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File: 177 KB, 864x644, china1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50649660 No.50649660 [Reply] [Original]

mumus are euphoric

>> No.50649672

Bearish for the Dollars!

>> No.50649677

China could easily best America.
You pussies won't use them and democrats are cowardly faggots.
Russia and China is gonna cut your cocks off, democrats and Republicans alike and I cannot wait.

>> No.50649685

Taiwan is more useful to the CCP as a constantly-hanging Sword of Damocles than it is as a territory. It's something around which they can constantly galvanize the population and stoke nationalism. Why would they ever be so dumb as to mess it up?

>> No.50649720

Taiwan makes all the semiconductors

>> No.50649730

Because shit in china keep getting worse

>> No.50649737

>this shit again
Jesus you niggers are desperate

>> No.50649747 [DELETED] 

Bros, throw away ur ideas. They're shit. join Yopi Network.

> There r many tools to earn money within the Network
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>> No.50649760 [DELETED] 

LOL. I can't believe the TOP product in this WORLD! So-called Yopi Network.

>Play AND Earn RPG Games
>High staking income, up to 66%
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>The takeover of yopi.network is eminent in the new age technology

>> No.50649784

why do they do this?
who gives a fuck who owns taiwan just let us all enjoy prosperity you stupid fucks
it isn't worth a bear market over this crap and it certainly isn't worth dying for
i fucking hate niggerbrained monkey cunts

>> No.50649789

And China has all the rare earths.

>> No.50649791

No it’s not. The China bad shit is just to blind the Americans of their own problems. As long as your average yank thinks China is worse, they’ll be complacent and acquiesce to anything.

>> No.50649801

Chinese military lost to poojeets in a border skirmish, the assumption china can stop us is if we invade them when we can just destroy their navy and air force and contain them to a seething chink zone

>> No.50649813

A llot of those Taiwanese engineers are working for SMIC as well. How do you think China was able to make 7nm in just a few years? TSMC is in bed with the mainland

>> No.50649858

the russians can't even beat the ukrainians. how the fuck would the beat the u.s?

>> No.50649883

It took US 20 years to lose a war against rocks, dust and a bunch of goatfuckers

>> No.50650003

Ching chong chang faggot. China is done for.

>> No.50650017


>> No.50650045

china numbuh 1, ama right?

>> No.50650064

Ching chong take

>> No.50650092

>Fighting a war across the entire fucking planet is the same as fighting a war against a country that is literally neighboring you

>> No.50650103

The US have massive military superiority, but they are a paper tiger. They cannot afford a war with china economically and they could not finance a war with china--- after all, who would buy the tens (maybe hundreds) of billions of dollars of bonds they would have to issue to pay for the war itself? The US functions on deficit spending and guess who finances that deficit by buying up the debt the US issues? This entire taiwan standoff is a fucking stupid move for the US

>> No.50650105

Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong and Macau agree with you wholeheartedly

>> No.50650109

Ching Chang Chong's president had buttsex with Putin and Putin probably planted the seed in his head to treat Taiwan the way Russia is treating Ukraine. This is literally a mirror of the Russia to Ukraine situation.

>> No.50650124

We got a geopolitical expert military strategist over here

>> No.50650140

BASED, let's get China to do a Ukraine and finally collapse.

>> No.50650157

What's the difference between all those territories and Taiwan? China already has them.
The additional costs of war with China wouldn't be that significant compared to prior major wars. We've learned our lesson, and while we would need to increase personnel, the significant materiel already exists. Our navy and air force are already at sufficient strength to project force anywhere on the planet.

>> No.50650158

These guys get it. in the age of neoliberalism, there is no point or need to provoke international conflict by seeking to "own" a disputed territory, they can literally just buy up its industry secrets, resources, and talent

>> No.50650191

>China could easily best America.
any company with any revenue of any kinds bows down the CCIP, they have a dirty finger in everything and are a souless, visionless conglomerate that loves power and control with zero ability to turn that into quality goods and services. Remember, China is always one collapsed food supply chain from everyone fucking starving.

