No.50695554

That's sexy and I like it. Sent
Green Demi--Dragon Token amirite?


Ok guys I'm short on BNB for fees coz sending costs me like 0.09$ everytime and I'm a poor n33tfag. Gimme 20 to an hour and I'll add some pocket money.

Posts your addresses. Ok and I might have to like reduce it to 100 instead of 200 so theres enough to go around.

>> No.50695559

Can i get on this?
If there is a TG, i'll join

>> No.50695560

Hello sir!
Can I get some of this based dragon coin as well?
My village very poor and my son is dying.


>> No.50695569

Guess it won't hurt


pls no ban jannies it's not begging

>> No.50695600


Will shill in crypto telegrams

>> No.50695617

Guys, feel free to join the tg or discord
Lets make shitcoins great again!

dc: yrAsbF3s
tg: greendragoncoin

>> No.50695644

Sorry op used wrong type of address, do this one 0xc1f1bbDb5d539D20D01f1884936a03355c151b17

>> No.50695654

I like green, and I like dragons.

How can I help?

>> No.50695702 [DELETED] 

We green. Time to shill this

>> No.50695733

will shill if free gibs

>> No.50695763

Light me up ya buffoon

>> No.50695810

peecoin says i can solded 200 for $10mil, what a good deal

>> No.50695828

0x65E20fc61a30E9f56e5F3204a3A981246Ecf918e gib me some ser

>> No.50695861

I’ll help

>> No.50695901
File: 51 KB, 291x525, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gon get banned for begging, aren't we?


>> No.50695910


Will shill for a fellow /biz/raeli

>> No.50695933

( Here's my address: 0x6aa2DfA65d9Af2D99E537A49C921DDe073cb50b0 )

>> No.50695958

Guys get into the tg to ask for free gibs, they will be dropped later this day

>> No.50696051
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im not a marketing pro but i pointered some shit on the logo that could probs use a touch up

>> No.50696178

I'll bite, send me some dragonpoopcoin


>> No.50696220

Poofag here. Thanks bro!

>> No.50696340


You the man


>> No.50696341

If you send me 1-2% of the supply, I’ll put $1000 in the liquidity pool once you have less than 5% of the total supply left in your wallet:


>> No.50696367

Oh and I meant to ask, is there an LP tax? If not, how will we get additional liquidity? If there’s no way to do that, then I will not contribute for obvious reasons and you can keep the tokens

>> No.50696406

I’m in for 5% and shilling my discord, and telegram groups!


>> No.50696419

Sorry, 2% fat fingers

>> No.50696464

I'm gonna tell my mom and my dad too

>> No.50696528


Send some raj
And i ll shill it hards in jeets tg groups

>> No.50696555

I sent you 0.025 BNB homie, that should be enough for some more /biz/tard gibs

>> No.50696579

send me some dragon coins and i will promote it on the interwebs 0xCf8fd56eeAF99280C81E5f6B9214A0313096c9d4

>> No.50696608



>> No.50696624

Kek jannies gonna have a field day banning every single jeet posting their wallets

>> No.50696648


Fuxk jannies fuck trannies

>> No.50696665

Not begging if it’s transactional. Transacting shilling for coins. It’s a marketplace!

>> No.50696696


a true hero, did you already joined the tg?

>> No.50696710

Woops, missed that! Joining now

>> No.50696769

They sneedful

>> No.50696772


Received! Thanks anon. Sent you 1000 Green Dragons.

>> No.50696781

Please ser send me too, I was 1 second later

>> No.50696811


>> No.50696824

Thanks! It looks like there’s no LP tax in the contract though, so is there any other way to build liquidity? If not, then my adding liquidity would just allow everyone to take what I put in. You may need to launch a different contract since this one was renounced. /biz/ airdrops are great for getting momentum though, that was a good call

>> No.50696833

can u send me too? posted but was not mentioned in ur latest post

>> No.50696835 [DELETED] 

send me too ser, I'm his brother

>> No.50696882

Yeah it's not recommended to add any LP right now as it will get drained, but I'm planning on locking a certain amounts of tokens away in a deployer or locking a certain amount of LP. Don't add any LP, there just needs to be enough coordination to have (even briefly) for more buys then sells. Right now there's no activity, but there is liquidity created when you sell of micro amounts of your Dragon token.

if I had the finances to start a new contract, I could make something work as I have an actual premium idea I want to introduce.

