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50614038 No.50614038 [Reply] [Original]

>American enters recession
>Stock market pumps

>> No.50614083
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>> No.50614125

Yes goy, fomo in, you missed the bottom.

>> No.50614139

Not a recession.

>> No.50614212

it is by textbook definition, you stupid leftie cuck

>> No.50614257
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>it is by textbook definition, you stupid leftie cuck

>> No.50614275

Man right wingers are insecure these daya.

>> No.50614277

you're all fags

>> No.50614302

Retards. Yellen literally changed the definition in the last minute to fit her agenda

>> No.50614308

Is it possible to fast-forward through a recession just by brute force belligerence?
fucking needle-proof everything bubble I swear

>> No.50614315
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>> No.50614329
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>Retards. Yellen literally changed the definition in the last minute to fit her agenda

>> No.50614339

it just do be that way sometimes

>> No.50614347

It's because it means more QE and lower rates are coming. Gibs for Wall Street. Recession = bullish because it means money printer will go brrrr again.

>> No.50614362
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>> No.50614380

I'm not the one pining for more money printing, tranny.

>> No.50614387
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>> No.50614392
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>what are exit scams

>> No.50614427

your thesis is that they will crash the global economy, killing millions of people and ruining countless lives, just so you, a racist antisemite, can buy the bottom

>> No.50614455

Send in the clowns

>> No.50614551

I'm bullish on recession
>what did I say?


>> No.50614575

A recession was unironically priced in

>> No.50614845

Markets are forward looking my dude. We're already deep into the recession, definitions be damned. Markets are already buying for the recovery. Nigga, the stock market is one big psychological experiment and you are losing. Do you really think traders are just gonna wait until the media announces that the economy is in recovery? No, they'll already be dumping by that point.

>> No.50614868

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm simply stating a definition you can't cope with

>> No.50614984
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Chuds shall inherit the markets

>> No.50614999

So we're actually not in a recession?
spoonfeed me please

>> No.50615014

We are. But the opportunity to make money off that fact has passed you.

>> No.50615048

No, I'm saying we've been in a recession for months now. The news are always in the past, while the markets are in the future.

>> No.50615090

If you look at the great recession, it was declared in Q1 2009 (started Q2-Q3 2008). The stock market bottomed at the end of Q1 2009. If that timeline tracks we are either at the bottom or very close to the bottom.

> This time is very similar to last time and bears expecting a continued extended declines are actually saying "this time is different"

>> No.50615132

You retards don't get it fundamentally either, boomers will print until they are extinct because this is how they survive - hyper inflation, depression, petro dollar, future generations be damned. Only solution is to get rid of them first, always was.

>> No.50615179
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>> No.50615219

The GDP shows that we've already been in a recession since Q2 and the contraction being less than Q1 shows that we're trending back toward GDP growth.

Of course it's all still pretty precarious at this point and Fed still has a fine line to walk trying to keep inflation under control while also not keeping us in a recession.

>> No.50615298

Imagin that you are such a piece of dog shit that leftist and right wingers both agree that you should be exterminated

>> No.50615319

The decline was less than the previous decline which means we're finding a bottom. This is why you have to be very careful with claiming that recessions are 2 quarters of negative GDP growth. That is an old and outdated way of defining recessions. I think we're going to find that as time goes on the same people that insist a recession is 2 quarters of declining GDP are the same right wing lunatics who have an issue with things like transgender people and gender definitions, believe storming the capital with an intent to overturn a legitimate election isn't insurrection, Nazis are in fact the bad guys and should be punched, and so on.

>> No.50615341

It absolutely is a recession. Americans are struggling and consumer confidence is at its lowest levels in decades. Company after company are missing earnings targets. And this is just the beginning

>> No.50615349


>> No.50615492

triggered shitlib cretin kek

>> No.50615531

It's just below where it was last month. Its crabbing as a recession is officially starting.

>> No.50615636

>right wing lunatics who have an issue with things like transgender people and gender definitions
Normal people are now right wing lunatics?

>> No.50615674

only right wing lunatics are against trans rights. Trans kids deserve gender affirming care so they dont unalive themselves

>> No.50615804

They deserve treatment for their mental illness. Anything else should be out-of-pocket like cosmetic surgery, and heavily restricted for under-18s.

>> No.50615845

children deserve to have reassignment surgery before puberty if possible

>> No.50615874


>> No.50615887
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The quote-unquote "treatment" is how they got there in the first place. Don't fight jews with jewish tactics. Retard.

>> No.50615899

Today marked the CONFIRMATION. Not the START. To confirm it takes 6 months. They usually end after 11 months.

>> No.50616194

literally every country in the world except america has entered recession op
p much thanks to the giant corpo culture and shit like time raiders

>> No.50616209

Yes you now understand what prices in is

>> No.50616365

People who advocate that deserve life in prison.

>> No.50616599

Recession blaablaablaa.. Who the fuck cares? I am bullish as fuck. I am buying constantly more

>> No.50616687

That all due to supply chain issues due to Covid. The fact is USD is and will always remain the most liquid and in demand currency in the world. What third world company that we do business with will not take USD? Think about it. The only time we are truly in a recession is when nobody wants to live the American life, which last time I checked we are the envy of the world. As we saw in 2008 even a total collapse was bullish as fuck in the long run.

We will never truly go into a recession, depression, or stagflation. America collapsing is bullish because everyone wants to be us. There is always a demand for our currency because it gets you an entry into our unstoppable lifestyle.