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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50669531 No.50669531 [Reply] [Original]


Militants of Kosovo are gathering on the border of Serbia, INVASION IMMINENT

Mainstream media hasn't picked up on this yet, sell before the incoming dump. Don't say I didn't warn

>> No.50669647
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Bump. Everyone is sleeping on this.

>> No.50669720

I just checked the same telegram kek
I dont think its happening

>> No.50669740

>Balkan scum fights
sounds like every day of the week

>> No.50669760

Don't forget: Serbia is Russia's dog, this ties in with the russo ukraine war

>> No.50669782

gtfo back to /pol/ nato dog. nothing ever happens

>> No.50669795

Nobody gives a fuck about serbia their Ruski scum. They could be nuked and the market would turn green in celebrations

>> No.50669805


>> No.50669841

Rt is censored here in the "free" west

>> No.50669848

Not true, i'm viewing it here just fine

>> No.50669851

Ok i save it on wayback and check there not even vpn need

>> No.50669854

use any free dns service. cloudflare or google

>> No.50669865

Its true dude, the eu banned it or at least germ any

>> No.50669871

Imagine thinking the markets care about what happens in SERBIA KEKEKEKEKEKEK

>> No.50669879

No mate, you just need to use a proper DNS service, they can't ban it. Might I suggest

>> No.50669881
File: 139 KB, 400x380, joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next Bulgaria will invade Chainlink and declare war on linkies. It's over for them.

>> No.50669887


>> No.50669900

> https://www.rt.com/news/559959-russia-kosovo-serbia-conflict/
> russia today
> rt.com

Why would i read or take anything on the Russian propaganda channel serious. Besides it indeed is blocked in most countries

>> No.50669906

I know ways but they did it so normies wont get there anymore

>> No.50669907

jfc how can you miss the point so hard?

>> No.50669922


>> No.50669941

dunno can you explain it to me like im 5
stop projecting pajeet

>> No.50669968

>entirety of europe is economically fucked
>one war has already broken out in their back yard
>Germany has been sucking Putin's dick for gas the entire time
>All the faggot NATO countries are trying to pretend like they're not involved
>China is buddying up with Russia and more eager than ever to solidify the "One China" meme on Hong Kong and Taiwan
>another conflict is about to break out

I'll be fucking surprised if the market poomps another big green dildo tomorrow, but if this shit turns serious and they keep pushing up, it just means the following collapse will be worse.

>> No.50669975

Ding ding ding, you got it.

>> No.50669984

are you braindead or what ? use tor or any third country vpn

>> No.50669993

This is how I can tell you are probably under-aged or a shitskin (maybe both). This sort of shit has been happening across the world, every single day, for decades. Go back to twitter and suck on Burry's teat some more, you know your god hasn't outperformed CPI since 2008 right?

>> No.50669995

>sell before the incoming dump
oh yeah let me just sell my shit while the MARKET IS CLOSED

>> No.50669997
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Disclose just posted this. It's happening, prepare

>> No.50670005

i know fuck all about these shitholes do they even matter?

>> No.50670010

who cares about cracker shit holes

>> No.50670012

When some middle eastern faggots throw rocks at each other or IED a schoolbus in the middle of the desert, no one cares because it has no impact on where the rest of the world is doing business and trading goods. When it happens in Europe, repeatedly, while increasingly unstable conditions are being created for the global market, people take notice.

>> No.50670021

still viewable then canada
how does it feel to be more cucked then canada?

>> No.50670022

nothing ever happen cuck

>> No.50670024

I didn't expect /biz/ to be so underwhelming in terms of intelligence, where do thinking people go nowadays? reddit is shit

>> No.50670026

>i know fuck all about these shitholes do they even matter?
You're american right? Your continent is full of real shitholes that nobody cares about. All latin america could be nuked and the world wouldn't even notice. Europe is different. Europe has centuries of history and relations between countries are very particular. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.50670032

no. This happens like every 8 month or so. Nothing burger

>> No.50670034

you should take it serious (albeit with a grain of salt) BECAUSE it is banned in so many countries

>> No.50670046

No they don't. It's about the same level of importance is some warlord from the congo had a spat with people form a neighboring country. Kosovo is a state smaller than a lot of American cities and only has a population of <2mil.

>> No.50670047

They have already entered Serbian territory.

>> No.50670057

Retard you know South America is a different continent than North America right? Typical EU education.
>Europe has centuries of history and relations between countries are very particular. You wouldn't understand.
But do I care? Not at all.

>> No.50670076

>But do I care? Not at all.
You're willfully ignorant, no one here takes your diarrhea 'thoughts' serious. Markets are starting to react whether you care or not. Stay poor amerifag

>> No.50670078


>i only consume my countries propaganda


>> No.50670079

This take is so retarded I don't know where to start. I hope shorting this nothing burger goes well for you.

>> No.50670090


this is all you have to know about serbs.

>> No.50670105

>markets react to something that happens every few months
lol. You are trying to hard to inject something irrelevant into the narrative, really get lost and take your crew with you, spam nigger

>> No.50670107
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Apologize faggots, I called it. Printing money

>> No.50670110

Fair enough, still i watched some RT back when the Ukraine conflict kicked off and the amount of propaganda and objectively false information was staggering. Pure ruski copium i was conflicted about it getting banned of western platforms in the beginning but in hindsight i do think it was the right choice.

There are enough independent news organizations dipshit not state owned garbage

>> No.50670129
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Yes I'm sure they are going to react violently to the downside in regards to this.

>> No.50670135

>Europe has centuries of history and relations between countries are very particular.
primitive monkeys squabbling over irrelevant ancient feuds and dumb shit trying to drag the rest of the world into their petty bullshit. we're not impressed. honestly fuck europe, get your shit together

>> No.50670142

Printing money pumps assets retard.

>> No.50670158

buddy, everything is propaganda. there are no good sources of information on any "sides"

if you ask me ban all journalists or ban none of them. they're all shit

>> No.50670164
File: 35 KB, 855x707, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize that countries exist in relation to one another
>doesn't realize that europe destabilization has bigger impact on the global economy
>Doesn't realize that we're dumping right now
>doesn't realize how i'm right and you're wrong
ure just a faggot, get lost

what does that have to do with anything in this thread? are you a druggie? ur mind is cuckoo.