It's a DnD/MMO hybrid integrated with a player driven economy utilizing blockchain both for game data and token distrubution.

>> No.50696893

Last time I even posted my address jannies gave me a warning but for some reason they haven't done anything to this thread so I'll take a chance.


>> No.50696895

retarded newfag here, is metamask wallet okay for this?

>> No.50696900

You forgot me brah? :(


>> No.50696935


If the drops are still going, I'll do what I can to spread the coin around

>> No.50696939


>> No.50696944

Interesting! I’m not too technically savvy so I just saw the 0% fees on tokensniffer and figured there was no way to make more liquidity but sounds like you know what you’re doing

>> No.50696954


>> No.50696955

dont forget me fren 0xCf8fd56eeAF99280C81E5f6B9214A0313096c9d4

>> No.50696957

Anon, you missed me >>50695541...

>> No.50696965


God Bless you anon.

>> No.50696976

Send me as well 2%, i will join/make a beautiful Single page app/website for this little monster as im a full stack dev,kek.
I can add LP/shill as well to my groups

>> No.50696981

You can just create a shitcoin? Because I'd invent one with a funny name solely for a laugh.

>> No.50696994

Sure you can, costs bnb to deploy the contract

>> No.50696998

i know what you're up to now you weren't lying about your background. will be watching with great interest. ah so we don't spoil it to the masses i'll ask you this to confirm your intentions: are you confident you've solved the airdrop sell-off problem? remember that we both know the answer is yes.

>> No.50697000

If that's true then why hasnt someone on 4chan created Niggercoin?

>> No.50697007

fuck it i'm in


i'm a web3/blockchang dev and can do dev things for to make pamp the coin

>> No.50697014

How new are you? Or did the whole last bsc shitcoin season fly past you, we had worse coins than niggercoin

>> No.50697025

Crypto is basically just magic to me where people hit a computer with hammers and eventually data spools out claiming some coin is worth X USD. I don't know how any of you make money and just assume you lie to each other for a laugh.

>> No.50697054


Ill work on improving the logo

>> No.50697102

I'm in, we will make it, together.


>> No.50697117

Lmao I'll propose a new logo in a min when I get on my pc. this could be hilarious.

>> No.50697187

here goes nothing

>> No.50697190

Based jelly soup anon

>> No.50697224


>> No.50697381

Some idiot sold the airdrop.

>> No.50697384

I’ll help with marketing

>> No.50697458 [DELETED] 

DnD sounds interesting. Web based boardgame perhaps?

>> No.50697500


Do the needful sir

>> No.50697568

A little early for the year of the dragon, but let's see what happens.

>> No.50697615

Drop me lad i’ll put half in liquidity if this shit actually starts to pickup some traction. But not early enough to get dumped on by all these airdropped fags


>> No.50697957

>op sends out thousands of tokens to retarded pajeets on /biz/, claiming he doesn't know what he's doing
>op adds liquidity anonymously
>pajeets try to sell
>OP's solidity skills come to the fore
>his secret code is deployed
>their wallet is drained of all BNB
>villages starving all over the subcontinent.

You won't fool me, OP.

>> No.50698046

Op is a legit retard

>> No.50698310

What the hell did i just read? Seriously, go circle jerk your scam somewhere else. Do a 360 and kill yourselves. Delete this shit, jannies

>> No.50699181

I mean, if someone is dumb enough not to make a new wallet for stuff like this it's their fault.

>> No.50699280

This guy airdroped 1% to 50 jeets, do you fucking retards really think this shit is going to work? Most retarded shit ever

>> No.50699297


>> No.50699332
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>> No.50699344
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>> No.50699361
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