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File: 441 KB, 1170x1473, 03A4AEE6-0648-47D2-A17F-EF187167E5B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50666548 No.50666548 [Reply] [Original]

Why do old millenials keep stealing from zoomers despite fucking up their own generation?

>> No.50666565

millennial females are the worst garbage i will enjoy seeing them suffer as single old ladies on medication

>> No.50666575

because women are all whores now and the older they are the more dicks theyve had in them. so if you want one that still has any value left you have to go for the younger ones

>> No.50666595

Thread over

>> No.50666598

31yr old here

fuck 20yr olds all the time

fuck you ! :)

>> No.50666612
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Wow this is sure business and finance. But to answer your question historically generations haven't been 'a thing' and men have married fertile women when they were able to support a family. This is why you have some men married at 50 and some married at 20. Only women push the "YOU CAN'T MARRY THAT LEGAL FEMALE ADULT SHE'S BASICALLY A BABY" bullshit.

Zoomer girls are actually worse since a lot of them are fat and 'genderfluid'.

>> No.50666637

every older woman I talk to has 5 tats 2 kids from different fathers and are poly/bi/demi other insane shit that shows they're brainwashed while 18 year old are entirely normal
college and uni destroys women then those women go on reddit to destroy other women to bring them down to the very low level they subconsciously know they are

I'll ask a older woman what they've found from online dating and they'll mention multiple friends with benefits, a half goblin/orc child, one night stands, other shit you'd expect them to be embarrassed of but they wear it like a badge of honor
because of this I only want to date 18 year olds or move to a state where 16 is legal

>> No.50666643

I should also mention there's nothing stopping a 23 year old entry level help desk office jockey making 40k a year from marrying his gf except that nowadays people have this perverse idea you need to make 200k a year to 'comfortably' afford a family so 33 is now the most common age for childbirth for white and asian women while Shaniqua became a mother at 15 and has 5 kids by the time she gets her tubes tied at 30.

>> No.50666644

I have nothing against 27 used up roasties, at
east they want to settle down. I am 36 and want to settle down but my gf is a 19yr old model who isn’t thinking of marriage.

>> No.50666646

their gender fluid can drip down my dick

>> No.50666665

>Best of luck

>> No.50666685

yeah bro yeah

>> No.50666714

I’m 30 and only date under 25.
Women under this age are just much more fun to be around.

>> No.50666728
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tight zoomer pussy belongs to thick millennial cock. drink your milk and do your pushups little buddy. in about 10-15 years itll be your turn.

>> No.50666739

I'm nearly 35 and my sexy latina gf is 27. We started dating when she was 24 and I was 32. I am smart.

>> No.50666784

>in about 10-15 years itll be your turn
you jest but that is indeed the case

>> No.50666820

>you jest
no i dont hahahaha. chads dont have this problem, but for 90% of guys, ages 15-25/30 are what will make you into a man or make you kill yourself. best of luck to all the little zoomies out there.

>> No.50666822

$32k after taxes
>Average rent on family home $2,000 a month (Inflation adjusted, 140% higher than the rates boomers paid)
$10k after taxes + rent
>Average food bill; about $280 a month. $3.3k per year
$6.7k left after tax + rent + food
>Average car repayment: $550 a month. $6600 per year.
$100 left to pay gas, electric, insurance, internet and clothes.

You need at least 6 figures of income to live as a factory worker from the boomer generation lived. You need over a $500k per year to live like the middle class of that generation lived. If you can't see the middle class and the American dream is fucking dead you've been sipping the governments proverbial cool aid for too long.

>> No.50666826

Generational war is the dumbest thing. Every generation fucks things up in their own way.

>> No.50666836

>t. boomer

>> No.50666840
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not *my* generation, my generation is based, the others are gay

>> No.50666852

Nah the greatest generation + generation that fought in ww2 left things in a better place than they found it for their kids. Boomers fucked it all up in the name of hedonism and self gain at the expense of their kids and grandkids. The sad thing is they knew what they were doing as they did it but they just didn't care.

