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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50649507 No.50649507 [Reply] [Original]

What are the leading indicators that we're entering a recession?

>> No.50649516

you just know

>> No.50649529

None. If everyone is talking about ur or expecting it then we aren’t even close to a true recession.

>> No.50649580

know you're just(ed)

>> No.50649679

nobody on biz will be able to answer this question, since they don't have jobs or work in the real world and and not the scam vaporware "industry" of web3.

Businesses tend to
>reduce their demand for products as consumer demand decreases (interest rate hikes are designed to force people to save their money, rather than spend it)
>this of course continues all the way up the supply chain, so eventually suppliers and producers don't need to produce as much since there's lowered demand
>these figures are represented in GDP (gross domestic product, which is basically the value of all goods/services a country 'produces')
>a recession is technically a contraction in GDP for 2 consecutive quarters, although the white house have re-defined this, it's important to note in the US 2 consectuive Qs of negative growth WAS NOT the official definition anyway

leading indicators if you are in business :
>your customers begin to ask for longer payment terms i.e 90 days instead of 30
>your suppliers/producers ask for payment up front
>cashflow becomes a problem due to this + higher interest rates = less easy/cheap money
>the slowdown in demand permeates all points of the supply chain

on the consumer side leading indicators :
>certainly a 'feeling of dread' although this is perpetuated a lot by MSM
>lowered job security, as businesses slowdown there is less need to keep staff, also with cashflow problems they may look to cut their staff
>harder to find a job, combined with the above unemployment rises, we are starting to see slowdowns in hiring/layoffs barely starting now, those will come

combined with the fact that inflation is still rife "officially" >9% (probably closer to 8% for july CPI), we'll probably see the slowdown in demand be more pronounced as consumer goods are far more expensive relative to peoples' disposable income.

>> No.50649704



>> No.50649717

>nobody on biz will be able to answer this question
Stopped reading after that

>> No.50649741
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>cum is down
>farts are at ATH
>shidding can't break out of its descending wedge
If the market is farding but not shidding, it follows that it's constipated and on the verge of recession. Plus, there's no cum. Where's the cum?

>> No.50649757
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>desperate bobo fishes for the reason why he's being liquidated
not your personal financial advisor bobo

>> No.50649766
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>stopped reading after that

>> No.50649823

You just know

>> No.50650084

GDP decrease over two successive quarters

>> No.50650095


>> No.50650554

that's not a leading indicator retard

>> No.50650567

You just know what she does with the dog

>> No.50650575
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>> No.50650590

holy fucking based

larper utterly and completely btfo. even dubs can't recover from this

>> No.50650610

Peanut butter is not on sale.

>> No.50650688

this, thread closed