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File: 607 KB, 1290x854, Screenshot 2022-07-30 at 11-39-30 Baby boomers facing spike in homelessness As much as we try we might be stuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50651221 No.50651221 [Reply] [Original]

These people had multiple stock market bull runs, a bond bull market from '81 till the present, and a crazy, continuous run in real estate prices that virtually never let up that allowed them buy shacks in up and coming locale like Silicon Valley for $20k at 10% down, and have them now be worth millions of $$$.
How does anyone financially fuck up this badly, to have so many opportunities and end up homeless?

>> No.50651271
File: 76 KB, 859x579, usa, usa, usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sell their home / lose their money to the healthcare system

>> No.50651310

Jewed out from their equity with HELOCs, second mortgages, and ((Oxycontin)))

>> No.50651317

you just know that indian slurps on that circumsised penis

>> No.50651355

> they sell their home / lose their money to the healthcare system
Sorry, not an excuse, especially not from these "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" types.
They've had enough opportunities that they should all be worth at least $10m.

>> No.50651369


Be in High school one year late.
Get drafted to Vietnam with a stupid MOS.
Get injured.
Get addicted to morphine.
Fuck up badly because you are addicted to morphine.
"Dishonorable" discharge = you are like a former felon and no benefits.
Can not get almost any job besides the most shitty ones and you are unskilled.
You are still addicted to morphine and you have PTSD.
End up homeless and violent doing anything for a few dollars for another high.

>> No.50651460

This probably happened to less than 10k people.

>> No.50651467

they sink their entire retirement savings and mortgage their homes to start restaurants that fail.
many such cases.

>> No.50651589

it's pretty easy. just get sick. healthcare is absurdly expensive even if you have medicare.

>> No.50651629

This is very detailed, informative and impressive, rooting forward to this project!!!

>> No.50651750

It's easy, you just donate 90% to starving people in Israel, then you lose the remaining 10% in goycare costs, and boom, you're homeless.

>> No.50651985

You lose your job due to covid. You use your retirement funds of 2million to cover your medical treatment. Then you have to sell your house. And you can’t get hired anymore cus you’re old af

>> No.50652556

illness & injury will fuck your shit up and leave you in debt

>> No.50652579

for most people the only investment they'll ever have is their own house.
Not everyone buys a house. Most boomers did and became rich for it. Those who didn't never saved a dime in any other investment vehicle (like most people).
Don't be so surprised anon.

>> No.50652628

But Magnum PI told me the reverse mortgage was not "some plot by the bank to take my home".

>> No.50652637

More debt and spending, maybe he should put that avacado toast down.

>> No.50652645

Don't blame jews because you're a junkie.

>> No.50652653

>Fuck up badly because you are addicted to morphine.
As someone who used to smoke opium, how do you get addicted to it?

>> No.50652655

what's going to be YOUR excuse when you are their age anon?

>> No.50652673

>even if you have the shittiest fucking healthcare scam which puts the rest of the entire scam to shame hand over fist
you don't say

>> No.50652676

Aren't actual baby boomers like 70 years old??

>> No.50652796
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>> No.50652828

Hating your own kind just like a good little goyim, I bet you worship niggers as well

>> No.50652839

They did dumb shit like fall for trailer park scams and buying a midlife crisis sports car.