>> No.50650194
File: 139 KB, 1400x787, the negotiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did burgers go from this to starting 2 wars in one year?


>> No.50650209

Ask trump

>> No.50650238

it's not that complicated to simply point out who actually finances US spending
long term cost of war in iraq--- 1.9 trillion USD. Think of how much it will cost for the US to expedite war-readiness of the F35 fleet which is a long-term giant money sinkhole disaster, then how much it will cost for a huge number more of them to be churned out, then raising an actual army and paying them, and then dumping countless billions into the open hands of military contractors to make sure we remain on the bleeding edge of military technological progress ahead of china. Also remember that we haven't fought a war with a comparable power probably since WWII so it's not productive to compare this potential war to iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, etc... we will be using every asset available to us and spending every penny to churn out new tech and weapons

>> No.50650259

>war > fed

During war the fed will be forced to go easy on rates to keep the economy up. No country survives tight economy and population attrition . Also libturds are suicidal:

>war against Russia
>war against Americans
>war against ccp


>> No.50650271

Kek you have no idea what you’re talking about you zoomer retard.

>> No.50650272
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>> No.50650294

The solution is simple. Just nuke all the authoritarian countries to the ground.

>> No.50650307

The US would wipe the fucking floor with China lol. You're seriously telling me a gutter oil nation can best the trillions we've spent on defense? They can't even make skyscrapers without a few crumbling over.

>> No.50650334

nice thorough response we got here, good argument. How am I wrong

>> No.50650348

China has autistic retard strength though

>> No.50650444

This. We need a real crash in order to really make it. Anyone who disagree is either already worth 6-7 figures or happy with waging

>> No.50650446
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trips don't lie

>> No.50650451


>> No.50650458

what do you think they even talked about

>> No.50650463
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>> No.50650465

Because why would i give a fuck about money when I can just shoot you in the face and get away with it? Didn’t stop Hitler from invading neighboring countries.

>> No.50650510

Self nuke?

>> No.50650526

Ok Chang

>> No.50650566
File: 81 KB, 606x910, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a white european and i cheer for the death of every fat mutt jew golem

>> No.50650602

Yes Chang.

>> No.50650612

Lost? You know nothing my sweet child.

>> No.50650666

Holy shit, you're so smart and sarcastic.

>> No.50650670

If the US decides to stand beside Taiwan China cannot take the island. Thats a simple fact and I'm not even a burger

>> No.50650685

Serbians aren't even human let alone "white". lmao

>> No.50650740

But dude
2 billion people 2000 year history belt and road initiatives and China number 1!

>> No.50650766
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>> No.50650780

You know US bonds are being bought out from xyz corps all around the world because the US Dollar (DXY) is going sky high compared to their retarded currency. Its actually a really good investment for corporations outside the US and no the majority of them are not from China or Russia that your point is invalid

>> No.50650835

lol no, was a mission to protect the interests of israel and the mission was accomplished

>> No.50650850

The US has lost wars before. Still, I agree.

>> No.50650864


>> No.50650880
File: 12 KB, 340x340, 1657868627589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pelosi is part of the tribe
NATO would crush them in under 2 minutes
China won't do jackshit faggots

>> No.50650881

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.50650941


>> No.50650994

China will be the strongest country in 10 years, and nothing you westerners do will change that. US and Europe are dying out as we speak

>> No.50651031

Because Biden is alpha chad who btfo his enemies while Trump is a cuck who bends over backwards for them

>> No.50651066

>be china
>try to invade Taiwan
>takes months to get an invasion force ready
>by the time you're ready Taiwan has fortified the fuck out of their mountain more than they already have
>America is hiding on the other side launching aircrafts
>you can't get air superiority
>any attempt at establishing a beachhead gets your ass blown to bits
>can't take the island
Mother fucker they lose even if its Taiwan and America let alone if Japan joins in

>> No.50651100
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US is fine. China has 70% of their rivers polluted. Feeding their population plastic food, cardboard dumplings and ice cream that burns under a lighters. Systemic mortgage strike and collapse of real estate. Declining birth rate. Bank run. Revolution on the horizon. Literal Soviet Union 2.0 they don’t have the Jewish propaganda machine to suppress it either, their chink totalitarian version is cracking at the seams and exposing the blatant hypocrisy.