>> No.50666882
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>generation that fought in ww2 left things in a better place than they found it for their kids

>> No.50666919

The late 50's and 60's was the start of a golden age. What you think boomers started working at the age of 0 or something?

>> No.50666936


>> No.50666955

our current state is the way it is because hitler lost. "greatest" generation doomed us all.

>> No.50666958

the ww1 and ww2 generations voted for all the gay shit that's ruined our world

>> No.50666963
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>> No.50666969

No the fuck they didn't.
t. British and want me fookin' Empire back.

>> No.50666997

27 isn't too old
I mean it just isn't

>> No.50667000

Just grow a goatee hang around high schools to hit on underage girls from your paint peeled civic coupe, zoomie zooms. That's how it's always been

>> No.50667036

hitler should have managed his economy better

>> No.50667068
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that's the least of my worries mate.

right now I'm all about how to make some good wealth and guarantee my financial freedom in Web3.

Finding early gems and investing in them. my recent research made me discover Magpie protocol.

looking for more gems

>> No.50667074
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anything above 23 is just a friend to me
a friend that I will pump and dump if you catch my drip

>> No.50667132

>women are the same as men in reproductive terms

No, that's a fundamental error that belies your thinking.

>> No.50667137
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>> No.50667144

yeah but with gen-alpha girls, no one wants the alpha girls

>> No.50667342

you're a clueless retard

>> No.50667409

This should have been first post
Why should a man settle for a woman his age?
Women may have every opportunity in their 20s to fuck whoever they want, but once you get out of your 20s it's your turn to be the desirable one to younger females

>> No.50667469

>except that nowadays people have this perverse idea you need to make 200k a year to 'comfortably' afford a family

You need $120k/year minimum. Anything else is just a curse on the child

>> No.50667520

just tell us you're a cuck, don't waste all these words

>> No.50667539

>You don't wanna fuck me?
>Fuck you!

>> No.50667549

27 and if you havent had a family or career going, you are old and will never figure it out.

>> No.50667581

Because they can afford to.
Women want to be able to afford the same type of lives their parents gave them back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s when cost of living and rate of inflation was much lower.
That's why you need at least six figures to marry a decent woman, have children and give them a decent life.

>> No.50667600

25 is the upper limit
22 if you dont wanna settle

>> No.50667736

This, although I’d argue 27 is the absolute upper max if she’s a virgin (yes, it can happen if she’s from a Muslim country)

>> No.50667773

I'm a 29 year old kissless virgin, is there hope for me or should I just kill myself?

>> No.50667778

I do not want other men’s semen in my cereal, only mine

>> No.50667886

So there's this thing some of us do regardless of what that fixed income is. This rule helped me when I was 20 making 35k a year to being 34 and making over 180k.

>50/30/20 rule.

>50% NEED
>30% WANT

Take home pay at the craziest state income tax is around $2,650/month income -- this is fair estimate for suckers like us who live in California or even those who live in crazy income states like in the east coast.

So with what you only got (before any other side hustles) that's:
>$1,325 for the "Need"
>$795/mo for the want
>$530/mo for the savings

All you need is a budget to stick to. Side hustles of course help you grow even faster.

>$900-935 rent
You can get roommates or stay with your parents til your mid/late 20s, as long as you work everyday and dont drink do drugs everyday -- there's nothing wrong helping out family as long as they aren't crazy, plus you can help out your family and buy laundry detergent every so often for them and stuff for the fridge... now, obviously not everyone has this option so there's always roommates in expensive cities/states. you're obviously not too good for roommates if you cannot afford to live on your own yet, patience, build the XP and skill points, grow money, get better at work, make more money...and you will unlock this new ability called independence...once that happens you will forget what it was like living with other people

Now what's left:
>$200-300 food/groceries (yes you're doing it wrong if you cannot conserve here)
>$100 gas
>$60 personal care

Your "WANTS":
>Dining out $350
>Entertainment $295 (subscriptions/degeneracy/bullshit)
>Clothing $150

You still have
>SAVE: $530

I see often is when people finance a car for $350-600 a month....that is not the way to do it. Now in this market, yes shit sucks...and $40,000 is not a lot of money for sure..but it doesn't mean it cannot help you grow. Be humble.

