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50652710 No.50652710 [Reply] [Original]

What are the make it and suicide stacks for Chainlink and how much time do I have to accumulate?

>> No.50652724

2 weeks

>> No.50652746

This, except you might have about 4 weeks to accumulate.

>> No.50652760

2 weeks

>> No.50652806

2 more weeks. It will megapump in exactly 2 weeks and every link holder with at least 10k link will simultaneously make it.

>> No.50652938

lol newfags it was always 10k and 100k, go back and see how much usd that was back when the stacks were determined a 1k stack was barely worth the trading fees/gas cost
but yes op you have aug left after that expect violent mumu on mumu action

>> No.50652977

this except you have 8 weeks to accumulate

>> No.50653238

Big if true

>> No.50653517

How many Chainlinks do I need to get an Arab gf/wife?

>> No.50653874


>> No.50653945

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump.Link is only going to $50 max. Right now I might make 5MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 700K into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 10MM, but more likely 15MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link were about $80 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen.

>> No.50655724

1k suicide
10k make it
Until smartcon
t. 2017 anon who bought using the pooling smart contract with my fellow /biz/raelis.
Note: numbers may be revised lower as novel use cases for smart contracts are discovered, who knows, 1 link make it stack is not out of the question.

>> No.50657915

Sorry - if you want an Arab gf/wife you need to stock up on ADA.

>> No.50657949

Nobody is gonna make it off chainlink from this point. you are 3 years too late anon

>> No.50658051


1k suicide, 10k make it, you have somewhere between 2-6 months

>> No.50658104

the stacks change over time. after the next ath suicides will be 100 make it 1k.

>> No.50658152
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My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.50658424

>Note: numbers may be revised lower as novel use cases for smart contracts are discovered, who knows, 1 link make it stack is not out of the question

They will be revised. We have a lot of people sweating about is 10k enough to make it or 5k or 2k. If Link succeeds and changes the world the token distribution is gonna have to fan out to probably 5% of the world population (much like Bitcoin now). We are way too top heavy as early investors to where it can only be 5k+ stacks getting really rich. Sure…. They are trying to enslave humanity with this bullshit but it can’t work if less than 1% are rich and 99.5% are poor as fuck given that chainlink takes away a lot of these trust jobs. There’s gonna have to be enough people making it where this all works and I’m thinking that that make it type stack for link might be around 10 coins. When link goes to 200$ and takes the spotlight you’ll have enough redditors and normies into crypto who will easily be able to afford 10-50 link and then when it hits 7,000, that person with 10 coins can live moderately comfy with 35k coming in per year in APY. People with 1,000 stacks will probably have so much money they’ll be able to give golden showers daily to multiple high class hookers for as long as they want if they do choose.

>> No.50660025

Do you really think smartcon is going to bring any significant pump? We're having the same old swift talking head from other youtube videos and I don't see SBF making any news worthy statements. If they don't launch CCIP/staking/the Abstraction Layer then the entire event is just going to feel bearish.
So here
10k = 0.001% or 1 of 3,350
1000 = 0.01% or 1 of 33,500
100 = 0.03% or 1 of 110,500
10 = 0.1% or 1 of 335,000

For reference there are 22m millionaires alive today in just the US alone. So even just owning 10 LINK puts you in the top 1.5% of millionaires.

>> No.50660427
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Why ADA? And how much of it?

>> No.50660493

imagine the smell

>> No.50660645
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>> No.50661272

That's 7 million dollars right now, you are well past making it.

>> No.50661793

This is fake news (you can check archives to see this), but even if it were true that would've been from Chainlink 1.0; 2.0 captures way more value.

>> No.50661804

>So here
>10k = 0.001% or 1 of 3,350
>1000 = 0.01% or 1 of 33,500
>100 = 0.03% or 1 of 110,500
>10 = 0.1% or 1 of 335,000

umm, can you rephrase this?