>> No.50651129

Yeah but things are about to go very fucking tits up in China if they keep locking down like they are, foreign capital is fleeing rapidly and domestic consumption is not rising fast enough. Similar to Argentina in the Falklands war, foreign adventures get more likely when ruling parties need a distraction.

>> No.50651139

divide & conquer, profit, "progress", transhumanism agenda, 4th industrial revolution, ID2020 ... yu vill eat ze bugs, liv in die pod, own noting und be hapi.

>> No.50651165

>guess who finances that deficit by buying up the debt the US issues
You don't think maybe there's more to this than your 'so if they stop buying America's broke' monkey take?

>> No.50651189

If you want a serious answer, try looking at the size of America's debt and consider where over 90% of it went, pretty much in one payment.

>> No.50651205

probably about trying to find a way to escape the big red brother who steps on the small one, probably unifying north and south to push back big red brother and establish own big red.

>> No.50651290
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if china invades taiwan, america isn't going to do shit, simply because we can't function without chinese trade. it literally doesn't matter who has the bigger and better military if our entire system can come to a grinding halt if china decides to close their ports to us. we're also not going to just start building more factories stateside because of gay environmental bullshit and none of these kiked companies wanting to shrink their profit margins by paying burgers to make their products. taiwan's as good as china's if this is an actual threat instead of just political peacocking

>> No.50651313
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>> No.50651378

China doesn’t have the capability to take Taiwan without losing millions and killing millions. It will be a quagmire that ruins Taiwan economically for decades.

Anyone with a divergent opinion doesn’t know shit about Taiwan.

>> No.50651435

you mean the same war russia lost a few years ealier?

>> No.50651469

my first thought was that the chicks would do pretty well with a naval blockade, but i don't know shit about taiwan and would like if you explained why it would be a shitshow

>> No.50651479

The us is the only country in the world that could function without trade.

>> No.50651504

>if china invades taiwan, america isn't going to do shit, simply because we can't function without chinese trade.
Oh no! Your plastic mega dragon dildo won’t be delivered anymore. It’s over!
>It literally doesn't matter who has the bigger and better military if our entire system can come to a grinding halt if china decides to close their ports to us.
Military is literally the only thing that matters. Anyone that says otherwise is coping
>we're also not going to just start building more factories stateside because of gay environmental bullshit and none of these kiked companies wanting to shrink their profit margins by paying burgers to make their products.
Factories are moving back to US literally right this second. Do you not even watch the news?

>> No.50651529

do you stupid niggers really think that the only things that come from china are can openers and cheap plastic bullshit?

>> No.50651583


If china shoots down Nancy Pelosi plane the americans should give them a thank you note. Please add Biden and his vice president on that plane.

>> No.50651584

>massive onshoring
>reuniting an increasingly divided population and political class
>pants on heads retarded stockpile of weapons and military tech that would shit on China
The US have EVERYTHING to win from a war with china provided it doesn't result in a nuclear exchange

>> No.50651586

Shit, you're right.
>tofu buildings
>fake food
>credit score
and a lot more

>> No.50651625


The US went in to kill Osama, defeated the afghan government in a week and than got stuck looking for Osama that ran away to Pakistan for 10 years and than got stuck again 10 years trying to find a way to leave without letting everything go to shit and Biden completely fucked it up.

>> No.50651634

Taiwan produces things like food domestically, so they would basically just have to do without imported luxuries.

>> No.50651646


Didn't they only shoot down 1 over hundreds of sorties?

>> No.50651652

Bobos are euphoric about mumus being euphoric

>> No.50651669

The US is self sufficient in food and energy, these are the only thing that matter in time of war.
People can do for a few years without a new phone and toaster.
You would see countries jumping in to fill the gap of cheap crap in no times btw.

