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File: 171 KB, 808x574, scams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50658329 No.50658329 [Reply] [Original]

It's all rather simple isn't it? The overarching theme is that people feel behind in life so they're trying to play catch up by short cutting to wealth.
They are desperate to get rich as quickly as possible because:

Granted, a five year time frame to become a millionaire is still absolutely hopeful wishing and nothing more than daydreaming from bored minds stuck in inactive bodies. To them though, despite wasting 20 or so years of their life doing absolutely nothing, it should suddenly be that another ten years of hard working/saving/investing to gain financial stability or freedom is an unbearable time frame.
So in their minds it is essential that they should become a millionaire or more in as little as a year or two. The mind is desperately racing, trying to find opportunities, sources of hope that they are the one who will make it above others.

These scams always end up making some people money, sometimes people become millionaires by being in extremely early, but the vast amount of others simply cling to hope they are still early. They will still have the opportunity to get rich.

The bags they once bought in with promises of wealth just around the corner leads into bags that are held for one, two, three years... half a decade or more for some of them. All the while falling further behind financially.

Had they simply done the right thing, worked overtime, saved hard, and invested in stable returns there was a good possibility of becoming very well off in ten years. There are people in the crypto markets with five years or more here who are no better off than before. Still bag holders. Still losers.

Don't become a bag holder. Know the signs it's time to move on.

>> No.50658337

haha imagine typing all this up for nobody to ever read it

>> No.50658366

Nobody is going to read all that crap anon but nobody here bought Luna pre crash. We just bought millions for $40

>> No.50658368

Which of these tokens in the picture do you hold? I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but you are bagholding a scam.

Don't try to put it off by putting up a wall to keep criticism out. You're only hurting yourself in the long run.

>> No.50658369

except link and xrp have utility
mark my words
they are both going to moon

>> No.50658382

none of them still not reading the wall of text you spent 15 minutes writing hahahahaahahah god get fucking rekt nerd

>> No.50658405

Whenever someone says that, they've read the words and it hurt them. It's a simple technique to shut out truthful and painful words.

You can pretend you're not paying attention but you can't ignore your own self doubt which is telling you to sell and move on. Get out of your scams. It's never too late.

>> No.50658410

i didnt even read this GOD KEEP GETTING REKT NERD

>> No.50658422

keep going nerd i can go all night

>> No.50658451


You're angry and irrational. The sign of a bagholder who puts emotions into his investments.

>> No.50658459


>> No.50658473
File: 50 KB, 382x339, 165807637906486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of fags in this thread feel personally attacked by your post and it shows.

Yes I'm in the same situation, not a bagholder because I'm smarter than that but ever since I got into crypto I'm trying to figure out a way to get rich.... I'm 25 and not getting any younger, my boyfriend left me, I need to figure out a way to get rich and finally live a life that's worth living. Or just end it now.

>> No.50658495

Link token not needed.

>> No.50658503

>Lots of fags
there were 2 people here

>> No.50658515

Dogbat 50b eoy

>> No.50658538

Great post OP. I admit I was late to the crypto game. But I maxed my Roth IRA every year until I made too much, I contributed the max match in my 401k every year, bought a little silver, bought a little gold, trying to keep me from the gallows pole. /biz is pure entertainment and is wrong or misinformation probably 95% of the time. There is no way to get rich assuredly. All the shill bots here just taking advantage of zoomed fomo

>> No.50658549

>xrp have utility
Maybe they did… in 2013. They’ve destroyed their reputation, and the banks that run validators do so out of pity, paying $40 a month for an AWS EC2 instance.

>> No.50658550

fpfp just like the John Lennon song, if I catch at a glance that your essay has the word 'imagine' in it, I ain't reading that shit.

>> No.50658560

>and the banks that run validators do so out of pity
or to pretend they didn't totally pump and dump it on purpose.

>> No.50658564

>thinking the system is going to last for 10 years so people can get rich by working hard
Lmao. 2020's are going to be worse than the great depression. Working hard will only be enough to break even, like it always is when you aren't living in a bubble economy.