Everybody wants to goto heaven, but people are scared to die for it.

>> No.50667924

i forgot insurance and electricity/water/internet. looks like you need to cut back on food, netflix, and not buy new clothes every month. solved!

>> No.50667981

For entertainment, I recommend pirating everything as far as your vidya/netflix-type entertainment goes. I personally know several people who typically drain what's left of their paychecks every month on vidya, it sucks knowing where they could instead be if they just either saved the money or put it to something more useful instead.

>> No.50668119


>meet at 27-30
>spend 2-4 years to get to vet them for wife/mother position
>now they're in retard birthing territory

Women can't understand future planning.

>> No.50668144

Cool blog post bro

>> No.50668154
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>gen-alpha girls
im convinced 50% of them will be troons

>> No.50668172

>Zoomer girls are actually worse since a lot of them are fat and 'genderfluid'.
zoomers are still young enough where they believe what you tell them to believe. Millinial (and older) women are not.

>> No.50668681

Women in my area just won't settle. They're well into their thirties and still expect a tall, hansom man with a good job, who owns his own house, is cultured, wants to travel, wants kids etc. All men like that are already taken. In the past they'd have realized their clock is ticking and they need to settle for a man in their community who meets some of the criteria, you can't have everything. People buying houses and starting families in their 30's has put less peer pressure on them I suppose.

>> No.50668923

They don't care. You have to be a woman to fully realize the depth of mental gymnastics they do to nail some tall handsome man sperm and raise a child with some beta provider who won't even realize it's not his kids. Or just convincing the state (due to lack of DNA test) that some random man owes them money for child support. And so on and so on.
Women don't need to settle, because nowadays they don't need to. The state takes care of all the issues. The women have changed, the men need to change too.

>> No.50668985 [DELETED] 

You re a weak pussy. An actual retard could survive and reproduce in modern society and you simply do not out of laziness and low testosterone. Shameful.

>> No.50669062

Lmao @ zoomies

>> No.50669092

t. 28 yo woman

>> No.50669109

zoomer girls love us. im 31 and about to fuck an 18 yearold who is still in high-school. Yea, I know, based. Dont gotta tell me.

>> No.50669125

He literally did. Not many countries could handle the pressure of that many bankers trying to kill them for that long. The fact Germany held out so long despite being so small is extremely impressive above all else.

>> No.50669175

so close holy shit

>> No.50669280

>I only date guys who are 6'4'' and up
>"but you are 5'3'' yourself"
>sorry I don't make the rules
Every single woman on earth will defend this.

>> No.50669426
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>31yr old here
>(reddit space)
>fuck 20yr olds all the time
>(reddit space)
>fuck you ! :)

>> No.50669509
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I'm 34 and my wife is 25. I was 29 and she was 19 when we got engaged.

>> No.50669556

What is the deal with the alpha pussy?

>> No.50670900

Find a major problem with the world today and there is a 99% chance that boomers are to blame

>> No.50671075

this stupid cope forgets your $500 car payment, your $100 pet rent, your $200 car insurance, your $75 phone payment, and your $100 home internet payment.

>inviting LGBTQIA+ drug addicts to live in the same place you sleep

The system is FUCKED and no amount of cope will make it fair or worth buying into. Budgeting is a boomer cope from more stable times. Increase your income or become a debt enslaved retard like everyone else. These are your only options. Everything else is wishful thinking.

>> No.50671222

Incel rhetoric not based on reality

>> No.50671458

>zoomer girls are still reprogrammable

>> No.50671500


>> No.50671511
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the ready to settle down meme is true noob i have seen it myself
t. anecdote enjoyer
here's your (((you)))!!!