>> No.50651692

China is closing entire cities because 5 meme flu cases. Literally 5 mild fevers closed Shanghai for 3 months.
You don't start a war if you are scared of a meme flu lol

>> No.50651699

And just like with North Korea, two more weeks

>> No.50651703

lol that's just a covert way of supporting Russia in its fight with the west. The Chinese economy can easily take it, Europe and US can't.

>> No.50651730

>imply because we can't function without chinese trade

Watch this video
Without imports from the sea China also can't function. I also don't believe that a war between two countries with nukes will ever happen.

>> No.50651751

Honestly, no.
corona bullshit and Chinese massive lockdowns are just part of the full citizen control agenda the CCP is trying. Nothing to do with supporting Russia lol.

>> No.50651790

America is just going to watch as china takes over Taiwan

>> No.50651830

If nukes somehow weren't in play then America would easily contain China in a traditional conflict, the chinese navy and air force isn't up to their standards.

>> No.50651902

>do you have a dog?
>yes i hada one fo lunch vely dericious

>> No.50651906

Assumptions like this is how Argentina got its shit kicked in in 1982

>> No.50651940

I can’t believe you retards fall for the geopolitical psyops every single fucking time. The only war is the war against the people. Globohomo’s from all nationals get along great

>> No.50651992

>who would buy the tens (maybe hundreds) of billions of dollars of bonds they would have to issue to pay for the war itself?
are you fucking kidding me? the Fed you drooling retard. get off my board

>> No.50651991

Yes, that’s their thing. How is this even a question?
>The Chinese economy can easily take it, Europe and US can't.
They’re literally starving bro

>> No.50651998

Border skirmish with poojeets was fought with literal sticks. Cope some more mutt.

>> No.50652023

this is your brain on pol

>> No.50652024

ww3 is globohomo vs the middleclass/poor

>> No.50652052

No. This is your brain on MSM. Read a fucking book once in a while. It’s useful

>> No.50652114

>lost border skirmish to pajeets
>w-we won but gladly give jeets our territories
pick one

>> No.50652123

Three were downed, and one was heavily damaged. But only one fell on our teritory so only one was admitted to be destroyed to avoid further humiliation and economic damage. And this was done by a shit anti air system from the 1960s.
Example of a billions dollar project exposed to be a total failiure. So yeah, muh defense budget is a certified mutt cope.

>> No.50652140
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>Serbians aren't even human let alone "white". lmao

>> No.50652191

My point is that skirmish was irrelevant because it was fought with stone age technology. With fucking sticks and stones. When China goes for US it's going to be a very diffrent game, but you can keep coping.

>> No.50652221

Take that lil two islands next to you first, then talk big after that.

>> No.50652252

they're financially desperate and think they might lose one of the biggest assets on their balance sheet

>> No.50652256

Not a chink. Once they take them time for talking will be long over.

>> No.50652266


>> No.50652391


>> No.50652471
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>muh china
They won't do shit.

>> No.50652489

famous last words

>> No.50652830
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these two enter the chat

>> No.50652903

I wish /biz/ had flags. I bet you all of the wumao shills in this thread would have Canadian or Aussie flags.

>> No.50652955
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we are barely 24 hours in the green and not even out of fear yet and you're already calling euphoria.
Put on your big boy pants bobo. You vill get margin calleded and you vill be hapee.

>> No.50652997

They don't need to invade per se. Taiwan is an island with 23M people all China has to do is blockade their ports and that's it it's literally over for them they don't have enough food and their army is built for defense. The US of A isn't going to risk one of their aircraft carriers being sunk over some island.

>> No.50653006

Don't forget the war they lost against the rice farmers too. Sure USA spends the most money on military, but that all goes to nothing by greedy pigs.

>> No.50653044

Stop huffing uncle sam's farts. China can sink the entire pacific fleet with hypersonic anti-ship missiles and look at what happened with the Ukrainian war, the world is in a recession.. if the US goes to war with China, even if there are no nukes in play the Chinese will just use their partnership with Iran and blow up the entire Saudi oil production the petrodollar would be kill and the economic consequences would make 1929 feel like a fart in the wind.

