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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50676864 No.50676864 [Reply] [Original]

This is the saddest board.

You can literally feel the broken spirits and lost hopes of the empty souls who drift here. I still remember pre-2016 /biz/. It was comfy.

Greed really can destroy both an individual and a community.

>> No.50676878

2016 was 6 years ago. You realize how many of those died, got married, moved on, made it, or are in jail right now?

>> No.50676889

Naw brah trust me people are still euphoric!
They are faking it. Their spirits will not be broken before every single stock, commodity or crypto coin is 99.9% below ath!


>> No.50676904

>tfw thinking about the /fit/bros who helped you when no one else would in 2013-2015
>probably dead, moved on or made it now

>> No.50676951

Most of 2017 anons who are still here have made it and are having fun

>> No.50676961

>You can literally feel the broken spirits and lost hopes of the empty souls who drift here
That's why this place is so comfy

>> No.50676964

2017 /fitbiz/ but I'm still here

>> No.50676967
File: 207 KB, 1024x920, 2B6E9A97-2B75-4D0E-9C05-D161B24734E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greed is strange

>> No.50676995

most of /fitbiz/ are in jail for profiting from selling steroids, and the rest are dead from being unvaxed, taking too many steroids, or suicide after realising a chad body won't cure incel facial features and a weak mind.

>> No.50677030
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>broken spirits and lost hopes
The ride hasn't even begun. Wake me up in 8 months when there's a suicide hotline number in the sticky.

>> No.50677245

kino shot what's it from

>> No.50677282

So... best times to invest?

>> No.50677311

Bro no one on /fit/ was at risk from the chinky pox

>> No.50677491
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>2016 was 6 years ago

>> No.50677518

I did nothing. That's why i resent myself

>> No.50677520

who cares, move on, pastfags
2024-2030 will my years, I WILL MAKE IT, I WILL STAY /fit/, fuck permabears & jannies.

no matter the rate hikes, no matter the wars, no matter China or burgerland

>> No.50677603

anon I'll be 28 in 2030

I'm fucking scared shitless if I'm honest at the constant march of time and I feel like at this rate I'm just going to wake up tomorrow on my death bed and next thing you know I'll be dead. I think right now it's the only thing that's keeping me going is time.

>> No.50677622

yeah that a grammartical holocaust so what bitch suck my balls

>> No.50677667

Speak for yourself. I'm chilling with a cool bag of matic and I'm chilling.

>> No.50677675

anon I'll be 28 in 1 year

>> No.50677712

In 2016 i was in one of two my most terrible horrible dark periods of my life yet i had hope for the my future. Now i don’t even have that anymore. I can’t continue being alive without living

>> No.50678574

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.50678684

if you think it’s bad here, go take a look at plebbit. they are as stupid as everyone here but the moderation system on plebbit ensures that you can’t verbally abuse people for how stupid they are or even help remedy their horrible, horrible buying decisions. every thread turns into an echo chamber with the blind leading the blind because they think every single project they invest into will be a 100x (since they have zero understanding of market cap), and if the market turns bear they double down and buy more of even the shittiest coins with no liquidity since all they know how to do is buy and hold, they’re literally incapable of taking profits or using critical thought to analyze trades. it’s really quite sad and much worse than /biz/