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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 680x453, 43CE3B0D-6D47-4915-ADF3-8CDB7F45AA74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50632715 No.50632715 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight hbros, are we gonna make it?

>> No.50632783

You have no fucking clue. Short answer: yes.

>> No.50632938
File: 15 KB, 96x76, 861129038758936596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He paid to receive the HBAR utility token that all use cases and GC members receive for free
Why? What use case are you building?
If you aren't building a use case, why are you holding HBAR? It's not worth speculating on due to the supply and tokenomics. It's simply something you use to pay for a service at fixed prices, that's it.

Even theoretically, if it did ever pump again which is unlikely due to the increased circulating cap and the fact that only speculation could drive it, the blow off top would be like 20 cents maybe, if you're lucky.
The only way you could ever "make it" off anything Hedera related would be through HTS tokens, i.e. things built ON Hedera. The HBAR token itself is designed to always be cheap and affordable. Quoth Leemon, "we thought it would be inconvenient if the price of a single HBAR was high"

>> No.50633273

Gc members did not receive for free. Stopped reading after that. Kek. Weak fud is extremely weak.

>> No.50633302

okay, so what is the sui/make it on this piece of shit? i've seen enough of it now that i'll bite.

>> No.50633639
File: 201 KB, 503x318, 21FBEF53-B0FA-4487-A1F8-91FFC4E29C60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui 10k
Make it 100k
Always was, always will be

>> No.50633711
File: 116 KB, 695x954, Tophat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Anon is correct.

>> No.50633881

Sorry, you're right, that actually is inaccurate. They do not hold any non-treasury HBAR to begin with, because none are creating any use cases.

>> No.50633909
File: 478 KB, 2053x1870, B0A61D77-9B69-47D8-BD18-692C2C22AB4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k, 100k, but you could probably aim for more with how cheap we're at right now

>> No.50634713

> 1B to swirlds to pay for funding
> giving away millions in the staking ponzi scam
> imagine buying hbar with your wage bucks while they give it out for free by staking to “secure” the network
> meanwhile no major us exchange still wants to list hbar because they know it’s a grift

hbar holders are the new delusional xrp keks

>> No.50634823

>hbar holders are the new delusional xrp keks
you say that about all my bags

>> No.50634840

Suicide stack 1mm
Make it stack 10mm
If you don’t have these already it’s over for you

>> No.50635102

Also incorrect. All gc members were required to purchase the minimum hbars specified by the council to run a node.

Two (2) L’s for you.

>> No.50636356

Proof? Imagine a corp having to go jump through all the hoops of owning a speculative asset on their balance sheet vs Hedera just setting up a wallet with hbar in it for them.

>> No.50637025

It’s been stated by Mance numerous times. Cope and seethe.

>> No.50637692

>promising riches for doing nothing
ask me how I know HBAR is a scam

>> No.50637788

>thinks the billboard is real
Holy fuck the absolute state of tranny fudders

>> No.50639011

God, that billboard is exactly the kind of shit that makes crypto seem more and more like a malicious self-aware pyramid scheme, where you have the developers/company behind a coin giving you what is basically a wink-wink nudge-nudge way of saying "buy this coin and it will go to the moon", without any meaningful implementation, cash flows, and capability for growth beyond more people buying in. Truly fucking retarded

>> No.50639456

Right? One one hand, they promise revolutionary technology (that mainly just reimplements log files to be more complicated and more expensive, lol) and pretend to be all business oriented, only to turn around and do basic moonboy marketing. Even if they outsourced their marketing to a cheap agency that only knows how to do this cringy moon marketing, it's still on them for greenlighting this garbage. So they are either incompetent or incompetent.

>> No.50639485
File: 460 KB, 806x704, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50639527

unfair to blame that on crypto alone but still funny
watchfags get rekt

>> No.50639833

Cute little discord raid

>> No.50640224

Do you really think that there are organized attacks on random crypto shitcoins? What do they have to gain? Make both anons on 4chan sell their $1200 stack of worthless bits in some dumb DLT? Sounds like a lot of effort for a tiny payoff. I mean, maybe it would make sense to do this on actually active forums and for relevant projects, like professional shortsellers do with fraudulent publicly traded companies. I'm just baffled at the amateur hour that this whole project is.

>> No.50641901

/biz/ FUDs token more than it shills it = good token
/biz/ shills it more than FUDs = bad token

>> No.50642317


>> No.50642354
File: 228 KB, 960x726, average delusional HBAR holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBAR bagholders have now gone full schizo kek

>> No.50642625

I don’t understand this fud. Basically you sit in the tg and wait for something to screenshot? Holy shit top fucking kek rent free but seriously

>> No.50642997

> he screenshotted that guy again

>> No.50643134 [DELETED] 

Radom Network, the next Chainlink. Love this project

>> No.50645356

youy guys are projecting except actually kek