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50653537 No.50653537 [Reply] [Original]

>working your regular hours and within your statement of work is now considered "quitting"
I'm starting to think that blue collar careers are a scam.

>> No.50653559

that's white collar, but all jobs are a meme.

>> No.50653587

only news in 2022 have the balls to say this in our face. Where are all the workplace shootings.

>> No.50653632

I never open my phone after 17:30. I don't look for extra work unless given. Fuck globohomo corp inc. Now give me my paycheck

>> No.50653686

In the past this was called having standards. If you continuously accept work that isn't part of your job, you just get overworked. Are these media companies just at-odds with each other? I can't tell if they want people to quit their jobs or burn themselves out.

>> No.50653744

This is faggot boomer talk. They think of employees as company property and think that overworking employees will get better results and not just lead to angrier employees who are going to shit on your desk when they quit.

>> No.50653761

boomers need to be put down ASAP
amerinegroes work like third world slaves but say europeans are poor.

>> No.50653762

they want people that are overworked tired burned out and stretched to their limits so they have no energy for anything else.

>> No.50653781

it's extremely redpilling to work for an american company with european colleagues. the amount of mandatory vacation days they get even as an entry level employee is crazy (in a good way.)

>> No.50653818

>Where are all the workplace shootings.
Wagies can't afford guns.

>> No.50653834
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why do you think this finally passed? next stop: senate.

>> No.50653836

No, no you don't.

>> No.50653887

many of my colleagues at my old job were irish. their minimum is 4 weeks of vacation (plus 10 public holidays.) as a mutt i started at 3 weeks vacation and had to work for another 2 years before i earned another 0.5 weeks.

>> No.50653901

Im a WFH chad and work is so slow at the moment I dont think I even clocked 2 hours actual work in the last 2 weeks kek.

>> No.50653912

they would put in the extra effort if they had the optimistic belief that putting in extra effort could be, might be, recognized and rewarded

when instead they have the pessimistic belief that putting in extra effort won't be recognized and rewarded they don't put in the extra effort

boomers come from a time when extra effort was often recognized and rewarded. when you could work your way up. when you could be in the same company your whole life if you wanted to without getting laid off. those times are gone

the boomers now in charge don't realize they're living in the past. and they think people not putting in extra effort is an attitude problem. when in reality the current work environment is so unlikely to reward the extra effort that people are smart and pessimistic and realistic enough to give up and not bother.

>> No.50653929

i have never had a paid vacation
my blue state mandates sick days be paid, i get about 1 week a year. can't use it for vacations because they'll know, i just take a day here and there. i hate this country.

>> No.50653973

back when i worked in a factory it was 2 weeks of vacation and 3 sick days per year. better hope you're not sick for more than 24 hours in an entire calendar year, wagie.

>> No.50654028

I suppose it's a pipeline. Burn out the people who actually have any sort of drive. Then, they'll be in the arms of the "antiwork" crowd. Really, mass corporatization is what's going to cause the collapse of capitalism and the rise of socialism or communism.

>> No.50654099

Nah I was a tradie for years and I quit because they thought they could just keep cramming work into our packed schedule and basically turning it into a 6 day a week job with no increase in pay or benefits. All these companies thinking they can get away with that deserve to go bankrupt

>> No.50654147

>assaulty-style weapons
So anything with wood on it is fine?

>> No.50654167

kek. how many of your coworkers deluded themselves into loving mandatory overtime (while also being broke as hell)? when i quit my shit factory job they had us on rotating shifts, 10 consecutive days on and 4 days off... which turned into 11 days on 3 days off... with occasional bouts of 10 days on 2 days off.


>> No.50654178

once upon a time you would work as hard as possible, would look for extra work, would compete to prove yourself. provide for your family. and they'd get massive productivity out of you. in return you would get a stable lifelong career with realistic opportunities for advancement.

they still want you to work that hard, even though you're now disposable and can be laid off anytime, the wife left you and your family is in shambles. even if your family is still together you're not going to make enough to afford a house or do anything more then barely getting by no matter how hard you work.

either return things to the way they were or just get used to reduce productivity as people do the rational thing and slack off. oh im sure the kneejerk reaction is to punish the employees harder, make sure they need to work harder just to afford a meal. but people don't work their asses off just to get by, they work their asses off to get ahead.