>> No.50671925


>> No.50671962


>> No.50672041


>> No.50672303

Has this not always not been the case? The previous generations stealing from the current generation? who gives af I'm gonna do the same thing lol

>> No.50672333

why does the nigglet has a corner in the middle of the forehead

>> No.50672457

Even following your shitty calculation that's only 6k a year save up, a fucking trip to Japan cost me 3-4k when I when there 4 years ago, probably more now, should humans only take vacations or take trips once every 5 years?

This economy is fucked, and unless you have a partner or get lucky you will NOT make it, unless you work on a side hustle for extra money.

The more the world population increases the less quality your life has, this is depressing because this shit could have been evaded if our economist 40 years ago were not fucking retarded.

>> No.50672508

>80% of women compete for attention from 20% of men
why would the men capable of getting a gf have to settle for anything less then optimal? the only men who would accept a serious relationship with a 27 year old are either older men or beta males that no woman wants anyways

>> No.50672521
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God damn that's funny. But yeah, sexual liberation and feminism had unintended consequences for woman.

>> No.50672540

either you lock down a man while you're still young or you settle for the men you once ignored once you're older. sorry ladies those are the rules, you wanted it this way. but after you've been with so many chads you can never feel fulfilled with settling for a beta so likely you'd rather just choose to be alone. and you will be.

>> No.50672596

although i'd like to add, that increasingly the settling for a beta male when you're older plan isn't what it used to be. younger betas wont want you because you're old. and older betas are so jaded and misogynistic from decades of being alone that at this point they'd rather be alone they can't ever trust you and they fear divorce rape. and any betas with money will have long given up on western women and moved to asia.

>> No.50672633

Aging women who hit the wall years ago are worried they can't compete with fresh, young pussy. Pretty soon they're going to be guilting 18 year old guys for not exclusively dating women in their 30s.

>> No.50672635
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the single reason for 99.9% of Pedophiles.
not that they're wrong.

>> No.50672646
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27 is around when woman have their wake up from things like in OP. The hot wealthy guys stop inviting them on trips and stuff. 27-29 just happens to be around the average age for woman to get married. They go for their back ups they've been keeping in orbit. Around 30-32 is when most men get married now, the age most men start there upward sprint into higher pay and woman can tell if you have your shit together. This is usually when the beta nice guys come in.

If you're a nice successful guy in your 30's you need to be carful around 28yo woman. They usually will tell you just about everything you want to hear to get you locked down. Don't sell your self short.

>> No.50672668
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>> No.50672680

Checked, the little mutt is a humanoid-klingon hybrid.

>> No.50672684

I dated a zoomer girl. I was 26 and she was 17. Shit was so cash. Until it wasn't. She was insane. Pussy good tho

>> No.50673180


>> No.50673213


>> No.50673230

>"So do you wanna smile for your column author picture?"
>"No thanks just the thousand cocks stare."

>> No.50673365

honestly I started dating her like 4 months after her 17th birthday. Still legal in my state though so whatever

unfortunately she was already a whore and had tons of dick by the time I met her. She also had BDP and was insane

>> No.50673538

I can only imagine the lovingly depraved honeymoon phase of your relationship. I'm sure beyond all doubt it was worth it, good job man.

>> No.50673551

Fuck you retarded nigger. To anones reading, do not marry - they are all whores, no exceptions. Only two dudes can love unconditionally, the Roman flags were unironically right. Bros before hoes, women for childbearing, and then come the cunt eaters - the modern simp, the livest rank of a fag.

