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50628331 No.50628331 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any experience with lying about having a degree? Thinking about lying about having a degree to get my foot in the door. The worst that could happen is I don't get hired.

>> No.50628369

What you should do instead is take three classes into your degree and put your school on the resume without the graduation date.

>> No.50628390

The worst thing that can happen is getting blacklisted for your field. Some particularly jewish employers actually tell other businesses not to hire you because you lied, even if you were qualified

>> No.50628486

This. The entire industry might hear about you and your name gets permanently blacklisted. HRs all over the industry will automatically dump your CV/Resume. If you do get hired, they will eventually find out that you lied and will terminate you with immediate effect and then HR will notify other HRs about you.

>> No.50628515

You're going to get old. Your body is going to develop pains, your hair will grey, nobody will think anything of you other than you are a burden and you will eventually die. None of these concerns of yours about vanity matter at all. It's only an illusion that they do. You will die, the universe will die in time and nothing physical will remain, our experiences will be meaningless

>> No.50628550

Take meds

>> No.50628553

Gave me a good kek anon.

>> No.50628646
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My mother’s workplace had an accountant who had faked his degree. They only found out about it because the guy fucked up everything and they did a background check. I don’t think faking a degree will work at a large company that does these checks however.

>> No.50628953

Depends on where you apply. Like banks are going to do a real background check on you including checking whether you really have the degree. I know this from direct experience....

>> No.50629092
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>Dirty neet with hobby programming experience
>Got kicked out at 28
>Used my saved up good boy points to get a haircut, suit and shoes
>Lied like crazy on my CV/Resume, fake companies, fake degree, fake volunteer work, fake additional credentials
>Went for a small software development company
>"Really impressive degree, we use mainly use Ruby and React"
>"Oh well I'm more of a PHP dev as you can see by my portfolio, but if you could provide a codeacademy pro account I'm sure it won't take me long"
>50k starting wage
>it's been 6 years and I'm their senior developer
>nobody knows
>nobody cares

>> No.50629593

Do it, I've worked with about 100 different companies whilst working as a recruiter and not a single one asked for proof of degree.

t. am IT recruiter

>> No.50629620

This isn't true lmao.

Companies don't have a shared register where they blacklist employees.

Unless you work in an extremely niche field where they may discuss it at some point (even then is extremely unlikely) they would never find out.

Even if you lied to one company and they found out (which is pretty much impossible), if they saw you working at a competitor do you really think they'd let the other company know?

Plus how are they going to find out you lied? Even if they ask for proof (I've never seen it happen in filling 300+ vacancies) just ignore them and move on.

>> No.50629696

Why don’t you go into construction? College degrees are an obstacle to get in there.

>> No.50629719

>The entire industry might hear about you and your name gets permanently blacklisted
>and then HR will notify other HRs about you
Lol, no.

>> No.50630988

lmao, yeah sure there is a big database of people lying on degrees with companies constantly updating it and sharing the data with competitors while avoiding all the gov regulations that forbit such practices

>> No.50631058
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I'm heavily considering this. I am 31, I make $19 per hour, I graduated from college 9 years ago with a political science degree. I am legit going insane as the world passes me by. I work 40 hours a week just to pay rent and buy food, I have no money left for anything else.

What could I lie about on my resume that would allow me to get a good paying job without technical skills like computer programming? I see these random bitches doing these cushy marketing jobs, I see people getting paid 6 figures to be "consultants". There's got to be something I can do

This is based anon. I am tempted to try something like this, but I don't have a hobby with computer programming. I know HTML and stuff, but programming always seems so extreme daunting. I remember building databases in Microsoft Access in high school and that was so fucking complex, and that wasn't even really programming.

I just want to earn enough money to be able to buy a house and a new car at some point. I even tried to apply for a promotion at my job and my boss wouldn't even allow me to apply. I'm going insane

I'm thinking about taking all 10k I have saved up and going on a road trip and trying to make viral videos where I get kicked out of restaurants for smoking, but I don't know how I'd monetize that

>> No.50631118

real talk what about LinkedIn? Should I delete mine? Should I make a new one with fake credentials?

>> No.50631121

Anon just lie about being trans its impossible to verify and guaranteed to get you an interview

>> No.50631255


>> No.50631286

i work in corporate accounting and fired a complete retard accountant who, in hindsight, i suspect did this as well. fuck was that was a miserable experience.

