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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50652465 No.50652465 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is going to 30k if it breaks out of this channel btw

>> No.50652493

Bismillahi rahmani rahim
Alhamdullilahi rabbilalamin
Arrahmani rahim
Iyakanahbudu vaiyakanastakin
Ihdinasiratal mustakin
Siratal laziana anhata aleihin
Geiril mahdubi aleihin

>> No.50652505

your TA sucks, but you are right. Next month will be green

>> No.50652519

Yeah, it's pretty obvious, which is why it won't happen.

>> No.50652650

strange thing is, no one's buying but market makers are propping it up despite no liquidity

must be bigger things at play, coz clearly they're not interested in our money one way or the other

>> No.50652682

I fucking guarantee it'll NEVER be above 28k ever again!
Wanna know how I am so certain?
I just bought.

>> No.50652685

Nice scribbles retard

>> No.50652696
File: 657 KB, 1376x820, 7F1BB979-0718-430C-ABBC-C5484193255F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lining up perfectly for a one way dump to 10k

>> No.50652740

consider getting back in under $7k

>> No.50652801

snip snap

>> No.50652827

I didn't buy any BTC yet because I was told that $10k was the bottom.
It will dump again right?

>> No.50652926

lmao 10k? you an idiot? btc can never go that low

did you believe 4chan memes or where did you get this 10k meme from

if you didnt buy around 20k (or better yet 17k) you are ngmi

>> No.50652940

Peak Delusion

>> No.50653093

Well I didn't have enough money to buy any Crypto then because I bought a brand new car in April and I just got a new job a month ago that actually pays well.
So basically it's too late to buy now?

>> No.50653189

it's going higher at 30k a ton of shorts get liquidated, that pushes to 46k before you know it we are about to get at a 20k candle, the first 20k candle in history.

>> No.50653198

shut up nocoiner bitch

>> No.50653203

stop I can only get so erect

>> No.50654662
File: 358 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220730-215217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pile up for the pre-halving rally.

>> No.50654727
File: 257 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220730-215311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know inflation and a recession looks grim.
But there is quite the money to be made in BTC and I hardly doubt governments and companies will avoid betting on BTC.
I genuinely believe they will get media to push BTC even more to ensure a lot of normies are being reckt before the major depression kicks in.
How do institutions make money in a recession anyway?
Is there any other way besides gambling it on a specific market?

>> No.50654800

>retards freak out below 20k and don't buy or sell everything
>Pro "traders" waiting for logical support at 13k
>Autists and whales buy monetary supply adjusted support line
Divide btc by m2
The bottom is already in

>> No.50654848

uhh why the fuck would i buy 1 bitcoin when i can buy 15 eth instead

>> No.50654909
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>> why would i buy permissionless asset with fair distriubtion that can never again be recreated .
>> no I'm buying the vitalik premine (he premined 70pct of supply) moving to Proof of Stake(shit).
>> when regulation comes and I need to flee i'll just let them confiscate my ethereum!
>> why yes I don't have a fucking clue what Proof of Work and Proof of Stake imply, how did you figure?

>> No.50654929

uhh doesn't some gook own like 95 million bitcoins that people just pretend doesn't exist

>> No.50654981

what are you implying? the early inflation bug that was caught and disabled? yes? from then, 10 years. no hacks, no cracks.

You know why ethereum was forked right? in 2016 or so, a very popular ethereum DAPP got hacked and like 20 million of eth got stolen. they had already decided earlier that they would move to proof of stake later. but now with this hack, the hacker would have control of a big percentage of the votes in the upcoming proof of stake network. when you have 51pct of votes in a proof of stake network (or 51pct of supply) you completely control the network FOREVER. and you decide all the rules FOREVER. Vitalik was gonna just make himself rich with his 71pct premine. i even suspect him he initially just wanted to build a rug pull / scam. but it caught on so well he dicided to legitimize it. either way. Vitalik and early persons are in control, forever. vitalik also had mulitple trips to israel for the etherum project.

>> No.50655060

nobody cares about the boomercoin anymore that shit is going to 0 next month and people will flood into eth where cool shit actually happens
you can't use bitcoin for anything it's just for tricking morons like you into thinking it's worth something, it's the modern day beanie baby

>> No.50655070
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say the line

>> No.50655074

We still have a long way to go.
Your delusional confidence is a farce.
You and every other retarded zoomers faggot on here will get btfo

>> No.50655075

ok bud. come back when you have some more time in this market, or get some technical understanding. it shows you are new.

>> No.50655120

New moon has passed. Super full moon Aug 11, Perigee Aug 10. It will dump. Fuck your TA.

>> No.50655168

you fucks check out LSVR, been seeing the shit everywere. Join the tele and stop being a pussy

>> No.50655191

$LSVR will run soon you've been warned apes

>> No.50655199

btc tards are a joke , richard heart already dumpstered you shitters to hell and back lmao

>> No.50655289

Normally I would be bullish but the macroeconomic outlook is terrible right now. If there weren’t any inflation and if the war in Europe ended I would be bullish, but it’s peak delusion to think that this rally has any legs. Especially since it’s becoming clear that we’re entering into a recession.

>> No.50655415 [DELETED] 

Where so governments and institutions get their money from then?
They surely got to have an alternative source of income if they are in red the whole time.
The only market I can imagine is crypto.
Additionally they have to introduce CBDCs in 3-5 years for wholesale and then the world, so they have to make sure people switch to those because their then current currency won't be worth it to hold. Which can be achieved by unlimited printing and hyperinflation, WHICH ALSO leads to money being transfered into various markets, including cryptos

>> No.50655441

Where will governments and institutions get their money from then?
They surely got to have an alternative source of income if they are in red the whole time.
The only market I can imagine is crypto and stocks, while stocks won't bring that much return compared to crypto, which is quite needed in a recession.
Additionally they have to introduce CBDCs in 3-5 years for wholesale and then the world, so they have to make sure people switch to those because their then current currency won't be worth it to hold. Which can be achieved by unlimited printing and hyperinflation, WHICH ALSO leads to money being transfered into various markets, including cryptos

>> No.50655454

It's going down.
The economy is going down into the toilet and there's no helping that, war in Ukraine, tensions with China, possible war in Taiwan...
War in Taiwan would cripple Crypto. And that's not priced in because people are retarded but it will be in the coming months

>> No.50655473

Peak delusion. If governments adopt a digital currency it’s going to be their own, not fucking bitcoin.

>> No.50655505

>How do institutions make money in a recession anyway?
>Rainbo chart posting retard can't comprehend making a profit if line does not go forever up
What do you think an institution is?
>ensure a lot of normies are being reckt
ESL jeet, what do you think happened like 1 month ago?

>> No.50655506

But they need a reason for the rollout and the only one I can think about is a destabilized paper dollar, which can be achieved by hyperinflation

>> No.50655882

>truly thinks normies left the boat just 1 month ago
Dude they are long gone.
As soon as btc crashed after the double top, they left and are now scared of it due to inflation and price surges for food.
The majority of normies did not lose that much, which is not in an institutions interest. I as an institution would create a gold rush event and crush almost everybody in it, which did not happen yet

>> No.50656015

You are retarded

>> No.50657281

that was true about 2 months ago but thats not the case since then, normies are back sort of

>> No.50657431

Only /biz/ is awake for now.
All my normies friends stay the fuck away from cryptos after the recent huge red dildos.
Articles from today went like this: "BTC gained; This might be a deceptive Rallye", which is not even close to appeal to normies.
Plus, who in his clear mind would invest in volatile assets at a record inflation and while food price surge?
Gamblers do. Normies don't