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50625679 No.50625679 [Reply] [Original]

i saw my crush today after about 2 yrs without seeing her. She is extremely fat now. Very disgusting. This makes me feel happy.

>> No.50625694

Yeah I hate my ex too.

>> No.50625693
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>> No.50625713

Every single one of my exes is now in sex work.

>> No.50625724

My biggest crush from elementary school is a fat slob.
My biggest crush from junior high was married to a footballer; had a kid at 18; now her kid is an adult.
My biggest crush from high school got married to a retard; she's childless; she looks depressed.

Morale of the story: junior high school crushes are high quality.

But if she doesn't want you: you ain't forcing it.

>> No.50626503
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my crush from middle school was a brown athletic tomboy weeb with a birthmark on her left cheek to distinguish from her twin sister.

i dont dare check on her.

>> No.50626687

Female here, if my crush (male) got fat, I'd hope he's still single and go for him anyways. I guess it's opposite for guys. Would lose my virginity to him in 2 seconds if he gained 20lbs.

>> No.50626726

Women go to shit very quickly.

>> No.50626729

My crush was not really popular and people were kinda mean to her but i still thought she was cute. Now she is an absolute smoke show literal 10/10.

>> No.50626745

all my past crushes look dead inside

>> No.50626746

I saw my crush today after about 2 yrs without seeing her. She's actually lost a tiny bit of wait and she has a baby now. Very beautiful. This makes me feel sad.

>> No.50626772

Apparently women who fuck guys with small dicks are 10x as likely to become whores. SAD!

>> No.50626795

either tranny or underage, either way gtfo
there are no adult xx chromosome women who are virgins unless they are morbidly obese

>> No.50626804

>there are no adult xx chromosome women who are virgins unless they are morbidly obese
No, there are plenty, now kill yourself.

>> No.50626819

you could say they exist but are rare and i'd leave it alone but plenty? plenty?
there are 100 times more 30 year old virgin men then there are 20 year old virgin women
source: i made it up
probably not far off though

>> No.50626855

Look it doesn't really matter to me because at the end of the day I am religious and saving for marriage.

>> No.50626856

>there are 100 times more 30 year old virgin men then there are 20 year old virgin women
there are zero 20 year old virgin women; by then even the fatties have taken BBC

>> No.50626925

you'll get a pump and dump from a drunk chad at a college party after leading on and friendzoning some beta orbiter for years and then he'll write a story about it on reddit and it will get reposted on 4chan and i'll laugh

>> No.50626930

I'm autistic, so that is impossible, I do not like physical touch.

>> No.50626937

8 inches so im pretty average. I think they were all just pretty damaged.

>> No.50626939

I know one that’s 32 years old, and she’s quite attractive

>> No.50626945

>autistic virgin femanon
now you're just teasing us

>> No.50626954

and you believed her? lol. simp alert

>> No.50626955

I'm not, all non-virgin females on this website would have been posting their tits or talking about their body by now.

>> No.50626965

I have it on good authority from her friend. Too childish for me though, she’s clever but probably has a learning disorder or something

>> No.50626970

speaking of whip em out lets have a look

>> No.50627052
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>> No.50627053

nice, women that are smart and know it are a pain in the ass and can't be reasoned with

>> No.50627115
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I'm happy for ya anon!

>> No.50627157

Last time I saw my crush she was going off the get a masters degree, now she has a baller job in a different state. It makes me sad for myself since I never got the courage to tell her about my crush on her, but i hope she's doing as well as i think she is.

>> No.50627187

She's still too good for you

And she's happier than you

She can lose the weight, but you'll always be a whiney loser

Do you think she goes online about your meeting? She's already forgotten you

Turn your computer off. Go for a walk/run/swim, call an old friend, and plan a visit to see family soon. Do some self improvement, and you'll forget about her, and look to the future.

Tldr stop being whining attention seeker

>> No.50627298

My ex got skinny AF again, but lost her tits, sadly.
Still has that fuckin' CAKE though.
Goddamn I miss her ass.

>> No.50627303

uh how do I make sure a woman is a virgin without coming across as a rapist (as a virgin myself)

>> No.50627369

Show em or gtfo faggot larper

>> No.50627377
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>girl i lost my virginity to tried to kill herself a while back (only found out a few weeks ago)
>ex long term gf seems incredibly happy with new guy, happy for her
flings inbetween have gone:
>married, gtfo'd to a different country
>completely dropped from face of the earth, all social media deleted, eventually manage to locate her in a different country working in some random school
>yoga hippy in some shithole
>others just normies

>> No.50627401

She should probably tell you. You could easily just start a religious conversation and say you're waiting until marriage then ask if she holds the same values.

>> No.50627436

>I ended things with my cutter anorexic ex in 2018, saw her a few time after but she was always drunk while we hung out and got really fat
>2020 I meet a great girl, happily still dating her
>2021 my ex sends me a letter essentially asking for me back and apologizing for being a dickhead
>showed it to my gf and we laughed together
I think about how happy laughing at my ex with a much better gf a lot. Doesn't drink, down to be cheap and simple with me, tries to do things I enjoy with me even if she's nervous or not as good at them, truly a great person overall. We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.50627908

One of my ex was 20 when we broke up. Saw a pic of her 15 years later. She has become a lard, a landwhale. I'm utterly disgusted just looking at that pic, and felt cold shivers running down my spine imagining that I wanted to marry her.

Women really are the female jew.

>> No.50627950

Like really extremely or can she become fine again?
If she was your crush and you couldn't pull the trigger and are single, snag her low then get her in shape.
Pump and dump.
Other investment double entendres.

Captcha t da ha

>> No.50628033

>women who fuck guys with small dicks are 10x as likely to become whore
so how do i profit from that? be a pimp ?

>> No.50628048

my high school crush is still hot 15 years later and this makes me pissed off

>> No.50628059

that means you got their services for free

very nice

>> No.50628094

>High school crush was half Latina half Swedish girl who looked like a god damn super model and somehow wasnt a total bitch
>Old female friend from high school shares what she looks like now
>Mexican genes hit her like a freight train, looks disproportionally pudgy in weird ways
>Married some overweight Mexican guy
I cant say Im glad since she wasnt a bad person and she would give me the time of day every now and again, but I still find it funny.

>> No.50628162

You need to show up in her life and show her what she could have had just to make her pissed off

>> No.50628259

Kek, I probably weigh 50lbs. more than her husband. She was a rich daddys girl so I can probably assume it was son of her dad's friends or associates she married. I never made a move back then and she probably didnt even know I had a crush on her, she was nice to me so I wish her the best. Just looking back she was way out of my league anyways, so it doesnt matter.

>> No.50628315

>showed it to my gf and we laughed together

>> No.50628444

If you think 8 is an average you never had sex, watch to much porn and lying about yourself or you don't know how to use a ruler to measure your junk.