The only path to success will be taking advantage of the chaos to profit off of whatever new system replaces the old one(the Great Reset or else populism if they screw up). Those people that actually work hard are ALWAYS the ones who lose and are taken advantage of people who spend their time thinking rather than mindlessly performing tasks.

>> No.50658573

Twenty five years old is a good age. You're a fully complete person whether you believe it or not yet.

At twenty five you have quite literally 25 years of great health ahead of you as long as you take care of yourself. I wouldn't be afraid of being in your thirties, nor 40's. It wasn't around until the fifties I started to see my parents start to age personally, and to be honest they should have taken care of themselves way better than they did.

Twenty five years is a long fucking time. And I imagine with advances in tech we will be just fine going longer as long as the world doesn't go to shit or completely dystopian.

Work, invest in bluechips mostly don't listen to the idiots fuding eth/btc/atom/bnb, STAKE STAKE STAKE COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND. Find ways to generate some passive extra income within the crypto sphere under the expectation that you will be holding for five years or longer!

It's not that hard as long as you're not chasing life changing money like a pig chasing a carrot stick. Try to look at what tokens will not be going anywhere and aren't just current market overhyped bullshit. Pay attention to WHAT the ATH price was last cycle and what the prices are like now, try to understand if there is good reason or not they'll at least reach those old ATH's. Then invest accordingly.

>> No.50658786
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Yes, what you're describing is THE way of being financially comfortable in 10 years.

But I do understand and feel the allure of wanting to get rich now.... Our time here is so limited that you can't really fault people for wanting to make the most of it. And this often involves being rich.

>> No.50658806

Essentially the objective is gettig rich as soon as possible to then


>> No.50659077


I think even within six months to a year someone can feel quite comfy financially by just doing the basic plays and not imagining themselves as the next mansion owner within that time frame.

When you've got your basics covered financially, you can take some risks.

Like I wouldn't say FTX/CRO/BNB/(insert other exchange token that isn't some garbage like celsius) are exactly high risk but for me I own quite a sum of CRO.

It's nice to think that it will go up back to a dollar eventually, it's nice to stake and make passive extra token through various means, but if it doesn't pan out then I wasn't set back by years of bag holding it specifically and banking on it making me millions.

People can really get themselves set up right and make life changing money over the course of a cycle or two in crypto if they just pivot their strategies a little more realistically.

Basics first, then comes the state of mind where you feel comfort, then you don't feel like you have to take such ridiculous risks and hopeful gambles as banking on the next MOASS, or your token becoming the next SWIFT. You can accumulate, and start to focus on your own self even with less stress on making it or living like shit now because you'll make that time up later when you're rich.

>> No.50659918

>maxed my Roth IRA every year until I made too much, I contributed the max match in my 401k every year, bought a little silver, bought a little gold

you can put like 20k a year in 401k. You're doing that right? You're not falling for the scam of just getting the max match then putting the rest in pmg right? Gold is unironically worse than XRP

>> No.50659943
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>Like I wouldn't say FTX/CRO/BNB/(insert other exchange token that isn't some garbage like celsius) are exactly high risk but for me I own quite a sum of CRO.

>CRO ath: $0.72
>Current price: $0.13

OP sold his normie scam coins at a huge loss and now spending an hour trying to convince everyone to sell their bags right when the market starts recovering LOL

>> No.50659953

GME has outperformed SPY this year.

>> No.50659977

all crypto is a scam. by owning any you are a bagholder. cope

>> No.50659987
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>That picture is my entire portfolio
I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.50660060

The nose knows

>> No.50660130

stop putting your dick in men's assholes is a good place to start

>> No.50660144

you own CRO lmao

>> No.50660246

What the actual FUCK are you posting about holy shit nigger go to bed.

I just checked your claim, GME has -11% this year, SPY is at -14%.
3% difference when both are down doesn't make a compelling argument to me, further more I zoomed out and went to a full year and GME is at -14% down where as SPY is only -6% down.
Further more the trend I'm seeing is that GME is only headed further down, which means it's far more profitable for the shorters where as the trend is that SPY is headed on track upwards and is slowly gaining.

