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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 1000x1483, The Big Short.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50640306 No.50640306 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't have to be necessarily accurate.

>> No.50640329
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>> No.50640360

>The story centers on Kaiji Itō, a consummate gambler and his misadventures around gambling.
is it only about pure gambling, or is there some thought process put into it to game the system too?

>> No.50640384
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The China Hustle (2018)

>> No.50640387

Watch the first ep, no spoilers from me

>> No.50640400

Boiler Room (2000)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Wall Street (1987)

>> No.50640431
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>It doesn't have to be necessarily accurate.

>> No.50640432
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>> No.50640450

Snooze fest

>> No.50640465

it is psychologic kino, watch it/read it

>> No.50640514
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>> No.50640544
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>> No.50640745

Fukomoto's work goes beyond gambling I cant find it but there's an infografic floating around. Kaiji is the most popular and for good fucking reason. Read/watch it asap. It's more essential than the big short
A favorite of mine is Gin to kin, which is only in manga sadly. That one is fucking good. Be prepared to see a lot of mahjong tho, like a lot of it
I approve this. Pretty good
checked based laconic anon. Approved choices
Full of fanservice compared to fukumoto's suspicious lack of females. It had some good games tho.
Honorable mentions
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Meikyuu Black Company - wagie makes it and becomes neet. Gets instantly isekai'd to a fantasy world where he ends up becoming an uber wagie in order to become neet again. Stupid but fun.

Both of these have lolis, just fyi

There will be blood
Margin call - is a snoozefest but it's pretty good for a /biz/ movie
Silicon valley series - not very /biz/ related but mike judge has made some good stuff over the years

>> No.50640781

Trump Unauthorized (2005)

>> No.50640793

>not very /biz/ related
As someone who's working in crypto, it's very /biz/ related sadly.

>> No.50640812


>> No.50640818
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Prob one of my favorite movies ever. Anyone who's ever been in corporate knows how scary those boardrooms are.


>> No.50640835


>> No.50640890

I suppose the last two seasons were very relatable but I'm sure the overall workplace setting must be very commonplace in mid to large cap companies. Also
>working in crypto
This could be very cool or very bad.

>> No.50640936

It's very cool, and, very bad because you realize the biggest projects in this space are being ran worse than Sliceline. With biggest I mean top ten shit.

>> No.50641081
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>> No.50641471

It could be very cool because you could be working on actually developing stuff or you could be working in crypto but be in marketing
or whatever waste of money these crypto companies do
imo, every crypto project that has a figurehead, except maybe ethereum, is useless. Bitcoin, with all its faults, having no founder, ceo or chariman at the helm, is still king. Literally no surprise about what you said. Also, every big company is into dodgy stuff
Anyway, I'm kinda jelly of devs making $$$ bc I was too lazy to get into that and also fell for the mechanical engineering meme.

>> No.50641550

war dogs wasn't completely bad but lord of war is infinitely better
vice was pretty good

>> No.50641575
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Back to the topic

>> No.50641596
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>> No.50641624
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I almost forgot .Boomer rock boomers love this and it's quite good

>> No.50641634

Used Cars. Forgotten hustling kino

>> No.50641667

Speaking of such shows. Pawn stars and storage wars are good if you're thinking of going into sales. Glengarry glen ross is still the top but I just mention these if you have lost of free time

>> No.50641686

It's not a show, it's a movie by Robert Zemeckis

>> No.50641711

i don't watch talmudvision

>> No.50641719 [DELETED] 
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>> No.50641735
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>> No.50641742

Are any of these movies actually good? Like American psycho good?or is it just OHNONO IM GETTING LIQUIDATED! AHHHHH! *2 hours of depression*

>> No.50641855
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>> No.50641884

That reminded me
Enron: the smartest guys in the room

>> No.50642596

Every single woodworking channel to remind yourself that all you need to make everything you'll ever need is a saw, a wood planer, an axe, and a mallet.
And a book on joinery.