>> No.50654221

also this

>> No.50654604

The only other welder there was like that. He had 3 kids and his wife made way more money than him.
>dude it’s tons of over time so what?
>comes in 2 hours late every day
>somehow got a whole month off when he got covid
>best friends with the GM
>gets easy bullshit projects because he’s a retard
Lol I left that job with no warning and a very heavily loaded schedule right before the GM was about to go on vacation.

>> No.50654635
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>or just get used to reduce productivity as people do the rational thing and slack off.
this is just basically what happens.
the old adage, "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me". good managers just look the other way, occasionally reach out to emphasize when a particular task or deadline is *Actually* mission-critical, keep enough busywork queued up to make sure everyone can appear engaged, and fuck off with the rest of their time. The workers, in turn, don't blow up their boss's spot, and "perform" the dance of looking-busy whenever their boss's bosses take a passing glance at the operations. The supervisor is close enough to the action to know that this is hollow unproductive play-acting, but doesn't care as long as the performance is convincing. And it usually is, because the higher-ups don't even know what they're looking at enough to discern the difference so long as nobody is asleep on the clock or shitting on the floor.
This makes the supervisor look good, which buys the workers a slack-er leash, they return to self-directed fucking-around for approximately 36 hours of a given 40-hour workweek. Once or twice in a given payperiod, they'll be called upon to get one specific task done by End of Day, and if you don't drop THIS ONE BALL IN PARTICULAR, you can basically work there for 25 years if you want. They don't buy you gold-watches anymore, though, but the speed of limping-along is accepted as reasonably sufficient to keep the wheels moving indefinitely and nobody is more unhappy than strictly necessary. The American Way.

Basically the only thing that can fuck this up is a middle-management outside-hire, whose name is staked on "Cleaning Up Shop", Tightening Things Up. It never works, their changes fix nothing but disgruntle the old workers who never rock the boat as long as they've got their little setup, they revolt (usually quit) and the wheels fall off.

>> No.50654697

Hey, Whatever floats your boat
Just stop fucking crying that you can't afford
a house
and stop blaming the boomers and jooooz for your inability to get your piece of the pie.

>> No.50654725

blue collar is even work
>unpaid commuting time
>real work hours can be over 12 a day
>retarded coworkers are fine with this so nothing will change

>> No.50654732
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Jesus christ, mutt ands their norf cousins are literal wage nigger slaves. We get 2.5 days of PTO of work every month, so 30 days of PTO by EOM. we also work less, 35h week and we don't have the globohomo nigger wage slave mentality, employer doesn't expects to hear from me outside of work.
Luv france, simple as
I also get CFD's kek, which amerinegroid's overlord jannies had them b&. We also don't have that nigger wash sales thing kek. They literally don't want (you) to make it.

And the best thing of all, I don't get to see grotesque racless mutt-mélanges struggling to waddle in their obese bodies in tiny electric scootrs

>> No.50654789

I'm not lazy, I'm trans-ambitious.

>> No.50654801

fucking demonrats should all be killed

>> No.50654808

I don't have a problem with that line of thinking but trying to pressure others to adopt it unnecessarily is wrong and leads to people becoming even more miserable.

>> No.50654826

there was a time when employers were literally too scared to fire employees without good reason because employees would come back on their last official day and shoot them. Boomers were legitimately crazy and it worked for them. Even recently there was an 80 year old man who got fired from his factory job after working there for 30 years. He practically begged his boss to let him keep working for just another year because he was having financial problems. When his boss said no, he pulled out a gun and shot him several times. This happened in 2021.
The Cattle these days are so whipped that they wouldn't even think of exacting violent revenge on someone who has wronged them. That's why there was so many corporate cucks in 2022.

>> No.50654837

You can thank feminism and the rise of new age technology for destroying all that. Humans are not needed anymore and especially men are obsolete. Even women are losing value when you take a look at the whole mgtow movement.

>> No.50655115

Yea you just pay a 45% net tax rate instead. Epic win! Ngannou Mbepefalala needs an apartment in central Paris after all

>> No.50655180

implying a single waggy cares about some stupid article
the ones who hustle they’ll do it anyway and the people who hate their job can never be tricked into giving a fuck

>> No.50655406

I believe you forgot to take your meds anon.
You should take them now.

>> No.50655436

Fucking kek I am apparently a quiet bum since I have never communicated with anyone from work outside of work hours. Hell even during work hours I only answer during certain hours.

>> No.50655542

>they wouldn't even think of exacting violent revenge on someone who has wronged them
They mostly don't believe in right or wrong, it's way too absurd to balance that ethics and morality shit when the state violently overrules you every time.

