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50635569 No.50635569 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from billionaires taking millions of acres of US farmland out of production?

>> No.50635588

By stopping it.

>> No.50635603

wait for americans to starve and lose 30-40 lbs then some of them may actually be fuckable

>> No.50635614


>> No.50635624

Make a non-profit to move homeless people from inner cities to refugee camps built on billionaire owned farmland. Lefties would love this idea

>> No.50635650

It's a free country. Anyone can buy land and do whatever they want with it. Cope and seethe about it

>> No.50635652

Cricket and farming.

>> No.50635653
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>How to profit
>Make a non-profit

>> No.50635695
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so what are they doing with the land? Letting it return to nature? I'm cool with that, we are already farming more than enough corn and basedbeans by several magnitudes.

>> No.50635714

>It's a free country.
Awesome, did you finally get rid of emminent domain, zoning laws, property tax, etc?

Didn't think so.

>> No.50635746

>mutts cheering concentration of capital

>> No.50635772

I can buy any property and then do nothing with it tho...

>> No.50635804

yeah it's hypocritical. private companies hoarde wealth and pay their employees next to nothing? BASED. Someone buys unused farmland? WTF SOMEONE DO SOMETHING

>> No.50635820

>Letting it return to nature?
Except for causing soaring food prices and potentially mass starvation.

>> No.50635870

i think it's about the illusion of choice and a perceived compatibility with their chosen lifestyle.

>"right wing" kike who supports the shart mart and plywood box lifestyle good
>"left wing" kike who supports the bugs and pods in cities lifestyle bad

>> No.50635873

have you seen the average American? they've built up a lot of reserves inside their fat walrus bodies.

>> No.50635938

> flatly illegal

>> No.50635941

is it rangeland for cattle or farmland for basedbeans and corn?

>> No.50636103

It's not tho. The attorney general is a politician who's trying to score points. He'll probably file a lawsuit, dick around while tweeting and going on Fox News, talk about how unfair it is when his lawsuit gets btfo, then move on to the next politically expedient thing.

>> No.50636385

>flatly illegal
What law? They own the land, they can let it lie fallow if they want. In fact the government pays farmers to let land lie fallow anyway, to keep food prices stable, so this will help the government budget and possibly lower taxes. The land was probably growing corn anyway, fuck corn.

I'll forgive you since not everyone knows how much of a scam non-profits are. The executives pay themselves massive salaries so that they organization makes "zero profit". When the executives aren't also the owners, they're usually family of the owners and it's a way to pay them and get them nepotistic non-jobs while paying less taxes.

>> No.50636433

>so what are they doing with the land?
Starving people by reducing supply of arable land.

>> No.50636594

end your life direction brain knuckle dragging retards

>> No.50636607

For the most part yes, but it's a very uneven distribution. There exist places in the United States with levels of poverty and hunger that most politicians would lead you to believe simply do not exist in this country.

>> No.50636647

>encouraging a BMI <35
this shocks and terrifies the mutt

>> No.50636652

Manufactured food shortages

>> No.50636725

>muh food shortages
That's not how it works. Prices just go up. Shortages come from price controls, where the mandated price of food is far less than it's value, encouraging scalpers to buy out the entire supply and resell on the black market.

>> No.50636728
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Are they letting it "Return to Nature" or are they actively Re-Wilding it? Because there is a big difference

>> No.50636775

The price controls are next you faggot without foresight.

>> No.50636776


This is also happening in Netherlands. The government is banning farming due to polution because they need the land to build houses for refugees. We are #1 food export of the world. Soon we wont even have enough food for our own country. But since we export alot other countries are fucked too.

So now its also happening in the USA?

Why they buy farmland? Do they need houses for refugees too?

>> No.50636790

>black market food

Aye, I think we're in the hard times, fellas.

>> No.50636917

If you control where people are allowed to live and control the land where their food is produced, you control everything and you don't even need to run in an election.

>> No.50637377

nice headcanon

>> No.50637407

>That's not how it works. Prices just go up.
lmao you fucking retard. What happens when prices "just go up" beyond a significant percentage of the population's ability to pay?

>> No.50637436
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>big S O Y and big BURGER are finally getting priced out by competition
>fox news cries

>> No.50637459 [DELETED] 


>> No.50637477


>> No.50637712

They shouldn't, but people were educated wrong on purpose so yeah they'll happen and I'll be there scalping baby formula AGAIN.

Won't happen, you severely underestimate how much money "the poor" in America waste on nonsense. Plus gardening is piss easy.

>> No.50637781

DeShawn and Shaniqua are not going to garden, and they're not going to give up their weed and alcohol. If food becomes too expensive they'll riot, George Floyd style.

>> No.50637795

>I'll forgive you since not everyone knows how much of a scam non-profits are
Pretty much. My father works for one thats funded by some coal company. As far as I can tell he gets paid six figures to do nothing but participate on group discussions about how important it is to have civil discussions and le democracy. Maybe now and then has to write some gay phamplet about how important diversity is or something.

>> No.50637843

you are #1 export in the world because most of the food from europe goes through rotterdam...

>> No.50637872

Tom Vilsack is tied into this

this is a pretty good plan actually. healthy organic farms with integrated mental healthcare and social services. like wwoofing for people who want to escape the city, or a new CCC.

