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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 418 KB, 1284x1482, 334B353E-6EEA-4A01-B0C2-7B428C23F968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50684132 No.50684132 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I post about a crypto I’m excited about or investing in here, I get banned for a week. Why? I thought this was the crypto board? What’s the point of this board, if every time we try to discuss a new crypto we get banned? The only ones we seem to be allowed to talk about are those that mods own or that ban evade enough that the mods finally give up. (Or if you want to make a trans hate topic or racial conspiracy rant, that seems fine too).

I just want some clear rules so I stop getting banned for “advertising” when all I’m doing is using this board exactly as it’s supposed to be.

>> No.50684252

You're not actually supposed to talk about making money newfag.

>> No.50684295 [DELETED] 
File: 710 KB, 1700x1388, 1633882396436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only allowed to talk about shitcoins with a +10b mc so you won't make any money or coins that the tranny jannies own or paid to ignore.

>> No.50684296 [DELETED] 
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Mods leave stupid shit like this up, and yet will nuke you on sight if you start talking about actual crypto. It’s so ridiculous. This isn’t /b/

>> No.50684310
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OP posted a fucking dog token

>> No.50684351
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It certainly seems that way. There’s not even any firm guidelines though on how large a coin has to be before being mentioned though. At least if there were a firm and respected rule of “no coins under $1b marketcap” then I could respect that.

As it is, it’s just the whims of whoever the janny that day is.

>> No.50684367
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And I have no problem if he makes just one thread talking about it. shib was also just some "dog token". Only blatant pajeet scams or not posts should be deleted on sight but for some reason this kind of threads always stay up the longest.

>> No.50684407
File: 304 KB, 1194x881, CE56AAF9-6F17-442B-AE53-9ABE3CEC606E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah check the chart dipshit. It went 4x from when I posted it. I sold, but my point remains.

>> No.50684415
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>As it is, it’s just the whims of whoever the janny that day is.
But anon this is it if a tranny janny get's offend by your thread or just forgot to dilate this day he will delete your thread.

>> No.50684423

ah, that's why vaperguy gets away with posting a new hex thread every hour instead of getting banned for scamming

>> No.50684515

You dumped on other people from biz
this is why they ban low mcap shills

>> No.50684588 [DELETED] 

interesting, they are suppressing those threads
>I sold

>> No.50684663 [DELETED] 

>why they ban low mcap shills
Pretty sure footfag originally shilled hbar here to dump on /biz/. Same for Trias, and many others.
So, how big does the mc of the coin have to be before it can be talked about?

>> No.50684684

Price increased too much, too fast. And I needed money for bills. >>50684515
Not really, topic was up for ten seconds before it got deleted and they banned me.

This isn’t about that shitcoin tho. This is about the larger issue. There will inevitably be another crypto I want to talk about here, and of course I’ll get banned for it because it’s not fucking chain link or hex. Fucking bullshit

>> No.50684704

you deserve to be banned

>> No.50684734

>>I sold

Because he made a profit you fucking retard

Might sound insane but people dont fucking sell

What he can do now is buy low and rugpull the next sub-humans hodlers

>> No.50684751

the whole point is to make a x100-x1000 on this you utter retard

>> No.50684806

Dude youre such a mentally retarded down syndrome sub-human

The coin wont do a x100

You fucking utter retard, it does a x4 then goes down

You UTTER fucking retard nigger lol

>> No.50684830
File: 388 KB, 672x523, 7F02A1F8-98C9-4834-9FAE-F10422BBBFB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God forbid I come to talk about a new crypto I heard about, which then goes 400% from the time I post about it. You’re probably just butthurt you keep buying chainlink and getting dumped on by the founder. There will be another crypto I buy and want to post about here eventually, I’ll get banned for it I’m sure, and you’ll keep buying dumbass mod-approved scam tokens and pinching your willie to cuck porn while the rest of us are actually making money.

>> No.50684833

x4 is obviously a good catch, you wont even have the luck to have it most of the time

Thats why you sell at a profit instead of hodling like a down syndrome person hopping you get luck in maybe a year or so

>> No.50684845

The only reason it was posted to /biz/ is to dump on /biz/ posters. It's not a real thread and should be banned.
Advertising / begging is the correct ban

>> No.50684866


Wasnt even arguing wether it was baneable or not you dumb niglet

>> No.50684876
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JFC thank you. This fucking board is allergic to making money I swear. Faith in humanity partially restored. If you’re up 4x on a fucking shitcoin you should sell some.

>> No.50684913

Then why are you in this thread when you're not even bothering to talk about the topic of the thread

>> No.50684939
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By that retarded ass logic the only reason to ever discuss any coin is to dump on others. That means that mentioning any crypto should be banned, including hex, chainlink, Monero, Ethereum, and bitcoin.