>> No.50631308

I've done it for 5 years now & currently work a nice tech job for 1 of the top 5 companies by market cap.

I suggest lying about your degree only if you're confident & already have the knowledge & skills to perform your job, also it has to be a job where the degree is not really needed.
I believe lying to get into something like law or medical probably would not work.

I imagine for some jobs like software development, u can be honest & say u dont have a degree if you have a nice github

>> No.50633308


>> No.50633315

Lawyer here. The reason it wouldn’t work in law/medicine is because of the license, not the degree.

While I bet a majority of places don’t even do it, it’s extremely easy to look up a lawyer’s admission to a bar.

>> No.50633399

Trades take guys at any age, become a man earn hard money live humble and you’ll be able to permanently escape waging before you turn 45

>> No.50633520

I'm fresh out of a long term relationship, moving to a new city, and am going to do this. I'm not sure what kind of job I can bullshit but I figure if I lie about the degree I can lie about everything. Fuck this world, fake it till you make it. There are so many incompetent boomers and stacys doing nothing jobs. why the fuck shouldnt you be barred from those opportunities because you dont have a good goy paper? This world is a joke, and I'm gonna fuck it on the way out.

>> No.50633884


hmm. well said.

>> No.50633960

>There are so many incompetent boomers and stacys doing nothing jobs

this is what I don't get, my cousin is 10 years older than me, was honestly stupid, I think she got a 19 on her ACT, she currently makes over 400k per year in sales

Meanwhile I got a 30 on my ACT, and I make less than 20 per hour doing grunt work. It's not fair

>> No.50633975


woman get promoted and make alot in this clown world.

>> No.50633996

You have to make friends with people and hype yourself up in front of bosses

>> No.50634013

Omg dont listen to this guy he wants you to be homeless and gay


>> No.50634023


>> No.50634044

t. HR anon

>> No.50634053

It’s almost like /pol/cels and 4chuds lied to you and said a degree was useless!

>> No.50634290

>in sales
You left the most important part to the end. Nobody gives a fuck about your ACT score you fucking autist.

You want money? Ok. Other people have money. You get it from them. Who are other people? On average, they’re NPC retards. So you need to come up with some schtick that separates NPC retards from their money to the tune of 400k a year or whatever.

Sounds like a 19 ACT Stacy is way better suited to doing that than some basement dwelling autist. You have to understand that SELLING to normies requires you to think and communicate like one.

>> No.50634346

literally this https://youtu.be/0qasPDz25js?t=34

>> No.50634455

They'll find out and never hire you.
This is sort of true depending on the industry.
Back when I validated potential new hires, we made a candidate submit to a background check to make sure they weren't lying about their criminal, employment or education history.
Basically, yeah you might be able to lie but it's really easy to check nowadays if you actually graduated from school or were employed or whatever.

>> No.50634516

how much do you make now? can you hook up a fellow neet with a little hobby programming experience?

>> No.50634628

>bro muh ACT
That shit only matters regarding the university you go to. You’re a dumbass if you think it means anything else

>> No.50634845

I am a spftware engineer in a top4 incestment bank and nobody has asked me for proof of my degree

>> No.50634952

Why are you lying? Employers can only get records from schools with the consent of the applicant. Also, submitting an application and agreeing to a background check isn't consent. You have to verify your ID with the school and request records for them to give it out. Lying about having a degree is very possible.

>> No.50635058

>That shit only matters regarding the university you go to. You’re a dumbass if you think it means anything else

it's a good corollary for IQ. Point being I am an intelligent individual. I can learn how to do a variety of tasks for any company. Yet because I didn't get a hyper specific degree, I am practically unemployable

>> No.50635077

okay guys, so whats the verdict? I am a fast learner and built a front end website in 2 days of learning. Can i lie about having a BS in comp-sci as long as i solve a few leetcode and study whatever programs they want me to code?

>> No.50635082

You should go into management. Even without experience and just a degree, you'll get hired. You don't need to be socially gifted just have good record keeping and report the things that need to be reported. It's better than stagnating at the same place, but you'll go deeper into the rat race.