>> No.50638089
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>Except for causing soaring food prices and potentially mass starvation.
and that's a good thing

>> No.50638143

probably geothermal energy

>> No.50638149

they are crushing the lower classes further, poor people need to find a better country to live in

>> No.50638269

Do I really seem like the kind of person who gives half a shit about "people" like that? I'm a roof korean.

>> No.50638481

>those stinky republican capitalists, don't they know billionaires are our treasure

>> No.50638785

did you have to mass reply you attention starved, self-absorbed turbofaggot?

>> No.50639188

It would be so much fun if 4chan set up an ngo that ends up actually doing what they advertise.

>> No.50640583

Kill yourself, fence sitter.
You're a piece of shit anyway.
So kill yourself for our benefit.

>> No.50642912

You don't control how people interact completely though. If they're all packed into one area, there's a higher chance of conspiracy against you.

>> No.50643074

>We are #1 food export of the world
per capita, nerd. Netherlands could stop producing food tomorrow and nobody would mind.

>> No.50643149

>We are #1 food export of the world

>> No.50643155

The free market will provide

>> No.50643187 [DELETED] 

Radom Network, the next Chainlink

>> No.50643213

it's bill gates buying it up, so, i'm pretty sure he's going to try to get it rezoned for the construction of terrapower's nuclear reactors. the NEI expects to see 300 SMRs built in the US over the next 25 years and only natrium and nuscale can be licensed, the rest are in design phase.

>> No.50643369

its more like if you control food you already got them by the balls. They went after the amish too. Got to eradicate anyone threatening a monopoly.

>> No.50644805

I’m from a 9 figure family. We have a bunch of farmland that we never use just because it’s pretty and sentimental

>> No.50645239

just farm on it anyway lmao

>> No.50645633

>hur dur we cant be fascist because we call ourselves ANTI FASCIST <burp, piss and fart>
non profit just means it not a corportaion that makes a product to sell for a profit. Non profit emplotee's and ceo's make just as much as any other corporation, most times quite a sum more.

>> No.50646334

Bio engineering food > farm grown food

>> No.50646437
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>Returning to Nature is just not doing anything and letting whatever happen to it. Equivalent to abandonment, and invasive species usually take over and turn it into a dirt ball
>Rewilding is actively returning it to a balanced ecosystem that would have existed before the Industrial Revolution. More upfront cost, but ends up in a state that can be passively managed and is cheaper and better for the environment in the long run.
Lots of cool videos on youtube about rewilding

>> No.50646603

>Plus gardening is piss easy.
what are you gonna grow in the winter dummy, you can't grow your own food for the whole year

>> No.50647377

The main thing you need is patience although it's helpful if you have some genuine wilderness near to it


>> No.50647890

>houses for refugees
That's not what they'll be building. We're about to see man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.

>> No.50647983

Fertilizer run-offs are acidifying the world’s oceans
World population growth is unsustainable, depleting both global fish stocks and freshwater reservoirs.
Green technologies are either scams (wind and EVs) or too situational (solar, hydro, geothermal)
Nations are damming up major rivers to ensure their future survival, risking wars between nuclear powers

The sure-fire solution seems to be simplest; cut down population growth. A global Holodomor would work nicely.

>> No.50648625

>If they're all packed into one area, there's a higher chance of conspiracy against you.
City people embraced masks without a thought, it was the rural, less dense areas where they were refused. Urbanites are complacent.

>> No.50648684
File: 149 KB, 978x652, g8sfarmland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies make a global virus
>sell the vax aka poison
>shut down business
>buy it cheap
>produce poisoned food for americans

>> No.50648801

funny how all those poor "food desert" people are morbidly obese

>> No.50648810

Humans were designed to store fat and that happens with highly processed food

>> No.50648830

For this to have any noticeaemeffect it must happen in Africa and countries like India and China.

>> No.50648853


>> No.50648893


start producing bugs you're gonna need them.

>> No.50648965

They're turning them into cemetaries. Screencap this.

>> No.50648980

>we are already farming more than enough corn and basedbeans by several magnitudes
This is, in a nutshell, precisely what's wrong with the maximalist myopia of pure capitalism. Yes, we are producing more corn and s*ybeans at a higher cost than the market currently needs. That said, there is a very good strategic reason for it. If we become too reliant upon imports for food, we run a huge risk of being caught with our pants down if those imports dry up.

Farming isn't an industry you can just spin up and wind down whenever you feel like it. It's well worth it to keep the industry propped up, lest we become completely subservient to the countries from which we are importing basic necessities. It's not about economics. It's about securing the means by which economics and trade can stay more relevant than starvation and social collapse.

>> No.50648981


Why exactly? For the mass die off that is fated to always happen just a few more weeks from now? Even if that was the case they would cremate the bodies not bury them fag.

>> No.50649130

When prices go up a lot they incentivise people to produce more. Breaking this incentive through price controls will result in people not producing more of the controlled good

>> No.50649289

Nah, paleskin, You'll take the brunt, like you usually do.

>> No.50649309

Because you can't build on cemeteries, retard. They'll call it a cemetery and even perform burials but their goal is to let nature take back the land.