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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50667944 No.50667944 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50667989

so volume is fake?

>> No.50668007

theres enough liquidity but if you have 6 milion exchanges the liquidity spreads out and if you find one moment on an exchange with shit liquidity you can dump the price of an asset on there and the arbitrage bots carry it over to all other exchanges lol
why else do you think the dumps are always so in sync over all exchanges

regulating crypto and merging all orderbooks into one big would have literally no negative consequences for the average trader
but hey regulation bad

>> No.50668030

u shud kys

>> No.50668032

Yes, goy, doesn't walled garden sound nice? Now segregate the orderbooks for different countries so I can arbitrage and make many shekels with the quants I hired as wageslaves. I need bigger spreads to arbitrage.

>> No.50668041

been this way for months. hence why opening significant longs and shorts is retarded, your margin position is like a blaring neon sign in the empty night
no such thing

>> No.50668073
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>> No.50668402


>> No.50668439

fractionalized liquidity is a problem that can be fixed with tech, no need to force people to do something when there will be products that just straight up make it worth their while

>> No.50668538

By segregated orderbooks, does CZ mean each country wants an orderbook specific to them, rather than a consolidated international orderbook?
you guys are retarded and don't understand the point. Consolidated orderbook means higher liquidity which means less manipulation, less fakeouts, etc. And it doesn't arise from "regulation", think of how binance has always been... an international exchange where all orders from all countries go to one book, with the exception of countries like the US that forced binance to create a compartmentalized exchange specific to the US and its own regulations

>> No.50668539

>dump it on one exchange
>algo bots buy it on the dumped exchange and sell it on the non-dumped exchange, equalizing the price
>somehow this causes all exchanges to dump??

This is retarded

>> No.50668601

The problem is that this can create price movements that wouldn't necessarily happen in one big order book with lots of volume and depth, and because of this movement (even if it is an "average" of the price difference between the two exchanges), it might trigger stop loss cascades or make bots begin to sell in large amounts if it breaks a key level in their algo. The point is that having a consolidated order book lowers volatility and the possibility of barts and fakeouts, which creates an environment that is much healthier for all traders

>> No.50668631
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>> No.50668646

>Lower volatility good
>triggering stop loss cascades bad
>Leverage fags getting rekt bad
Or maybe you should kys or fuck odd back to the stock market

>> No.50668654
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>Yes, goy, doesn't walled garden sound nice? Now segregate the orderbooks for different countries so I can arbitrage and make many shekels with the quants I hired as wageslaves. I need bigger spreads to arbitrage.

>> No.50668661

a centralized order book will always be centralized and subject to manipulation. decentralization means multiple order books or different kind of exchanges. now the countries seperate order book demand is also retarded because the corrupt admins overseeing the binance order books will be able to manipulate those orderbooks as well + additional players who currently can't manipulate them will gain ability to do so

>> No.50668673

why are governments so stupid?

>> No.50668689

Yes. After Luna, retail has lost all confidence, so right now they are trying to bait retail to buy back

>> No.50668699

Leverage is good because the more leveragefags get rekt the more the exchanges can manipulate the price to keep going up and up and up and then us who don't leverage can actually profit from just holding and dumping on exchanges pumping the price which means basically we just get paid like a casino for not leveraging and leveragefags rope.

>> No.50668703

ok dude, enjoy being anally raped. You sound painfully new

>> No.50668725
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Im bored so im going to spell it out for you: If (((they))) are able to manipulate the market, it means they control enough of it to manipulate it. That is to say (((they))) hold a sizeable amount of crypto and if others buy that means they are less able to manipulate the market. If others sell from here that means that are more able to manipulate the market. Giant candles begets leverage traders coming into the market. Do the math.

>> No.50668735

to be fair it was probably 2 countries with a total volume of 0.001 BTC /year but CZ took the opportunity to tell everyone how big volume good and binance has biggest volume

>> No.50669204

Yeah, it’s just two ultra low volume countries
>Iran and USA

>> No.50669560

Some of us enjoy the ridiculous volatility of crypto.
I could never make as much money as I do, with as little as I put in, trading stocks.

>> No.50669611

can confirm. Still believe my short against link in late may triggered the rally, faggots stole 15K from me

>> No.50669616

non-custodial liquidity will be the big stuff next. it will open up the floodgates of institutional liquidity. have you cunts heard of metamask institutional? go look up what project is their #1 partner, it begins with Q and rhymes with torpedo :^)

>> No.50669713
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>there is no liquidity

>> No.50669721
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tf back when jpow speaking was a guaranteed liquidation cascade. leverage short into leverage long the rebound

>> No.50669735

>CZ and Fat Sammy whining about market manipulation
They both deserve a public execution.

>> No.50669971


2 top tier exchanges and billionaires think otherwise.

the fuck makes you smarter than them bizraeli

>> No.50669977


>> No.50670109

>regulating crypto and merging all orderbooks into one big would have literally no negative consequences for the average trader
>but hey regulation bad
it would be good for traders (jews) and bad for users (consumers, real people)

>> No.50670489


>> No.50670532

>shit liquidity
>arbitrage bots carry it over to all other exchanges
Absolute brainlet.

>> No.50670550

all traders are bad for consumers
all centralisation defeats the point of crypto
if its centralised anyway then other mechanics do what crypto wants to achieve better

>> No.50670638

It's going to be hilarious when everyone has to just give up and use XRP for this very thing.

>> No.50670647

Someone should change this picture to replace the window with a view into the Chainlink asylum.

>> No.50672196

is that yours? very nice

>> No.50672560

So buy more shit created by (THEM)
Seems highly illogical.

>> No.50673299

6 million you say?

>> No.50675125

> metamask
> non-custodial

>> No.50676888

Yes, non-custodial. Look into it. You think they haven't developed this solution for institutions? You believe they would go "oh well we just have to give up our private keys if we want to trade using the 100s of millions of funds our clients gave to us? no biggie, guess that a single point of failure is a little risk we have to take"

No you dumbass, it will be done through MPC. Look into QREDO for christ sake. I swear /biz/ is going to pull out its collective hair once more, upon realizing that the rocketship has already flown away.

>> No.50677332
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>regulating crypto and merging all orderbooks into one big would have literally no negative consequences for the average trader
>but hey regulation bad

>Just kill all of my competition goy, this is good for (You)