Besides all that, the point of GME is that you're in it for the MOASS, correct? With the downward trend in price you guys aren't buying enough to beat the shorters who are making profit off all of you and in no way shape or form are you working towards a SS with these numbers. Just sell man you're not going to get rich and are just wasting money.

Sell whatever you have if it stops pumping or is going down while everything else is pumping and exit immediately. If any of these positions are at least pumping with everything else then consider it a good gamble to continue holding for now and sell at a top when the time comes and exit into a better trading strategy.
Good luck I know you can get yourself out of these scams.

Sure do, now tell me which of these scam coins/stocks you're bag holding so we can skip to the part where I tell you to stop investing all your money into a get rich quick scheme.

>> No.50660711
File: 1000 B, 200x200, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello can you add this token to your meme pls?

>> No.50660757

>What the actual FUCK are you posting about holy shit nigger go to bed.

sorry I am drunk but tomorrow you will still be hypocrite bagholder with one of the dumbest stupid normie bait fucking coins lmao

>> No.50660837


>> No.50662342
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>> No.50662812

yes im holding icp and link, now shut up faggot

>> No.50662833
File: 710 KB, 1700x1388, 1633882396436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek good post OP. I would add that this baggies are all losers who always blame some external force
>It is da bulgarians
>It is because of da lawsuit
>It is because of da hegies
>It is because elon sold
>It is because btc went down
>It is da joows
Etc. losers always, always blame someone else for their lack of sucess. The tranny jannies should put all of this baggies in one big containment thread and they are only allowed to post somewhere else about their scams when their bags have reached ath again. Would be fun to watch how they all fight each other in one small thread kek.

>> No.50662844

link has functioning oracles
cripple is a dinotech that nobody uses

>> No.50662857

LINK is the most heavily shorted token in crypto, it can never moon.

>> No.50662868

Kek another loser blaming someone else for his retarded investment. Link is just not needed, nobody cares about it is a old 2017 shitcoin every single normalfag out there knows about it.

>> No.50662932

you own CRO lmao

>> No.50664420

You could have simply shill your bags in the first post like a normal human being, but no, you had to take the retarded way. Boring cretin.

>> No.50664584

Dont care, didnt read
Dog with bat 50b eoy

>> No.50664977
File: 18 KB, 400x400, images - 2022-06-03T052813.514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't become a bag holder. Know the signs it's time to move on <

Anon I have to disagree, I hold assets for long term because I can see its future potential. Kolnet, Kava, Hard, Rose are just few of them. Don't cross my line fuck.

>> No.50665263

Wtf, just buy atom and leave

>> No.50665274

Idk what you’re talking about. I bought all of my ICP at the bottom so I’m up nearly 2x

>> No.50665285
File: 46 KB, 173x127, LUNA bagholders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lumping LINK and ICP with the likes of LUNC and doge fucking bonk
fudders arent even trying any more are they?

>> No.50665319
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Based dobro wgmi

>> No.50665376

I'm the inverse of this. I fucked around in my teenage/twenties and now I'm trying to play catch up. I guess my advice would be to balance work and play, even when you're older.

>> No.50665693

Why is COINBASE or ticket COIN not on here?

>> No.50665935
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>> No.50666015

Fuck off, hate you normalfags with easy normalfag lives who never had to suffer. It's our shit lives that lead us to this board and discovered these golde opportunities to make it.
This is exactly my line of thought and there's nothing wrong with that. No everyone of us was blessed with good social lives/school lives that made it possible to get good well paying jobs.

>> No.50666349

>Kolnet is less known on the list but if the new marketing approach is pumped, IDO will never be the same again as they're switching to IMO or their Initial Marketing Offering.
Wtf, you got the balls to buy icp anon while me waiting for $5 each

>> No.50666478

Polygon token

>> No.50667377

How about virtual lands? By the way, calling crypto a scam at this point is retarded

>> No.50667393

It can't. Can't even be seen on CMC

>> No.50667423

What are you going to say about the psychology of those who invest in metaverse lands, considering how big it's becoming in sports

>> No.50667482

Buying more on Monday because of this thread

>> No.50668352

All of these coins will moon. Op is a huge faggot shilling his heavy CRO bags. Buy more d0b0, D0ge and Shi1ba. These are the only coins the zoomers will like

>> No.50668435

not buying your Jeet scam coin bozo. I'll stick to my ICP

>> No.50668465

Lmao based

>> No.50668552

based schizo

>> No.50668608
File: 196 KB, 2000x1756, HEX logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP's blockchain is like 7 years ahead of its competition.
HEX is a better store of value than Bitcoin.

