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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50667716 No.50667716 [Reply] [Original]

neet here. why are you guys so desperate for money?

>> No.50667748

Pretty sure 60% of this bird is neets.

>> No.50667786

well why are you desperate for money

>> No.50667805

So I can maintain my neet lifestyle

>> No.50667820

If you're not leeching off your parents please tell me how do you cope financially

>> No.50667839

So I can go back to being a NEET

>> No.50667854

I just want enough money to play vydia all day to be honest

>> No.50667862

This, the endgoal is always being NEET.

>> No.50667882
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I want to NEET in peace in my own place.
living with people is hell when you love silence.

>> No.50667898
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I'm mostly money driven to beat inflation and to have a better lifestyle.
I don't want lambos and mansions, I just want a huge house on a large plot of land far from the cities, so I can bag me a tradwife with braided pigtails and we can ride go-karts in the backyard together.
I don't want to be rich, but just upper-middle class in this world of inflation.

>> No.50667939

ok but just be neat?
i wake up make home made chicken and fries play valorant lunch deli roast beef premium cut in sub i make, then watch anime with my cat then for dinner some kind of red meat and i make a baguette or dumplings/pierogi.
why do u need money tho?
i like your think

>> No.50667952

yeah but cant u do that now?

>> No.50667963

I want to coom and consoom

>> No.50667970

Well, yes and no.
I have a decent salary at my day job, but I'm working in a city and have to live in a small apartment.
This fall I'm anticipating a promotion and a huge pay raise, and also I'll be granted permission to work remotely indefinitely.
When that happens, hopefully I can buy my home outside the city.

>> No.50667983

female attention

>> No.50667990

oh good to hear. neet life is awesome! especially in the country.

>> No.50668004

Need more money. Need enough money to live the rest of our lives... And not in a faggoty "my life begins when I make it" sort of way, but just in the general sense that we will be alive for another 40-50 years and living costs money. The sooner you can get enough money to life the rest of your life, the sooner you get to stop worrying about money.

>> No.50668031

Because I'm terrified of surprise bills and also everything just keeps going up in price and the people who're supposed to help are just making it worse

>> No.50668052

hmm i see. you are a servant or something?

>> No.50668080

Servants get paid and generally have their housing needs taken care of. Many of us are NEETs like you and are looking to supplement our NEET lifestyles with financial confidence and security.

>> No.50668122

you can´t play vidya consistently while having a job. I won´t sleep enough and you will not have enough time to prepare for next day (I am engineer very demanding job) I just enough money to survive at a steady budget of $1000/month maybe even less if I just survive eating potatoes.

>> No.50668130

let go your fears and be headstrong. stress kills you.
but if you are neet cant you stop worrying money doesnt matter.

>> No.50668138


>> No.50668143

what kind of engineer are you?

>> No.50668150

I’m more curious what your sources for money are? How do you afford the roof over your head, electricity, and food? Did you inherit a trust fund?

>> No.50668158

>let go your fears
Easy to say when your mom/govt pays for all your shit

>> No.50668159

>but if you are neet cant you stop worrying money doesnt matter.
Only if you have some way to pay the bills for now until the rest of your life.

>> No.50668168

a very lazy one

>> No.50668222

why dont you get the mom goverment to do that then?
you could try a 45 year 15 split mortgage, 250,000, 150/mo~ payments, end lump sum has to be paid in full. but if you neet 45 years why pay sum at end? big think
ah, mechanical.

>> No.50668240


>> No.50668268

Gotta have down payment and a job and good enough credit to get that kind of loan in most places that aren't 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.50668271
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>play valorant
Ok so you're 18 years old and proud to be leeching of your mother, let's see if you're still such a tough little NEET that doesn't care about money once mommy dies or kicks you out faggot

>> No.50668273

>I don't want lambos and mansions, I just want a huge house on a large plot of land far from the cities, so I can bag me a tradwife with braided pigtails and we can ride go-karts in the backyard together

>> No.50668279

Imagine that your bank account will be 0 in about three months… rent is due, car payments are due, the grocery store costs 100$ a trip, and you have no ability to pay for any of that. If you don’t find a way to have money come into your life, you lose your home, car, and have nothing to eat.

>> No.50668301
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Making up for my lack of developmental experiences I guess?
It's sad,but it's the only ambition I have going for now

>> No.50668308

i have a 45 15 mortgage and its 225 dollars a month plus utility. i dont wash and barely do laundry so all my water goes to cooking. i make coom drawings once or twice a month to pay bills.