>> No.50655612

makes sense but i'm not sure it's sustainable
eventually more competitive nations, if they get their shit together, will eat our lunch

>> No.50655625

Turning it into a 6 day week with no extra pay? In a blue collar job? Blue collar jobs are almost always hourly so you'll get 1.5x pay for anything over 40 hours. White collar salary workers are the ones who get fucked.

>> No.50655655

They're preventing you from shooting up the offices

>> No.50655657

Thank God I live in Texas.

>> No.50655662

I'm a proud quiet quitter

>> No.50655727

it's not about pay, it's about being forced to waste your precious free time doing shit you don't want to do with mandatory overtime.
>8.5 hour day (unpaid lunch) + 1 hour daily commute + 30 minutes wageslaving prep + 8 hours sleep
>6 hours of free time per day
>forced to do 2-4 hours of overtime per day
>free time reduced to just 2-4 hours a day
assuming you're making $20/hour base, is that $60-120 in overtime earnings worth it?

>> No.50655754

>whatever you do, do not blame jews

>> No.50655760

How come that wasn't on the news? I guess I know why already...

>> No.50655792

if you are a wagie in a fucking wagie agreement, you don't go above-and-beyond
maybe if you were earning some kind of commission

more money, faggots
give your wagies a reason to give a fuck or prepare to get fucking wrecked

just 3d print a fucking mp5, bro

>> No.50655798

Not for me. I chose a job where I can choose how much and which days I work. I generally did 3 days per week for a long time but recently I've been doing 4-5 to get ahead of my expenses so I can take a couple weeks off. I already used all my PTO for the year so it will be 3 weeks without any earnings.

>> No.50655806

Yeah. They can come and take them from me. My police/sheriff already said they wouldn’t enforce these laws. Looks like ATF is going to have a lot of overtime!

>> No.50655807


>> No.50655831

Also the reason I said that is because you specifically said "with no increase in pay or benefits"

>> No.50655845

cute distraction.
It will never go into effect. Supreme Court will throw it out, just like when they tired the vax mandate bullshit.

>> No.50655876

kek. the (((supreme))) court serves capital. the roe v wade leak and subsequent ruling weren't a heckin based and redpilled coincidence after decades of inaction, it was a psyop to distract nigger cattle from inflation and worsening economic conditions.

>> No.50655984

I think this too. It was sus that under a dem president after 40 years RvW was tossed out. They're distracting niggercattle from something, it's either the bullshit war in ukraine, the deathjab toll coming due, or the economic ponzi scheme collapsing, or all of the above. what a shitty time to be alive.

>> No.50656626

You must be an absolute moron to believe it’s going the way of communism my friend.
>you will eat the bugs
>You will live in the pod
>sponsored by blackrock

>> No.50656968

i was thinking this too. after decades of normalizing abortion among american roasties all this means is roasties are gonna fly to nyc or vermont to get their fetuses killed.

>> No.50656975

"Eventually" is a big word, and sure, maybe. We are in an empire in decline. But I'm not really worried. Not every workplace is in an industry that's prone to that kind of competition (property management was what I had in mind while typing that post) but even in industries that do... It's not like any of our competitors aren't known for endemic corruption on an as-bad-or-significantly-worse scale.

>> No.50657022

The owner of the company I've been working for for a decade is a frugal jewish man. He won't give me a raise, so instead I started taking fridays off (WFH) and coming in / leaving early. If he wants to fire me he can.

>> No.50657051

Fucking amen.

>> No.50657057
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After I'm done studying and get a tech job I'll have a separate work phone that I turn off after leaving work. No I don't want to work during my free time fuck off

>> No.50657108

>Nah I was a tradie for years and I quit because they thought they could just keep cramming work into our packed schedule
This, it's absurd how much engineering businesses bend over backwards for the fuck up's of the salesmen and give zero gratuity for the shmuck who has to deliver the product.

>> No.50657756
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Earning 80k
23.15% goes to taxes
Live in the alps so comfy and sand niggers and niggers have an innate fear of forests and mountains so I never see things

And again, having a bigger pool of women with are not grotesque hambeast is worth it

>> No.50657787
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If the americanos luces negras wagies perform well, they'll get pizza as severance kek. Funny, they have the means in a pivotal time before democrats ban guns 4ever and they go full globohomo bananrepublic, and they don't use them

>> No.50657810

In the past people were much more lazy at work than they are now. One of the initial struggles during industrialization was to get workers to turn up on time and to turn up sober. Hell, even in the 1950s it was common for workers to turn up plastered and to get drunk at lunch time. On construction sites little used to get done because the workers would disappear into the smoko shed at the slightest sight of rain and play cards all day. That's completely unheard of now.