>> No.50653052
File: 498 KB, 680x687, behold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when an enemy becomes a friend, is the enemy not destroyed?

>> No.50653062

Why haven’t they done it yet? Because they all masturbate to white and black men fucking their women. When a chinkbug sees me on the battlefield, through all his training he won’t be able to ignore the primal urge to suck my cock. And I will blow his brains out of his skull close range with a 5.56 round.

>> No.50653094
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Chinks is the thread get out

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.50653105

>wumao 5 cent army mentioning vietnam
You slant-eyed dog eaters couldn't even beat Vietnam in a conventional war, much less successfully occupy the country lmao. Chinks took nearly the same amount of casualties that the Americans did in a 20-year war in 3.5 weeks.

>> No.50653121

When aren't mumus euphoric. Its part of being a bull.

>> No.50653125

It proved your soldiers are lacking in strength, training, discipline and courage. All those years of martial arts movies have convinced the chinks they can fight.

>> No.50653148

China always had a mercantile ethos. Think for a second, the biggest military project in Chinese history is a wall, a defensive structure, the warriors of the eastern block have always been the Russians. Nonetheless, the US would lose this war it's just too close to China and nobody can beat a modern army in their turf.

>> No.50653199

>he doesn't know

>> No.50653236

Lol, I hope you’re serious because, if so, it’s really funny how short your memory is, or at least how much the propaganda has warped your perception.

>> No.50653274

Is this really a flex when the Serbs completely lost the war? They didn’t kill a single American either. Good job using Soviet tech to give the American weapons manufacturers a chance to sell more equipment.

>> No.50654072

Are you high? The US and China pretty much are the world economy. You either back one, the other, or play both sides. Who will back China, with an army fit for zerg rushes and that's it, in an ocean war, against the country with the largest by an order of magnitude navy in the world and the two largest air forces in the world?

I would not bet on a war with China on their land. However, their force projection is absolutely nothing. The US will sanctions them and the rest of the west will follow, because stability is everything and just taking a country because you think it's yours is unbecoming behavior. They'll never substantially break through the US defenses around Taiwan. It won't even cost that much to do all this. A war with China won't be a fight to the death. It'll be an arm wrestle over chips. Neither side wants the other to be annihilated.

>> No.50654215

Taiwan is more or less self sufficient with food and China would not take a port to begin with. Taiwan's defenses aren't nothing.
The US and Japan would both sprint to defend them too. Taiwan is a far more critical asset than China in the end, believe it or not. Semiconductors alone are worth planting a fleet along their shipping channels.

>> No.50654291

>Winnie the Pooh
This always get me

>> No.50654992
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>Ask trump

>> No.50655052

This. Plus people like me would turn against anyone who tries to fight against another country. They know nobody wants to serve anymore so they should understand they would be inciting a civil war if they tried to get us in a WW3 sort of situation, hopefully they're smart enough to avoid that.

>> No.50655092

>the US Dollar (DXY) is going sky high compared to their retarded currency
What country had +5% GDP growth in three months in the middle of a pandemic while the one that just stepped out of a pandemic and has millions more workers from immigration is down 0.9% for an entire year again? What country has almost 20% inflation in just two years because of some senile pedophile in the White House?

>> No.50655109
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>>the US Dollar (DXY) is going sky high compared to their retarded currency
>What country had +5% GDP growth in three months in the middle of a pandemic while the one that just stepped out of a pandemic and has millions more workers from immigration is down 0.9% for an entire year again? What country has almost 20% inflation in just two years because of some senile pedophile in the White House?

>> No.50655154
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muh silicon shield

>> No.50655160

America has beaten down its nationalists so much that it wouldnt last in a true war.

White guys feel betrayed by the nigger worshipping government. Nobody is showing up. Not my government and the browns/asians/pajeets/blacks certainly are not showing up. Theyre just here to mooch off the benefits of white people.

So any prolonged war and America loses. They have no invasion force capable of pushing with any sort of losses, its a commercial military.