>> No.50662379

This anon gets it. I only have 1 gorillian link and I need at least 10 gorillian link to make it. OG pre-ICO linkies and those who were around before link got demoted from a ER-20 to ERC-19 token know. Don’t even bother if you can’t get at least 1 gorillian link

>> No.50662648

10 tokens being enough to make it, might probably be a bit overblown anon

>> No.50662802

$1000 eoy '22 check'em

>> No.50662831

I cannot wait

I swear to god I had better not miss the thread when.you finally share your story

>> No.50662865

10k LINK = 0.001% or 1 of 3,350
1000 LINK = 0.01% or 1 of 33,500
100 LINK = 0.03% or 1 of 110,500
10 LINK = 0.1% or 1 of 335,000

335,000,000 is the US population.

>> No.50662897

Based chatline bro, looking forward to you sharing.

>> No.50662961

Chatline anon, can you please shed some light or give anons a hint at what you’re alluding too? You’re integral to Chainlink lore

>> No.50663036

I’m sure she’s less than 16

>> No.50663115

you have until the end of August to accumulate. start buying or regret it for the rest of your life

>> No.50664771

anon think for a second a 1k stack costed 200 usd during the 2018 bottom (twice same price for link)
most people had to spend that much on gas to move their holdings about
also remember its a 1 billion coincap token
but maybe for clarification when i use the make it stack it is defined as making it in the next crypto high that is in aprox 3 years, not making it in 15 years
just how high do you think the total mc is going to be this cycle?

>> No.50664858

I only have 1500 Link. I just need 500k$. Will i make it with this stack?

>> No.50664875

When you say 10k stack you mean 10k USD or LINK?

>> No.50664891

What's a suicide stack?
i bought a couple hundred dollars worth of link when it was 0.2$ and i still dont understand what that means

>> No.50664908

imagine the smell

>> No.50664940

10k link obviously, thats the one that remains the same always
the usd price is dependent on conditions, just in the last few months that would have resulted in wildly swinging link stacks

>> No.50664941
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>> No.50664971

>Le millionaires can't afford $70 worth of LINk!
You embarass yourself, ma'am.

>> No.50665147

A suicide stack of LINK is zero. If you own any LINK you will want to kill yourself.

>> No.50665151

0.5 link is sui stack
1 link make it.
15 years.
50k og stack here

>> No.50665191

First of all you're lying because I've been here since the beginning, the 10k suicide stack didn't start until 2019 when anons wanted to fud out latecomers who wanted to jump in due to the mainnet/google/coinbase pump. Second, by that logic a make it stack for bitcoin would have to be thousands minimum, because bitcoin was less than pennies at one point, while link was still 17 cents at the bottom. Third, fudding for fun has always been autistic loser cope caused by imposter syndrome.

>> No.50665235


>> No.50665281

It's a stack you'll want to kill yourself for buying because link a shit and has no price action so you need to buy the make it stack to make even $100 USD profit.

>> No.50665300

i specified that the stacks are for next cycle so btc would have moved
now link underperformed last cycle to expectations wouldn't you say so for next cycle its still 10k suicide
and again you are arguing that the suicide stack was 200 usd value back when anons come out of the 2017 mania thats beyond cheap

>> No.50665450

>that painting
No fucking way a Muslim female would dress like that whore in the past. Fuck there wouldn’t even be a dressmaker who’d make that dress.

>> No.50665459

7 million isn't close to making it.

>> No.50665476

Of all the Link related nonsense that gets discussed on here, this 'suicide' and 'make it' stack size horseshit is the most dull. People argue over how long is a piece of string relentlessly and I'm sure it's done to water down attention for real Link threads. Normally I don't comment on it, but if you're new you might want to be aware of this phenomenon, It's really, insanely boring.

