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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50683179 No.50683179 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry, you're ngmi.
You have the most satanic greedy parents imaginable.
They probably taught you nothing about life growing up and delude themselves into thinking this teaches anything about independence whilst you sacrifice all your privacy and potential chance to get ahead in life. The only way you will make it is if you depart on your heroes journey, grouping with roommates will allow you to actually save money and provide further life experience alongside flexibility of going absolutely anywhere anytime

>> No.50683316
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>> No.50683395

what if it's only a few hundred bucks? or like $50? I know a guy with a hole in his wall in his attic he is charging $50 a month to anyone who wants to rent it

>> No.50683418

>They probably taught you nothing about life
charging rent is the most important life lesson you can give to your child once they've graduated college, or dropped out of it

>> No.50683618

this. you don't get to just live for free

>> No.50683689

>taking money from your kids so you can afford a few more $100+ restaurant nights every month is totally based because it "teaches" them that life isn't free (and stops them from saving as much so they take even longer to move out and instead keep paying you rent)

>> No.50683722

Charging your kid $50-$100 for rent is literally a meme, if you can't handle that real life is going to crush you. They're teaching you accountability.

>> No.50683796
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>viewing your offspring as a money printer is the most important life lesson
ok landlord boomer kike. teaching your children critical thinking, financial literacy, apathy, etc I guess is unimportant ?
I bet you're the same down syndrome kind of person who thinks buying a home mid 20s and slaving away for the next 4 decades on an overpriced mortgage +interest rates is a good idea
the only life lesson it teaches is that your parents dont love you
how do you think every successful "self-made" person got ahead ? Via nepotism and living in extreme frugality. Your parents get gibs from the government every month you were alive until you turn 18 at which point they either kick you out or expect rent. These "people" should not be having children, they are truly sinister

>> No.50683806

I'm sorry, you're not gonna be a woman.

>> No.50683822

Why do you think life should be all about taking care of you and enabling you to live a life without any struggle or conflict? You're like a massive baby.

>> No.50683844

Counterpoint: if you don't help your parents pay bills you're a useless parasite and probably unemployed, unmotivated, and annoying

>> No.50683851

>retired parent claims to be poor
>see their income tax
>They make more than you in old age, pensions, and government benefits

>> No.50683878

I'm a landlord but I would never charge my own children money to live with me. People who do this are actually scum.

>> No.50683900

>Let's make it as difficult as possible for my children to prosper
I dont know what world you live in but there is struggle within all aspects of life

>> No.50684079

What if I pay rent to my mom because otherwise she would have to rent a room out and I dont want a stranger living in the house, and if Im renting a room I might as well rent it at home and enjoy the pool and dinner with family instead of a strangers basement

>> No.50684112
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counter counterpoint: kys
parents are getting over 100k/child during ages 0-18.
These boomers are brainwashed by kikes into actually thinking financially whoring out your children teaches anything other than resentment.
Your parents grew up in one of the most economically prosperous time, and are most likely very well off financially. Rather than asking for alternative means of help which would actually teach them something they resort to jewish bumfuckery
Your children will leave you alone to die and be abused by nigger caretakers in a nursing home

>> No.50684228

what if I made my parents 5 mil off of pulling everything out a week before covid hit italy?

>> No.50684275

>300 posts of seething boomers and people with stockholm syndrome for their bad parents saying that it's a good thing your parents taught you nothing and charge you for it

>> No.50684398

this happens 100% of the time

>> No.50684416
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Both my parents are retired and old I don’t mind paying $200 a month to help out and I get dinner made for me every night right when I get home

>> No.50684599

>be me
>Charge my kid $1000 a month rent.
>Secretly put all the money into an account.
>In 2 years they have 24k to put down on a home.
> Help them buy a small house
>Use my disposable income to make extra payments so long as they make their normal parents.
>25 y.o. kid now owns house free and clear
Did I do it right?