>> No.50668329

i see. you are at ground zero until fall?

>> No.50668341

>i make coom drawings once or twice a month to pay bills.
Ahh.. a noble tradition. Glad you lucked out on that house, NEETfriend, but that's just not possible for many people these days.

>> No.50668342

This. To synthesize the wealthy chad lifestyle with the freedom of being a NEET

>> No.50668356

a few questions:
-why is rent due
-why are car payments due
-why is grocery trip 100 dollars are u taking taxi every time?

sorry to hear about circumstances

>> No.50668370
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Someone needs to become right-wing Soros.
Fascism isn't going to fund itself.

>> No.50668375

The hope of most /biz/ards is either to buy a house outright in cash or hope that the market crashes and lenders become less fussy about jobless crypto gamblers making downpayments on houses.

>> No.50668396

at least it is an ambition.
if all you need is a dp 50k is doable for most wagies! i used first time home plan so my dp was not much.

>> No.50668414 [DELETED] 

>No one likes being poor, so give it a rest. I actually got introduced into crypto and have exchanged lots of tokens in my short period and have found very solid alts to be my drive; MUSE, ONE, AxlToken, CRA, name them all I fully into them

>> No.50668431

do you think buttcoin and eth are at the bottom?
but wealthy chad was born into trust fund money and has access to trust fund girls.

>> No.50668451

i like your optimism.

>> No.50668471

Because none of those things are free. If you don’t have money, the police remove you from the house, and a tow truck takes your car away. The grocery store will have you arrested for stealing if you don’t pay them money.

>> No.50668479

>No one likes being poor, so give it a rest.
I actually got introduced into crypto and have exchanged lots of tokens in my short period and have found very solid alts to be my drive; MUSE, ONE, AxlToken, CRA, name them all I fully into them

>> No.50668496

ok few more questions:
-why arent you living in place for free
-why do u have a car
-why not coupon so bill isnt so expensive?

>> No.50668551

because i can't be a neet

>> No.50668613
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>To travel
>bang as many women possible
>Not worried about money
>buy a house for my parents

I'm not into having a family. Owning a house with a with fence meme.

>> No.50668778

This except my parents already own a house.

>> No.50668832
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I want to be free

>> No.50668864
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>> No.50668971

>why are you guys so desperate for money?
my mom wants a bigger garden and i want a homegym
i also don't want to clean up after them when they get old, so funds for a decent carer would be nice. Not that i don't want to spend time with them but i know someone who ended up taking care of their parents and cleaning up after everything they did and it became a nightmare for them because the parents lost all appreciation due to being old and crabbit. The dad would throw the banana peels behind his back like he was first place in mario kart.

>> No.50669004

>bro, just live for free bro.
What timeline do you exist on? It sure as tits ain’t the same as mine.

>> No.50669031

give me your specs and maybe i can help
you are admirable.
you are already free.

>> No.50669036

try 98%

>> No.50669049

As a neet it is u that is deperate for money to simply provide life. I get many monies because brain work a little.

>> No.50669059

>bro just have free housing and food and utilities lol

>> No.50669063

hmm expand more please.

>> No.50669130

I like this mentality we should unironically create a do nothing commune run by autonomous agriculture robots where we can be lazy hippies free basing all day. It’s the American dream.

>> No.50669146

So I don't have to work and can actually enjoy life. I don't want luxary goods or anything like that. I just want a house and enough money to buy groceries and to support myself.

>> No.50669156
File: 33 KB, 305x392, 0EC303A7-1CBC-4461-B28A-B9D749A68E38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And only allow biz frens

>> No.50670576

you mean like the koch brothers you fucking retard?

>> No.50671508

We want neet life with higher standards

>> No.50671567

>koch brothers
lmao even
fucking communist subhuman outing himself over here kek you're an absolute brainlet

>> No.50671608

I hate money so god damn much

>> No.50671935

where do you get funds for the food and stuff?
my parents pay for that stuff for me i am 28

>> No.50673206

Based fellow lazy mechbro.

>> No.50673323

need money to get a neet lifestyle nothing to inherit so i have to work all i need is a small hut/car so i can go out and do irl hobbies cause the computers ruins lives

>> No.50674520

I hate people and the more money I have the less I have to deal with them

>> No.50674581
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I want to go to America. I do not care how rude Americans are online or how bad the news is America has always been a glowing light for me I want to reach I always wanted to live in American and I'm going to you cant stop me

>> No.50674899

This is somehow charming, even though gay.