>> No.50673561

lmao "vacations" and "trips"
tell me you're an entitled little faggot without telling me you're an entitled little faggot
Yes, everything is fucked and the American dream is dead, but you are a Grade-A faggot that never deserved it anyway

>> No.50673621
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>> No.50673636
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stupid faggot

>> No.50673673

>thinks I'm gonna read all of that
Seethe fag, your significant other is a cum slut and there is nuffin you can do about it. Get rekt Icarus

>> No.50673787

Zoomer girls don't WANT zoomer boys. They want to pose with them on Tiktok, which is why they value all the stupid permed hair and lipgloss and hairless face/body; Zoomer boys will submit to any depths of emasculation in the face of possible pussy-getting. But zoomer girls aren't satisfied nor attracted to 17 year olds that look/act/dress like tweens, and besides, all these girls are raised on the most obscene pornography available. They idolize not even busty playboy models even, but girls of average attractiveness that become famous for pursuing only the most vile and cutting-edge sex acts: eating male ass, drinking piss, extreme violence and bondage, numbers of penetration unheard of until recently (double anal, tripe anal, etc etc). The ideal partner to these girls, in many of their anonymous fantasies, is described as an old, hairy, somewhat ugly, vaguely uninterested sadistic man.

Fall down the rabbit hole of twitter sometime, into these networks of college-aged girls who befriend each other on the basis of the pornography they post for each other's viewing. Find them in the comments of the most extreme pornographic male actors, even and especially ones with public histories of sexual assault. You will see girls of all backgrounds, levels of attractiveness, even levels of experience with the subject matter; all of them begging some man - any man - to choke them, beat them, share them with anonymous groups of men, etc.

Many modern women are beyond saving, and the Zoomers most lost of all. I feel bad for Zoomer boys, and not just for the ones who have kissed their girlfriends hello right after their partner's barely-legal mouth was just coated in my cum. They all have basically no one to pick from without implicit knowledge of the sick things their girl truly want, but cannot ask for from them.

>> No.50673951

Stop, I can only get so erect.

>> No.50673996


>> No.50674210

>I can only imagine the lovingly depraved honeymoon phase of your relationship. I'm sure beyond all doubt it was worth it, good job man.

lots of sex, it was worth it...but just barely. When I tried to kick her out I got an assault charge. Then she threatened to testify against me in court unless I let her come back and go on vacation with me and my parents. Then after that she refused to go home so I made her live at my parents and wouldn't let her back to my apartment. When she finally left again she called and said she was pregnant and I demanded she get an abortion.

Also after she left she called the cops and told them I had CP on my computer. It was only because she put naked pics of her on my computer from when she was under 18. I didn't even know she had those on my computer.

Anyway since then she got with another guy, got pregnant, had a kid, then lost custody of the kid because she tried to khs.

She started talking to me again after a year and desu I am debating about fucking her because I like pussy and she's high IQ

>> No.50674250

>she's high IQ
Are there any women in the world at all, who have high IQ and aren't insane?

>> No.50674363

I never understood cut off ages. I guess maybe be ause I haven't changed much but I just don't understand why someone would think a 25 year old is different from 26 year old. Guess I am just different than most. Why does 4chan only talk about all the women that have 10000 sex partners? Do you people not know that there really are women out there that have had none or very few? Just glad to be happily married and not deal with this garbage. Never even did dating thing really . I only believe in dating to find someone to marry. Don't let me trick you by the way, women. There's a lot of men out there that'll tell you they'll marry you. be careful. Sage by the way

>> No.50674365

>Are there any women in the world at all, who have high IQ and aren't insane?

I don't know, I don't think so. It sucks, when she wasn't crazy she was amazing. One of the only women I've met in my life who can be genuinely funny. Interesting to talk to, didn't bore me. But between the multiple weekly suicide attempts and the constant gaslighting claiming that I secretly hated her...I just couldn't take it. I wish I could've made things work, I wish I could've fixed her. What's worse is I'm basically traumatized from dating since then, and we split up a couple years ago. The idea of having a gf just seems so stressful based on that experience that I don't pursue women as much. I've actually been getting way more matches on tinder than previously, but I just can't be bothered to put in the effort to meet up with these girls. And because most of them are either fat, ugly, or single moms

>> No.50674369

It's an overdeveloped third eye ;)

>> No.50674379

Men not me kek

>> No.50674381

Based Matt

>> No.50674412

they’re like fucking 13 years old at max how do you even know

>> No.50674413
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>> No.50674443

>I just don't understand why someone would think a 25 year old is different from 26 year old

most people posting that online are just being hyperbolic and hoping to shame the occasional woman who reads it into behaving properly. Still, there is some truth to it. I'm 31 and I really really would prefer not to date a single woman that is my age. Of course, for the right woman I absolutely would, but that's rare.

