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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50650788 No.50650788 [Reply] [Original]

Age 23, Aerospace engineer, 0 years of experience, starting salary $90,000 + benefits

>> No.50650796

well done, anon

>> No.50650798

congrats wagie have fun at work

>> No.50650840

no aerospace engineer get hired under 27 and not for a cent below 200g
be honest now, what do you actually do at the job?

>> No.50650861

his job is posting demoralization threads on 4chan
>1 post by this ID

>> No.50650874
File: 14 KB, 400x260, BA827CDF-4644-4F84-A9C2-927159FF87DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 digit gross salary

>> No.50650878

The fact you don't believe me says you are envious. I'm glad to know I'm doing better than you, seethe more

>> No.50650885
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>> No.50650891

lay offs start after the midterms

>> No.50650894

oh nevermind he's back

>> No.50650898

>he works for his money

>> No.50650934
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you should've just flown them faggot, or do you not have the persistence to meet 121 mins..

>> No.50650967

im the one in charge of hiring aerospace engineers bozo. you need at least a Master degree and 5 years of internship for me to look at the 2nd page of your cv

>> No.50650983

I knew I should have done aerospace but I fell for the jack of all trades meme
T. Mechanical engineer at 74k after three years

>> No.50650991

Nice work anon, congrats. Don't forget that this is just the beginning of your journey, so keep up the hard work and always strive for the next step, whatever that may be.

>> No.50651000

>Im the ONE in charge of hiring aerospace engineers
hahah nice larp. im a droupout but all my friends in aerospace had no problem getting a job out if college with 4 semesters of internship

>> No.50651020
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I do have a masters degree, and I have research experience. Did the 4+1 to get both my undergrad and Masters. Cope harder. I bet you are literally shaking in anger now

>> No.50651050

This. I predict we'll see 50%+ unemployment.

>> No.50651055

I make $170k in North Carolina and it doesn’t feel like enough. I have a wife, a kid, and another on the way

>> No.50651074

the green new deal bullshit they passed this week is going to drive inflation nuts, the fed is going to be powerless, and while wagies suffer, assets are going to the moon and beyond

>> No.50651093

That's awesome man, ride this for all it's worth. Godspeed.

>> No.50651105

nice LARP, retard. i'm a self taught aerospace engineer.

>> No.50651178

Nice. Make sure you contribute to your 401k up to at least the max the company matches. Don't turn away free money.

>> No.50651195

People who are bad with money never have enough no matter how much they make

>> No.50651251

Any advice for another 23 year old about to start an engineering degree?

>> No.50651259

He’s probably in SoCal where all the AE jobs are located, so this 90k salary is actually 35k in the median COL city

>> No.50651266


>> No.50651301

Seethe more, I am in Florida bitch boy

>> No.50651327

If I'm making $300k/y I don't think I can possibly waste all of that money. Idk how feasible it is for me to make $300k any time soon. Only been working 4 years. Cybersecurity

>> No.50651424

>helping jews wreak havoc from the air
good goy job indeed

>> No.50651430

He’s not gonna ever see that money retard

>> No.50651442

Don’t work for the jew or fuck off faggot

>> No.50651449

Nice, do you have student loans though? Big student loans = financial brad status

>> No.50651463

>if you don’t believe me you are envious
When 70 IQ midwits can be engineers you know things are about to collapse

>> No.50651486

It’s like watching a monkey behind a wheel

>> No.50651487
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Yeah, do CS

>> No.50651492
File: 355 KB, 1391x1405, 1656709522062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need you to seethe more

>> No.50651520

Student loan amounts?

>> No.50651540

I’m a clinically narcissistic npc, when people point out I’m a stupid individual thats because they all secretly envy me in anger
Take your meds and fuck off to r*ddit subhuman

>> No.50651538

I'm the guy who hires the guy who's in charge of hiring aerospace engineers. You don't know anything at all. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.50651561

Student loans? None. Full ride from bright futures and scholarships.

>> No.50651577
File: 13 KB, 239x377, Ideal18_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I recommend you join a sailing club (don't necessarily buy your own boat)

>> No.50651713

How big is your trust fund?

>> No.50651774
File: 764 KB, 1451x1214, thisisliterallyme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First generation university student. The son of poor immigrants (they came here on a work visa, legally). Damn, you guys cope really hard to not accept that there are people out there that work hard to achieve good things in life. Pathetic. My family is poor, now, I am the one destined to change that.

>> No.50651828
File: 92 KB, 864x471, EhSJ9nFXkAEIE38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversity hire, nothing wrong with taking the job though.

>> No.50651838

I identify as white, and I was born in the USA, the greatest country in the world.