>> No.50635480


>> No.50635538

I didn't technically lie, just said that I haven't picked up my degree yet and they never mentioned it again so it might work for you.

Fast forward to this day, I leveraged them to let me work completely remote kek. Easy 8 hours to 4 hours worth of work while i spend the rest playing time raiders

>> No.50635607

what do you do? Can you hook an anon up with your firm?

>> No.50635626

my degree is officially "Global Studies" with a specialization in "Western Trade, Economics, and Development"

t. Economics Major

>> No.50636124


>> No.50637602

Who hurt you?

>> No.50638217
File: 35 KB, 680x510, dukat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you can take this further. You can easily make a website of a fake company in whatever field you're applying for. Make an email, google voice phone number, etc.
Imagine if you completely skipped the $75k + 4-5 year degree, and spent a 1 year learning whatever, say, finance or software. Fake your experience at fake company with your fake degree. Odds are you're going to get hired somewhere without having had to jump through all the hoops.

>> No.50638537

>good thread
>get a few replies
>not like biz is a slow board you faggots just went to post on bot "AHHH ITS GOING UP AAAA" thread #421512

>> No.50638611
File: 88 KB, 1200x800, 1656687766704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if any are the repercussions of lying about former employment? Surely some ballsy anon could fake contracts himself if they ask, given that he can actually deliver the goods, right? Not condoning unlawful behaviour but am curious

>> No.50638683

This route might be okay, what I would try to avoid though is lying about a company you actually worked at (saying you worked there for 2 years when you only worked there for 2 months, saying you're a software engineer when you're a data entry person, etc.)

Especially if you're lying about a job you're currently working at.
>Anon, we got an interesting phone call from another company, who says you claimed to be my manager even though I'm your manager...

>> No.50638790

I've been at countless jobs in NYC ranging from small mom and pop operations to big companies and no one has ever checked on my credentials, though I am not lying about my degree from one of the best schools in the US, and I am now very skilled and qualified. However I did lie about my capabilities when I first began, which let me get my foot in the door(s) and then I got to learn everything I know while on the jobs. You just need to be confident and a quick learner, and you can lie about your credentials all you like

>> No.50638884

>and no one has ever checked on my credentials
That you know of. This is usually done behind the scenes in the HR department, especially if it's a big company as you've said you work for. They spend a lot of money to keep HR bimbos around, and those stupid women have a lot of free time.

>> No.50638911

say this person would photoshop certain dates and change his title to fit the application requirements, while also having the same xperience in the field just less of it. Would they go through the trouble to double check if it was an part time junior position?

>> No.50639468

I'm sure there's many places that never check anything. My current employer didn't. Small.company. only like five people. Very chill. They dgaf about anything. But be aware if you're looking to join a serious and large company then they'd be stupid not to pay $100 to some screening agency to check your criminal record, employment and education history. I just got a new job and they did this.

>> No.50640011

Don't know, depends on the company really but is always risky if they have the time and ability to either do the checks themselves or hire a verification agency that specializes in that service. Apparently a big industry to verify this kind of thing.

>> No.50642154

sure but literal retards would get a 19, you have to understand his point. i have a very similar situation with my family members and friends who are retards, that is why i quit working a while ago.

>> No.50642810

Our government hired a Canadian for a very important job, then after a year he was found to be a fake and he scuttled back to Canada.
Don't do it. Lying will always catch up with you.

>> No.50643191

No potential employer is going to contact your current one, and you’re an idiot if you consent to that.

>> No.50643225

I mean I did the teaching english meme in Japan for a while. I lied about my degree and the Sushigoys didn't even notice or care. I had a fun year.

>> No.50643286

I didn't really lie on my resume but I put on there my school that I went to for like 3 semesters. I got in, but then I lied to my actual boss and now I may be in some hot water. I work for an engineering firm and we are about to get audited by AASHTO and we have to submit all our qualifications.

>> No.50643634

>No potential employer is going to contact your current one
You have no idea how crazy some of these employers are, especially in the land of the reeeeee. So many of these places should be shut down for malpractice.

>> No.50643921

None of you guys have a clue on how background check work. Listing fake shit only works for references.

>> No.50643938

You can really tell ITT when someone has never had a real job lol

>> No.50644011

This is easily the most retarded, factually wrong post itt and that's REALLY saying something