>> No.50684634

I feel sorry for people like you. Graduated in cs, had a decent paying job, stayed with my parents for 12 or so years. At 35 i got my own house with my wife. Now run my own business, no bosses just clients. Keep telling yourself it's about 'teaching accountability'. If it's not in you, if you've got a loser mentality, your parents asking for rent will teach you nothing. Do not give in to the rent-jew, it's a fucking noose

>> No.50685041

This is good but it also kind of goes against the whole teaching them independance idea. Sounds to me like you didn't trust your kid to save that money. In which case maybe you should have invested that money in making your children less retarded.

>> No.50685124

Parents only do this when they want their kids to move the fuck on but are too spineless to just kick them out

>> No.50685138

My parents are dead but they were super nice people and I would be grateful to live with them in their big house and pay them some agreeable sum of rent in return for safe, comfortable housing and wonderful dinners cooked by my mother. I miss them.

>> No.50685633

$50-100 is fine, $500+ seems standard though.

>> No.50685971
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>graduate at 21 in a degree I hate, don't want anything to do with that industry
>move back home, just over 7 years now
>never charge me rent or ask for any money
>able to pick myself up, save money, go travelling a bit and see nice places
>able to save up a good chunk of money even though I worked shitty jobs
>start my own business 4 years ago, they support me with helping do odd jobs like dropping things off or picking stuff off
>after a lot of work, finally going somewhere
>should be making >1M in sales next year 300k-400k profit, can pay myself an ok salary
>they got to see me make something of myself, I got an extra half decade with them and a chance to set up an adult to adult relationship for them
>finally moving out in a few months, renting for flexibility

When they get older, they won't have to pay for a penny on anything, I'll make sure they are looked after and money isn't an issue. They made some awful financial decisions in life, so they'll need the support.

I couldn't imagine bringing kids into the world and not doing all you can to help them build a good life and be there for it.
>tfw my mum unironically always says "we do this because this is what chinese and indian families are doing, that's who you're competing again".
>my dad just likes hanging out

>> No.50686195

Inshallah my brother

>> No.50686292

dad found the $champ and $shib stacks so i'm assuming he just thinks i have enough spare income to pay rent. perhaps it's a form of punishment. whichever the case i hate him

>> No.50686296

>Trust a kid with money
I can see you're still a child. 18-19 y.o are not responsible. When you grow up zoomer you'll understand. You are retarded right now. Don't take it personally, we all were. You don't start to grow out of it till you're around 25.

>> No.50686307

Kek they just want your neckbeard fat failure ass out of their fucking house once and for all.

>> No.50687158

Parents who charge rent or kick out their kids, are the same ones who rage against immigrant families living in large nice multi generation homes. Americans are fucking brain dead and get off to the idea of their legacies failing

>> No.50687226

>you're like a massive offspring of the parent
families should work together. multigenerational households are very based. living alone is gay.

>> No.50688404

>what is welfare
>what is section 8
I would never charge my kids rent but if they were NEET all of their time would be mine should I please.
I need a carpool you are coming with me.
If I ever actually thought to charge rent (kid doesn't do anything nor even tries to) I would take all that money and put it into stocks or precious metals that the kid will be given at a later date

>> No.50690240

Checked and based.

>> No.50690439

My parents charged me $650/mo rent back in 2007. Lost my job in 2008, my dad said and I quote "I still want my money, I don't care if you don't have a job". Their mortgage was $800/mo.
Absolute Fucking Scum

>> No.50690881
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You are a jew aren't you? Charging your own kids rent is like charging interest. That is USURY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER

>> No.50691046

I just work for my parents' small business in exchange for living at home and food while I finish my degree. I should note that I'm a literal spastic who can't legally drive.

>> No.50691080

>you need to learn the importance of money son!
I fucking learnt that when I realised I couldn’t grab all the candy in the store and walk out with it faggot, it’s a 2 second lesson you learn at 5 years old. It’s pure cope for the fact they are extorting their own offspring

>> No.50691115

I'm too weak to kill myself but soon enough I guess people just get there. I don't know if I'm far or close, I've gotten away now and I have a car. I got some crypto but that's it.

I fucking hate my parents.