>> No.50675298

Honestly when you have no need for money making the number go up is fun and not a stressful experience.

>> No.50675481

I need at least a 10x from my current point to escape my chucked country and then live of dividends for the rest of my life. I don’t need fucking lambos, I just need freedom

>> No.50676075

Because I need money to live? If I could be a pastorial man and herd sheep with my wife and kids I would, but that is not the life I have so I mist aquire money to survive. I will literally die if I dont keep getting money, namely from exposure and starvation.

>> No.50676182

I've gone from wanting to make it so I can do nothing and relax, to wanting to buy a home and car and relax, to not knowing at all. I honestly don't know what the hell I want anymore. I was going to go back to school but that's a scam and I don't feel like going even deeper into the debt hole so I'm holding out until I have the money.. but I kind of don't care anyways. I kinda want to just blow my brains out.

>> No.50676210

This. To maintain freedom to live life and learn and work on my terms, not to take on a lifelong debt burden for the honor of relatively arbitrarily/meaninglessly serve bureacratic production in the wage cage.

>> No.50676236

Why would anyone want to move to a third world nation? Pretty low aspirations bro. Enjoy getting stabbed by niggers.

>> No.50676331

I will live in a White area. I'm sick of living with brown people. White people are the only people to live with.

>> No.50676396

Your mom's ain't cheap, anon.

>> No.50676420
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Can confirm. Brazilian.

>> No.50676782

In Europe, social security offices cannot access crypto assets when judging if the person is poor enough.

In practice it is only asset class in europe a neet can save on.

>> No.50676797

>my parents pay for that stuff for me i am 28
Ah it's nice to hear I'm not the only one in this sinking boat (25 btw)

>> No.50676890

>Be me
>Graduate with BS in CS 2010 from meh state university
>Spend most of my 20's traveling with girlfriend
>Get heavily involved in above ground and underground old growth forest defense communities and spend a lot of time in the woods
>Break up with GF and move back to home city
>Meet a bunch of political squatters and get involved in the punk and hardcore scene, spending a lot of time at warehouse, backyard, loft, etc. underground shows
>Sometimes work in tech, sometimes do other jobs (ex. poster wheatpasting at $1.7k a gig, full silver tinman human statue/robot street performer)
>Live cheap. Keep rent at $400 to $500. Food always free due to food stamps.
>Always keep about $6k in the bank, but mostly live paycheck to paycheck

But now, a few years later, I work as a full time software dev, making $123k a year, now. The reason so focused on money was partly getting into crypto, and making a ton of it in 2017 (then losing it in 2018), which gave me a taste for it. But mostly, it's because, watching all my punk and anarchist working class or not working at all class friends, I've found:

>1. As they've gotten older, they've all become less socially active, but, not working, or working little, they only use their free time for the internet or drugs
>2. They're also all now, feeling older and wanting more security, desperate to get something more permanent than short lived rentals or squats, but, being oblivious to finances, and stuck in low wage positions, have no way to do this.
>3. Both my parents live alone. They both retired early from inheritance. After waging, they had nothing left in their lives. Now they just sit alone and depressed. Waging your whole life eats you to a skeleton, leaving nothing left on retirement.

>> No.50676912

Thus, it's a two part:

>Make a lot of money, to not put myself into the doomed financial state of my punk and anarchist friends (at least until some of them get parent inheritance, though some are just fucked, due to no inheritance, too).
>Do it FAST, so as not to lose everything else in my life, like what happened with the boomers and their 40 years of 40 hours. Thanks to my huge dev income (which grows largely and exponentially each year), ultra minimalist spending, and good knowledge in trading, I can do this.

Thus, by making money my main immediate goal, but getting it fast, in the smart way, I can stack it fast, and use it to buy the stock and corn dips (which I expect to continue until early 2023), then in just a few years, I've have saved so much, working will be optional. If I work, it will be because I want to, not because I have to, giving me my time back to live my life how I want to, outside of money.

>> No.50677316

>3. Both my parents live alone. They both retired early from inheritance. After waging, they had nothing left in their lives. Now they just sit alone and depressed. Waging your whole life eats you to a skeleton, leaving nothing left on retirement.
Jesus christ this is why I come here. My parents had me in their forties if you can believe that, but the point is they are old wagies. Watching the end game of being a wagie is hell. So many people give up everything except working for kikes throughout their lives. Sick of normies who are actually proud to be slaves and work their lives away for meager sums.