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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50625944 No.50625944 [Reply] [Original]

I’m counting how many retards are on biz

>> No.50626359

checked dubs
Bobos fucked

>> No.50626438

A recession brings fear into the market which then brings panicked selling. With enough panic selling then crashes happen. This is why the Biden administration is changing definition of recession, blatantly lying about positive sentiment meanwhile things are looking fucked. Once fear enters the market it takes a long time and a lot of good news to send it back up.

These kikes In charge know there there is literally zero good news in the future. With unlimited gibs to African niggers, commies demonizing farmers due to climate change propaganda— the WORLD economy is heading for the shitters.

This is why the fed just keeps printing money… this is why corporations get billions in subsidies from the govt. to keep the stock prices “healthy” to give a false sense of a “healthy” market to the retarded boomer NPC masses that have billions (collectively) in their 401k funds that are managed by treacherous jew parasites. This is America’s punishment by God for siding with the kikes on WW2. Sadly the innocent generations born after WW2 now have to suffer because of the ignorance of their great grandparents sucking off jews with their gay Christian religion . Christianity is the plague. Humanity is the fatal virus for Earth. GOD DAMN YOU ALL

>> No.50626484

> Once fear enters the market
You’re late fag
We’ve been in fear mode for over 7 months

Biden is not changing the definition because he is afraid of market sell offs
He’s afraid of normies not re-electing him and a red wave this election cycle

You bobos are always preaching fear on this board

Recessions don’t bring market crashes, market crashes more often bring a recession
We’ve had the market crash, now we’re experiencing gdp slowing down
GDP growth stopping is what a recession is
Simple as retard

>> No.50626531
File: 588 KB, 320x444, sniff sniff sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50626975

Fuck you jew.