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50681668 No.50681668 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50681703

>newfags still think there will be a flippening

>> No.50681711

Depends on if that happens before or after cardano flips eth

>> No.50681734

if it happens, very bearish for awhile, at least. the only way it wouldn't be terrible is if it happens while they're both at ATHs and Bitcoin retains most of its MC, doesn't immediately dump into oblivion.

>> No.50681745

What if btc stays right where it is and eth marches to 20k over the next year

>> No.50681809

Bearish overall, bad for BTC and bad for ETH too because if it can flip BTC then it can also be flipped by another alt

>> No.50681839

ETH flipping BTC could destabilize the crypto world, I don't think it will ever happen.

>> No.50681849

more likely is it flips BTC's MC, ETH pumps like crazy for a few days while BTC dumps hard, then ETH also dumps until the total MC of crypto is lower than before the flip
if it actually just steadily reached 100t market cap while bitcoin crabbed that wouldn't be so bad but that's a very unlikely fantasy scenario

>> No.50681865

*2t market cap

>> No.50681955

(((They))) killed BTC with the Futures ETFs. It remains to be seem if they will try to do something similar with ETH or if they don't consider it to be a threat to the current (((financial system)))...

They could just declare ETH a security and be done with it...

>> No.50682164

All these retard/jeet level takes are the ultimate eth buy signal

>> No.50682205

>t. smoothbrain zoomer

>> No.50684222

I'm long on eth dumbfuck, just rather have BTC as top 1

>> No.50684250

>BTC must always be number 1 because...

>> No.50684260

was xrp flipping eth bullish or bearish?

>> No.50684268

You don't really know about the dangers of the merge though, read through this: https://twitter.com/EvgenyGaevoy/status/1554109128712359938

>> No.50684384

I'd wager bullish but more in that a flippening is much more likely to happen during a bull market than a bear, so kinda a bit of chicken vs egg situation.

Alternatively, a flippening next cycle could be a top signal and thus short term bearish for the space.

> Not talking about the 'lappening' when ETH Mcap is 2x BTC
> Not talking about the second flippening when BSC/MATIC/SOL/XRP/XMR (fukk ada) pass bitcoin market cap
> Not talking about the wBTC flippening when there's more BTC wrapped up in smart contracts than not wrapped.

The flippening is the first of many to come

>> No.50684447
File: 90 KB, 592x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. it takes some real balls to admit that dota2 mmr

that's playing with only 1 arm and under 100 iq tier

or maybe his first 100 moba games, but some people do actually stay low mmr for years

>> No.50684877
File: 536 KB, 1300x1500, 1635519497518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if btc stays right where it is and eth marches to 20k over the next year
it won't.
there is zero.zero chance that the market makers let etheruem mcap exceed bitcoin.
the oldfag rule has never been broken, sell eth at .1 btc....
this was the law, it might get broken with the merge, but I don't think it will.
not matter, eth will never have a mcap larger than bitcoin.

>> No.50684950
File: 71 KB, 676x675, 1637305972722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 1 ETH when it dipped to 1160

>> No.50685017

Well, did it matter when the marketcap of equities flipped gold?

>> No.50685068

I can't imagine this would happen, but if it did it would defeat the premise of crypto, at least as it has been sold to normies. It will make them very nervous because "Hey, you told me Bitcoin was gold and Ethereum was silver."

>> No.50685374

flipping, as in both crashing towards $1?

>> No.50685926

if it happens
(it wont)
it would simply spell the long-term instability for the whole market
it would guarantee that ethereum itself won't sustain its own position for as long as bitcoin did
and it would drop valuations across the board as money flowed out of bitcoin and ethereum and into other altcoins,
because why not? when you now know nothing has a long term future

>> No.50686025

meaningless, because both are tech products

bitcoin is the only "money" in the market, everything else are tech startups
if those tech startups get bigger than the native money itself, it simply means this space is doomed to be a never ending cycle of "better tech" hot altcoins while old ones never last long enough to get non-speculative adoption

it seals the fate of this market being nothing more than a fad

>> No.50686417

anyone who said eth was silver is retarded

bitcoin is gold and eth is oil

bitcoin will always have it's place. just not #1, same as gold isn't #1 even though it was for centuries

>> No.50686426
File: 175 KB, 420x420, 1657061697723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish for these 3 gems

>> No.50686810

It would make maxipads seethe like never before. The "bad for crypto" argument is their last line of cope.

>> No.50689592

Slurping as much as I can

>> No.50689622

ethereum will never surpass bitcoin and every time this stupid fucking talk starts popping up unironically it marks the top of the eth bull cycle

>> No.50689693


>> No.50690986

brainlet. eth dominance has been slowly gaining for 3 years(except for 3 weeks in june)

it's a slow process, and it's very obvious it will flip because eth gets used 100x more as a utility and not as a digital shiny rock that you put under your bed

>> No.50691169

Very bullish. It means utility and adoption will become more important than the pure useless ponzi shitcoin that is BTC. Other L1s will also do really well with this new narrative

>> No.50691470

brainlet. eth will N E V E R flip btc, never EVER