Fuck this board has gotten so stupid over the last few years. People used to come here and post actual opportunities, insider info, good shit.

Now it’s full of ass clowns that get their panties twisted if you mention actual profit. I think you idiots actually get off to losing money honestly.

>> No.50684943

>This fucking board is allergic to making money I swear

Its just most people reflecting their thoughts

The 1 thing that separates money makers from absolute wastes of oxygen is IQ

99% of people prefer to hold or whatever because its the laziest, less cerebral thing to do
99% of people are literally below 120IQ aka braindead, so they cannot by all means make correct decisions

Its fucking sad but thats literally the world we live in, yes people are allergic to making money

>> No.50684978

Youre not supposed to only talk about ONLY 1 little small topic you midwit twat sperglord

I was following a ramification something that happens 100% of the time theres a thread

Fucking dumbass nigger

>> No.50684979

To be fair, that coin was pretty hot on twitter for a minute. People thought it might be the Shib dev's new coin and there were lots of schizo conspiracies drawing lines and connecting dots. It's not like he found a random token on bsc explorer, bought, then shilled it here.

>> No.50684981

you can tell OP is balding

>> No.50684991

>People used to come here and post actual opportunities, insider info, good shit.
>Post one of the shittiest of shitcoins posted in the last month
Kys nigger

>> No.50684998

they're feds, anon. the pajeets have been the fed this whole time, we never bought any cows for any villages, it was always the government. they've been infiltrating this community for a long time now. after shiba inu happened this board has been completely 100% dead internet. I want to shill a really good low cap coin so it's great for bogs, but also has real functionality so poorfags will be and already are interested in it, but I'm scared I'd get banned too.

>> No.50685031

Look at the non-stop reddit spacing in this thread too.
>Three (((random))) anons all backing some random shitcoin out of nowhere
Your pajeet team must be really upset that jannies shut you down

>> No.50685036

>selling ryoshi's next project for a 4x
ok retards. it's a moonshot gamble, hfsp

>> No.50685082 [DELETED] 

>trans hate topic or racial conspiracy rant

You will never be a woman now get the fuck out of my board

>> No.50685091

He can still buy it

Its low right now you fucking sperg nigger retard

Meaning he can still make that x100/x1000 if it happens

Have you thought about this you fucking low IQ sub-human nigger?

>> No.50685096 [DELETED] 

Mods banned me because ask about setting up streaming sites and gave me a 3 day ban for offtopic

>> No.50685107

It did 400% from the time I posted it. You could have bought it, made 4x your money, and sold. But you didn’t, because a.) you never saw it cause I got banned for advertising and b.) you probably bought some stupid mod approved shit and lost money.

You absolute dipshits refuse to believe that someone might actually find a cool new opportunity and want to share it with fellow channers, and would instead rather laugh at tranny hate memes while buying retarded fucking bsc scams in banner ads. The goal isn’t to dump on /biz/ you stupid dipshits - no one gives a shit about you and your 5 BSC. The goal is to find low cap gems early, get a share, and sell when the Shit goes vertical from normie fomo. That’s the game whether you’re in Burgercoin or Ethereum itself.

“But you’re supposed to believe in the coin and never sell!”

Oh go fucking neck yourself god damn y’all like being poor I swear.

>> No.50685119 [DELETED] 

To be fair mods should HANG themselves

And as bad as it is here, mods everywhere else are way fucking worse than here

They let the porn and shitposts slide which is good considering anons have a decent sense of humor in this board

>> No.50685135

You're not from here.
Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.50685152
File: 69 KB, 452x363, 2054346355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just did a x4 on shiba

>> No.50685171

>why cant I do my marketing job on here
because you are cancer. grfo

>> No.50685188

you seem to be fixated on "trans hate" for some reason...

>> No.50685189
File: 43 KB, 300x256, 17F0F2F8-16A3-458B-877E-5C8B58E5F894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been posting on 4chan since fucking 2009 you absolute shit for brains, and I was here since literally day one of the /biz/ board. While you were quoting SpongeBob with your middle school dweeb crew I was already an adult helping shape the very internet you are enjoying today.

>> No.50685212

Fucking wish I could get paid to shill shitcoins; as is I have to buy them and hope they blow up like the rest of you. Fuck off, go buy some more hex and cardano you useless condom stain

>> No.50685259
File: 25 KB, 400x560, FA93A431-8B40-4D7F-B783-F5CBB253949B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause I came to this board to make money and discuss it, and yet all I find is more fucking poltards discussing tranny and nigger jokes, with any actual crypto talk earning you a ban. Sick of this shit, just want a place to actually talk about crypto. The rest of you fucks can go back to /pol/ and /b/