>> No.50655167

the us navys army has better air force than china

>> No.50655371

>lacking strength blah blah blah
They're still capable of fighting unlike Weimerica's Tranny Army

>> No.50655417

Pretty sure 21st century warfare can be waged by tranny drone operators.

>> No.50655437

I think you severely underestimate
>the power of media, "he is the bad evil guy we are the good guy" - look at how many retards suddenly love ukraine despite not being able to spot it on a map
>the power of money - america can afford to pay out the most

>> No.50655461

1 white man can take on 100,000 of these creatures prove me wrong

>> No.50655664

every thing i’ve had with “made in china” sticker on it has been the lowest quality garbage that breaks in two minutes. their country is unironically synonymous with shitty cheap plastic garbage.

>> No.50657357

Sorry you got raped by Sanj and the boys, maybe if you watch enough Bruce Lee movies you'll be a real Wolf Warrior one day lol

>> No.50657441

To add to that, the US army has roughly double the aircraft of the navy. The Airforce has about 20% more than the Army. Yes the army is mainly for logistics, but that should tell you how fast they can mobilize.

>> No.50657572

Lmao all these third worlders replying to this. Mutts are such sad subhumans. Almost as bad as Indians.

>> No.50657613

The PRC just needs a navy capable of blockading the ROC for a good three months and then Taiwan is theirs. There's no way that the ROC could hold out longer than that.

And I don't think the PRC is that far off having that either. It just needs the ability to sink American aircraft carriers in the vicinity and a submarine fleet capable of sinking all shipping coming to and from the island. Both are probably achievable within the next five years.

I don't know why anyone thinks the mainland would even attempt an amphibious landing when they could just easily starve the Taiwanese out.

>> No.50657625

you watch just how fast diversity and inclusion will stop mattering when china touches american soil
all the pussies (literal people capable of pregnancy) and the faggots will happily step aside to let the propper men fight

>> No.50657630

>every thing i’ve had with “made in Japan” sticker on it has been the lowest quality garbage that breaks in two minutes

t. 1970s American consumer

China doesn't even make much plastic garbage products anymore, that shit's all been offloaded to Bangladesh and Thailand. They've moved up the value added chain considerably.

>> No.50657647

>zerohedge will be right this time

>> No.50657657
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>the russians can't even beat the ukrainians

>> No.50657665

Meat grinder to dispose of extra males while torpedoing the world economy and ending US hegemony. Don't think they'll actually go through with it, but there are logical reasons to do it

>> No.50657667

i have one for canada as well

Ghetto; 贫民窟; sell someone down the river; 把人卖到河边; blackmail; 勒索; brainstorm; 头脑风暴; savage; 野蛮的; gypped; 吉普德; pow wow; 哇哦; tribe; 部落; spooky; 幽灵般的; black sheep; 害群之马; blind spot; 盲点; blindsided; 眼花缭乱; first world problem; 第一世界问题; spirit animal; 灵兽; tone deaf; 聋哑; lame; 瘸; grandfathered in; 祖父在; crippled; 残废的

>> No.50657725

Taiwan #1. China #4

>> No.50657763

They could zergrush the island, they'd kill millions of their own, yes, but they could minimize damage to the infrastructure

>> No.50657765
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You mean theres a chance millions of slants will fucking die soon? And theres a very real chance China will fail its "special military operation" becoming the laughing stock of the world as its men and tech fail miserably all being made in China. Jesus fuck yes.

>> No.50657776
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>> No.50657783

>thinks war is bearish

Anon, I….

>> No.50658137

Seriously though, how did markets not at least price in the possibility of short term economic pain stemming from this? Even though the plane most likely won't get shot down there's a lot of other stuff that could happen.

>> No.50658150

>zergrush the island, they'd kill millions of their own
Specifically drowning in the ocean.

>> No.50658154

Yeah I'm not fighting for this country, be my guest to die for people that hate you

>> No.50658438
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Yes and I am ready and willing to accept the Taiwanese refugee pussy.