>> No.50665501

100k x $7 is 700k
not 7m brainlet

>> No.50665515


>> No.50665538

she's probably some kind of arab or berber or persian, not muslim

>> No.50665550

nevermind. "the egyptian pot seller" by some dutchoid

>> No.50665563

>prob arab not muslim

>> No.50665587

islam didn't exist until the 600s, arabs were polytheistic pagan before then

>> No.50665616
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anon you are aware that wahabism is a recent phenomenon right, that only spread because of oil dollars after wwI

>> No.50665779

Really nice painting

>> No.50665903

Yep, two two weeks.

>> No.50665969

>a 1k stack was barely worth the trading fees/gas cost
which is exactly why its a suicide stack

>> No.50666119

checked and still lying, all you have to do is show proof to shut everyone up forever, seen old caps of 1k/10k, surely you have one of 10k/100k

>> No.50666211

ok you got me cant do that
still you wouldn't believe how effective the fud campaign is/was

>> No.50666412

Go back

>> No.50666689

Fucking midwit, do you really think more millionaires are even aware of Chainlink? With most of them being boomers, even if they are in crypto they're more likely to own xrp btc or eth before link. By the time they realize to what extent the project matters 10 link will likely be an uncomfortable purchase for them.

>> No.50667489

Checked again and true
Just imagine if you could have convinced someone in 2015 that a suicide stack of bitcoin was 210, when the price was over 200 dollars, most would have been priced out of that and given up accumulating, those same people could have been holding over 100 bitcoin today but didn't buy any because "I can't make it off bitcoin". That's whats happening today to newfags with link, 1k is still within reach for even poorfags but they won't buy any because they can't get to 10k.

>> No.50667876

10k is the make it stack. If you can't get to 10k then there's no point holding any LINK.

>> No.50667890
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>LINK hits $8
>insta dump on BTC

>> No.50667934


>> No.50668026

as long as there is no staking most of chainlinks value is speculative hence why all the fud and nexo shorting was so effective and of course blame the big guy for his maximum betray during the btc bull, however there never should have been a second accumulation period like today
but that will change soon, as long as we can get another few tourists out of it, it will have been a good day

>> No.50668036


>> No.50668202

staking will likely change nothing, there isn't going to be a mega pump once it's released.

>> No.50668250

>$10,000 is an uncomfortable purchase for a millionaire.
The door is that way, ma'am.

>> No.50668381

I mean we know all that, it is what it is, though the idea that chainlink was supposed to have staking released and fully operational by now was always just hopium, the funny thing was og's knew the endgoal for link didn't require retail but they wanted a retail-like pump that eth got in 2017, and now that they didn't get it some are rewriting history and claiming it was some sort of failure on chainlink's part, nevermind that ethereum still can't scale after 2 cycles. As for tourists, I've been over that for years now, what's the fucking point, they'll capitulate whether or not people spam tnn etc here for hours on end every day

There probably won't be a mega pump but staking changes literally everything, the token goes from one that is needed but isn't required to be held, to one that has value purely from being held whether by nodes staking directly or retail staking through intermediaries. Also never let anyone fud you out by talking about token dumps, the token allocation was in the original whitepaper and every anon here that loaded up on tens of thousands 4-5 years ago fully understood what that meant.

>> No.50668477

>the token goes from one that is needed but isn't required to be held, to one that has value purely from being held whether by nodes staking directly or retail staking through intermediaries
The impact this will likely have is already priced in though. The direct effect that staking will have on price depends entirely on the utilisation of chainlink. Current evidence indicates that there aren't enough jobs for node operators for staking to be the real game changer that people think it is upon release in two months.