Since most men think the same, the truth is that most of the beautiful, decent women get married by their mid 20s. By the time you're 30 or 31, if you're a single woman you're either fat, ugly, a single mom, or you have some kind of mental illness. If none of the above, then you're a raging liberal who doesn't ever want to have children (and even that could be classified as a mental illness)

>> No.50674456

Look at the hostility she has bubbling right below the surface. She was so angry she even took to twitter with caps lock and a screenshot. I reckon this guy dodged a bullet there

>> No.50674465

i hope there are no roasties on my biz board forum.

>> No.50674481

It's like asking for water that isn't wet.

>> No.50674519
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<130 isn't high IQ.
No, you didn't meet a >130IQ woman.

>> No.50674531
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>> No.50674545

You’re a little delusional if you believe that. My brother used to live on less than 1,000 dollars a month in a 1 bedroom apartment in Colorado.

>> No.50674560

Is this supposed to be a lot? I'm in the 50's

>> No.50674608

Im 27 and my gf is 19

best pussy i ever had

>> No.50674613
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Correlation=causation, infer.
Also, number !=0 don't matter, no hymen* no diamond**.

*Is really about virginity, no includes no fellatio/anal penetration
**Don't actually buy a diamond ring

>> No.50674650

nah thats just women, fuck em. they have princess syndrome. stop bailing them and giving them social cred, its unsightly. almost like how some black guys always bail out their trash mothers finances.

>> No.50674668
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why do iPhone niggers like you think this is a board for all your social media screenshots?

>> No.50674748

>Anyway since then she got with another guy, got pregnant, had a kid, then lost custody of the kid because she tried to khs.
>she's high IQ
Suuure thing lad.

>> No.50674884

>start seething at the idea of vacation
why are Americans like this? And I am saying this as someone who is more or less giving up on those until my compound is secured in the 2030s

>> No.50674912

I think its mostly a issue of white women aging like milk. My gf is asian, I met her when I was 33 and she was 27. She was a virgin until she met me.

It all depends on the genes and how they lived their life before meeting you. You age badly or not much at all.

>> No.50674927

crazy ex I talked about had IQ of 140, shame that she did absolutely nothing with it, she had a full ride to college and turned it down because she's crazy and would rather party and do drugs. Can't say I blame her

>> No.50674938

bullshit, asian girls are absolute whores and sluts. No way she was a virgin unless she was a very ugly Asian who lived in Asia

>> No.50674949

not memeing, she'd always make fun of me for reading slowly. She was high IQ, just insane. Also, for what it's worth, high IQ doesn't necessarily mean you make good decisions. It just means your brain works faster/has more processing power. Plenty of high IQ people do retarded things, especially if they have BPD or other mental illness

>> No.50674978

I believe it, she was so tight in the beginning I couldn't penetrate her until we were six months into the relationship.

I understand now why all the muslims are obsessed with female virginity now. When a woman gives you her virginity she becomes devoted to you completely. If you date a women with whom you are not the first, there is a worldliness in her. In a man that can come across as a positive, experience, but for a woman it appears cheap or cynical.

>> No.50675195

Your own chart describes that 2.5% of the female distribution is over 130 IQ.

My wife is in that category but chooses to be a housewife. Honestly I can’t blame her. Thank god she’s not insane, she does a very good job taking care of the household business, a toddler, and one autistic husband.