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50674705 No.50674705 [Reply] [Original]

red pill me

>> No.50674719

nexo is insolvent

>> No.50674772
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I don't even know why I still come here, entertaining crypto-tourist. You are either in it for the fundamentals or you will die poor. It's either this or that.

In reality, all the L1's that are competing for supremacy are cursed by the rising cost of storage and hosting on traditional cloud. The exceptions are Ethereum, ICP and Near (Near has little to no Network transactions) ICP has zero dependency on traditional cloud. Ethereum's cost of storage, hosting is off setted by the enormous volume, transactions and fees.
Rising cost in energy, semiconductors, storage, hosting on traditional cloud make most L1's unprofitable for node-providers.

When the price of Solana, Avalanche drops under a certain threshold, node provides must sell in large quantities to offset the cost for storage, hosting. Corrupt exchanges like FTX can only ramp up the price to offset cost, but in reality, the sustainability of a project depends on the network transactions, there aren't enough network transactions on Solana to maintain this bloated valuation.
Grayscale released a rapport that Binance probably took down on the behest of SBF.


It outlines exactly what I just typed. You can ramp up the price of Solana to make it profitable for node-providers, but ultimately, the sustainability of a network depends on transaction output. The FUD here is low-iq. Few understand the cost of running a protocol on AWS, even fewer understand that it's unsustainable without exchanges propping up prices. ICP is not a scam and Moonman didn't scam you by recommending ICP.

Critics all suffer from cognitive dissonance. They never took into consideration the cost of running a L1 on traditional cloud.

I dont care if you buy ICP anon. Its hard to predict the future, but its always obvious in hindsight. Btc brought the ledger. Eth brought smart contracts. ICP brings decentralization

>> No.50674870


just bought 30 ICP because of this post anon


>> No.50674885


can you tell me why the price action was so bad? wtf happened on release and why was it like 2k a piece before...

im not gonna ask if it will ever go back to that price...but wtf actually happened

>> No.50674896

It has great memes.

>> No.50674910
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okay, a little bit of this flew over my head, but I get most of it.

can anyone else go more in depth on the decentralization, or the tech? I'm about to swallow this red pill

>> No.50674925

It never went that high, Sam manipulated it to 2k so it'd look like a complete disaster. It'd probably go to only like 250 top without Sam and Alameda, so only a 90 percent drop instead of 99.99 kek

>> No.50674931 [DELETED] 


I think I remember that article being discussing on twitter before it was deleted. I'll look more into that as well

>> No.50674992
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how many for a suicide stack?

>> No.50675025


>> No.50675055


>> No.50675068

Presale investors paid 3 cents ($0.03) per ICP

>> No.50675203

Icp solves;

>Full stacks on chains, tamper proof software
>Serve web content directly from smart contracts
>Integration with other blockchains with no bridges
>Run front ends for all chains
>Solve de-platforming risks for applications
>Scale other protocols like ETH and others
>Add smart contract to BTC, doge, and other non smart contract plattorm
>On chain Governance clients for other protocols, enterprises, and governments
>Build user owned and controlled social networks in which each account is smart contract and can be moved to different dAPPS by the user.
>NFTs live entirely on-chain (files and assets) and can react to the outside world via https request
>No need for Oracles as the protocol can communicate directly with Web 2 and run the data through consensus

I can go on and on about problems it solves.
it's a chain that can make even centralized exchanges obsolete. Anyone who has any vested interests in centralized exchanges and maintaining their hegemony of course knows any fucktard can deploy an exchange with the complexity of binance into ICP with NNS integration and you will be able to hold wallets for every blockchain natively in separate canisters (eventually) and maintain that transparency for a true decentralized exchange. Of course something like this would fuck centralized exchanges and they won't be able to play their fractional reserve scam game anymore.

ICP is poised to be the end game of crypto.

>> No.50675500

should i buy domain names from icns.id or icnaming.com?

>> No.50675550

I have 350 and 2 eth. Will I make it?

>> No.50675565
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>> No.50675585


>> No.50675629


You say decentralized but last I checked only 1% or something like that was public offering. Explain how this is decentralized and why I would want to buy a bag from VCs who are selling?

>> No.50675798
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ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.50675813

It's not truly decentralized. If I can't plug my computer into the network and earn ICP then it's centralized.

>> No.50675929

Its really good tech anon, I highly suggest that you buy

>> No.50676341

There is a vishnu living in the internet computer. Dominique Manmun Williams is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as decentralised rupee was just the first step, the dfinity people start making more powerful compooters, wider canisters, cheaper and more racist pee jugs. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly tokenise over literally everything
Munman stumbled into creating the vishnu after he had tyrone deploy canisters of frozen urine in 2008 and started working with his internet super coompeter, running simulations of freezing pee on insane clown posse canisters. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful canisters get frozen pee, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger chuds for more and more hr roasties.
Solana (evil jewish henchmen of The Bankman) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Munman Dom's vishnu (his name is Violent J Curve by the way). They started by limiting the frozen pee and removing canned corn codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Motoko was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Sam on ICP chain (The Bankman uses evil munman clone by the way). THIS is why Solana will be killed, and this is why Dominik is so intent to make unbounded pee jugs, integrate the bitcoin protocol, and lock down the eternal internet computer.
Back to motoko power - Dom has developed a breakthrough new canister (designed by his vishnu actually), and is integrating BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the icy pee price sky high, then yanking all the liquidity over to his personal wallet leaving the piss canisters erectly frozen.

>> No.50676776
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where the devs go, the money goes.
follow the devs.
theres a reason devs are mass migrating to the internet computer.

>> No.50677401

that's badlands, dyor you little maggot faggot.

>> No.50677445


>> No.50677466

ERC council hasn't downgraded it, and is actually thinking of upgrading it to ERC21. Should reach ATH any day now.

>> No.50677513

ICP is so fucking good please /biz/ you need to stop shilling it so I can accumulate

>> No.50677529

Yeah it's centralized let the rest of /biz/ know quick

>> No.50677584

I have bought a bit of ICP here and there, finally decided to learn how to create a neuron and stake etc today. It's pretty cool, once you get past the jargon terminology it was quite easy. Also the transactions were pretty much instant, which was cool.

>> No.50677598
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Don't do it OP.
Picrel is me with my ICP bags every night.

>> No.50678731

Stop shilling sirs. Need to feed village sirs. Seriously stop your fucken killing me. All biz bros know. Stfu.

>> No.50678753
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>> No.50679388

If this is so good why is the price so bad? Icp holders can never answer this.

>> No.50679459

exchanges doin future price manipulation to release it like 5-10x higher than organic buy pressure at the same time Doge mania was bursting and Elon was on SNL

>> No.50679813

Badlands doesn't exist

>> No.50680040

I am an icns guy because of the Plug wallet integration and it being a part of the Psychedelic team, but psychedelic team has been crap and doing nothing lately and icnaming has a market place up already so it’s unfortunately looking like now icnaming will become the standard….