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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50649291 No.50649291 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50649296

There is no turning back anymore


>> No.50649372

the system is working exactly as intended.

>> No.50649408
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>look mommy, I'm doomposting
>please mommy look, I'm doomposting again mommy please look

>> No.50649545

Did you watch it the end?

Do you understand they're not doomers, they're saying "everyone gets their lot in life, try and enjoy it"

Fucking doomers are all 75IQ

>> No.50649644

banger tune

>> No.50649696

it's an anti boomer song. your parents fucked EVERYTHING up

>> No.50649703

bread and circuses

>> No.50649719

Well? Are you going to put your best clothes on and go out tonight?

>> No.50649743
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>enjoy the ride
In my peaceful rest it's like a slice of death

>> No.50650278

song goes hard

love from kazakhstan

>> No.50650281

nice song/vid anon

>> No.50650656

/biz/ sucks now. Just blue board version of /pol/+/r9k/. can mods just ban these niggers on sight as well as /gme/ and other reddit faggotry.

>> No.50650793
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first the /pol/ whiners come, then the hardcore moderation follows. You faggots are always harbingers of dead boards. Just look at /tv/, it's now nothing but mouthbreathers like you and bots shilling capeshit

>> No.50650813

uhhhh very cool thread, may i recommend going outside an enjoying some sun? also, call your mom

>> No.50650922

Eat shit faggot. I just want to discuss the next shitcoin to buy. It's (You) niggers that bring your twitter screencap ragebait threads here.

>> No.50650953

just hide (Shift+Click) the threads white irritate your neo-vagina, """"""""""madam""""""""""

>> No.50651873
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>> No.50651912

At what point are you losers ready to accept the kikery happening in real time, politics, economics, business, it's right in your stupid nigger Jew loving face and instead you want moderation because mean words make you feel weird. Hmmm wonder why all those boards are filled with so much anti semitism rabbi
>It's annuda shoah

>> No.50652153

what is there to discuss in crab market
i guess you should check mbx

>> No.50652167

go back to redd*t