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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 489x534, 1643646433793 happy rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50690762 No.50690762 [Reply] [Original]

I have two options
>spend 20k on rent the next 12 months and then buy a flat
>buy a 230k 750 sq foot flat with a 12k down payment

What's less painful?
20k in rent is a lot. And that money is lost. But it's also bad to buy the top.

>> No.50691317

Just buy a place.... at least your money is going back into your own investment, besides you say you will buy the year after anyway, so stop delaying the inevitable.

Renting is a good way to stay poor for a long time, literally throwing money into thin air.

>> No.50691350

Don’t you have good discounts right now? Look harder, nigger

>> No.50691355

What is the HOA fee like for the flat? Also, why can't you rent with flatmates for cheaper? 1666/mo for rent is ridiculously high.

In fact, if you were extremely frugal, you would buy the 750sqft flat and then get a roommate to split the costs so the mortgage is almost nothing.

>> No.50691432
File: 711 KB, 730x783, C772DDF7-60AB-4D0F-A725-3BDA29E8C7A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best time to buy a home is always yesterday. Having a zestimate is always the right choice.

>> No.50691732

People get way too fixated on "rent is throwing your money away!", a house is a liability.

We are probably about to go into a recession/depression and house prices are starting to drop already

>> No.50691911
File: 21 KB, 333x310, 1621474030832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, buy. it will never EVER EVER EVER go down. EVER. Le Heckin House for the win fellow strangers!

>> No.50692083

ya man just buy buy buy dont worry the house worth 20-30 years of income might drop back down 40% from the bubble literally being the worst financial situation of your entire life

>> No.50692162

Can mortgages get margin called?

>> No.50692196

In Australia, it can, but not in the US. US 30 year fixed rate mortgage are some of the best financing deals around.

>> No.50692334
File: 56 KB, 1000x575, sredni 2452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40% of population about to die in the next 5 years
>let's buy real estate at the top!