>> No.50669671

Not reading any of that
Buy BTC/eth and fuck off

>> No.50669724

Kek this. Why is it so damn hard for zoomers to communicate succinctly.

>> No.50670406
File: 9 KB, 525x126, 865345c7ccee10d208fbb5f3b7ac89be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m holding XRP and I´m not from the USA so I can just buy unregistered securities if I want or not. It´s my body my choice.

>> No.50671022
File: 329 KB, 1386x728, biz explaining yolo all-in culture wagies trying to make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all rather simple isn't it? The overarching theme is that people feel behind in life so they're trying to play catch up by short cutting to wealth.

>> No.50671414

I resonate with this so much. I got scammed into the xrp larp in 2020. The best i can hope for is a exit pump after lawsuit and sell everything for bitcoin. The only way to be rich is to work hard and further your career/business

>> No.50672608

It was 0.2 in 2022 and it pumped to almost $2
How did you got scammed kek

>> No.50673650

kek I realized this about 6 months ago

>> No.50673708

Almost all you baghold are crappy if you ask me, holding a privacy token pays well off than all of these. No ETH, no BTC, this is so so crappy

>> No.50673751

all crypto is a scam and everybody is a bagholder in a giant ponzi scheme created by an unknown and untraceable con artist

>> No.50673789

Fpbp; tldr; niggers tongue my anus

>> No.50673815

xrp is the standard, moron.

>> No.50673893

I bought I See Pee at $6 so no coping here brother. Internet computer is the future of crypto it'll replace ETH swiftly

>> No.50675135
File: 76 KB, 777x728, rich ass dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shib is going up a little bit right now.
.00002 by the eow.
.0001 by eoy.
Time go grab it before you miss the giga pump.

>> No.50675165
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>> No.50675303

no token or coin is actually needed, the only question is - is it wanted?

>> No.50675320

privacy might be cool though but i think wallet security and control over one's fund is paramount

>> No.50675407

strong icy pee holder, i see that, its better you liberate yourself and look into the brighter side, BNB is till very cheap, MATIC, VET, GTO and ORE are all relatively cheap other than your shitty icp

>> No.50675493

I can see you have good picks. but its my first time seeing VET and ORE

>> No.50675597

i got into the first based on a TA from a guy and the other i know as an identity management project

>> No.50676327
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Best of luck.

Because like most bagholders they DON'T SELL. That's the problem. The greed. They have a chance to make money and don't take it because they fell for the cult bullshit that the price is going to absolutely make them wealthy beyond their dreams. So a meagre 10, 20, 100x? Nothing to an ape who will just keep holding for that 1,000,000% gain that's right around the corner.

Then they're stuck holding on the lows for a hope at another pump that may or may not come ever again.

Cope. Anyone who thinks this way is just mad more so about the situation regarding how shitty women have gotten. You can absolutely work hard for five years and have a damn comfortable lifestyle afterwards, even three years of working OT will get you to that lifestyle the extra two are just to make extra sure you're set up well. In ten years you could be damn well close to retirement if you stopped gambling your money away on bagholding cultcoins/stocks.
It always comes down to pussy for weak niggers though doesn't it?
Meanwhile poor people are reproducing like rats.


Fuck you and die poor if you think this way.

Standard cult for bagholding yes.

Pic related

Fuck off shill nigger.


In the case of everything I posted in my OP, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.

>> No.50676344
File: 66 KB, 1242x1233, -5037732884722592390_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

firmly based

>> No.50678246

Kek. You have to start acquiring based assets else yngmi. Personally, I'm sticking with privacy platforms as I see their demand going up with the regulations.

>> No.50678541

I feel you

>> No.50678799
File: 13 KB, 267x343, 1659289740049890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop holding CRO dumbass

>> No.50679907

still dcaing icp get fukt