>> No.50642646
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General Magic.
It’s about Apple’s old spinoff company that invented a bunch of stuff that went into the iPhone but they were too early

>> No.50642667

big short is government propaganda, makes it seem like the problem was they weren't involved/powerful enough
the reality is the government created the moral hazard in the first place and continues to perpetuate the issues to today

>> No.50642709


>> No.50642799
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>iTs JuST GaMBling
Watch the show it's Japanese made. It's not some brain dead goy trash, it's psychological as fuck, watch episode 1 of Akagi too

>> No.50642820

>puts Margot Robbie in a bathtub
>expects me to understand a word of this shit

>> No.50643054

beyond based

>> No.50643092

But it has Brad Pitt AND Christian Bale...

Its effectively a documentary in our celeb worship society.

>> No.50643140

>C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
shill me on this

>> No.50643215
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Princes of the Yen

>> No.50643884

The Big Short (2015)
American Psycho (2000)
Quiz Show (1994)
Boiler Room (2000)
Margin Call (2011)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Gold (2016)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Money Monster (2016)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Rogue Trader (1999)
Trading Places (1983)
Barbarians at the Gate (1993)
Arbitrage (2012)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
The Sting (1973)
Casino (1995)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Office Space (1999)
Wall Street (1987)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
Limitless (2011)
The Accountant (2016)
Matchstick Men (2003)
American Hustle (2013)
War Dogs (2016)
American Made (2017)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
In Time (2011)
Pain & Gain (2013)

>> No.50644124

>All that shit
Half that list is barely /biz/ related and imagine including War dogs but leaving out Lord of War.

>> No.50644145

hello bot post a greentext about joggers and kikes

>> No.50644367

make your own lists or do you faggots want a list of the same 5 movies that get posted each week?

>> No.50644738
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>Arbitrage (2012)
what the fuck was her problem?

>> No.50644984

this made me hate china even more than before. fuck 'em.

>> No.50645675

Fucking up Here’s hustle. Such a cunt.

>> No.50645729
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>le hecking zaponesseee!!!!111

>> No.50645731
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Good thread and recommendations. I watched this one the other night that someone shilled on /tv/. Think you guys would enjoy it. It’s free on jewtube.

>> No.50645745

you should add The Founder to this

>> No.50645761

i watched a bit of this and couldnt handle how autistic and retarded christian bale acted. now after watching interviews with burry i see hes not like that at all. why do they always have to do that?

>> No.50645771

Okay faggot keep living a provisional life.

>> No.50645861

The Founder (2016) McDonald's orginal owners bfto
The Social Network

>> No.50645963

Flash of Genius (2008)

This one is for the zoomers
The Accountant (2016)

>> No.50646040

Skip. Anything below 8 on myanlimelist is objectively trash and not worth the time.

>> No.50646069

Why does everyone on biz have such a hard on for this movie? I turned it off about 30 mins in, that shit was boring

>> No.50646117

bc biz isn't a hobby you like. when you actually like a hobby even bad stuff is fun. you would enjoy it just bc it's related

>> No.50646134

shouldnt hunter biden have a role in this?

>> No.50646143

The first season of Kakegurui is very engaging and tasteful. Second season jumped the shark (and lands on a mattress). Would recommend season 1 and then be prepared for season 2 to be a letdown you give up on at some point.

>> No.50646157

Not a movie but Sopranos is worthy of being on this list

>> No.50646167

Sure, Mafia films are /biz/ in a sense.

Godfather is the better of it and Godfather II in general, but Godfather part II is a lot more /biz/

>> No.50646181
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I don't know why retarded faggots are attacking you when you only asked a question. It has to do with game theory, morality, trading psychology, playing odds, demoralization, what money is, debt avoidance and usage, teamwork, trust and it drops a few black pills too. It's pretty amazing and it's pretty bleak. Season 2 is a bit silly and less introspective, but still good. Akagi is good too, but less thought-provoking and more entertaining, it has more to do with conviction, foresight and learning how to be confident.

>> No.50646189

>Office Space (1999)
As "/biz/" as Waiting...