Hustle culture like that is cuckoldry and has only existed for a short amount of time.

>> No.50657890

>t. we wuz kangz and built this country and shieet

>> No.50657927

Still part of the USA. Not sure what the argument is here?

>> No.50658001

take your meds

>> No.50658069

get a real job jamal

>> No.50658112

Perk of blue collar work - none of my coworkers or bosses even know what "slack" is and there's no such thing as work outside of my job description because that's against union rules and a safety hazard and even inherently unlikely due to the physical, real nature of my medium and job.

>> No.50658146
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You vill answer ze Slack message at 4 AM

>> No.50658667

These smelly hook nosed kikes are obsessed with reverting us back to feudalism, aren't they? It's an interesting obsession they have.

>> No.50659343

Dude I love working 12s. I live 5 minutes away from my shop. It's basically a paid commute because I show up late and leave a few minutes early. No one cares if your a little late by 5 minutes and leave 5 minutes early when you work a 12 hour day. I literally love working. I find working peaceful. My mind stops worrying and I can just focus. Work is a zen state for me.

Not my problem if you're a little bitch who doesn't like actually moving and getting shit done.

>> No.50659366

The state government can over rule all federal laws other than the constitutional ones. That is the argument.

>> No.50659372
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Unplug from the Matrix and unplug some kike heads from their bodies

>> No.50659425
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Come on bitch

>> No.50659454
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Working exponentially harder for a wage that is constantly losing value is the true path to serfdom amd slavery

Now get back in the oven kike

>> No.50659470

Even some of the lowliest entry-level jobs pay 20 an hour now. If you can't do better than that, you should damn sure be saving every bit of money you can, and be grateful you have overtime at all.

>> No.50659488

you are effectively my slave
I work 10-15 hours a week for 120k, then I throw you a pittance to fix my toilet and mow my lawn, and you're telling me you LIKE IT?
god bless

>> No.50659538

Boomers didn't work more than 40 hours a week or have their jobs outsourced to the third world retard

>> No.50660287

Embarrassing projection not even worth a (you).

>> No.50661557

>ignoring employer costs
You employer budgets 160k for you, 50% is taken by the state, then the remaining 80k is also taxed 23.15%

>> No.50661636

I usually hate boomers, but that's based as FUCK

>> No.50663473

Prostecucks are mentally ill, feels good to live in a catholic country

>> No.50663557

That's the one thing I regret about walking away from my local govt job in Bongland. 30 days annual leave +11 national holiday days. Plus flextime around a 10-4 core workday. Plus 50% final salary pension if you hung in there.

>> No.50663628

fuck you pay me, dont like it, fire me.

>> No.50663649

I work for the government going above and beyond is working a full day.

>> No.50663674

>no you're not supposed to only do what we initially asked you to
>no you're not supposed to work the amount of time you signed for
>we need slaves, couldn't you tell when you came here?

>> No.50663727

I used to work for the government but I had to leave because the culture was moronic. There were no profits to be made and there was no way to get fired for performance yet they still wanted people to do all these extra hours for no reason other than pride.

>> No.50663760

don't forget
>unionize to protect your job from your own teenage kid by pricing them out of a future
>some brown immigrant can have it instead
>complain about it like someone else did this to you

>> No.50663772
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>> No.50663775

this guy sounds like an armorer or a machinist.

>> No.50664142

Imagine thinking boomers worked less than 40hrs lmfao you retard. Boomers suck but they didnt have it as easy as you zoomers make it out.

>> No.50664166

I refused taking over a troubled project that would get me huge kudos because I know any bonus won't change my life as it will be taxed to fuck.

>> No.50664315

Things are still splitting to the point where Missouri cops won't enforce any ATF demands and California is a sanctuary state etc. Red states can extend that to firearms.

>> No.50664343

And they should, any limitations on the ownership of firearms and munitions is unconstitutional.

>> No.50664372

Europeans be like gonna take a 2 month summer vacation in my house with 0 air conditioning and also they shut the power off

>> No.50664397


>> No.50664472

when did leftypol infest another board ?
or are wagies so cucked they are too afraid to say no ?