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50634310 No.50634310 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Link fudded so hard compared to other coins? Picture related

>> No.50634342

Because the token genuinely isn't needed.

>> No.50634343

One word: envy

>> No.50634369

>Why is Link fudded so hard compared to other coins
its not. biz is not even 1% of the people that buy crypto. even less of those fudders are just bots. get out of your bubble

>> No.50634390

its collateral

>> No.50634424

why isnt it needed? Genuinely asking

>> No.50634540

>A literal shitcoin that WONT make you money is fudded

Uh... ok? Is that something... negative?

>> No.50634586

Envy and anxiety. Despite the larping and posturing in this board, most people here don’t have $8000 to drop on a suicide stack. So they pray for its downfall. It’s all rooted in anxiety and a fear of inadequacy my friend.

>> No.50634618

its equivalent to what stocks are to companies, utterly useless goods except for their conversion to cash. Nothing burns links, nor using it for gas like every other L1, L2, and defi protocol does. Moving it to PoS will destroy it like we will soon see with ETH.
Their best shot is to make protocools or L1 foundations hold "n" amount linkies for service or upgraded services. Yet, no retard ever thinks of that just mindless PoS garbage.

>> No.50634655

its to make sure you LINKERS dont end up like the DIGIMarines
thank us later

>> No.50634761

Positive link threads are also spammed on this board 24/7. Why is there no general? There's paid marketing here and jannie bagholders. It's annoying. Link hit top 5, right? It had it's time, you were supposed to sell. Now it'll float in top 50 irrelevancy forever. Not saying it's useless, but not a great investment anymore.

>> No.50634797

You arent supposed to make money holding on something for 1 year you fucking donkey retard

It is frozen dead money, fucking moneky baboon lol

But I bet you believe your an investment genius for putting 8k into something and it only going down for 2 years


>> No.50634817

Just to feed on your delusions a bit more


DEFFINETLY Lmao, remember, be patient

>> No.50634888

Because it's a shitcoin for a price feed API that's only use is dumping on baggies to pay HR roasties

>> No.50634913

Chainlinkers piss me the fuck off.

>> No.50634938

> Nothing burns links, nor using it for gas like every other L1, L2, and defi protocol does
This right here is what a retard that pretends to be knowledgeable would say. A Shiba Inu holder understanding of market dynamics and protocol layers.

If you aren’t making shit up in order to actively FUD, I can only pity you for being this much of a drooling retard.

>> No.50636203

Ask me how i know youre poor and live in a developing nation

>> No.50636417

>You arent supposed to make money holding on something for 1 year you fucking donkey retard
Yeah I'd much rather be constantly swapping around shitcoins and paying a shit ton in gas and swap fees. Fucking idiot

>> No.50636500
File: 368 KB, 680x505, kys_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So please elaborate how it's only use case currently is for Stacy in marketing to sell for rent?

>> No.50636540

because it was hyped up the most

>> No.50636570

no coin is fudded as much as stakenet $xsn

>link #1
>xsn #2

>> No.50636584

Because link is also championed so hard. it's board culture. Naturally people are going to fud back.

>> No.50636639
File: 70 KB, 474x583, Bog Perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking moneky baboon lol

>> No.50636673

because link baggies have been shitting the board while being smug for almost 5 years. It's our turn to laugh at them now.

>> No.50636845
File: 321 KB, 541x560, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's over

>> No.50636866
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1655925065579s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that's because you dumb fucks think that it's the BTC and ETH killers, kek.
>A waste of expectations.
The same way, no matter the dump on RIDE, AZERO, and BOND, I don't even bother myself because I know the motorverse and privacy utilities of these tokens respectively are solid.

>> No.50637665

Because the token is currently not needed and Nexo used this as an excuse to short the token.
However they shorted the bottom and are constantly fuding to try to prevent a short squeeze.
It's a known tactic to do paid stock bashing when shorting a stock to increase your probability of success and profits.

The market priced LINK based on my estimation as a ponzi last year.
That's why every CeFi tried to make money by shorting it because it had 0 token economics flowing into the token.
The token was not needed and it didn't even try like other ponzis to make it look like it generated returns through fake staking income.