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50619087 No.50619087 [Reply] [Original]

If only you knew how early we are

>> No.50619120

Based God punishing the queers.

>> No.50619204
File: 847 KB, 1194x856, 6453454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spreading dangerous misinformation, roughly 2% of the cases are among heterosexual males.

Jannies please do your job ensuring that 4channel is a pro science board

>> No.50619424

the problem isn't even being gay or trans, it's these ultra promiscuous hookup culture gigasluts who unironically have sex with 100 men every year. it's fucking disgusting, just find a bf for fuck's sake

>> No.50619489

Fags reproduce by molesting children.

>> No.50619494

>roughly 2% of the cases are among heterosexual males.
Rape victims or hidden faggots?

>> No.50619541


>> No.50619622

OP is monkeypozzed.

>> No.50619641

Pox-chan has an incubation period of 6-8 days.
In 6-8 days, your average genZ thot will have sucked about 15-20 dicks. All of them will have sucked the dick of that one guy. You know which guy.

As soon as this hits the first bisexual sigma male when college starts in a month, it's fucking over.

>> No.50619667


>> No.50619689

Anything outside of straight, procreative sex between two married, white, devout Christians is an ABOMINATION before the Lord

>> No.50619690
File: 6 KB, 249x217, 1656248467274s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one on here knows this is spread by contact with bodily fluids and spreads through aresol droplets

>> No.50619693

Why would he be jealous of a hoe? A lock that gets opened by every key is just a shitty lock.

>> No.50619720

Metzitzah b'peh victims.

>> No.50619746


>> No.50619768

jealous of what lmao. a literal WEF member saying he had the pox because he had an orgy without using protection? That's just careless and disgusting bro.

>> No.50619780

>2% of hetros are still in the closet

>> No.50619849
File: 30 KB, 363x363, 1658875286256644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the funny part anon
let them find out the hard way and call them fags when they get infected. pottery

>> No.50619923

>100 men every year
if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.50619943
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>> No.50619956
File: 121 KB, 504x336, Screen Shot 2022-07-28 at 4.57.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spreads through aresol droplets
do gays jizz like pic related??

>> No.50619965 [DELETED] 

if only people knew how early we are on matic and its technology, but the biggest companies in the world are already taking advantage by partnering with polygon to build and power their web3 projects and products

>> No.50619982

fuck off jeet

>> No.50620012

Cool 4channers are about to inherit the earth. Finally nobody will laugh at our lack of sex

>> No.50620050

Wizards have natural ward save against Poxx goblin extroverts

>> No.50620061

The uprising began

>> No.50620070

there's talk you can have sores in your lungs, and then if you cough it could spread like that, especially combined with covid. Not sure if true though

>> No.50620079

Not only that but they also just couldn’t stop for a few months, even after we’ve been dealing with the scamdemic for the past two years.

>> No.50620242

>faggot blaming women for his disgusting behavior
many such cases

>> No.50621071