>> No.50668564

>what's the fucking point
entertainment mostly, common whats the point of most of this after you escaped the cage, its not like you'll ever leave here
as to the why in the first part of your reply we had the worst bullrun with several world shattering black swans in which even the big cryptos underperformed hard, so no wonder the speculative one didn't live up to expectations
the problem was with sergay betraying too hard into bad market conditions, he didn't had to dump as much as he did and the dumps didn't build out as much ecosystem adoption as hoped
but then one cant really blame him for the worst economic conditions in 40 years and not reacting properly to it
most anons got swept up in it too as there are far fewer made it threads showing off their new toys as their were back in 2018

>priced in
the absolute state of smooth brains, nobody tell him this is the type of tourist we want to shake out

>> No.50668569
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Checked and this is all purely speculation, as speculative as the price itself. I'm not trying to raise false expectations, but consider this, if you are a party with large capital who understands chainlink, and your goal is to accumulate, is it not in your best interest to suppress the price by whatever means necessary until staking is literally released? This gives you the best opportunity to accumulate the largest amount of link possible, at the cheapest prices possible. A suppression strategy isn't possible post staking as too much of the supply is going to be locked up, even the 0.1 release is seeing 20% of the circulating supply for one feed, so the estimates of 90%+ for full staking are looking more and more likely. Also this is at the bottom of a crypto cycle, with zero retail interest, and before pic related. When pic related? That's something none of us can answer, all we can do is speculate on breadcrumbs, and nobody is going to tell you, so you're either holding link or not when it happens.

>> No.50668594

> is it not in your best interest to suppress the price by whatever means necessary until staking is literally released
here we go with this embarrassing schizo garbage. Is there any evidence that parties with large capitals are interested in chainlink and more importantly that they are actively suppressing the price so they can accumulate more. This has always struck me as massive bagholder cope and if true there should be on-chain evidence indicating this.

>> No.50668630

>embarrassing schizo garbage
nah you need to go back, maybe >>50668564
is right

>> No.50668649

OK, I'll sell my 32k link stack and go back.

>> No.50668858

told you fren, there is no point in casting your pearls before the swine
don't worry the lament of the linkless is real, i don't have the image on hand but you know the one i mean

>> No.50668906

60,000 stinkie linkies nmake it
10,000nstinkie linkies sui

>> No.50669593

Does holding 10k magically make the %ROI better?

>> No.50669686

It astounds me someone can be seem so demoralized and bearish and STILL hold 32k link and not sell for somerthing else. What's keeping you in link?

>> No.50669846

Is there any evidence that parties with large capitals are interested in chainlink





>> No.50670459

Can you post it please

>> No.50670534

Ask me how I know you're a burger

>> No.50670603

>not a schizo

>> No.50672055

Is there any proof that they're buying or suppressing though?

>> No.50672453

nexo is insolvent

>> No.50672463

1000 LINK = 21 BTC

>> No.50673676

You dont understand because you are retarded, I also can tell that you dont have privacy tokens in your wallet

>> No.50673745

1k ICP

>> No.50673804

10k sui, 100k make it. Always has been

>> No.50674462

How? You can't go insolvent shorting LINK.

>> No.50675020

How do I get an Arab gf as a skinny white burger? Or will their families 100% kill me?

>> No.50675033
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>> No.50675083

A suicide stack is always the absolute minimum entry to make moderate profit. 1k is and always was it for LINK.
t. etherdelta buyer

>> No.50675312

This except you have 16 weeks to accumulate

>> No.50675614

is 10% too much or too little chainlink allocation?

>> No.50676942

Just get enough SCRT and you'll be fine anon. They love privacy you know.

>> No.50676980

On long enough time scale 1.000000000000000000 LINK tokens will be enough to make it

>> No.50677739

lmfao this has to be bait

>> No.50679728

this except probably not quite 8 weeks. you have till mid september

>> No.50679821

depends on the world population DESU
if the depop shot brings us to 0.5 billion people
then no you will likely need 10 - 100 in the long run
if the population keeps growing then you are correct
everything is relative
also if they do depop we may get a geniune UBI from automation

>> No.50679844

100000 make it
10000 suicide
Just like it always has been.

>> No.50680241

Yes, it's the minimum amount to join any staking pools