Could watch Capitalism: A Love Story if you haven't seen it.

>> No.50646206
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oooooh i'm gonna save this list of goyslop so i can watch it on netflix!!! the glow of the tv makes me feel comfy and like everything's great in the world and that the good guys are winning

>> No.50646230

are NEETs the true master race?

>> No.50647122

>The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
this one I only accept it only if it is treated with irony, the whole movie is basically a comedy and the shallowest people treat it as a guide to life, literally people who think that things like qom or any dog related shit will make them rich

>> No.50647223
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>> No.50647383

nice commiekino,
or more precisely pro-transparency-kino.
fuck secrecy coins.

>> No.50648033

I take it back, the last couple of minutes drop some accusations for bigger companies without evidence giving the impression they had made their mind already, but it's still good for the first part of the movie because they lay out some evidence about the smaller companies.

>> No.50648041

does anyone else keep getting banned on /tv/? What's the deal with the heavy and highly selective moderation over there? They ban you over anything

>> No.50648054

theoretically 4chan is much stricter than you think, e.g. you can/should be banned anywhere outside /b/ for off topic or trolling but obviously everyone is off topic-trolling.

it's just that /tv/ was way more janitors (/biz/ gives the impression it has almost none (probably because it interests people making money and it pays none)).

>> No.50648071

I got banned for posting on biz that we should kill jews. Apparently that's racism though so opens a whole new can of worms that maybe the non-paid janny fag should have fucked off about.

>> No.50648090

I think the moderation on /biz/ is quite reasonable, they hardly ever get out of hand.

You can get banned simply for talking about holocaust movies on /tv/ - totally on topic but they'll ban you for 'trolling'. There's a spammer on there who freaks out over anything negative relating to Israel, he mass reports people and the mods ban them. They almost seem to be in cahoots or maybe he's a janny or something

>> No.50648097

Yeah being in a literal nazi who wants to murder an entire group of people, is against the rules of 4chan (maybe even in /b/ technically).

You're also stupid though because you'd be LUCKY if only "the jews" were the cunts in this world (every group literally is).

>> No.50648105

If you browse /biz/ and you don't want to end jews you're just not paying enough attention.

>> No.50648107

I don't think /biz/ has much of moderation to begin with. You can prove it easily by reporting literal obvious scams that try to rob people and it may take several hours - if ever - for anything to happen.

As I said: no board on 4chan technically allows off topic/trolling but it's a mess in practice.

>> No.50648114

just saying your scope is stupid-small. it's not just the "jews" who are cunts in the financial markets.
everyone is.

>> No.50648137

Meikyuu Black Company was great thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.50648141

Tbh if we end the jews, I'd like to think that whites will be able to get a grip and the rest of the scum will be put none too gently back in their holes.

>> No.50648154

This one is about treasure hunting for sunken gold and silver. I really enjoyed it, it's a true story

>> No.50648163

yeah it didn't take me more than half the episode, to realize it's related to squid game.
though not sure why that is related to finance.

>> No.50648187

Being a subhuman polcuckcel isn’t “paying attention”.

>> No.50648197

Already been mentioned but
>Rogue Trader (1999)
>guy gets into banking after college with the oldest bank in Britan
>transferred to SEA
>basically yolos hundreds of millions on shorts

>> No.50648204
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Forgot pic

>> No.50648211


>> No.50648237
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Margin Call
Wall Street
The Big Short
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
The Last Days of Lehman Brothers
Rogue Trader
Trading Places
The Founder
The Big Short
Wolf of Wall Street
Rogue Trader
Barbarians at the Gate
Gung Ho
Empire of Dust

>> No.50648242

> the government created the moral hazard in the first place
proof: butt
unless you mean "by negligence" which is true and obvious but nobody is answering for that (because that's not how justice systems work (in practice)).

>> No.50648264

no need to specialize with anime websites, everything below 8 on imdb too, is either not worth the time or worth the time if you're really into the genre only (and even then only if it's 7-7.5 maybe).